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The Heart Healer: Jesse's Story - Cyndy Bartelli
Episode 139013th November 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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The Heart Healer: Jesse’s Story

Cyndy Bartelli

There are so many people in the world today that are hurting. Hurting in different ways, but hurting in their hearts that affect everything else. Not heart aches, but actual, hurting hearts. Pain that is deep rooted and affects them each and every day.

What can be done for folks that are hurting like this?

Well, that is where our guest today comes in…

Cyndy Bartelli is our guest today. She was on before, you can listen to that episode in our archives. It was episode 1336. In that episode, she gave us some great background on her ministry efforts and all about her book – “The Heart Healer: God’s Response to Personal Prayer in a Hurting World,” and her study guide – “The Heart Healer Study Guide,”Amen!

But today, she is back for part two of a six part series we are doing on this very important work. There are so many hurting people, many listening to us right now, that will benefit from hearing real life examples the Cyndy is doing. Amen!  Cyndy is here to minister to you with some examples of people who were in situations that may be similar to yours, maybe not exactly the same – but all of the examples are of people who are hurting. Amen.

Help me welcome back to the program, Cyndy Bartelli. Cyndy, thank you agreeing to come back on and minister to those again today who are hurting. I appreciate your time.

For those who may not have listened to our prior interview, can you briefly share with us “Who is Cyndy Bartelli?”

And give us a basic introduction about your book, “Heart Healer.”

Today, we will be sharing some background and information on one of the people that you have helped along the way. This person has an amazing story of a heart healing, just like Sonya, who we discussed last time. Today, we are going to talk about “Jesse,” correct?

I’ll just let you take it from there… 

You also have scriptures that help to make this point of heart healing for Jesse, right?

I know there are people listening to us right now that may be in the same or very similar situation as Jesse. Would you pray with and for them right now and help to bring “heart healing” to them?

Before we go, I want you to share with us about your ministry, “Vertical Hearts” and how this ministry is helping you to spread the message of God’s extraordinary Love and ability to heal the broken places in people’s hearts…can you share a little bit for us?

I appreciate you sharing that. I also appreciate you sharing the story of Jesse with us today as well.

How can they support Vertical Hearts and your outreach?

If someone wanted to purchase your book, “The Heart Healer: God’s Response to Personal Prayer in a Hurting World,”how can they do that? Is it on Amazon?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, as I shared in the beginning, people are hurting out there. It may be you. It may be someone close to you. It may be someone you work with. I can almost guarantee you know someone who is suffering a deep rooted heart ache that needs to be healed.

Cyndy’s book, “The Heart Healer” is a great first step. Drop down into the show notes and click the links right there to get in touch with Cyndy Bartelli and also to order her book, “The Heart Healer,” right now. Amen! Don’t wait. Get it into your hands today.




Book:  “The Heart Healer” – on Amazon

Study Guide: “The Heart Healer Study Guide” – on Amazon

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