Vicki Manning, Headteacher, talks about her amazing School Business Manager, how they have built a strong relationship & why the School Business Manager role is essential to the success of a school.
The episode at a glance:
[2:31] –Listen to why Vicki's SBM is a pivotal part of the team.
[6:42] – Learn how Vicki’s relationship with her SBM developed over time and how they work together day to day.
[12:05] –Listen as Vicki talks about the teacher/support staff divide and how she approaches it as Headteacher.
[15:59] –The key ingredients of Vicki's strong relationship with her SBM revealed!
[19:32] –Vicki talks about how she line manages her SBM differently to her SLT
[20:36] – Vicki talks about the importance of CPD for her SBM and in particular, the impact that coaching has had
[23:11] –Learn how coaching has affected Vicki’s relationship with her SBM
[26:30] –Vicki gets super-specific about the value her SBM adds to her school and why she believes all Heads should spend time investing in and developing not only the role but the relationship
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