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Breaking Bad Habits: Eliott Cohen Skalli on Self-Hypnosis Techniques
Episode 6022nd March 2024 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
00:00:00 00:51:04

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Ever thought hypnosis was just for laughs? Think again! Meet Eliott Cohen Skalli, who kicked his smoking habit with self-hypnosis. Tune in to learn how this powerful tool can help rewire your brain with positive thoughts, one step at a time.

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Stephen Box:

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of the Unshakable Habits Podcast.

Stephen Box:

I'm your host, Stephen Box, and today we're going to be talking about

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something that I think there might be some misconceptions around, and

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that is self hypnosis, and this is a tool that you can really utilize

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in the comfort of your own home.

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And it can really help you to get a lot of clarity on your own mindset, your own

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beliefs, your own thoughts, and it can really start to help you change your life.

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So whether that is just improving your confidence, or giving

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up, something like smoking.

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or losing weight or whatever, there are a lot of things that people

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focus on externally, but by focusing internally first, we can actually make

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a lot of changes in our life that we otherwise would not be able to make.

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so today I have a guest who has actually utilized these

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techniques, to stop smoking himself.

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but he also has an app available to help other people do that.

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So with that, allow me to introduce to you all Elliot

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Cohen Scully today, from OneLeaf.

Stephen Box:

So Elliot, welcome to the show.

Stephen Box:

Thank you, Stephen, for having me.

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so excited to, to dive into this conversation.

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We were just talking a little bit here before we hit record about, some

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of our, philosophies and some of the commonalities between what we do, and

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I really appreciated the fact that for you, the idea of self hypnosis is about

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having people turn inward first, right?

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getting our own mindset, because I believe that's such a huge thing.

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Eliott Cohen Skalli: Yeah.

Stephen Box:

I think, it's funny because.

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I guess we don't talk a lot about the mind, but we mostly talk about our bodies,

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and the two are very much connected.

Stephen Box:

So you see a lot of people going to the gym, but less people, for example,

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practicing meditation or anytime close, self hypnosis or all the type of things

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that could actually unlock the power of your mind, and help you to get better.

Stephen Box:

yeah, I think it's clearly, rare to see some people doing

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self hypnosis on their own.

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and one of the reasons for that is actually that.

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Hypnotherapy is not that common, as you said, because stage hypnosis

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has been there for a while and was not, I think, the best way to

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introduce self hypnosis in this world.

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but as time goes by and the results and the clinical trials have been there

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for a while now in hospitals, you can clearly see that it's been used in

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hospitals, but not in the real life world, especially because it costs

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150 to 250 per session, and therefore it makes it completely, very hard for

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people to try and start, doing hypnosis on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly

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Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

so let's break down some of the differences here, right?

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Stephen Box:

And if I'm wrong about any of this, please correct me, okay?

Stephen Box:

but, what I'm seeing is, there are different levels here, and then

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there's, and each of these things are a little bit different, right?

Stephen Box:

So there's meditation, which is what I think a lot of people think of as

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I'm just gonna sit there, and I'm supposed to be quiet or whatever, right?

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And That's really all that they do, right?

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And I think for a lot of people that's difficult because they

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sit there for a couple of minutes and nothing happens, right?

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Nothing magical occurs and this is stupid.

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Then you have a lot of, people that when they start hearing about hypnosis,

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they either think of like hypnotherapy, which is, going to an office somewhere

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and having someone guide you through this, like what you just alluded

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to, which is very expensive to do.

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And then, the other idea, I think when people think of hypnosis

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is somebody making people, cluck like chickens or whatever, right?

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where does self hypnosis fall into this category?

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Because it seems like it's somewhere between meditation and, hypnotherapy.

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It seems like it's in between.

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Eliott Cohen Skalli: they've done some brain scans, basically, of

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what happened in the brain during meditation and self hypnosis.

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and as if we go back in time, a century from now, actually meditation and

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self hypnosis and hypnosis, sorry, happen, and we're involved in basically

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at this in, in, in the same time.

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and so you can see that there are definitely common things that, you would

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find in meditation and self hypnosis.

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The main difference, is, that you will be focused on a problem instead of, as you

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said, just, understanding who you are, trying to step back from your body in

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order to find results, and so if we look at, the brain scans again, you would see

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that, the same part of the brain shuts down during meditation and self hypnosis.

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But then in self hypnosis, another part of the brain actually turns

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on, which is actually the executive control system that you have here.

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in front of your brain.

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and basically we're helping you to make those decisions in this hypnotic

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state, that we'll put you into.

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why would someone benefit from this?

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what does getting into this state of mind allow you to do that is

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different than just sitting down and thinking about your issue?

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Stephen Box:

I think

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Eliott Cohen Skalli: it's very, all done, It's very hard to get, to change

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your subconscious mind and we don't have, we all live very physiologically,

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therefore it's very difficult to find that time where, you're with yourself and

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you can actually change the underlying thought patterns and beliefs, that are

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responsible for your behaviors or actions.

Stephen Box:

and so how does that, how does self hypnosis do it?

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by using positive information, by using visualizations, you can

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replace those negative thought patterns with positive ones.

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learning the improving self esteem.

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with your stress, weight loss, you name it.

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there's so many ways that you can actually impact your body using self help.

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and therefore it's, I think the main difference here is literally like a trying

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to get to a point where you change all those traumas, beliefs, behaviors that

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You had in the past, based on many things that can happen during your life, that you

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need to change, that you want to change.

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That's why actually we say on the website, every change is self change

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because we believe it starts with you wanting to change and then you

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use that, that, that technique, and skills to actually get to that.

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Stephen Box:

So let's maybe make this a little bit more real for people.

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So let's actually use your story.

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Stephen Box:

if I remember correctly, I think you discovered using self hypnosis

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because you wanted to stop smoking.

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Is that correct?

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Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: I was speaking, I've been smoking like a lot of time in my

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life, tried many things and self hypnosis was definitely something that's, I think

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it's three boxes and the three boxes were basically fast, easy and enjoyable, which

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is very worthy in, the smoking addictions.

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because it's always painful, it always takes a lot of time, it's always with

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many back and forth, and the time you're actually quitting smoking is not enjoyable

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because you're very constrained, with yourself, and therefore you are, you

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have so many constraints that you don't feel good, and so I wanted to find a way

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to make it fast, simple, and enjoyable, and I think the way we do it using self

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hypnosis is a way to Engage in a 21 day program of smoking as it is right now.

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doesn't mean you won't be using a 21 day of it.

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for example, some people will do it faster than that.

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Some people will actually do it much longer than that and actually

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repeats the sessions that they like most, during their journey.

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So they've built out into 21 days so that people can actually relate

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to them and know exactly in what path they should go on from day

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one, day two, day three, et cetera.

Stephen Box:

But I think we've seen so many people using one on a daily basis, weekly basis.

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From six to 12 months now that we do see that, as the name of the podcast

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says, it did create a habit of putting self hypnosis into their, mental health

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practice, in their everyday lives.

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and so I think it's.

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It's so not a guess or no question.

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It's exactly like weight loss.

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If you look at weight loss, which is actually the best setter for One Leaf

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as it is right now, you'll see that 49 percent of adults in this world will try

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to lose weight over the next 12 months.

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80 percent of them will regain the same weight within 24

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months after, which is sad.

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But when you've found something that you like to actually lose weight, you

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probably go back to it many times, And so same thing here for weight loss.

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We've seen the same thing for the past 12 months.

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seeing that people do go back to one leaf at any time in their journey, where

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they feel they're not, as you said, relating to themselves in the right

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way in order to achieve their weight loss goal, their smoking goals, their

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stress goals, or whatever goal they

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want to achieve.

Stephen Box:

so for you, how long were you actually smoking before you found this?

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It can be your slur.

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: France is really different than the US,

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Europe mostly, where I think we smoke much more than the US.

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So I started smoking when I was actually 17 years old, so very young, during

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my studies, and I stopped smoking, probably at 25, went back to it at 27,

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probably stopped again because, Most of the people, as we asked them how

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many times they quit smoking, they did quit smoking between 5 to 10 times on

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average, which is actually quite big.

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and I think you, you find that past, where it's always, again, you have

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some back and forth in your life that will put you back into your batting

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behavior, with the batting dude.

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I don't like the word bat.

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So it's it's more the behaviors that don't create the best version of you.

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And it was literally what's happening to me.

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That when I smoke, I was literally felt more ashamed towards my wife, towards

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my friends, towards many things and wanted so bad to actually quit smoking.

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And until I, I stopped.

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There are figures that actually create that in my life that can actually, that

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actually creates the craving for smoking.

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and using self hypnosis is a wide way to go, I think, to actually use those

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understanding of that you have with your life and actually killing those

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and replacing them with, positive affirmations or suggestions that can

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help you to actually relate to it.

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Stephen Box:

so it sounds like for you, this was, something that you did off

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and on for well over a decade.

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and so how long did it actually take you to completely stop once

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you started using the self hypnosis?

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: About I would say a year.

Stephen Box:

About a year, okay.

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: And again, I was smoking in a very different way than

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I used to because when I started at 17 years old I would just smoking one pack a

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day and just not even thinking about it.

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Whereas in your mind, the more you get old, I guess you want to change your

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habit and therefore I was only smoking probably one or two cigarettes a day.

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And therefore I just wanted to kick, to kill, sorry, that, those two cigarettes

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a day and go into the two to zero.

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and it was a lot of back and forth one month, two months.

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until, until it was easy for me to say and quit those two.

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Stephen Box:

and I'll just highlight here something.

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and you alluded to this earlier, right?

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I think we live in a world now where everyone wants the

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super fast result, right?

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Everyone wants to stop right now.

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So they hear that, Oh, it took you a year.

Stephen Box:

Oh man.

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and I've had this experience where when I tell people that I lost 80 pounds.

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And it took me about 10 months.

Stephen Box:

They're like, 10 months?

Stephen Box:

Oh man, that's so long.

Stephen Box:

I, I gotta know a guy that did keto and lost, 50 pounds in a week or whatever.

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: But then it went back up, crazy fast

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as well.

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but like you said, those people always go back to it.

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and things, we've seen this repeated, right?

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Whether it's people who lose significant weight and put it back on, which the

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numbers are astronomical on that, right?

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Smoking, you said the people on average go back Five, six times

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that they're trying to quit.

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It's we can see a pattern starting to go here, right?

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No matter what we're trying to change, there's always a tendency

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to relapse because people are depending on just the tactics.

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They're not actually changing their mindset.

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They're not changing their beliefs.

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They're not changing their identity.

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Stephen Box:

So it took you a year to completely change your identity, but guys, listen to

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this and think about this for a second.

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It took a year for Elliot to change an identity that he had

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for well over a decade, okay?

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You can't just go and change something that's been with you that long, especially

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when it's a physical thing that you do that's part of your routine, and then

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you just change it in like a week.

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Like that.

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That's unrealistic, and I think a lot of us, we try to make that change,

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we try to do it super fast, we try to look for the shortcuts because we

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want to get rid of the pain right now.

Stephen Box:

But I think the other key thing here, and Elliot, please chime in here and

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tell me if this was the case with you, I think that when we do this slower

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approach, there's this belief that means we're going to wait a year to

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see the results, or that we're going to wait 10 months to see the results.

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The reality is you're seeing results along the way.

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Your confidence is building, your mood is improving.

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All those changes you want in your life happen along the way.

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That year or ten months or whatever, we're talking about time frame wise.

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is literally just that kind of that mark of I've completely arrived,

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but that doesn't mean you wait until you get there to see the, changes.

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: Correct.

Stephen Box:

Pretty agree.

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and it's exactly as I, as I've experienced it.

Stephen Box:

so talk to me a little bit about what this

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process actually looks like.

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Because like I said, I think a lot of people, when we start

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talking about hypnosis, there's some stereotypes out there, right?

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There's some beliefs that people have.

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So if.

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If we were sitting down right now and we were actually doing a self help hypnosis

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session, what would actually be happening?

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Eliott Cohen Skalli: Please take into account that I'm not a hypnotherapist,

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that I work with experts in the fields, in all the different fields that we work for.

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I've learned a lot of course working on my knee for now close to a year and

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a half, but I'm not a hypnotherapist.

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learned as much as I could in this year and a half, a lot more

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about the brain that I used to

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Stephen Box:

no, it's cause look, I don't know that most people out there really

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want to necessarily hear the scientific stuff anyways, right?

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Cause, I know some of this stuff goes over my head even, and

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I'm hitting this stuff, right?

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: yeah.

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I'm just putting it, I'm just putting it out there so that everyone knows, but

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it's actually very easy to understand.

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I think, so if we have to put it very simply, Hypnosis is a state of

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relaxation and focus in the same time.

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and in my opinion, I very much consider it to be very similar to

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the flow state that has been, talked a lot about, in many different ways.

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and how do we do that?

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We do that by doing a step by step thing to actually, to actually

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get to the result that we want.

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And so the first part of it is called the induction.

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and induction is probably, on one if it's close to three to seven minutes, I'd say.

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Where basically, the first step of this self hypnosis is to achieve

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a state of deep relaxation.

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and this can be done through various techniques like, techniques that

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we've seen in many other areas.

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Like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization,

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and many other things like this.

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and then we would, focus, so that the second step would be once the

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person is relaxed, you need to focus, in your mind on one particular

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goal that you need to achieve.

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So that's, that wouldn't be doing self hypnosis on your own, on one if we

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do mostly guided self hypnosis, where basically every session that you have.

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is already pre made based on one thing that you want to achieve.

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It could be quitting smoking, but instead of quitting smoking, you would

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have, for example, boredom, or stress, or subconcentration, and all the very

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different things that we have here.

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and then the third step would be the suggestion.

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So when your mind is focused and relaxed, You then begin to suggest positive

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and affirming statements to yourself.

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and these statements can be done in the form of, affirmation,

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visualization, mental rehearsals, of the desired outcome, basically.

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the fourth step is repetition, that we don't use that much, in OneIf, but there's

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a lot of people that actually do it.

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You repeat and repeat the thing that you want to achieve.

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And the five step is actually going out of this hypnosis, of this state

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that you actually, put yourself in.

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and just to put it very simply, also because I want people to understand

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that maximum is possible on it is very similar to the stage that you're in when

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you wake up and when you go to sleep.

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So just that timeframe of probably a few seconds.

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Where you wake up and the tiny frame just before you go to sleep, before you

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actually go to sleep, those two moments are very similar to actually, what you

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will experience doing self hypnosis.

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And again, coming back to stage hypnosis that I heard, a lot, I think the industry.

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It's funny to see that, people are things that they're actually losing control

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while it's actually the opposite is actually taking control of your mind.

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and so that's basically the different steps that you would, that you would go

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to, in order to actually, again, change their thoughts, beliefs or change your

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thoughts or your beliefs or anything that you want to change about your life.

Stephen Box:

so let's dive in here, right?

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Because the first thing you mentioned was that.

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We have to be very intentional about getting into a certain

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state of mind, right?

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Stephen Box:

I think this is one of the areas where people struggle with

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meditation in particular, right?

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Where they're told, oh, just sit down and, get in a relaxed position and

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then, you're taking deep breaths, right?

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Which is one of those things where, yes, that is technically correct,

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but just telling someone to take a deep breath in and of itself

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doesn't necessarily help, right?

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Because we all, I think, have this idea about how we relax and how we take, the

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stress out of the day or whatever, but if you're just literally just sitting

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down and trying to relax, it's very difficult, it's almost impossible to

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let your body relax because our bodies, without getting too scientific here,

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have mechanisms inside of them That actually protect your muscles, right?

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So if you're trying to do too much, or, if you're in a position where

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you're stressed out and you're tight.

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your body is literally going, Hey, we can't relax right now

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because we need to, stay alert.

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We need to be on the lookout for danger here.

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We need to be, or whatever.

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So I think a lot of people, they struggle to relax because they

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think that relaxing is just sitting down and going, okay, relax.

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Which isn't even, which isn't even a word.

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Yeah, which actually makes it worse, right?

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It just makes you tighten up even more.

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it's like telling someone who's upset to calm down, right?

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Stephen Box:

It never works.

Stephen Box:

so talk to, talk about, what are some of these techniques?

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Like, how do people actually go from this struggle of trying to relax to

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actually getting into that state?

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what does that look like, that process?

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Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: I think, and again, I'll speak about Oneleaf

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more than the others because we've all had this in practice here.

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but I think, on Oneleaf it's actually very easy.

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We do two things.

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the first one is actually that we used, background sounds, that are binaural

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beats made for free relaxation, and actually works super well in order

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to also achieve that authentic state.

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And the second one is all the different techniques that you have, in the

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protocol of self hypnosis and hypnosis.

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so the inductions, as they call it.

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there's so many of them, so for example, you would be, looking at something

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above your eye walls and trying to focus there, close your eyes, reopen

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your eyes, reclose your eyes for quite a while until you actually find that

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very high focus on, on, on this element.

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So that you become so much focused that actually you find

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relaxation while doing so.

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for me, for example, it's the one that works the best.

Stephen Box:

and so you tend now, I think in 2023 to have, incentives to many guys like Uberman

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or Nikkei podcast on stress or anxiety.

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You have so many different techniques available, I think, on, on how

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to move from point A to point B.

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That I think you can reuse them to actually, again, find that, find

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that, that state that you want.

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and Hypnosis is just, I think, using protocols that are very,

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very clear in order to actually get to, to point A to point B.

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once people get relaxed, right?

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Once they find the technique that works best for them and they manage to get

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themselves into this relaxed state, what does that actually allow them to do?

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: again, I think, yeah, it's You know, it's funny

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when you're young, you actually get much more in your head, very fast.

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So just for example, languages, and many companies are actually building companies

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using head nozzles for languages because when you get old, it's actually the

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opposite that actually, happening is you have so much, not trouble, I would say

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in your brain, but so much stuff going on that you can't actually focus on one

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thing and be super present, to actually get all the information and stuck.

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Hit in to actually retrieve that information in your brain.

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and so once the person who would ask.

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And you get them focused on one thing, if, for example, but stress, and you

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have very specific element to stress.

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for example, like the three main ones that we know are relationship, finance, and

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health, which probably represent 99 to 10 of your stress and anxiety problems.

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at least when you see the anxiety metrics that you can

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see from, some clinical trials.

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And in this, I think in those three elements, there's so many different

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points that you can look at, which is, is the relationship my wife, is it with

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my friends, is it with myself, et cetera, et cetera, and therefore, you can find

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some positive suggestions to actually, again, change those thoughts and patterns,

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to move it from point A to point B, to actually change, what you think is correct

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to what you think is actually incorrect.

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and actually change, the pattern that you have currently in your brain to

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move from one, part of it from one state of mind to another state of mind.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, there, there's a really good analogy here.

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for anyone who's ever read the book Switch, I don't know if you're familiar

Stephen Box:

with it or not, but they talk about the concept of the rider and the

Stephen Box:

elephant, with the rider being you.

Stephen Box:

The elephant is actually your logical brain, right?

Stephen Box:

And the elephant is your subconscious brain, right?

Stephen Box:

or, or like your instinctual brain.

Stephen Box:

And you may be able to sometimes get the elephant to go the

Stephen Box:

direction it wants to go, right?

Stephen Box:

But the reality is, the elephant is way bigger and way stronger

Stephen Box:

than your logical brain, right?

Stephen Box:

the subconscious brain It'll sometimes go along for the ride, but when it decides

Stephen Box:

that what you're doing is dangerous, or uncomfortable, or unfamiliar,

Stephen Box:

then it's going to stop you, right?

Stephen Box:

And I think this is something a lot of people maybe miss.

Stephen Box:

If you think about when someone tells you to do something, or says something

Stephen Box:

that is contrary to what you believe, just think, take a second here to stop

Stephen Box:

and think about your reaction to that.

Stephen Box:

Not just your thoughts.

Stephen Box:

But what actually happens in your body?

Stephen Box:

What tightens up in your body?

Stephen Box:

Like, where do you start to feel that disagreement with

Stephen Box:

that thing happening, right?

Stephen Box:

and then guys, I want you to understand that it's not just other people.

Stephen Box:

When you try to tell yourself something in a fully conscious state where your

Stephen Box:

logical brain is in control, Your subconscious starts to fight you and

Stephen Box:

that's what Elliot is talking about here is getting out of your own way

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: 100 percent

Stephen Box:

correct So so once someone Gets into this state of mind and they can

Stephen Box:

really start to understand and realize what their Subconscious is actually you

Stephen Box:

right but they start to realize the things that they're holding on to the beliefs

Stephen Box:

that they have what's the next step here?

Stephen Box:

There, I think

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: you could see it in two ways.

Stephen Box:

Either you could only use positive suggestions.

Stephen Box:

What we also like to do is, even if you're using, for example, one week

Stephen Box:

for a month, I expect people to get to a point when they learn some stuff

Stephen Box:

from one week, that basically they will never, it will never be able

Stephen Box:

to say, I didn't, it didn't help me.

Stephen Box:

I want them to make sure that actually they will build out.

Stephen Box:

Some skills, for them that actually they will remember their whole life.

Stephen Box:

and so in the positive suggestions, we also use skill building techniques.

Stephen Box:

That's actually the subconscious, will remember quite well during the next phase.

Stephen Box:

Could be a day, could be two days, could be sometimes five days.

Stephen Box:

And we'll be able to reuse at all times during the same day.

Stephen Box:

And that works super well, at least for me, for smoking was working super well.

Stephen Box:

Is, so you have this thing that, some interpreters use, which is trying to make

Stephen Box:

you understand and go back in time that your brain used to be a non smoker and

Stephen Box:

your body becomes a non, a smoker, and you have to make the links to between

Stephen Box:

the two that your brain is still a non smoker and became a smoker, but you have

Stephen Box:

to just to go back in time and understand that it used to be a non smoker.

Stephen Box:

and that didn't work super well for me.

Stephen Box:

And so I was every time trying to, again, self improvise myself to actually

Stephen Box:

understand that my brain was basically, a non smoker as my body is a smoker.

Stephen Box:

And therefore, then the body and the mind are connected.

Stephen Box:

There's no reason whatsoever that my body wants a cigarette because my

Stephen Box:

brain is a non smoker, by definition, because I was born without a cigarette.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

So let me rephrase that for anybody that might've missed it.

Stephen Box:

What Elliot is saying here is that all behaviors, the way you choose

Stephen Box:

to react to things, the way you eat, smoking, drinking, whatever

Stephen Box:

things you have going on, right?

Stephen Box:

They are all learned behaviors.

Stephen Box:

I know for a lot of guys, it's, that's just the way I am.

Stephen Box:

But you weren't always that way.

Stephen Box:

You weren't born that way.

Stephen Box:

You learned to be that way.

Stephen Box:

Which means, you can change those things.

Stephen Box:

Because, If you feel like this is what I've always been, but the reality

Stephen Box:

is you haven't always been that.

Stephen Box:

There was a time in your life where you weren't that, and we're

Stephen Box:

not suggesting that you go back to being two years old, right?

Stephen Box:

But what we're saying is you can go back to a clean slate

Stephen Box:

of before you developed that.

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: Which is exciting, because you hope that

Stephen Box:

actually, People will be able to change many stuff in your life.

Stephen Box:

smoking is one part of it, but For example, I don't smoke, but I

Stephen Box:

have so many things that haven't changed, that will change actually.

Stephen Box:

And, the good thing is that if you actually, It's not for everyone, It's

Stephen Box:

like yoga, like sports, like many things.

Stephen Box:

It's not for everyone, but if you like it, and you find it enjoyable, There's

Stephen Box:

no reason why you won't go back to it, Especially because, when we move

Stephen Box:

through time, I think it's interesting to see that We all have many problems.

Stephen Box:

I don't know about you, Stephen, but I'm guessing you have problems.

Stephen Box:

I have problems.

Stephen Box:

I will have some others tomorrow and they tend to actually change.

Stephen Box:

and it's always cyclical with many things circling back with my knife

Stephen Box:

and going back and going forward.

Stephen Box:

And therefore, I think it's very interesting to know it.

Stephen Box:

whether it's yoga, whether it's, we all basically are all practiced

Stephen Box:

to get from, point A to point B and same thing here, I think.

Stephen Box:

We'll all have many problems in our lives, and therefore we need to

Stephen Box:

find those solutions that actually, resonate with what you like to

Stephen Box:

actually move from point A to point B.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And I think, like I can give an example here to just illustrate this

Stephen Box:

for people of what it looks like when you're progressively getting better.

Stephen Box:

So when I first started my weight loss journey, I lost, those 80 pounds and

Stephen Box:

I was at the time working in retail.

Stephen Box:

I was working in management, so I was working in a little store in the mall.

Stephen Box:

the store that I was working in, we, it was a small volume store at the time.

Stephen Box:

We were, only able to have one person in the store at a time,

Stephen Box:

except for on the weekends.

Stephen Box:

So most of the time I was the only one there.

Stephen Box:

I would literally have to close and lock my door, run over to the food court,

Stephen Box:

get food, come back, and scarf it down.

Stephen Box:

that was literally my routine.

Stephen Box:

And so when I first started trying to lose weight, My first thought was not

Stephen Box:

okay, let me start learning a whole bunch of recipes and learn how to

Stephen Box:

cook and start making meals at home And bring it with me and heat them up

Stephen Box:

in the microwave and all that right?

Stephen Box:

No, I went over to the same food court, but maybe instead of getting

Stephen Box:

the double stack hamburger I started getting Grilled chicken sandwich, right?

Stephen Box:

Maybe, instead of getting the extra large fry, I just got a large fry.

Stephen Box:

So I just started cutting calories in very small increments.

Stephen Box:

And I lost the first 40 pounds while still eating fast food five days a

Stephen Box:

week, which always like shocks people.

Stephen Box:

They're like, how?

Stephen Box:

How's that even possible?

Stephen Box:

Yeah, I was eating fewer calories.

Stephen Box:

that's fly, right?

Stephen Box:

But, over time it started to get to the point where I started cooking

Stephen Box:

more of my foods at home, right?

Stephen Box:

I started enjoying the idea of being able to have control over the ingredients.

Stephen Box:

And so then I went from eating fast food five days a week to I was eating

Stephen Box:

fast food maybe two days a week.

Stephen Box:

And then eventually there came a point where like I literally at one point did

Stephen Box:

not eat fast food at all for six months.

Stephen Box:

And one day I just had a craving and because I don't

Stephen Box:

believe in bad foods, right?

Stephen Box:

So one day I had a craving for you know Something I used to get all the

Stephen Box:

time and I went and got it and Elliot.

Stephen Box:

It tastes like cardboard because It's had changed right my taste buds had

Stephen Box:

adapted and so now I was like man I ate this like I was bad at myself

Stephen Box:

because I was like I wasted all those years eating this crap, right?

Stephen Box:

Yeah, sure but I think that's a good example of like how what

Stephen Box:

you're just describing there that this is a process, right?

Stephen Box:

It's not just like something you do for five minutes and then that's it.

Stephen Box:

Ideally, you start where you are and over time you want to keep

Stephen Box:

making little smaller changes and you can keep coming back to these

Stephen Box:

techniques over and over again.

Stephen Box:

Every time you want to make that

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: change.

Stephen Box:

And Stephen, I'd like to add to that, that I think, as we said

Stephen Box:

earlier, every change is self change.

Stephen Box:

So it starts with you, for sure.

Stephen Box:

But I think, along this way, and that's the way, that's how I see

Stephen Box:

self hypnosis as of now, which is, you have to find a companion that

Stephen Box:

actually will help you to get there faster, better, while enjoying it.

Stephen Box:

and that's the way I see it.

Stephen Box:

Even if it's 10 months, it's be 10 months that you will look up to.

Stephen Box:

As being, for example, the best of 12 10 months of your life, and

Stephen Box:

I'm sure right now, if you look back, it was probably hard at some

Stephen Box:

times, but you also had an amazing

Stephen Box:

experience on it.

Stephen Box:

And what's even more amazing is, because I did it the way I did it,

Stephen Box:

because it was nice and, controlled, and I didn't say slow, because it

Stephen Box:

wasn't about the slowness, it was about the fact that it was controlled.

Stephen Box:

I've kept it off.

Stephen Box:

I've now for over the last 12 years now, I believe, I've kept that off.

Stephen Box:

And, as you just said earlier, a large number of people, what do we say?

Stephen Box:

65, 70%.

Stephen Box:

I think it's the numbers of people who lose, large amounts of weight, regain

Stephen Box:

it, So to think about the fact that I'm in just like that 30 percent window is

Stephen Box:

crazy to me because, you And looking back, there was nothing magical about it.

Stephen Box:

I literally just ate smaller food,

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: And learn how to change your life, basically.

Stephen Box:

how to, learning is a big part of it, because even if you know sometimes

Stephen Box:

you don't want to change, or actually, try to change, and I think, if you use

Stephen Box:

hypnosis again, coming back to this.

Stephen Box:

It's also a way to actually, inputting something in your mind, with a bigger

Stephen Box:

output, sorry, a bigger input that if you're just telling yourself,

Stephen Box:

Oh, I'm going to be less, I'm going to be eating less than this.

Stephen Box:

So you were probably, you're not a hundred percent.

Stephen Box:

Most of the people won't actually find, the same past that you had, and

Stephen Box:

therefore need help getting there.

Stephen Box:

Could be therapy, could be, cognitive behavioral therapy, could

Stephen Box:

be, hypnosis, could be, basically anything that will actually help them.

Stephen Box:

To get from point A to point B, and as I said, some people will like

Stephen Box:

to do this, some people will not.

Stephen Box:

Same thing for meditation, same thing for yoga, same thing for sports, etc,

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Yeah, and I'll even add this, because I think it ties into what

Stephen Box:

you just said there, is for a lot of guys out there, I hear all the

Stephen Box:

time of I'm really good at this.

Stephen Box:

Why can't I do this over here, right?

Stephen Box:

And the thing is, guys, there are some overlaps in skills, but

Stephen Box:

there's also different skills that are needed for different things.

Stephen Box:

for example, for me, nutrition was actually the simple

Stephen Box:

change for me to make, right?

Stephen Box:

I didn't, I actually worked with a dietician for a little while.

Stephen Box:

And I didn't really feel like I got a lot out of it, honestly, right?

Stephen Box:

Because for me, the nutrition part was actually the easy change because

Stephen Box:

of the way that I was doing it.

Stephen Box:

It was something that worked well for me.

Stephen Box:

And the whole reason I started doing the way that I did it was.

Stephen Box:

I actually wanted to prove that you could lose weight without having to eat grilled

Stephen Box:

chicken and broccoli every day, right?

Stephen Box:

honestly, that was my motivation.

Stephen Box:

I would just, I'm just a stubborn person and my stubbornness and

Stephen Box:

my desire to prove everybody else wrong drove me to stick with it.

Stephen Box:

Full disclosure.

Stephen Box:

probably not going to be the approach most people take, fortunately

Stephen Box:

it's not the only approach.

Stephen Box:

but when it came to exercise, right?

Stephen Box:

I would sometimes work out, but I didn't really like sticking with exercise.

Stephen Box:

It was something that was very difficult for me.

Stephen Box:

And I actually worked with a trainer who really helped me to learn how to

Stephen Box:

do exercises properly, really learned how to make exercise more enjoyable,

Stephen Box:

and as a result of that, I started developing this passion for it.

Stephen Box:

And that's why as I lost weight and, fell in love with exercise, I

Stephen Box:

decided to become a personal trainer.

Stephen Box:

And then later on, expanded out into nutrition and sleep and stress

Stephen Box:

management and all that, and actually became a board certified health coach.

Stephen Box:

But I started as a personal trainer, which is ironic because I started as the thing I

Stephen Box:

actually hated the most before I started.

Stephen Box:

And I think that kind of ties into what you said that when you seek out

Stephen Box:

help from other people, A lot of times that can help you to unlock something

Stephen Box:

that you didn't even know was there.

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: What you just described is called hypnosis, Stephen.

Stephen Box:

Because you don't tell yourself that you like sports and then you change

Stephen Box:

your behaviors to actually like it.

Stephen Box:

Mm hmm.

Stephen Box:

Which is actually one, one session that we have on the Weight Loss Program,

Stephen Box:

which is how do you make it enjoyable?

Stephen Box:

How do you go to the gym and enjoy the whole journey?

Stephen Box:

And I think that's something that's really hard

Stephen Box:

for a lot of people, right?

Stephen Box:

It's we focus on the negative of things, right?

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

This idea of, oh, I have to starve myself, or I have to go work out a

Stephen Box:

lot, or if I'm gonna quit smoking, I just, I need to go cold turkey, right?

Stephen Box:

these are the beliefs that we have.

Stephen Box:

And then I think as men, there's another thing we haven't talked

Stephen Box:

about yet, but I'm curious to get your thoughts on this, right?

Stephen Box:

Is, we tend to use negative reinforcements.

Stephen Box:

I've got a friend who, when he goes to the gym and he wants to give up, he

Stephen Box:

starts, going, Come on, you fat bastard!

Stephen Box:

you gotta get this done, right?

Stephen Box:

And I'm like, You've been trying this for years and it's not working.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: Oh, even if it's working, it's not making

Stephen Box:

you the best version of you.

Stephen Box:

and I think, yeah, I think it's again, I think the, a big part of

Stephen Box:

your mind is very negative at first.

Stephen Box:

Do you have to change that?

Stephen Box:

And so that's why we all are anxious in this world, which is something

Stephen Box:

that most people don't know, strangely is that they will on, on, on a

Stephen Box:

certain level, we fall and anxiety.

Stephen Box:

and so I think it's.

Stephen Box:

It's how do you unlock, as you said, your mind to go from nine to

Stephen Box:

one, for example, or six to one.

Stephen Box:

And I think it's very interesting to know that you can do that very easily using,

Stephen Box:

for example, again, self hypnosis, but many other tools that you have out there.

Stephen Box:

So in terms of, somebody really wanting to make

Stephen Box:

these changes in their life, right?

Stephen Box:

Just to recap for people, what we've talked about here is First of all,

Stephen Box:

accepting that the changes you need to make have to happen inside first, right?

Stephen Box:

that's really the starting point of it.

Stephen Box:

the second thing that we really hit on here is this idea that your

Stephen Box:

subconscious brain is actually way more powerful than your logical brain.

Stephen Box:

I have a mentor who I've quoted a couple of times on here on the podcast, but I

Stephen Box:

think it's always relevant to bring up.

Stephen Box:

Which is that as human beings, we are neither rational or irrational.

Stephen Box:

We're post rational, meaning we justify things only after we've already done

Stephen Box:

them or decided to do them, right?

Stephen Box:

And so we can use that to our advantage because if you know that

Stephen Box:

you want to become a certain person, If on a subconscious level, you

Stephen Box:

can decide to become that person, you can get your logical brain

Stephen Box:

to get on board and justify it.

Stephen Box:

It's way more difficult to do it the other way, right?

Stephen Box:

To decide you're going to do something from a logical perspective, and

Stephen Box:

to get your subconscious brain to let go of years or decades of

Stephen Box:

programming, way harder to do.

Stephen Box:

Can you give an example of that?

Stephen Box:

An example of what it looks like to try to do that in reverse order?

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

So we've talked a little bit about weight loss, so let's just

Stephen Box:

use weight loss as our example.

Stephen Box:

So if you are saying to yourself, I need to lose 10 pounds, right?

Stephen Box:

that's your motivation.

Stephen Box:

I need to lose 10 pounds.

Stephen Box:

What's going to happen is you're going to start thinking logically

Stephen Box:

about how do I lose 10 pounds, right?

Stephen Box:

And you're gonna start with, dieting, exercise, whatever, right?

Stephen Box:

whatever place you start is irrelevant right now.

Stephen Box:

so you start wherever you start, more than likely, one of two things will happen.

Stephen Box:

either A, you won't see any results, and you'll give up, or you'll

Stephen Box:

start to see results, and then there's a little part of your brain

Stephen Box:

that goes, I want faster results.

Stephen Box:

So logically, we think to ourselves, if this is good,

Stephen Box:

more of it must be great, right?

Stephen Box:

And we do more of it.

Stephen Box:

And all the while, those changes you're trying to make, maybe are not in

Stephen Box:

alignment with your subconscious, right?

Stephen Box:

Your subconscious thoughts are fighting against that.

Stephen Box:

And so you constantly feel those cravings, or you constantly feel

Stephen Box:

yourself going back to those habits.

Stephen Box:

Because you're relying simply on a technique.

Stephen Box:

You haven't changed who you are at your core, right?

Stephen Box:

But if you do something like self meditation or, affirmations or whatever,

Stephen Box:

where you're constantly telling yourself, I am a person who chooses to be healthy.

Stephen Box:

I'm a person who exercises because it allows my body to be functional.

Stephen Box:

I choose healthy foods to give myself energy so that I can play with my

Stephen Box:

kids or so that I can, be, the husband that my wife needs me to be, right?

Stephen Box:

When we start associating our actions with positive outcomes and the person

Stephen Box:

that we want to become, and those things are in alignment with who we want to be

Stephen Box:

and who we see ourself as, It now becomes easier to take the actual actions, right?

Stephen Box:

So the logical brain is the actions, right?

Stephen Box:

it's the everyday stuff that we do.

Stephen Box:

If you get your subconscious to buy into it, you actually

Stephen Box:

get your actions to do it.

Stephen Box:

Your actions will follow no problem.

Stephen Box:

When we try to take the opposite approach, when we try to take the actions first,

Stephen Box:

and then we try to convince ourselves that those are the best actions, you're

Stephen Box:

going to struggle most of the time.

Stephen Box:

Unless you just get lucky and you can line them up, not being aware that you are,

Stephen Box:

but you just happen to line everything up.

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: A good illustration, I think there, Stephen, is diets.

Stephen Box:

diets is clearly, I think, the best way to, to emphasize on what you just said,

Stephen Box:

which is, you literally like change from point A to point B without making the

Stephen Box:

choice in your brain that you want to change, or deciding in which way you're

Stephen Box:

going to change, because either you're following the diet that is already

Stephen Box:

out there, Offering your nutrition, nutritionist, advices, but I think

Stephen Box:

you didn't make this choice yourself.

Stephen Box:

So if, for example, you said to yourself, I'm hearing your story,

Stephen Box:

which is, I need to exercise every day, but you don't like doing so.

Stephen Box:

that it will be just a struggle from day one to, to date, two months then.

Stephen Box:

and therefore it doesn't have to be this way.

Stephen Box:

that's what we're saying there.

Stephen Box:

Like for me, I made that point now where I view exercise as a

Stephen Box:

fundamental thing that I do, right?

Stephen Box:

I see myself as a healthy person.

Stephen Box:

I see myself as someone who loves to move.

Stephen Box:

I see myself as someone who wants to live life without

Stephen Box:

pain and all that stuff, right?

Stephen Box:

I see all those benefits and that's what I want.

Stephen Box:

I want to be able to be active in, I'm turning 45 this year, right?

Stephen Box:

I want to be active into like my 80s and 90s.

Stephen Box:

And I know in order to do that, I have to.

Stephen Box:

So on those days, and guys, listen to this very carefully, because if you

Stephen Box:

think that having that mindset means I'm motivated every day, I'm not.

Stephen Box:

On those days that I don't feel like moving, all I have

Stephen Box:

to do is say one single phrase.

Stephen Box:

And it brings me into a completely different mindset.

Stephen Box:

All I have to do is go, I'm choosing to not move today.

Stephen Box:

To not make my body better.

Stephen Box:

And as soon as I do that, my subconscious brain goes, No, we're not

Stephen Box:

making that choice, go do a workout.

Stephen Box:

Because I trained my subconscious to see that.

Stephen Box:

Now, 12 years ago when I was getting started, If I had told myself I'm

Stephen Box:

choosing to not work out today, my subconscious would have been like,

Stephen Box:

That's what I'm talking about, bro.

Stephen Box:

That right there is what I'm talking about.

Stephen Box:

We're not doing this.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Just because my identity was different.

Stephen Box:

My beliefs were different.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Super interesting.

Stephen Box:

Which, I think just ties into everything we've talked about today

Stephen Box:

about using these techniques to change your subconscious thoughts.

Stephen Box:

And realizing that you don't have to always be the same

Stephen Box:

person that you shouldn't be.

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: And that, we sometimes hear that sentence that

Stephen Box:

says, past 50 years old, you can't change, or those people can't change,

Stephen Box:

which is so untrue, we've seen so many people using 1e that are past 50 years

Stephen Box:

old, so many of them, it's actually a majority, that it's very interesting to

Stephen Box:

see that, that they take, at any point in your journey, You can decide who

Stephen Box:

you want to be.

Stephen Box:

And, I know along those same lines, people get this idea of once you're over like

Stephen Box:

40, 50, 60 years old, whatever, right?

Stephen Box:

That it's really hard to change and especially when it comes to like

Stephen Box:

physical exercise and things like that.

Stephen Box:

And look, I'm not going to sit here and sugarcoat it for you.

Stephen Box:

It is going to be hard, right?

Stephen Box:

And you do have to do things differently than you did then

Stephen Box:

when you were 20, 30 years old.

Stephen Box:

But at the end of the day, you also don't have to try to do everything at once.

Stephen Box:

It's a star where you are and

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: against it.

Stephen Box:

I think again, it's very hard to find the thing that you like to actually

Stephen Box:

get to your goal, but I think Again, try it because we offer a free trial

Stephen Box:

of seven days if you want on one each.

Stephen Box:

So I think everyone can try it.

Stephen Box:

But if you do enjoy it as much as our users do, you'll see that you'll

Stephen Box:

find something that actually can unlock the power of your mind every

Stephen Box:

day until the rest of your life.

Stephen Box:

and I will say that, even though we talked earlier about how all

Stephen Box:

changes really start with you internally.

Stephen Box:

There is also something to add to that.

Stephen Box:

I think it's important, right?

Stephen Box:

Yes, the actual change has to be internal.

Stephen Box:

It has to be something that you actually want to do.

Stephen Box:

It has to be something that you are in control of and that you're guiding,

Stephen Box:

you're driving the bus, so to speak.

Stephen Box:

But for a lot of people, having something external to help them when

Stephen Box:

they're getting started to build the consistency, Can be super helpful, right?

Stephen Box:

So whether that's hiring a coach, or that's using an app like Oneleaf.

Stephen Box:

Sometimes just having that external thing to help get you going until you establish

Stephen Box:

the consistency is super helpful.

Stephen Box:

So even though we're saying the change does start with you, and it starts

Stephen Box:

internally, know that it is perfectly okay to use an external source.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: 4 percent chance rate, 4 percent success

Stephen Box:

rate in smoking, by, by yourself.

Stephen Box:

so if you don't have good smoking, you have 4 percent chance of

Stephen Box:

actually quitting smoking.

Stephen Box:

that's the numbers right now after 6 months smoking, 8 percent as a whole.

Stephen Box:

so clearly you gotta struggle as Stephen said, why not making it enjoyable as

Stephen Box:

maximum as long as possible and getting your chances up by, as the NHS would

Stephen Box:

say 5 Could be, again, self emphasis, could be any kind of things that

Stephen Box:

you think are going to improve your chances of success in that journey.

Stephen Box:

so guys, if you're at a point right now where you feel

Stephen Box:

like you want to make these changes, maybe you're not at the point that

Stephen Box:

you're comfortable talking to someone else, you're not comfortable reaching

Stephen Box:

out to another person individually.

Stephen Box:

I think things like apps are a great way to get started.

Stephen Box:

so I would definitely encourage everybody to go check out the OneLeaf app, get

Stephen Box:

that seven day free trial, go check it out and see if it's a good fit for you.

Stephen Box:

that's what the seven days are for is for you to see if it's a good fit.

Stephen Box:

Ellie, if someone wants to do that, what's the easiest way for

Stephen Box:

them to find the OneLeaf app?

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: So either you on Android or you would go on the store,

Stephen Box:

type in Oneleaf Stealth Hypnosis or Oneleaf, depending on the country

Stephen Box:

where you're at, basically you'll get different results, but Oneleaf Stealth

Stephen Box:

Hypnosis is the right way to go to make sure that will pop up first.

Stephen Box:

and basically you just have to download the app, go to probably an onboarding that

Stephen Box:

is going to take you probably one minute.

Stephen Box:

So it's very fast.

Stephen Box:

select the intent that you're here for, could be losing weight, could be anxiety,

Stephen Box:

so we have six programs available right now, which is quit smoking, weight loss,

Stephen Box:

sleep, stress, pain, and confidence.

Stephen Box:

and you just have to select the one that you want to start with, you would go on

Stephen Box:

and start your free trial of seven days.

Stephen Box:

And after you'll be charged 68 bucks for one year, accessing over 150 audios

Stephen Box:

right now that we have on the app.

Stephen Box:

You can, of course, cancel at any time during your journey or during the

Stephen Box:

free trial, so if you don't like it.

Stephen Box:

and that's why we offer the free trial.

Stephen Box:

Of course, we have A huge majority of people that actually go, and

Stephen Box:

actually decided to go with the yearly plan, because it's seeing it's best.

Stephen Box:

Because again, those problems, we, as we said, we all have anxiety problems.

Stephen Box:

We probably all will have some insomnia this year.

Stephen Box:

safety for confidence.

Stephen Box:

We need some confidence boost at some levels, considering the loneliness

Stephen Box:

that we live in the world right now.

Stephen Box:

So I think it's very, it's very useful because you can

Stephen Box:

get back to it at any time.

Stephen Box:

and I call it predict when will you have this insomnia this year?

Stephen Box:

Probably be one month, two months, at least you have it in your pocket.

Stephen Box:

or even if you train, I know that some people using train as well, to just, you

Stephen Box:

want to get to, to a rest and just put your headphones on and you're good to go.

Stephen Box:

And it's very easy.

Stephen Box:

So you just have to get to a place where you feel safe,

Stephen Box:

where you won't be distracted.

Stephen Box:

and put on your headphones, and have ideally a couch or a bed and then you

Stephen Box:

get to go for your first session, which lasts between 17 to 24 minutes maximum.

Stephen Box:

and, the first feedbacks that we got one year from now, which was actually the

Stephen Box:

first few years, of YNEV was it literally became the best 20 minutes of my day.

Stephen Box:

I think I'll end with that.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

that's a good place to end.

Stephen Box:

so if someone wants to, Get a hold of you directly or learn more about, one Leaf,

Stephen Box:

what's the best way for them to do that?

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: Sure.

Stephen Box:

so the website, one leaf

Stephen Box:

So one leaf, like a leaf, LEAS.

Stephen Box:

it's like you have only have one line, but you also have one leaf that you

Stephen Box:

need to, pour water on every day.

Stephen Box:

And so same thing here.

Stephen Box:

you'll be able to repeat and make sure to get on the right

Stephen Box:

track every day of the year.

Stephen Box:

and so one leaf is our website.

Stephen Box:

and they can, of course, reach out to us on hello at oneleaguehealth.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

If they have questions or comments about this, this podcast or globally on the

Stephen Box:

company, I'll be happy to answer them with

Stephen Box:

the team.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

and I will have the links for all that in the shared notes as well for people

Stephen Box:

that just want to be able to go to them.

Stephen Box:

Ellie, if there's one final thought, just one big takeaway that you want people to

Stephen Box:

be able to leave with today, what is it?

Stephen Box:

Ellie starts

Stephen Box:

Eliott Cohen Skalli: now.

Stephen Box:

That you don't have to wait actually to change, to, we all have something

Stephen Box:

that we want to change right now.

Stephen Box:

I'm sure you have some right now that you need to change, whether

Stephen Box:

it's weight loss, whether it's, as I said, smoking, stress, sleep, stuff.

Stephen Box:

we always feel that there's a due date to it.

Stephen Box:

Oh, I'm going to do that in two weeks, in one month, in two months.

Stephen Box:

I think it's interesting to try new stuff and to be curious about what, can

Stephen Box:

you try to actually make that change?

Stephen Box:

and self hypnosis has not been there, but has been there for quite a while,

Stephen Box:

and actually in the hospital, world, and used by many doctors in this world.

Stephen Box:

But it wasn't, I think, as, as, accessible as it is with such an app as OneLeaf.

Stephen Box:

and therefore, I think it's very easy to try and to see that Um, if it's for you

Stephen Box:

in 20 minutes, you'll know that you've made, probably you will have used your

Stephen Box:

curiosity to actually, to get to a point that will probably change your life.

Stephen Box:

And that's, I think the main thing that you need to remember

Stephen Box:

here is that it could change your life and make it 10 times better.

Stephen Box:

again, it's not about losing control.

Stephen Box:

You're not losing control.

Stephen Box:

You're taking control of your life.

Stephen Box:

And I would end on that.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Love it.

Stephen Box:

Elliot, thank you so much for coming today.

Stephen Box:

sharing your story with us, sharing your information and knowledge with us.

Stephen Box:

And just want to remind everyone that while none of us are born unshakable,

Stephen Box:

we can all become unshakable.


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with Coach Stephen Bucks.


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