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₿HS022: Youth Financial Empowerment
Episode 221st March 2024 • Bitcoin Homeschoolers • Scott and Tali Lindberg
00:00:00 00:37:34

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SHOW TOPICS:  money-literacy for teens, helping homeschoolers become bitcoiners

Tali and Scott finally talk about a project that’s been a year in the making.  They explain details about their new online course to help homeschooling parents and their teens take their first steps towards Bitcoin.  “Youth Financial Empowerment” is about how money works.  It’s 20+ years of homeschooling plus Bitcoin in a condensed format busy parents can use to help their teens – without having to spend hundreds or thousands of hours researching.

The founding classes offered this summer are $200 off.  It’s not just for homeschooling families, it’s for all families.  


  • Inspiration driving Tali and Scott to help homeschoolers move towards Bitcoin
  • They want to help find the signal amongst so much noise about what money is and why it’s broken
  • Common feeling parents have is nervousness about what the broken fiat money system means for their children’s future
  • For the first time in generations, majority of parents do not expect their children’s future to be brighter than their own
  • Bitcoiners connect with the ideas of self-custody education and separation of church and state quickly. 
  • But going the other direction is more challenging, hence the expression “homeschoolers are bitcoiners who don’t know it yet”
  • The Free Market Kids course “Youth Financial Empowerment” addresses the latter challenge.
  • But the course is valuable, regardless whether you homeschool or not, regardless whether you’re Bitcoiners or not
  • You can’t budget your way to prosperity.  Wages do not keep up with real inflation.
  • The course offers value because it takes from Scott and Tali’s 20+ years of homeschooling plus what they’ve learned studying Bitcoin, and condenses the material into a format busy parents can use to help their teens – without having to spend hundreds or thousands of hours researching.
  • Scott and Tali and exhibiting in person at a homeschooling conference in just over a month from the time of recording
  • The structure is a 5-day bootcamp consisting of 10 modules.  It’s Austrian economics centric.
  • The course design will go through an iterative process similar to when play testing and designing games
  • The intent is for teens to walk away with tools, e.g., frameworks, and knowledge that will help them understand the world around them better, and to help them make better decisions.
  • “Don’t trust. Verify” is another example of useful frameworks that will help teens, e.g., misleading election year propaganda. 
  • Game elements will be part of how to make the course more interesting and effective, e.g., the negation, pricing-mechanism game “Is That The Best You Can Do?”
  • The first three live sessions offered in June are the “founding classes” and are $200 off
  • Lesson learned from homeschooling: sometimes the message needs to come from someone other than you, the parent.
  • Lesson learned from homeschooling: it is valuable for you, as the parent, to find a resource where someone else has gone through all the messy noise, done the hundreds of hours of research, found the signal, and packed it up concisely to teach your kids.



  • Tali's Twitter @OrangeHatterPod
  • Scott's Twitter @ScottLindberg93
  • Scott's nostr npub19jkuyl0wgrj8kccqzh2vnseeql9v98ptrx407ca9qjsrr4x5j9tsnxx0q6
  • Free Market Kids' Twitter @FreeMarketKids
  • Orange Pill App @FreeMarketKids
  • Free Market Kids' games including HODL UP


We are essentially our own sponsors and are so grateful for all of you who support this show.  Thank you!


Mentioned in this episode:

Aleia Free Market Kids Full




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