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How do you talk about the stress of secondary infertility?
1st March 2022 • Pregnancy Loss • NatChat Productions Ltd
00:00:00 00:22:55

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I wanted to talk more with Kate about her feelings about belonging and her journey. Having had fertility treatment and suffered several miscarriages Kate talked about feeling guilty when she shared pictures of her son Austin on Instagram and have started sharing her life as a 'mummy blogger' she now has found herself still finding solace within the #TTC community yet is unsure of which part of it she belongs to. The online community is amazing, it constantly surprises me with the openness shared and the support received. I avoided it when we first started on our journey, hearing that it was all negative, but that isn't the case. The positivity and support shared amongst men and women trying to overcome the rollercoaster of infertility is incredible. However, with so much raw emotion being shared, you can't help but feel guilty if you are responsible for sharing something that could hurt somebody else. If only we were all so conscientious online!

Kate and I talked about how best to just be within it. How important it is to not overthink social media, after all, you can just walk away. You can follow Kate on Instagram here

Kate made me think more about where I am at, still trying to have another child, how each month I'm going through the same process I did when we first started trying for a family like I know so many other women go through. Wondering whether this month, my period won't come. Having read Kate's blog, I felt compelled to share another blog post about my feelings on Selfish Mother and from the emails, I received about it, how there were a number of you feeling the same, I decided we have to start talking about this more.

So along with Kate, I'm on a mission. If you've listened to this episode and are currently trying to complete your family and feel like you're not sure where you belong, please do reach out. I have my closed Facebook group Talk Fertility where I've asked some of the amazing experts who have spoken on my podcast to be admins so they along with myself can help answer your questions and hopefully continue talking things through. Secondary Infertility is valid, whether you've had fertility treatment or not. If you are struggling to have number 2 or maybe number 3 and it's tugging on your heart daily and you want to talk to people about it, we're here.

You can follow me on Instagram here

Plus this episode included a special announcement about how I've started collaborating with the lovely ladies at IVF Babble

We want to make sure we gather your stories as best as we can and make it easy, so if you'd like to speak on this podcast about where you're at, please do get in touch. Email

Until the next time x




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