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Episode 826th June 2024 • Shining Brightly • Howard Brown
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Episode Summary – WHAM AND A BLINK OF AN EYE – IMPAIRED DRIVING - CAR ACCIDENTS that alter your life! In Episode 82 of the Shining Brightly Podcast (links in the comments) titled “ONE MOMENT IN TIME”, come meet the resilient Joey Lewis. He shares some poor decision making growing up that led to two severe and life changing car accidents leaving him with brain surgery, epilepsy and seizures. Living with the scares and disabilities Joey is now making his best life for him and his daughter. He shares what the CC TEST is for him as he asks himself if the situation or decision “contributes or contaminates” him and his moving forward. Joey is the AI MUSIC MAESTRO as he uses his digital song making superpowers to help coaches, speakers, conferences and corporations customize theme songs for brand building and social media content. Join us for an amazing story and I will share the song Joey made for Shining Brightly in the comments. Please listen, download, share, review and of course keep shining brightly!

Mentioned Resources –

About the guest –  

Joey Lewis, founder of Tuff Turf Media, Tuff Tones Entertainment, and motivational speaker at Joey Lewis Speaks, hails from Veedersburg, Indiana. A creative mind with expertise in video editing, graphic design, and music production using artificial intelligence, Joey leverages his diverse skills to inspire and educate. He graduated from Danville Area Community College and excelled academically, making the President’s List.  I went on to get certified in Digital Marketing and worked for Digital Maker Marketing & Dream Big Media. Joey's life was profoundly altered by two severe car accidents in 2005 and 2007, which left him with epilepsy and a new perspective on life. These experiences ignited his passion to become one of the world's top motivational speakers, aiming to change lives by sharing his story and promoting responsible decision-making. His greatest joy and motivation is his daughter, Isabella Rose. Joey’s hobbies include making music, reading, and DJing—a passion since he was 21. His career spans various roles from event management to music production and digital marketing. Currently, Joey is focused on speaking at educational events and schools, driven by a mission to teach others that a single moment in time can change the direction of a person's life. Through his speaking engagements, Joey aspires to prevent others from making the mistakes he lived through and to provide a better future for his daughter and the audiences he reaches.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



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Howard Brown:

Hello, it's Howard Brown. It's another episode of

Howard Brown:

The Shining Brightly Show. Oh, my goodness, you are going to be

Howard Brown:

so psyched to hear from Joey Lewis. This is incredible. Joey,

Howard Brown:

how are you doing?

Joey Lewis:

Doing great, man. Thank you for having me, Howard.

Howard Brown:

I'm really excited. We've been part we'll

Howard Brown:

give a shout out to Blanca and the laws of life. We met through

Howard Brown:

there maybe six months ago. And we just got to know each other.

Howard Brown:

And I'm so impressed. And I just became a client of Joey, I'll

Howard Brown:

tell you all about that in a second. But this guy has been

Howard Brown:

through so much. And he's coming out the other side. He's helping

Howard Brown:

people all with the theme of shining brightly. And he has a

Howard Brown:

cool talent. We're gonna hold that off. We're gonna tease you

Howard Brown:

a little bit on that. Let me tell you who Joe is Joe Lewis.

Howard Brown:

He's the founder of tough tough media and tough tones,

Howard Brown:

entertainment. And he is a motivational speaker at Joy

Howard Brown:

Lewis speaks. He's in the in the suburbs of Indiana outside of

Howard Brown:

Andy. He's a super creative mind, really talented video

Howard Brown:

editor, graphic designer, a music producer. And he uses AI.

Howard Brown:

And I'm learning a tonne from him. And it's the coolest thing

Howard Brown:

ever. Joey takes his diverse skills and his inspiration and

Howard Brown:

he educates others. And he has a special skill. He was a

Howard Brown:

presidential Dean, this guy. He's certified in digital

Howard Brown:

marketing. And he's got this. He's worked for big dream media

Howard Brown:

and things like that. He's got great experience. Now. This is

Howard Brown:

what we're gonna get into. Joey's life just got changed in

Howard Brown:

2005, and seven, he got into two severe car accidents. It left

Howard Brown:

him with epilepsy. And it left him scarred that he had to heal

Howard Brown:

from and it's still healing from a new perspective on life. So

Howard Brown:

these experiences ignited his passion to become one of the

Howard Brown:

world's top motivational speakers. He wants to change

Howard Brown:

people's lives by sharing his story and promoting responsible

Howard Brown:

decision making. And his greatest joy is motor and

Howard Brown:

motivation is his daughter, Isabella rose. That's awesome.

Howard Brown:

How old is Isabella?

Joey Lewis:

Isabella is 14.

Howard Brown:

She's 14, just like my pride and joy Emily

Howard Brown:

who's 22. So Joey's. He has lots of hobbies. But music, reading

Howard Brown:

and DJing are his passion. Since he's 21. And music production

Howard Brown:

and digital content is just his jam. He's just great. So he

Howard Brown:

loves speaking at educational events in schools to young

Howard Brown:

people. And he just wants to people understand that a single

Howard Brown:

moment in time. And you know, can really change the direction

Howard Brown:

in one person's life. And he wants to aspire others to learn

Howard Brown:

from their mistakes, provide a better future for his daughter,

Howard Brown:

and just reach audiences and touch their hearts. Joey, I'm so

Howard Brown:

thrilled you're here today. But now that I've kind of set the

Howard Brown:

table tell us something, how you shine brightly each day.

Joey Lewis:

Well, thank you very much for that introduction,

Joey Lewis:

Howard and how I shine bright each day as I remind myself that

Joey Lewis:

there's a statement. Or actually I say a quote that a guy gave me

Joey Lewis:

and it says today is today. And what we've done yesterday, we

Joey Lewis:

can't change but what we do today can change tomorrow. And I

Joey Lewis:

follow this 2020 20 routine where I spend 20 minutes getting

Joey Lewis:

up and moving, getting around walking, doing some exercise, 20

Joey Lewis:

minutes doing some kind of education, whether it be reading

Joey Lewis:

or listening to a TED talk. And then 20 minutes and some form of

Joey Lewis:

of metta meditation and then given thanks to God that I woke

Joey Lewis:

up today.

Howard Brown:

That is shining, brightly, baby. Oh my god, that

Howard Brown:

is awesome. That is really, really awesome. So take us

Howard Brown:

through, you know, a little bit more of your background growing

Howard Brown:

up a little bit and then into the car accidents and what

Howard Brown:


Joey Lewis:

Yeah, well, I what I was in a bad car accident in

Joey Lewis:

2005. And to kind of speed it up is I grew up with some of the

Joey Lewis:

wrong people. And I didn't have a whole lot of I wasn't taught

Joey Lewis:

responsibility at a young age. So I wasn't taught to fear the

Joey Lewis:

consequences of bad acts and to be responsible and to make good

Joey Lewis:

choices and to do the right thing. So that kind of led me

Joey Lewis:

down a road that I've surrounded myself with bad people in high

Joey Lewis:

school. And it just so happened that one of those people was

Joey Lewis:

people that I was in an accident with in 2005. I was a passenger,

Joey Lewis:

he was driving and I did the wrong thing. I was uneducated, I

Joey Lewis:

mixed prescription medicine with alcohol. And it caused me to

Joey Lewis:

blackout. And I'm not sure if he didn't mix the medicine with

Joey Lewis:

alcohol or what but he was driving us home and I woke up in

Joey Lewis:

the hospital. All I remember is leaving his house waking up in

Joey Lewis:

the hospital. So on the way home at some point he either looked

Joey Lewis:

down fate, you know, blacked out or whatnot and hit a telephone

Joey Lewis:

pole on my side of the road. I woke up in the hospital two

Joey Lewis:

weeks later enough From an induced coma, and I remember the

Joey Lewis:

first thing I remember from waking up in the coma was I was

Joey Lewis:

I was typing on my stomach to see if I remembered the

Joey Lewis:

keyboard. And then I looked at the lady that was in the room

Joey Lewis:

and I said, what happened and she just started crying. She

Joey Lewis:

didn't, you know, she didn't, I didn't know I have no

Joey Lewis:

recollection of how I got in there. What happened? It was a

Joey Lewis:

complete blackout. So I, I just want to educate the kids and

Joey Lewis:

inform them that you know how important these decisions are.

Joey Lewis:

And I use something that I was taught by one of my mentors,

Joey Lewis:

it's called a cc test. And whenever you make a decision,

Joey Lewis:

you bring it up, the CC test is what you're doing going to

Joey Lewis:

contribute to your freedom or contaminate your freedom. And if

Joey Lewis:

I would have been taught that at a younger age, I felt like I

Joey Lewis:

would have grew up and kind of went down in a straighter road.

Joey Lewis:

But hey, we all learn, live and learn. But due to that accident

Joey Lewis:

in 2005, I was had brain surgery, I was cut here to hear

Joey Lewis:

I had reconstructive eye surgery. And then in 2007,

Joey Lewis:

actually, in 2006, the epilepsy came after the brain injury. And

Joey Lewis:

then I had another accident 2007 Where I rolled my car on the

Joey Lewis:

interstate, because I had a seizure when I was driving, it

Joey Lewis:

got through out of the vehicle, and was lifelines to Champaign,

Joey Lewis:

Illinois. But luckily, I don't know if you'd want to call it

Joey Lewis:

luck, or if you want to call it God, but I call it God. And I

Joey Lewis:

was the lady that pulled over on the side of the road. When I was

Joey Lewis:

laying there, dying, she taught CPR at home and was and that was

Joey Lewis:

her thing. And she taught CPR. So she helped me, you know, she

Joey Lewis:

cleaned the rocks out of my mouth and kept me alive

Joey Lewis:

basically, until the helicopter got there. So I'm just very

Joey Lewis:

blessed to be here and very blessed to be alive.

Howard Brown:

Well, I'd like to take a break there because I

Howard Brown:

actually, first of all, I love the 2020 20 in the morning, how

Howard Brown:

you open your day up every day that is shining brightly. But

Howard Brown:

this CC test, boy, I mean, that that's something simple that you

Howard Brown:

can just think about, is this going to help or hurt? Okay,

Howard Brown:

there's the h h, right. But I wake up every day the same thing

Howard Brown:

because you and I have lived, you know, some parallel stuff,

Howard Brown:

right? I had a young man I got diagnosed with stage four T cell

Howard Brown:

non Hodgkins lymphoma, and then at age 50, stage three, the

Howard Brown:

metastatic stage four colon cancer. So we've seen kind of

Howard Brown:

this darkness, right? We've lived this darkness, we've lived

Howard Brown:

this hurt and this pain, and we're trying to just rebuild,

Howard Brown:

and I always call myself Humpty Dumpty. Version Three, oh, now

Howard Brown:

you're the same you're rebuilding, putting the pieces

Howard Brown:

back together again. But thank God for that people. I thank God

Howard Brown:

for my doctors and my nurses, right that care to me, my

Howard Brown:

caregivers, the people that prayed for me, right, but you

Howard Brown:

you had a woman there that actually pulled off the side of

Howard Brown:

the road. And you know, you might not be here, you know,

Howard Brown:

maybe not probably not going to be here for that as well. So

Howard Brown:

those two car accidents. You know, you're still a young man,

Howard Brown:

how did you rehab yourself? How did you get yourself back

Howard Brown:


Joey Lewis:

Well, it took a while I remember leaving the

Joey Lewis:

hospital in a back brace. I broke my back in that second

Joey Lewis:

accident. And it took a while to get back to where I was able to

Joey Lewis:

actually do physical work. And I had to learn a lot of digital

Joey Lewis:

skills because I was always a technical person. So I learned

Joey Lewis:

digital skills. And then when I when I was limited to drive in

Joey Lewis:

because I have now I have seizures. I can't drive. I had

Joey Lewis:

to you know, educate myself on what can I do from home to make

Joey Lewis:

money. And so I taught myself graphic design and I started a

Joey Lewis:

DJ business. And that was something my cousin came to me

Joey Lewis:

and he said, Hey, man, I've got this equipment, you've got the

Joey Lewis:

knowledge, you're good talker. Let's go out and let's DJ

Joey Lewis:

weddings. So we started DJing weddings that helped me get some

Joey Lewis:

income back in my pocket. And you know, it was just a matter

Joey Lewis:

of making the right choices after that, you know, taken

Joey Lewis:

taking the lessons of you know, Tomorrow is not promised and

Joey Lewis:

you've got to do what you got to do. And then it came to the

Joey Lewis:

point now I'm kind of fast forward into you know, i When my

Joey Lewis:

daughter came, I transitions down to Petersburg, Indiana,

Joey Lewis:

from Crawfordsville, Indiana and I got asked to work at an event

Joey Lewis:

centre, called the crazy man's hideaway. And I was we booked we

Joey Lewis:

did weddings out there. So I did that for about four years and I

Joey Lewis:

just was able to live on the property and you know, didn't

Joey Lewis:

have to travel I would just be the event manager and I was able

Joey Lewis:

to DJ the wedding so I would book the wedding DJ the wedding.

Joey Lewis:

I've been through my series of weddings but it's just a matter

Joey Lewis:

of surrounding yourself with better people. I truly believe a

Joey Lewis:

statement that ever you know a lot of people say that you are

Joey Lewis:

the average of the people you surround yourself with. And so I

Joey Lewis:

started surrounding myself with better people started making

Joey Lewis:

better decisions. I

Howard Brown:

love it and that's important. And you know, the

Howard Brown:

thing is, is that your pain is now your purpose and you now are

Howard Brown:

taking kind of life threatening car accidents and still dealing

Howard Brown:

with the epilepsy still you the surgeries, the trauma All right,

Howard Brown:

and that trauma takes healing. And also, you know, I'm coming

Howard Brown:

to realise we call it in the cancer world chemo brain or

Howard Brown:

brain fog, it's PTSD. And you have it, and we have it. But we

Howard Brown:

wake up every day, we're breathing, right? I shot two

Howard Brown:

hours of basketball found my happy place, because that's

Howard Brown:

where I feel a stress free zone. But I can't feel the ball.

Howard Brown:

Right? So you lucky i It's so funny. You said you're feeling

Howard Brown:

the keyboard on your tongue. Because you're looking at your

Howard Brown:

magic, how you make magic with your fingers. It's really,

Howard Brown:

really absolutely incredible. It taught me a little bit about

Howard Brown:

becoming a dad.

Joey Lewis:

Yeah, well, it was. It was one of the greatest

Joey Lewis:

things because if I hadn't survived that accident, and if

Joey Lewis:

it hadn't, the series of events hadn't led me to where it did,

Joey Lewis:

you know, I wouldn't have you know, got led to the, to meet

Joey Lewis:

the mother of my, my daughter, Ashley. And, actually, the good,

Joey Lewis:

the good thing about one of the best things right now is my

Joey Lewis:

daughter's moving in with me this and starting school, this

Joey Lewis:

next fall down here with me. So I've had her, it's been really

Joey Lewis:

hard with what's growing up with having epilepsy not being able

Joey Lewis:

to drive up there, you know, so you know, and I only get her on

Joey Lewis:

the weekends. So that's like, now I've got the last, you know,

Joey Lewis:

like three years of her high school life to come live with

Joey Lewis:

me, and let me try and give her all the skills I can and the

Joey Lewis:

best information I can before she goes out into the world and

Joey Lewis:

does her own thing. You

Howard Brown:

know, I gotta tell you, she's gonna get something

Howard Brown:

that you didn't get, which was a lot of mentorship, a lot of

Howard Brown:

guidance to make, make, make good choices, and she's gonna

Howard Brown:

watch you help other people. And that's a legacy to leave with

Howard Brown:

her. And that's the thing that I'm proudest about is that, you

Howard Brown:

know, my volunteer service, with entrepreneurs and in mentorship,

Howard Brown:

and in cancer, also an interface stuff. You know, I do that

Howard Brown:

because when I want to, and I want to help people, but I know

Howard Brown:

that my daughter has been watching. She's watching, we're

Howard Brown:

role modelling. You know, these athletes, I don't want to be a

Howard Brown:

role model. Well, you know, you are a role model. And being a

Howard Brown:

dad is the greatest gift. And I tell you, I'm so happy for you

Howard Brown:

that it's going to do that. Tell us alright, so I am going to

Howard Brown:

reveal the big secret now. Alright, so I met Joey and Joey

Howard Brown:

has this magical tool, he can actually take your input, okay,

Howard Brown:

and make a custom song for you. Well, and again, you're offering

Howard Brown:

this up for folks. Mother's Day is coming Sunday. So we maybe

Howard Brown:

missed that window. But unbelievable. So I became a

Howard Brown:

client at Joey's because I'm looking for a theme song for

Howard Brown:

shining brightly. Right. And you know, within just a couple of

Howard Brown:

days, he's sending me back samples to listen to. And you

Howard Brown:

you do AI music. So I nicknamed him okay, he had heard here

Howard Brown:

first, he is the AI music maestro. All right, that's who

Howard Brown:

he is. He makes magic on the keyboard. And then beautiful

Howard Brown:

music and lyrics come out. So tell people about that. Tell

Howard Brown:

people about your service. Oh,

Joey Lewis:

thank you, Howard. Yes, so the AI music, it started

Joey Lewis:

as a hobby, you know, it's it all started, you know, well, the

Joey Lewis:

the DJ and the music has always been in my heart, I started

Joey Lewis:

making music back when I was in my 20s That kind of faded away.

Joey Lewis:

And then now I have the ability to make a song within minutes

Joey Lewis:

from my keyboard, you know, and from my, from my living room.

Joey Lewis:

And it's, it can be a hobby, it can be a career, because I mean,

Joey Lewis:

it's like anybody that just has a passion for technology, or I,

Joey Lewis:

what I think was gonna be really neat is teaching my I've taught

Joey Lewis:

my daughter how to do it, and she loves it. She's able to make

Joey Lewis:

her own songs. So I'm like, you know, it'd be so cool for these,

Joey Lewis:

you know, these kids to be able to say, I'm graduating and I've

Joey Lewis:

released four albums already. You know, I've already but um,

Joey Lewis:

so it's it can be a career, I'm trying to I'm trying to see what

Joey Lewis:

the what the abilities are, what their capabilities are, as far

Joey Lewis:

as being some friend Jeff Caldwell was my music coach and

Joey Lewis:

my AI music coach. And he started a platform called My AI

Joey Lewis:

team. And through there, there's a coaching group that I joined,

Joey Lewis:

and I learned how to start using the app called sumo AI. And

Joey Lewis:

through there, you can make songs within minutes. And it's

Joey Lewis:

there is a skill in engineering the song you know, like

Joey Lewis:

stitching it together and, and getting that fine tuning that

Joey Lewis:

sound that you really want. And I just we put out I think I've

Joey Lewis:

got like 30 songs out now. And like for my my daughters, I'm

Joey Lewis:

collaborating with two different lyricist that are from overseas.

Joey Lewis:

And so it's like she's it's changing the way she sees

Joey Lewis:

herself. She feels better about herself. She feels like she's

Joey Lewis:

doing more you know, like it's motivated her to want to keep

Joey Lewis:

writing songs and her daughter is now writing songs and it's

Joey Lewis:

just a way that people you know, some people just they want to

Joey Lewis:

sing but they just don't have a good voice. Now you can just

Joey Lewis:

take your words into AI and make a song Randy travels Randy

Joey Lewis:

Travis just put out an app pisode on CBS. And he's actually

Joey Lewis:

used AI to clone his voice because he can no longer speak

Joey Lewis:

well speak very well. So, so yeah, it's I'm trying to I'm

Joey Lewis:

giving it all I got right now to see if I can make money out of

Joey Lewis:

it and to see if there is potential there. And

Howard Brown:

that's, you see where it takes you because that

Howard Brown:

was a motivational speaking and your design and all that stuff.

Howard Brown:

So listen, I will tell you that I proudly say that my book and

Howard Brown:

my memoir is AI free. Okay, that's all me it's 158

Howard Brown:

interviews turned into transcripts into chapters turned

Howard Brown:

into a manuscript, okay. But AI is here to stay. And I just was

Howard Brown:

actually speaking at Babson College to some scholars,

Howard Brown:

students, scholars, and the big question and there was two

Howard Brown:

lessons there. One was, how does AI affect my personal life? And

Howard Brown:

how does it affect me as a skill going forward in the jobs that

Howard Brown:

I'm going to be able to do? And it's going to affect everybody?

Howard Brown:

I think it's going to affect medicine first, particularly.

Howard Brown:

But there's, you know, with anything good, anything bad,

Howard Brown:

there could be bad things use for AI too, you can person aid,

Howard Brown:

there's deep fakes, all that stuff is true. But AI is here,

Howard Brown:

it's groundbreaking. It's changing. And it's great. So so

Howard Brown:

at this conference that I spoke at, they learned about AI, we

Howard Brown:

talked about it. And then I taught the soft skills. I taught

Howard Brown:

mentorship as leadership, becoming a mentee, or also an

Howard Brown:

opening yourself to being mentored and then being a mentor

Howard Brown:

yourself. And that's what I call using your light to lift

Howard Brown:

yourself up, and then being able to lift up than others. So I

Howard Brown:

think this is cool. So I the ability, I'm looking for a theme

Howard Brown:

song for shining brightly, there you go. Father's Day is coming

Howard Brown:

up, you'll have a Father's Day Special, I'm sure birthdays to

Howard Brown:

be able to give someone you know, a custom saw. It's cool.

Howard Brown:

And it's not that expensive. I think it's $249. And then you

Howard Brown:

offer a discount if they say shining brightly down a buck 99.

Howard Brown:

So we'll talk about that at the end as well. But that's just

Howard Brown:

outstanding. So

Joey Lewis:

music is one way I see it is it's just, it's an

Joey Lewis:

evolution of music, you can look at it that way. I've had people

Joey Lewis:

that's been completely against it. And then they've shifted

Joey Lewis:

their thoughts thinking like, Okay, well, I see, you know,

Joey Lewis:

like, it is an evolution of the way things are going with AI and

Joey Lewis:

they just now they're accepting it and but first off, you know,

Joey Lewis:

actual people, musicians that have been working their whole

Joey Lewis:

life to get where they're at. They were kind of against it,

Joey Lewis:

but they're coming around.

Howard Brown:

Listen, you're you did the theme song for Blanca

Howard Brown:

and the laws of life, you did the theme song for Qisas event

Howard Brown:

down in Miami happening right now, you know, this has so many

Howard Brown:

cross uses, right? You know, it's just a cool thing. So I

Howard Brown:

think birthdays and lifestyle events, weddings, you know, all

Howard Brown:

that stuff is great. But it can be used in a lot of different

Howard Brown:

places. So I'm really looking forward to watching you see how

Howard Brown:

far you go there as well. And so we're coming towards sort of

Howard Brown:

towards the end of the show, but I wanted to actually, you know,

Howard Brown:

talk about, you know, some some upcoming things you got going

Howard Brown:

on. So let's talk about your books. I know you got a couple

Howard Brown:

in progress here. Let's talk about your first book and what

Howard Brown:

its title what it's about. And, and I think it's coming soon. So

Howard Brown:

fill it fill us in on the details there.

Joey Lewis:

Yeah, the book is called high speed profit fast.

Joey Lewis:

And it's the small business owners guide to digital

Joey Lewis:

marketing. And I worked for a digital marketing agency for two

Joey Lewis:

years or so before I started my own. And I learned that there

Joey Lewis:

were so many things that business owners could do on

Joey Lewis:

their own, that they were paying outrageous amounts of money for,

Joey Lewis:

or you know, or paying someone to do a job and they didn't even

Joey Lewis:

know what they were really doing behind the scenes. So it was

Joey Lewis:

like, you know, okay, well I'm gonna put this this blueprint

Joey Lewis:

out there and all this information like this is what

Joey Lewis:

this is, what it consists of. This is what it is and if you're

Joey Lewis:

if you're gonna do it yourself, this is the information you need

Joey Lewis:

to know to you can go research more in depth to look more into

Joey Lewis:

these things. Or if you're already working with somebody,

Joey Lewis:

you can ask them are you guys doing these things? You know, I

Joey Lewis:

mean, like I've heard I'm paying you guys $10,000 A month are you

Joey Lewis:

guys doing back end you know, links are you guys doing? You

Joey Lewis:

know, like all the all the techie stuff? They it's not

Joey Lewis:

real, you know, it's not real. It's not super techie. It's just

Joey Lewis:

borderline you know, get to understand what what they need

Joey Lewis:

to do what they could be doing. And it's, it's really cool. It's

Joey Lewis:

um, I think every small business owner that is participating in

Joey Lewis:

digital marketing don't have any idea about digital marketing.

Joey Lewis:

should take a look at excellent

Howard Brown:

I listen, I will put the links in will promote

Howard Brown:

the book when it's out. You targeting what ended June ish

Howard Brown:


Joey Lewis:

Yes, the goal is to have it put out by mid mid to

Joey Lewis:

end June. Yes. Excellent.

Howard Brown:

So we'll be tracking you on that. Now. You

Howard Brown:

also have an inspirational goal of a second book What's that

Howard Brown:

second book gonna be? Oh, my

Joey Lewis:

second book. And it's going to be about it's, I'm

Joey Lewis:

not sure what the title is maybe the motion picture of my life or

Joey Lewis:

one moment in time, something like that. But I want to, I want

Joey Lewis:

to do something so good in my life with my life that I can

Joey Lewis:

make a movie, a documentary about the impact that we've made

Joey Lewis:

in difference in people's lives and the changes that we've made.

Joey Lewis:

And I just want to shine bright Howard, just like you, I want

Joey Lewis:

to, I want to, I want to be like you.

Howard Brown:

I appreciate you allowing me to mentor you and

Howard Brown:

you open up to be a mentee. And I take you under my wing and I'm

Howard Brown:

learning from YouTube. So it's a two way street. Alright, who

Howard Brown:

plays you in the movie of your life?

Joey Lewis:

Oh, man, I haven't even thought about yet. I might,

Joey Lewis:

I might. Well, I mean, eventually, I would like to get

Joey Lewis:

it to the point where I could play myself but early me I'm not

Joey Lewis:


Howard Brown:

No, no, no, you just got to be a movie star if

Howard Brown:

you think about it, so I'm going to share with you mine. All

Howard Brown:

right. So shining brightly. My goal is I went from book to

Howard Brown:

stage to podcast and I want to go to movie. I want Keanu Reeves

Howard Brown:

to actually play me in movie, my lead role. I'll tell you why.

Howard Brown:

Keanu Reeves is a role model because he lives a very humble

Howard Brown:

life. He gives to charity he gives proceeds to the crew he

Howard Brown:

gives to causes cancer causes and others and he lives very

Howard Brown:

humbly. And that's a role model for me. And that's that would be

Howard Brown:

the ideal lead for my picture. So Keanu, if you're out there,

Howard Brown:

play Howard Brown in shining brightly. The movie. So does

Howard Brown:

that give you an idea? You have anybody else?

Joey Lewis:

You know, I can't think of the guy's name. There's

Joey Lewis:

an old movie that actually inspired my business. This was a

Joey Lewis:

movie called tough turf. There's a movie called tough turf. And

Joey Lewis:

the guy who played it in that movie, he had a British accent.

Joey Lewis:

I'm not sure what his name was, but he was inspirational. He

Joey Lewis:

that was one of my favourite movies. But that's that's

Joey Lewis:

homework for me, Howard. I'm not really sure I can't get

Howard Brown:

I'll give you a suggestion. We'll give a shout

Howard Brown:

out to Adam Sandler. Because he's from Manchester. He's from

Howard Brown:

Manchester, New Hampshire. I'm from Framingham mass, we will

Howard Brown:

gotta get in touch with them. Because here's the deal. He

Howard Brown:

could play a serious role. Yeah, he could add a lot of comedy to

Howard Brown:

it and all that. So maybe I'll maybe we'll go out and sell it

Howard Brown:

for you for now, until you decide differently. So I love

Howard Brown:

playing that game. Thanks for playing.

Joey Lewis:

Adam Sandler. He's great. Jonah Hill. He's He's

Joey Lewis:

funny. But Adam Sandler, I think he's, he's, I like that guy.

Howard Brown:

Oh, we got it. We got to make phone calls to

Howard Brown:

Hollywood. So we'll do that. What I'm gonna do now is have

Howard Brown:

you put on your glasses, but on some sunglasses. All right, we

Howard Brown:

are going to shine brightly on you. This is the shining,

Howard Brown:

brightly spotlight. I want you to tell people how they should

Howard Brown:

best get in touch with you anything else you'd like to

Howard Brown:

finish up with? And then share some inspiration and then kick

Howard Brown:

the show back for me for close?

Joey Lewis:

Thank you. How are ya so you can get a hold of me

Joey Lewis:

on Joey Lewis And my quote of the day is, and it's

Joey Lewis:

something that I always like to remember I tell my daughter, I

Joey Lewis:

tell everyone has decisions made on emotions without deep thought

Joey Lewis:

can lead to disastrous outcomes. And that's where I that's,

Joey Lewis:

that's what guided me here today. My bad my bad decisions

Joey Lewis:

I'm turning into I'm looking at the bright side, I'm taking the

Joey Lewis:

bad and looking at the bright. So decisions made on emotions

Joey Lewis:

can cause disastrous outcomes. And if anybody that's listening,

Joey Lewis:

like Howard said, I do have a promotion going on. If you

Joey Lewis:

mentioned shining brightly, we buy one song, get the other one

Joey Lewis:

50% or $50 off the second song. And there'll be more

Joey Lewis:

information. I'll pass the Howard but thank you for thank

Joey Lewis:

you so much for having me today. Howard, I appreciate you so

Joey Lewis:

much. Oh,

Howard Brown:

great high energy show. Thank you. So I'll take my

Howard Brown:

glasses off shining brightly on you. And so this, this is the

Howard Brown:

shining brightly show, you can reach me at shining

Howard Brown: So there's plenty of information about the book

Howard Brown:

and you can hire me to speak or to facilitate your event. I'll

Howard Brown:

make it shine, I promise. And then also, there's certainly

Howard Brown:

information about this podcast but more importantly, my

Howard Brown:

advocacy, how I lift up myself and lift up others. And I do

Howard Brown:

that through mentorship entrepreneurship leadership with

Howard Brown:

Babson College, and then also within the cancer world about

Howard Brown:

screening and people walking with them in treatment and

Howard Brown:

getting them well informed. And then lastly, memorialising,

Howard Brown:

those that passed because their cancer burden was too great and

Howard Brown:

interfaith work because knowing the other we live in a world

Howard Brown:

where they're all different people and you should get to

Howard Brown:

know your neighbour and understand your neighbour and

Howard Brown:

love that neighbour. And so those are my passions as well.

Howard Brown:

Let me give a quick shout out to the folks that make me look good

Howard Brown:

each week, my publishing house front edge publishing, read the

Howard Brown: where I blog and my podcast team which is

Howard Brown:

incredible. They amplify you network. So thank you for making

Howard Brown:

me look good. And if you're looking for sponsorships, you

Howard Brown:

can contact me for that as well. So just remember, as Joey and I

Howard Brown:

have shown today, if you choose to shine brightly, just a little

Howard Brown:

bit each day for yourself first. Okay, then go lift up others in

Howard Brown:

your neighbourhoods in your community. The world will be a

Howard Brown:

better place Joey it's been a pleasure and an honor thank you

Joey Lewis:

Thank you Howard




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