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New Zealand forestry and Japan with Tony Clifford
Episode 4911th March 2024 • Jandals in Japan • Jayne Nakata & Catherine O'Connell
00:00:00 00:51:01

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We are thrilled to bring you a wonderful Jandal: Tony Clifford, who is sharing his experience of working with a Japanese corporation for 30 years. That’s quite some dedication to the relationship between both countries that we don’t often see. You will love Tony’s insights, tips and advice for those who are just getting started, levelling up, or wondering if you are doing the right thing. Let’s get into it!

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In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Tony, Catherine and Jayne’s favourite foods to have when they get off the plane in Japan
  • The challenges of having NZ Radiata pine recognised as a high quality wood in Japan
  • What is really happening when there is silence in a business meeting with your Japanese partners
  • “Yes” is not a “yes”, and “difficult” is a “no”. 
  • Tony’s crystal ball predictions for areas of growth and opportunities with Japan

About Tony

Tony Clifford is the Managing Director of Pan Pac Forest Products Limited. 

Pan Pac is based in the Hawke’s Bay and Otago region of NZ and is owned by OJI Green Resources, which is a subsidiary of OJI Holdings Corporation in Japan. 

Tony has had a long connection with Japan through his 30 years work with Pan Pac. 

Jandals in Japan is brought to you by Catherine O’Connell Law and PodLaunch with Jayne

Connect with Jayne and Catherine

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