Is niching worthwhile? Ruth explores how reflecting on your origin story can be a powerful tool to uncover your target audience and establish deeper connections with clients. She also shares her own journey from hearing about coaching in a university management lecture in the 1990s to building a successful coaching practice. Emphasising the importance of using personal experiences and transitions to resonate with your ideal audience and craft a unique coaching niche. Tune in and learn how to harness the power of your story to create meaningful and impactful client relationships.
Here are the Highlights:
00:28 The riches are in the niches, as they say in the US.
04:16 Candidate dressed casually for the interview, and misunderstood expectations.
07:07 Evolved expertise in coaching and through my business success.
10:11 Soul searching and finding motivation for change.
About Ruth Kudzi:
Ruth is the founder of Optimus Coaching Academy and a well respected and successful coach, speaker and author who has worked across sectors including leadership, career and more recently business and mindset. She has over 10,000 coaching hours and has completed hundreds of hours of training and coaching supervision. Ruth is a MCC level coach with the ICF and is our course director and CEO. Prior to becoming a coach Ruth was a senior leader in education.