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St Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum
18th October 2022 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:11:10

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The St Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum will open on November 2! The new 35,000-square-foot building is designed to provide a 21st-century experience with a greatly enhanced space for numerous interactive and experiential learning opportunities; digital and traditional media; workshops, community discussions, and traveling exhibits; survivor galleries; preservation/display of rare and valuable artifacts; and a learning center for school groups. Helen Turner, Director of Education and Interpretation at the St Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum discussed the importance of the museum to the area and some goals for those who visit.

This is Season 5! For more episodes, go to

#holocaust #stlouis #kaplanfeldmanholocaustmuseum #holocaustsurvivor



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