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Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Last Essays Number 2 Mitzvot creates the Union of Male & Female
Episode 213th September 2019 • Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz • Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
00:00:00 00:28:59

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A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “Mitzvot creates & protects the Holy Union of Male & Female” Tanya Last Essays Number 2 The Alter Rebbe quotes from עץ חיים that the face to face Union of Male & Female ז״א ומלכות only takes place by fulfilling physical Mitzvot. As before Adam was created the Union was back to back so that the kelipot won’t leach on to them. The reason is that by fulfillment of physical Mitzvot we create the union on high. The reason why specifically physical Mitzvot as the Zohar explains that to create the union on high we need to elevate מ״ן דנוק׳ דז״א the feminine water of the feminine of the small face which is action in other words Mitzvot. Mitzvot have the power to cut & trim all the kelipot that leach onto the union & elevate the good with in the physical to its source to the holiness of Atzilut which has been transformed. This that Adam was able to transform thru prayer (which is seemingly not a physical Mitzvah) as prayer done properly with articulation of speech is considered action as it’s from the נפש החיונית of the body which it’s source Is from Noga. The transformation of Asiyah are elevated to Yetzira wth the permutation of the name Ban from there to Beriah & Atzilut as explained in the Zohar. Hence we understand why meditation on its own does not accomplish anything as you need the elevation of the feminine waters of Noga to draw down a great light to create the union of זעיר אנפין ונוקבא as ז״א would rather receive from its mother “Bina” & not draw down however when we do Mitzvot that draws down huge energy ז״א is ready to continue sharing the light. The Alter Rebbe shares from the Zohar that there are some special people that can thru meditation alone draw down this powerful energy that normally only happens by Physical Mitzvot or Saying the words of prayer the reason is as their Soul נר״ן create the feminine waters מ״ן by their self sacrifice for Torah & when they say Tachnun and recite the words אליך ה׳ נפשי אשא however most people need to do the actual Mitzvot to create the face to face union of ז״א ומלכות that causes G-D to be revealed in this world. A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 A Special thanks to Warren Kahminsky for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs:




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