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Mastering Your Entry Level Resume – Work In Sports Podcast
3rd August 2020 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:25:28

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Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, VP of Content and Engaged learning at and this is the Work in Sports podcast… If you haven’t listened to last week's interview with Ameena Soliman, Player Personnel Coordinator for the Philadelphia Eagles yet, I suggest you do that… right after you listen to this episode.  As a long time fan of the show and Florida State Football Recruiting Assistant Jake Kernen remarked to me in our private Facebook group “the interview with Ameena Soliman is some of your best work yet. “ Now, I’d like to take all the credit, because I’m only humble from time to time, but in all honestly, Ameena made it great because of her answers and approach to the conversation, so go give it a listen. Coming up later this week---  is my interview with Neeta Sreekanth, COO of INFLCR, a sports tech company building the brand and monetizing the impact of athletes. With the NCAA approving Names, Images, and Likeness rules going into effect in 2021, student-athletes will be able to profit off of their brand.  Neeta and her team at INFLCR are leading the way in marketing, branding and monetizing this potential… and what is really cool is that they are working collectively with the schools and the athletes to follow best practices and make it a win-win for everyone.  I like this a lot, I respect it, because rather than saying “let’s grab all the athletes and go crazy!” they are doing this in a responsible manner that still helps the students get exposure but in a responsible manner. It’s a great interview - Neeta started out by telling me she likes to spit fire on podcasts… and she did.  Tune in for that on Wednesday, and in the coming weeks, I have Kevin brown Director of Community Relations for the Detroit Red Wings and The Detroit Red Wings Foundation. Another incredible conversation… and Shahbaz Khan, Director of Digital Content for the TWolves and Lynx. We keep crushing these interviews! If you guys and gas listening have specific types of guests you want me ot have on, or recommend a specific person, hit me up. Connect on LinkedIn and let me know! Also, if you have a specific sports career-focused question - share it with me and I’ll do a deep dive on the podcast! Today’s question comes in from Hannah in Nevada,  “Hi Brian, I’m looking to land my first real grown-up job out of college, I know not the greatest time, and I’m struggling with my resume. I have some experience, I have some good grades, I have clubs and stuff -- but I’m having trouble making it show the best version of me! Can you help?” Hannah -- I will gladly do so! Oh my gosh I just channeled the giant crab Tamatoa in Moana, my kids love that movie... and if you haven’t seen it the always funny Jermaine Clement plays the giant crab and ...why am I going down this tangent? Ok, back on track.  First things first -- some overarching concepts then we’ll dig in. Coordinator, assistant, associate -- searches like that, When they say 3-5 years’ experience, they don’t really mean it. They really mean 0-3, but for some reason, employers always say their dreams rather than their expectation. Don’t let that discourage you. The expectation is that the entry-level candidates won’t have a ton of experience, but they do want to see some relevant experience, some cultural fit, and personality, some real skills that line up and make sense for the role and some leadership positions.  Let’s dig into those concepts for a bit: Relevant experienceCultural fit and personality Real skillsLeadership  If you emphasize those things you are in a good spot. But let’s get into the tactics a bit.  1: I am way against and way over the idea of an objective statement, or mission statement to lead off your resume.  Here’s why -- no one knows how to do them. They alays focus on what they want -- i want to earn a position at a leading company that will allow me to use my penchant for marketing and my...




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