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EP 04: How to Launch a New Service and Secure Clients Pre-Launch
Episode 423rd April 2024 • Learning Matters • ttcInnovations
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Join us this week on Learning Matters as we sit down with a portion of the ttcInnovations Sales team, Teresa Chiapputo and Brady Grover. We discuss the latest and greatest offering from ttcInnovations, the Subscription Learning Services, and how empowering your employees to come up with new ideas to best meet client needs breeds innovation. As well as how to bring those clients in pre-launch to work hand-in-hand to develop a product that can be a game changer for all clients, big or small.


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How to Use Subscription Learning Services to Solve Unique L&D Challenges:


At ttcInnovations, we help businesses create lasting change with immersive learning experiences. Through instructional strategy, design, and content development we empower employee confidence, performance, and results.

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Welcome back to Learning Matters, the podcast for all things L &D. I'm Doug Wooldridge, your host, and today we've got a very fun show for you all. I've got TTC Innovations VP of Sales, Teresa Chiaputo, as well as one of TTC's relationship managers, Brady Grover, here to tell us about the story of how the subscription learning service came to be and how it can be a fantastic option for clients big and small. Let's get to the interview. Thank you all for joining.

the podcast today. I'm really excited to have you both here for this conversation. So before we kick things off, I just like a quick word from you guys about how you got into the world of learning and development and ultimately what you do for TTC innovations. So Teresa, let's start with you. Okay. All right. Well, my name is Teresa Chiaputo. I am the VP of sales for TTC innovations, but don't let that fool you.

I am an instructional designer at heart and always will be. I'm just an instructional designer that's excited to spread the word about TTC innovations, we'll put it that way. But I think I got started in learning from a way that many of us get started in learning and it's never planned, it just happens based on what we find that we enjoy doing as we progress in our career.

So that I started out in finance and as soon as I got into leadership and the ability to start coaching and developing people, that passion just flurried. And I made a switch over to learning and development and started out as a leadership facilitator for leadership development courses. And then went from there. But absolutely huge passion, my life's mission. You want to talk about, you know, what are we all here for?

This is it for me and I love it. Um, and I'm so proud and happy to be a part of TTC innovation. Oh, that's awesome. Thanks, Teresa and Brady. What about you? Yeah. Well, thanks for having us. Um, yeah, my name is Brady Grover. I'm a relationship manager here at TTC. Uh, I kind of thought to this industry by kind of dumb luck. Um, I was looking for a new opportunity and, um, during, you know, while looking for that new opportunity, I was really looking for,

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really a company that had a solid culture and one that I could be proud to work for and work with. And so I didn't know much about the L &D space, but I got to meet the team through the interview process and just fell in love with the company and what they stood for and the impact that they're having on the clients that we work with. And so I jumped right in. And for the last three and a half years, I've completely immersed myself in the industry. They've come to love it.

I think by nature, just my curiosity and love for just reading, listening to podcasts. This is a first and I kind of being this side of it, but, uh, listening to podcasts, just kind of growing as an individual, um, just being on the other side now and helping our clients do that. Um, working within this industry has been so much fun and just continuing to learn and grow, um, you know, within the space, um, you know, personally, uh, continue to do that to this day and beyond, but yeah, this.

By luck, I was starting. I love it. Yes. And we have been able to watch Brady flourish in this world. And you know what really helps us when somebody comes in who has the sales background, but they don't have the industry background, is it really allows you to see the industry through different eyes. So Brady has been wonderful for all of us to see it through a different lens. And so I think he's been super helpful to help all of us grow together. Definitely.

I want to get a little bit into the subscription learning services, which is why we're all here today. That TTC is now offering. Can you give me just a little bit of a rundown of what that service is and maybe how it's a little bit different than the other type of offerings that TTC had in place before? Yeah, I'll start with that one. And the way that I like to explain this to clients is I say, think about your Hulu subscription. You start with,

you're wanting a service, a TV service. In this case, you're wanting some instructional design services to help you build custom learning. So in the Hulu subscription, you have a base subscription that you can start with, and then you can add things onto it. You can add no commercials. You can add Disney Plus, whatever the case might be. And then you pay for that subscription each month until you decide you don't want it anymore.

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Well, that's how this works. What we are giving you is instructional design expertise and resources to help you build custom learning. And so you decide as a client each month, what kind of time do you want, do you need for that person to be part of your team working on any particular project for you? And then how many months do you want to work with us? And so it becomes a very simple way to understand kind of,

particularly in for new clients when they're coming in if they haven't experienced this before. It allows them to really pick a minimal amount of months or amount of hours, work with us, get used to us, learn to love us and in a short period of time without having a full commitment into a larger project. So I hope that answers the question a little bit about subscription. I try to kind of put it in layman's terms of

what we all do in our personal lives. How does it differ? That question really is an interesting question because the subscription service in and of itself differs for every single client. Every client makes it their own. But I think the big difference is that you have the flexibility within that subscription to have different types of resources based on what you're wanting to accomplish in any particular month. So.

If in month one you want to have a couple of job aids created, we provide a resource to do that that has that expertise, whether it's in the topic and then the development of the tool. Maybe in month two you've got some video editing that needs to be done to a course that you currently have and it needs to be updated. It's a little bit different skill set. At that point we can switch things up. You get another person in that has a skill set you need.

And you can go through that each month or by project. And so you really have a really vast array of resources at hand for you based on what you're trying to accomplish. And people love that. Yeah. And ultimately it sounds like what you're able to do with this service and offer with this is flexibility. And really be able to be there for a client who may not know exactly what they want, get month to month, because things change.

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We know with COVID things change almost, you know, undone. So how did this idea come about? As I understand it, this was Brady, this was something that you initially brought to the table. So can you tell me a little bit about the story behind it? I think it's just staying in kind of fun, but it kind of takes us back to the end, you know, kind of Q4 2022, throughout that year, working with my client.

you know, just listening to them and having, you know, open dialogue, open conversations. I started to see some common threads and maybe some challenges and what they were doing and how they were working with us. And so I kind of, you know, took that and started thinking to myself, is there something that we can do to improve their overall experience with TTC and just make their lives easier? And so.

kind of taking some common insights that I gathered from them. You know, some of the things I was hearing was, you know, going through project approvals, uh, was becoming a little bit challenging. Now, when you have one or two projects here and there, it's not such a big deal, but when you're dealing with dozens of projects, it becomes somewhat burdensome, uh, and or cumbersome. And so, um, you know, that, and, you know, having to go through, proposals, pricing, approvals,

contracts, these little projects becomes a little tedious. Not knowing what their spend would look like, you know, in relationship to the forecast was a challenge for them. And then not having that flexibility, you know, kind of what Theresa was mentioning. And so. Kind of stepping back and kind of on a personal note, I was taking all of that and and kind of implementing that into. Into, you know,

something I love to do, which is running. And so I was taking that feedback and kind of going over it in my head as I was running up. What can we do differently? How can we address some of these challenges? And so I would stop, I would take notes on runs and starting to kind of build a preliminary framework of what I thought could work to kind of help alleviate some of what I had been hearing. And it kind of just morphed me there.

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That's awesome. Yeah, this is his superpower. This is what he does. I was gonna say, when I exercise... On the Christmas holidays. Yeah, when I exercise, I'm not thinking about anything productive. I'm thinking, I need to just finish this. I gotta go. That is so awesome. And what was the team's thoughts when you brought this to the table? Oh, you know, we were just talking about this the other day, Doug. I remember...

when I first heard about it, like just a little inkling of it and I thought, what? We are not Hulu here, you know? But I will tell you that, you know, the more that we talked about it and really understood how it could make a difference in our clients' lives and that's really our purpose, that's as we're here to serve.

And how that could make a better experience for them because they weren't just stuck with one or two options that they we could provide more flexibility It started to make more and more sense, but I will be honest my first couple of conversations I was a little wary of the whole thing, but now I'm I'm a true trooper. I am out there, you know talking about it and promoting it So yeah, it was not a it for me. It was not a sale, right? But but you know

It took us a while to get to where we are today and I'm very proud of the service. Yeah, I agree with that. I was when I brought the kind of idea it was definitely met with a little bit of skepticism a little hesitation. You know, it's not and as just mentioned with the example, subscription is not a new concept, but it certainly is for our industry and there's a reason for that.

It's, it's, there's a lot of nuances, a lot of things that go on in the backend that our clients don't see, which, um, presents some challenges in trying to work through what description could look like and how it could work. Uh, and removing some of those complexities and making it simple is the greatest challenge. And so that's where I think, uh, a little bit of the skepticism kind of came in, but working with, you know, Debbie and the executive team is, you know, they were super helpful and super encouraging to,

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explore it and just kind of work through it. And, you know, as a team is a full team effort, you know, getting this from start to finish. Um, but I agree with Teresa as this started to kind of take shape and be defined. I think we all started to really see the potential here. And, and, and so it was really exciting. And, um, since then it's just been really neat to see, you know, how it's been kind of incorporated and evolved into how we work with our clients.

That's incredible. Yeah. And I think the fun part, the fun part is watching the client react to it. That's been my favorite part. I still love that every time when I bring it up, hey, and you know, this is something that I'd suggest based on, you know, what your needs are. And they're at first are just dumbfounded. And then they get this look on their face and they're just like super excited about it because it's new and they, nobody else is really doing it yet. So.

It's fun. That part is really fun. It's very exciting. And can you tell me just a little bit about the process of developing a new program like this? So how do you introduce that to new clients or current clients? And, you know, ultimately you want them to have that look of like, Oh, this is awesome. But what is the approach to really get them in to the table and to be like, Ooh, this is actually going to work perfectly for us.

Brady, do you want to start with that since you had the first client? Exactly. So starting at the very beginning of the process, it was to kind of work through some of the framework, how we thought this would take shape, what it would look like. And then it was to really go test it out. And so we were fortunate to have some really good partners that we could pilot this through. We were very upfront, transparent.

Hey, this is brand new. We have not done this before. There's going to be some things that we're going to learn along the way, but we're going to need some kind of open partnership here to really, you know, at the end of the day, make them successful and then make future, you know, clients and projects that we work with successful. So we were able to implement a pilot base to this, got some great feedback, made tweaks here and there. We're still making tweaks as we learn, but...

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It's just been kind of again active dialogue listening with our clients figuring out what will work what won't having some flexibility and then You know making sure that this is the right Avenue for them. It's not always the case You know, there's you know, different ways in which they can work with TTC which and make more sense and stuff That's kind of part of our

you know, kind of discovery process, you know, as we take new projects, new clients and so forth, that's just listen and figure out what would.

Oh, feast though? What do you think? And that really is the secret. Yeah, I mean, that's the secret sauce is, you know, when we talk to our clients, we I know I never talk about what are the services that we have unless that question just directly comes up, because I really want to know what is it that they're trying to accomplish? What's their challenge? You know, what's the best case scenario? What works in their environment? Everybody's environment is different.

how their learning team works together. That's different. How do we seamlessly become part of that? And so as we're talking with clients, it really truly is listening and being in their shoes and really working with them to find what's gonna work best for that particular piece that we're working with them on for that particular time. Now we know as we work with clients that,

they may eventually touch all of our different services based on what's going on in their world. But we do take that approach of very, you know, discovery and being consultative in the way that we approach their needs. Because at the end of the day, they're the heroes of our story, right? We're not the heroes of their story. And so we really try to keep that in mind and focus very much on what's going to make a difference in their world.

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And with that approach, it sounds like it's the easiest and best way for you guys to be the most impactful to them and the most helpful and really keeping your ears open like that. It's not really selling a product. It's more trying to understand a challenge and then overcome that challenge. So, yeah. It really is. It's a service. We are in a service industry. We are here to serve.

And I think that that's what makes it so easy for me to move out of a instructional designer role and into a sales role is because, you know, I'm one of those people that have a service that's who I am. And that's what I have found in this company. I think Brady expressed that a little bit too earlier. Wonderful. And what might a client want to go, excuse me.

Why might a client want to go with this approach as opposed to project -based services or maybe staff augmentation, which is the two other approaches that TTC offers? Well, I would say the big word there is flexibility. It's all about the flexibility that it gives. It's all about how much time the client feels like they want to utilize during a particular month.

Project -based services are typically very focused on taking a project from end to end. So there's a specific time period for that. There's specific deliverables for that. It's very focused in. Same with staff augmentation. When we put somebody in a staff augmentation role, it's very focused on their skill sets and what they're there to achieve. What the subscription service gives us is this way to be flexible, to come in and out, to have different skill sets.

to decide, you know, hey, we had a change in the business and I know we said we wanted to work on this next, but we're going to have to do something different and therefore, hey, we're going to need a little bit different type of resource. And it's just that flexibility right there just makes it happen. That happens a lot. So I believe it. It does. I mean, surprisingly enough, yes. And when working with a client, I know you mentioned a little bit of this, Teresa,

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How do you get from what the needs are from the client to what type of service is actually going to work best for them for that particular challenge? Asking questions lots of questions and listening it's it truly is that And I think with the background that the team has We have all sorts of experts to help us determine once we really ask the right questions and we listen

what's gonna be the right solution for that particular client? How do we, do they need to stay flexible? Do they need to meet a certain time period? Do they need certain skill sets? All of those go into it. But I think even a bigger piece that we pay attention to is what is their culture like? What's their working environment like? Because we wanna be their extra pair of hands. We wanna be the people that are there when they need us, we go away when they don't, but that we really fit.

into their environment. So again, it's, there's a lot of listening. There's a lot of learning as you go. Um, particularly when you're starting to work with a new client, you know, you don't know each other and it's just like any relationship, the better, the more time you spend together and working through.

maybe some challenges that you have in just the relationship itself makes you better partners as you move forward. And so those are the experiences that we're wanting to have with our clients. It's not the short term, hey, let's make you a web based training. No, let's create a relationship in which we can support you ongoing and we're here when you need us. I love that. The idea of this being a relationship, not just like a contract, not just, um,

not just somebody that's coming in and out of your life just to do, you know, just like a handyman would or something like that. Truly someone who is there to listen to you, to be there. And I really love the idea of being that extra pair of hands because it seems like oftentimes for these, these project requests is that the reason that the request is there is because they really do need an extra pair of hands. And so having the ability to step in there.

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and give that to them is pretty incredible. And can you give our audience a little taste of this service in action? So is there like a specific project from one of TTC's clients that it was just the perfect fit for them to utilize the subscription learning services? Okay, you know we're gonna have to give you multiple because one, because one, they're so different and Brady and I talked about this.

They're so different. So we really get, if we, if you'll allow us, we'd like to give you a few. I would love to hear all of them. And we're never going to invite you back to the podcast. Brady, do you want to start since you and just tell us a little bit about, you know, your pilot. Yeah, absolutely. So, um, our pilot, um, client, um, we've worked with for a number of years, uh, fortunate,

50 company great relationship with them as I mentioned before we we partnered with them on a large blended learning program before. So should from learning services. So we built out. He learning modules. Yeah, he wants Java's we did. Glacian live action videos animated videos so far so is a very large program that we did.

As we started moving into subscription learning services, we got to see an opportunity to take that project that we worked and collaborated with them on and expand on it. So we started to kind of augment some of what we built by kind of actually extracting some of what we built and kind of creating micro -learnings from it that would eventually go onto a wiki page so that as they go through the learning

program is there's an opportunity to go back and watch some bite -sized pieces and kind of pressures for a very important state management program. And so we were able to augment what we had previously built. In addition to that is support the previous content by going into doing necessary content refresh. So that's where when we were working with them is going through all the different contracts and stuff like that is the subscription allowed us that flexibility to go in.

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update and refresh the content as needed, go and build the micro augmented pieces that we were, which included multiple e -learning, quick e -learning videos, quick reference guides, so forth. And then in addition to that is also figuring out what can we do next. And so we created a priority list, which

shuffled and was read as being readjusted quite a bit. And so again, it's that it's really that flexibility piece. As things come up and take priority, we were able to move that up the list and then pull some things back. And since then, we've been supporting them through stuff or excuse me, learning services here on out. So it's been very fruitful and it's been a really positive experience.

That's awesome. It's got to feel very good to have the first pilot of this to work out so perfectly. It does. Absolutely. Yeah. We learned a lot, though. We really did from them. So a couple of other examples that are very different from those. What we find with the subscription program is that really any size company can work with them. So let me kind of give you two examples.

We have an oil and gas company we're working with right now. They have a very small compact learning team that handles their day -to -day type learning initiatives, onboarding, upscaling those things. And last year, one of their main goals was to start to plan a competency -based leadership program so they could continue to develop their leadership internally. And so,

We started working with them last year in a very small capacity. Like, it wasn't very many hours a month, but they really just wanted us to come in and start doing some analysis and work with how their business connected with the competency model that they wanted to use and what were the things that we could pull in that already existed in their company and really just working on the high level planning and recommendations.

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And then as we moved into 2024, they wanted to go ahead and start building some new modules that would be connected to this leadership program. So we took their hours each month and we moved them up a little bit and we brought in another resource who is really focused on the development of those modules while the first one is still focused on the high level roadmap and working on the overall plan.

So we've adjusted along the way as we've gone. Small company. Another example is a company we just got started with. They're a very large organization, but they have a lot of things going on. And they had a couple of projects where they needed some really specific skill sets. For example, they had a project where they were creating, they were using Walkme as a tool.

And so they were very new in using the tool and they needed some help to create the flows that they were putting into Walkme quickly because they had implementation coming up. So one or two resources working at a very newbie kind of stage was not going to get them where they needed to be. So we provided them some Walkme resources that could help support them. And so we did that with them for the first three weeks and then in week

they moved on to another project in which they needed some help in maintenance, seeing some video learning that they had recorded in a new tool that they were using. And so we had another resource help them with that. And as we move into April, they actually have somebody going on maternity leave. Oh boy. And so they need somebody, they need some help while that person's gone because they can't survive with.

one person down and still continue to work. So you can see how that weaving in and out of different resources for them and working on different things and kind of planning through that. Now, we could get to April and they could have something else come up and we need to switch a little bit or, you know, that's what we typically see and we do, but kind of gives you an idea that it really doesn't matter the size of the company or the learning size or really even how big the.

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I mean there's just all sorts of ways to use it. Again, that flexibility and every project is different. So, hearing about some of these successes, were there any roadblocks during the journey to get from the initial idea to where we are today? That's tough. Yeah, I'm really tired to wrap my head around this and it's the challenge. I'll be the only roadblock was...

pitching this to the team in the beginning, which as Theresa mentioned, you know, that skepticism. No, but I kid about that. But no, it's actually been pretty smooth, which has been surprising, great all at the same time. You know, there are things that we're learning here and there, but I wouldn't consider them roadblocks. It's just kind of tweaking, fine tuning, you know, how we operate and how we support through this new approach.

but it's been met with predominantly success, you know, both on, you know, the small wins to the large wins. That's what we're continuing to hear from our clients. And so no, it's no real major roadblocks that I can think of. I don't know, Trisha? That's incredible. From your end? Yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to add to that because I think, I think this is all in how you approach things that come up.

Like that's how we'll position it. Things that come up. Because things come up all the time that you have to step back and figure it out and make a different decision, head a different direction. Sometimes when we're working with a new client and they say, hey, this is what I want to do and this is the type of resource that I need. And we ask all the right questions and they interview the person, the person gets in place.

And they figure out once they have the person working that really they needed some expertise too in this other area over here. Those things come up. And so what we do in those cases is really kind of circle back and say, okay, that's great. No problem. Let's figure out what it is. Let's kind of redefine that again, because we're all learning as we go. Let's redefine it. And then let's switch around if we need to and kind of get

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started again. Those types of things happen. That's normal. That's life in general. So we don't call those roadblocks. We just we call those things that come up and you live and learn through. I love it. And with these larger companies that you guys work with, with the successful implementation of some of these subscriptions, did that open the door for other lines of business within those clients?

Yes, absolutely. Here's the two things that we saw. When we started, usually people want to start small because they're unsure. It's the unknown. So let's start small and we'll see how it goes. Within a month to two months, every, almost every, I won't say every, almost every subscription has jumped up in hours. Like they're like, Oh my gosh, wow, this is incredible. We need more hours.

What we started with isn't gonna get us because we realized the potential here in that. So we have seen that a lot, probably 80 to 90 % of the time when they're starting. I think the other thing we've seen is referrals over to other groups within, if they're not working in a centralized learning team, it's referrals over to other learning groups within their organization. Yeah, I agree with that and that's where.

It's been really interesting having these conversations and figuring out how this works for. I own specifics to the two larger clients is, you know, do you have a central kind of repository of hours that can be used for one area, area of the business, or can that be pulled out to other areas, other lines of business, or do you create a kind of unique separate pools, you know, for those lines of business?

Um, so that's been kind of the fun part is figuring out kind of putting the puzzle pieces together of how, how this works, you know, within those larger organizations. Um, and do you keep it centralized or do you decentralize it and what does that look like or a combination? Um, so that's kind of the fun part of this. Uh, and, um, that's where it becomes a little bit of a conversation and figuring out.

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what makes sense and then adjusting as many as just absolutely 100%. So well, and I think what I would add to what Brady's saying, and let me give you a couple of examples. In one situation, we have a client that said, Hey, love this whole concept. What I want to do is set up one subscription service for facilitation and one for instructional design work for this business. And then another one for this business. And so they each,

had their own that they could plan and use. But yet in another organization, they are working together to pull out of one basket, but being aware of what they're doing as they do that and working as a team on how they use those hours. So again, you can kind of really start to see that each subscription has its own unique way that it's working. And so,

Nothing's off limits here. I think, you know, the more we experience what can be done with this, the more fun this gets. That's a perfect segue into my next question is, where do you see the subscription service heading in the future?

You know, it works, you know, I do quite a few of them because I get to interact initially with new clients coming in, which is one of my favorite things. And it's a great way to, like I said, come in, try us out, see how it goes. And so, and usually when you're working with a new client, they're not willing to open up the door and show you. Oh yeah.

everything that's going on in their organization. You know, they're going to keep us closed for a minute and say, you know, test you out and see how this goes. And here's a little slice. Um, so it, it really perks people's ears up. Um, we went to a conference, uh, back in September, a learning conference, and we talked about it and it was amazing how it perked people's ears up to,

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want to know more. And so we're seeing a lot of interest, particularly when we talk about it in the buzz, which is our newsletter, or we're talking to someone on the phone or we're at a conference in which we're presenting. It always is super interesting. And people come up and want to talk more about it when we, when we, when we present. Yeah. And that's very cool. Yeah. And kind of, I think to add to it, it,

It's interesting because as we have these conversations and we explore subscription with new clients or clients that we have, it feels very innovative and new. Over time, I think it just becomes part of the norm and how we operate within our space. And so that's kind of the exciting part is, and I think we'll see that transition from, oh, this is just an emerging

new way in this space to this is just kind of how it's done. So that's kind of how I could see it, you know, kind of taking shape, you know, into the future. And that's kind of the exciting part about all of this. It's very exciting to be on the vanguard of this new way of working with learning and development. You know, the industry is ever changing, but this does really feel like,

the new way of approach to work with clients and find ways to stay flexible with them and work through these challenges. As far as I know, TTC offers a free week for clients looking to explore this new service. So what do you think are some of the things that you can just tick off the checklist within that first week to make a quick impact, those quick wins for the client to really get them reeled in?

and for them to continue exploring the subscription service. Well, I will start, and it's so interesting because I was having this conversation with somebody else who wanted to really tie me down on what are those things? And what I like to do is keep myself loose and happy and flexible, but she finally got me. So one of the caveats that I'll say first is,

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A week is really dependent on how many hours in that week. And those hours, that free week is gonna depend on how many hours do you wanna start with and then we're gonna give you a free week on top of those hours. Gotcha. So that could mean it could be 12 hours, it could be 20 hours. It just depends on how big that subscription is moving forward. So depending on this, here's kind of my thoughts and then Brady can give you his thoughts is the easy thing is, hey,

you want a job aid completed that's, you know, that's fairly small and it's a quick hit. We can certainly do that. But I think that the more impactful stuff that we can do in that time is to maybe review a course that isn't working as well for you as it used to and providing recommendations on how to move that forward, whether that's a course, whether that's a program.

really just helping you do some assessments because I've been in a learning team at a large company. You don't have time to think. And so when you have the opportunity to bring in somebody who can take a minute and really look at something and provide some recommendations, that's important and we don't take the time to do that. So that would be what I would encourage people to do is to use it as a planning time that.

basically is free time they gained, you know, for themselves. I agree with that. And it's, I think, a continuation of the conversation we have in the front, you know, kind of through the sales process, that discovery and having that conversation, right? So I think it's a little bit of the planning. What do we prioritize? What do we need to tackle first? What does that look like? In some cases, we need to go in.

content refresh. Okay. We can tackle that right away. If there's other things that we need to plan for, you can talk through that. Secondly, it's some of the small things like brand requirements, documentation, getting that stuff set up and established so that, you know, after that first week, we can really hit the ground running. We have everything we need. We've coordinated, um, and we've set a path forward so that it becomes really kind of a,

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moves kind of entry into our work operations. All right. Very cool. Absolutely. Absolutely. And then lastly, before I get you guys out of here, I do want to ask how the service can be applied to different size clients and different size initiatives.

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Do you want me to take that first or Brady do you want to take it? I think it takes us back to and I think we've kind of talked about this a little bit is There's no company too small that can't take advantage of this There's no company too big that Can't take advantage of this just in the way of the flexibility that can work for them. I

From an industry perspective, we're in a business that's kind of industry agnostic in which we bring instructional design expertise to the table. We don't bring healthcare expertise to the table, but we do work with healthcare experts to create content. And so that collaboration between the two is the special sauce. So I think the industry doesn't make a difference.

as long as you have good subject matter experts and we compare them with the right people that can draw all that good knowledge out of their head. But the service itself is super flexible and I would encourage that if somebody didn't think that it would fit for their business, I would challenge them to have a conversation with Shachira, myself or Brady and we'll figure it out for you. No problem. Wonderful. Yeah, I agree with that. And...

But the size of the company, um, and the organization is, you know, there's perception and some of it is valid that with, you know, top tier talent with custom learning solutions that we can't afford this. This is out of our, you know, out of our budget, out of our scope, out of our wheelhouse. And so, but I think this does is that it allows them to get that experience, get that, get that talent, get that expertise, get that customer solution.

without, you know, just emptying the pockets. And so that's where I think there's beauty here is, um, it is services, all industries, um, all sides of organizations, um, and, and in different ways, you know, whether that, you know, he felt that the demand of the work and we become kind of a spillover, um, of that work and, and serving really kind of as an extension of their team.

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or we come in as thought partners and really help build out and lay a foundation for continued growth within their teams. That's kind of the beauty in all this. And so that's what I think, you know, Theresa and all of us are excited about is being able to reach new industries and new sized companies that maybe didn't realize they could.

They could use it. And I will tell you, people are hesitant. If they have never worked with a vendor before, it may feel a little uncomfortable. Like really honestly, I mean, it's like anything new. And you know, what I would say is if you've, when you find the right vendor, you will know it. And every, every company has somebody that they will mesh with. We would hope that would always be us, but we know that that's really not human nature. But you know,

At the end of the day, you can move forward. You're going to have to move forward. We're in a world now where agility is the key to success. And that means being able to scale on demand, whether that be capacity or whether that be skill sets. And that pressure that they feel today around that is not going to let up anytime soon. So I would encourage people to jump in, you know, educate yourself, do your research.

come talk to us if you want to. Um, but there's places for everybody to play. Very well put. Well, I want to thank you both for joining me today and giving me a really good deep dive into what this program is, uh, how it works and how it can possibly be effective for any potential clients. Um, so thank you again.

And I hope to have you guys back on at some point in the future to continue hearing about more success stories with the subscription learning service. As long as it's the two of us. Cause we get along really well. Well, you're welcome back anytime. Happy sign. All right. Thanks Doug. Appreciate it. It was fun. All right, folks, that'll do it for today's episode. If you're interested in taking up TTC's offer for that free week of the subscription learning service,

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Don't hesitate to reach out to Teresa via the link in the description. And as always, remember to sign up for our newsletter, The Buzz, to keep up to date and like and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. See you next time.




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