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making time
Episode 1913th July 2022 • PowerPivot • Leela Sinha
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This is the one about making time. This is the one about making space and making time and making the room in our hearts to do the things we know we should do.


Leela Sinha:

Hi, everyone, thanks for tuning in. This is

Leela Sinha:

the one about making time. This is the one about making space

Leela Sinha:

and making time and making the room in our hearts to do the

Leela Sinha:

things we know we should do. Because the lie that we tell

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ourselves, that everyone else tells us, is that we don't have

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time. That we can't because there's no time, there's no

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time, there's no energy, there's no money, there's no resources,

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there's no something that's so limited, that we can't help but

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not. And instead, we have to cut a corner. And that corner that

Leela Sinha:

we're cutting is not just a corner of a box, it's a corner

Leela Sinha:

of a toe or a heel. It's not just leaking a few loose spoons

Leela Sinha:

in the move across country. It's leaking blood. And we tell

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ourselves over and over that it's okay, it's got to be okay.

Leela Sinha:

Here, have some have some bandages, have a styptic pencil,

Leela Sinha:

have a have a have a have a something, something just to

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stop the bleeding so we can keep marching forward, forward,

Leela Sinha:

forward, forward, forward forward,. What if forward is not

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always the right direction? What if even six is not enough

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directions? What if there are more directions than there are

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stars in the sky? And we can't even imagine them as long as we

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are so focused on forward, forward, forward. What if

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instead of forward there's something else? What if instead

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of forward there's no cutting corners, there's no missing toes

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or heels? There's no blood on the track, no need to look back

Leela Sinha:

because nothing is up. Because that's not how we roll. We

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don't. We don't. We don't lie. We don't lie to ourselves or to

Leela Sinha:

other people about what we need or what we want or who we are.

Leela Sinha:

Or whether today is a good day or just a bad day or really

Leela Sinha:

shitty day, we don't lie. And why don't we lie? Because when

Leela Sinha:

we don't lie, we don't have to remember what we said we just

Leela Sinha:

have to remember what's true. And we don't have to pretend

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that we don't care. We don't have to pretend that we don't

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care. Instead, we can honor and acknowledge and tell the truth,

Leela Sinha:

which is that we do care, we are built to care. We are wired to

Leela Sinha:

care, we are wired to wish that everything could matter 100%.

Leela Sinha:

And that is a capacity problem. Everything does matter 100%. But

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what we individually can do about it is limited by the body

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parts we have, the brain parts we have, the food, the shelter,

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the energy parts we have. But that's only when we act

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individually. It's when we act individually that we begin to

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think that cutting corners or toes is okay. That it's

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necessary. That it's part of life. It's not. It's not part of

Leela Sinha:

life, though. Everybody, all the time, is part of life. And if

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we're running businesses, that's not half-true, that's

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double-true. Because of all the people we touch. And so what

Leela Sinha:

happens when we can't, we can't find the resources. When we

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think we need to cut corners, what happens is we speed up but

Leela Sinha:

what could happen is we could slow down. We could stop

Leela Sinha:

promising to do 10 things if we can only do five. We could start

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sharing what we know about doing things with other people who

Leela Sinha:

need a five things to do, we can give them five things and that

Leela Sinha:

can be theirs. And we'll do our five things and that can be

Leela Sinha:

ours. Or maybe we'll trade back and forth 10 things but not

Leela Sinha:

always the same 10 things but making sure that all 10 of those

Leela Sinha:

corners can stay whole. Wheels are good, but not every corner

Leela Sinha:

needs to be chopped off. Not every object needs to be round.

Leela Sinha:

Sometimes we need something that's robust and square or

Leela Sinha:

triangular. Sometimes we fit a whole bunch of triangles

Leela Sinha:

together and we get a hexagon. Sometimes the whole, the big

Leela Sinha:

round, juicy, ripe whole comes from each of us showing up with

Leela Sinha:

our own little pointy wedge.The pointy wedge that has all of its

Leela Sinha:

corners intact. So How do we find the time? How do we find

Leela Sinha:

the resources? Number one, we

Leela Sinha:

work with other people, we don't have to have it all, we don't

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have to do it all, we don't have to be at all. That is a lie that

Leela Sinha:

we can leave behind in 1980, or 1880, or some other time, when

Leela Sinha:

they thought that humans were at the top of some kind of

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ridiculous structure. We are not. We are just part of it,

Leela Sinha:

like everyone else is part of it. And our companies are part

Leela Sinha:

of it, too. And our employees are part of it too. And our

Leela Sinha:

clients are part of it to. Our companies are part of it, too.

Leela Sinha:

And our clients are part of it too. And we are all just part of

Leela Sinha:

it. We are all, together, part of it. We are all what we need

Leela Sinha:

to be, we are all together in it. That's all. That's all. And

Leela Sinha:

that's everything. And that's perfect. But if I personally,

Leela Sinha:

you personally, we personally, individually, do need more,

Leela Sinha:

where do we find it? We find it in the space of time, we find it

Leela Sinha:

in slowing down, we find it in changing expectations and

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promises. We find it in claiming the actual cost of our labor.

Leela Sinha:

This will take 10 weeks. That will take six months. This

Leela Sinha:

portrait cannot be painted by tomorrow. It cannot. That money

Leela Sinha:

doesn't exist yet, so you can't have it yet. But you can

Leela Sinha:

eventually. Because it will eventually. Because it exists

Leela Sinha:

somewhere already, but it doesn't exist in my control or

Leela Sinha:

in my pocket. And so there has to be some work, some

Leela Sinha:

rearranging, some collaboration with the universe first. If I

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don't have the resources, I'm just going to tell you I don't

Leela Sinha:

have the resources. And because I'm human and you're human,

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we're gonna figure out what the next best step is. Sometimes it

Leela Sinha:

means that I can't hire you, or you can't hire me. And sometimes

Leela Sinha:

it means that we can figure out a way for all of us to get what

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we need in some other way. And when it comes to time, when

Leela Sinha:

there is no time, when we're out of time, or energy, or

Leela Sinha:

attention, or hope, that's when we slow down. That's when we put

Leela Sinha:

an extra 50% into the calendar for everything. That's when we

Leela Sinha:

realize that somewhere the demand is unreasonable. And that

Leela Sinha:

as the business owner, we have the ability to change that. And




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