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Ep. 216: PLANTSTRONG Legacy Film - Celebrating 12 Years of Wellness with Jeff Nelson and Dr. Elizabeth George
Episode 21627th September 2023 • PLANTSTRONG Podcast • Rip Esselstyn
00:00:00 01:14:40

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Twelve years ago, on the tail of the success of his book The Engine 2 Diet, Rip visited small-town America - Mercersburg, Pennsylvania - with the good news about plants.

Dr. Elizabeth George, a local doctor in Mercersburg, was also on a mission to help the residents of her small dairyland town make healthier food and lifestyle choices. She heard about Engine 2 and invited Rip to come to town and speak at restaurants, churches, and even the local high school - challenging them to the Engine 2 28-Day Challenge.

Not surprisingly, he was met with mixed reactions and a healthy dose of farm-raised skepticism.

For the people who took part, the results were explosive. 

Luckily, Rip brought along a film crew to capture it all. And…last year, this same crew followed up with Dr. Liz and some of those residents to see how they were doing 12 years later. The result is this new film, PLANTSTRONG Legacy: 12 Years of Wellness.

So, today, we bring you a wonderful interview with Dr. Liz George and the filmmaker, Jeff Nelson, as we celebrate the release of this movie and catch up on those days when we were driving around Mercersburg spreading the good news about plants!

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