In the latest edition of Omni Talk’s Retail Fast Five, sponsored by the A&M Consumer and Retail Group, Avalara, Mirakl, Ownit AI, and Ocampo Capital Chris Walton and Anne Mezzenga discuss: A Rockin' Rollerblading Lightning Round
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Chris:The home owned by the man who invented rollerblades is now up for sale in Bloomington, Minnesota, for 575,000.
Chris:It comes complete with a silo bachelor pad.
Chris:And atop the silo, Chris, is a rooftop observation deck.
Chris:I feel like I'm reading the prices right right now.
Speaker B:Is that a silo like a.
Speaker B:Like a grain silver silo?
Chris:The founder of rollerblades was inspired by silos that he saw in pastures of.
Chris:Of fields down in northern Minnesota.
Chris:So as one does, there is.
Chris:As one there is an actual silo.
Chris:Chris, I want to know when was the last time, if ever, that you rollerbladed?
Speaker B:Oh, my God.
Speaker B:That's such a great question.
Speaker B:And I remember the year like it was yesterday, actually.
Speaker B:Ad because.
Speaker B:Very memorable experience.
Speaker B: It was: Speaker B:Was back home in Arizona.
Speaker B:And I used to strap on the blades, the D pads, the elbow pads, the wr.
Speaker B:Oh, my God, the neighborhood for exercise every single day.
Speaker B:And I will add, and usually.
Speaker B:Usually I was alone.
Chris:That does not surprise me.
Chris:I really.
Chris:I want.
Chris:I want Mary to find us a photo of you rollerblading through the hills of Arizona.
Chris:What color were your rollerblades?
Chris:Were they, like, hot pink?
Speaker B:No, but they were purple.
Speaker B:That's so good.
Speaker B:That's so good.
Speaker B:That's such a good thing.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Rollerblades are always weird colors, weren't they?
Speaker B:All right, all right, next one.
Speaker B:Targets really hot Santa.
Speaker B:Ad campaign was getting quite the buzz last week.
Speaker B:Are you pro or con?
Speaker B:The ad campaign or said another way.
Speaker B:Would you like to ride in Santa's sleigh tonight?
Chris:And, I mean, Chris is kind of my type.
Chris:I like a.
Chris:I like a salt and peppery beard and whatever, but I don't get what the big deal is.
Chris:So Santa's a zaddy this year.
Chris:That's cool, right?
Chris:Like, I don't understand what the big deal is, I guess I think he.
Speaker B:Looks like Ryan Fitzpatrick, but.
Speaker B:Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker B:I don't know.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker B:Target will take all the buzz it can get this week, Right?
Speaker B:And Target will take any buzz it can get right after today's earnings announcement.
Speaker B:Whoa.
Chris:All right, Chris, let's go to question number three.
Chris:Amazon said on Tuesday that it will let Amazon Music unlimited subscribers access one audiobook per month from Audible's catalog for free.
Chris:I want to know, will this be enough to convert you from physical books like the giant monstrosities I've seen you bring on planes into audiobooks?
Speaker B:Chris, Absolutely not.
Speaker B:No way.
Speaker B:No way in hell.
Speaker B:And Nothing, nothing competes with the joy I get from reading a physical book, closing it and staring at the front cover.
Speaker B:I just love doing that.
Speaker B:It just gives me some innate like, feeling of joy and happiness.
Speaker B:It's like such an accomplishment when you, when you close that book, you stare at and you're like, yeah, I just read you, I took you to town, you know what I mean?
Chris:Like, I dominated you.
Chris:Yeah, I just read dominated.
Speaker B:That's, that's the type of experience I have with great American literature and, or literature in general, I should say.
Speaker B:All right, last one.
Speaker B:Pepsi's latest ad campaign, Undercover Cups, a send up of undercover cops has Pepsi agents barging into locations of the three largest US burger chains, McDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's, to snag customers drinks and replace them with Pepsi.
Speaker B:It's a, it's a great watch too.
Speaker B:I watched it the other day.
Speaker B:It's some great, some great video footage.
Speaker B:So.
Speaker B:And I might have asked you this question before, but I did not remember the answer.
Speaker B:So I'm going to ask you it again.
Speaker B:When was the last time you actually remember ordering a Pepsi?
Speaker B:Like actually ask for a Pepsi?
Chris:When I ordered a Diet Coke and they were like, we don't.
Speaker B:No, no, no, no.
Speaker B:I'm talking like, no, no.
Chris:And I said, I'll take a Diet Pepsi.
Speaker B:Okay, so you ordered a Diet.
Speaker B:No, but that's like.
Speaker B:But you didn't want, you wanted the Diet Coke.
Speaker B:When did you first and foremost ask for a Pepsi?
Chris:Not only in that scenario.
Chris:When I have to.
Speaker B:You've never asked for a Pepsi ever?
Chris:Not that I can ever recall.
Chris:I mean, I don't.
Speaker B:Wow.
Chris:It's never been, we've never been a Pepsi family.
Chris:Like, we were always a Coke family.
Speaker B:Wow.
Chris:I couldn't even tell you the last time I asked, I asked or requested a Pepsi.
Chris:It was only by default when they're like, we don't have Diet Coke.
Chris:Is Diet Pepsi okay?
Chris:And I'm like, I'll have a Diet Pepsi then.
Speaker B:Really?
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker B:So you, are you old enough to have taken the Pepsi Challenge?
Chris:Yes, you did.
Speaker B:You remember taking the Pepsi Challenge?
Chris:I remember doing the Pepsi Challenge.
Chris:I think it was like in grade school and they put them out and that was like, hey, we're going to do the Pepsi Challenge.
Speaker B:And you're like, I'm all in on Coke.
Speaker B:You still are all in Coke?
Chris:I think so.
Chris:Oh, sorry.
Speaker B:See, I went through a five year period where I was like big into Pepsi.
Speaker B:Like I liked Pepsi.
Speaker B:Coke.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Chris:I mean, I guess I guess there's.
Chris:There is, like, if we're going to go deep on this, I do think that I typically drink Diet Coke, and I think Diet Pepsi is a substitute for Diet Coke.
Chris:No way.
Chris:Pepsi on its own is okay, but I just.
Chris:That's, like, never a cola like that.
Chris:I don't go to cola in that way, I guess.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:I can't remember the last time I've heard somebody order a Pepsi.
Speaker B:Like, can I have a Pepsi, like, anywhere in my par land?
Speaker B:So, so good for them for trying to go undercover cups and show the great taste that Pepsi potentially does have.