The World Against Israel
TS Wright
Today, our guest is TS Wright. He is coming back on to discuss what we are seeing, right now, and how it all relates to what the Bible says will be happening in the last days – just before Jesus returns.
What is especially concerning to me is how the entire world is coming against Israel right now – when all they are doing is reacting to an unprovoked, barbaric attack on innocent civilians. The United Nations is even trying to impose their authority over Israel’s sovereignty! In case you haven’t read your Bible, this is the exact scenario depicted in the Book of the Revelation that will take place in the End Times.
If there was ever any doubt that we are living in the last of the last days – what we see happening right now should prove it! Amen!
Scott Wright is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times.
I want to get right into our discussion today, so help me welcome back our good friend, Scott Wright.
Scott, there is almost daily updates to what we see happening right now. Unfortunately, there is a lag time between recording today and publishing later. But, putting that aside, let’s go ahead and jump into current events as we see them – TODAY.
More and more nations are now preparing to enter this situation – especially as it concerns international shipping in the Red Sea area. The Iranian backed Houthi rebels are the main cause. What do you see as happening right now and what is about to happen?
I can almost say, with 100% certainty, that if we would have had any other president other than the one in office now – there would have been retaliatory air strikes taking out the bases that launched these attacks. But with this administration – they don’t want to get involved.
I even see some reports now that the cargo ship companies are opting to go all the way around the Cape of Good Hope in the Horn of Africa and then up to the Mediterranean Sea. This is going to affect supply and demand pricing even more around the world.
We see a mounting humanitarian crisis – and calls for Israel to stop in the name of humanitarianism – but that is not how wars operate. There is condemnation of Israel because of this – but I guess everyone forgets the millions of people that died in WWII that were caught in the middle. Unfortunately, that is usually what brings a warring power to the negotiation table. It’s just the way it is. If the people have enough of it, they will rise up from within and fight back – just like they did to Mussolini in Italy.
We see these protests spreading across the United States. We also see the massive invasion taking place on our southern border. Even the FBI is saying we are on the verge of something even worse than the September 11th 2001 attacks coming from within. And it is due to the number of terrorists that are able to infiltrate through the southern border. They are out for revenge on the United States for supporting Israel in their war.
I believe, unfortunately, that the “hedge of protection” that God had in place around this nation has been removed. We can see that happening. Which means God is going to allow this type of attack to occur within our land.
Why? Because we, as a nation, have turned against HIM. We are so depraved, as a nation, we cannot define the difference between a man and a woman anymore – on an “official level.” God was upset with Israel falling into idolatry – and here we are today.
I believe it was Billy Graham who said something to the effect of “If God does not punish the United States for what we are doing right now – He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gamora.” And that is a sad state of affairs for this nation.
But I believe, just like with 9-11, we will not see an attack on the weakness of this nation until a different administration takes over. Which will make that new administration look bad, like they allowed it to happen. Which, in reality, was the fault of the prior, liberal, anti-American administration.
We also seen the tragic news of some Israeli hostages mistakenly being shot during operations in Gaza. Unfortunately, “war is hell” and the turmoil sometimes has tragic consequences. That’s just the way it is.
Anyway, we are all out of time for today.
How can someone get in touch with you if they have a question or would like more information?
Folks, I want to remind you that in these days and times in which we live, we are reminded to “Look up – for our redemption IS drawing near!” Amen!

Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon
Podcast: The God Centered Concept
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