Hey, everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, VP of Content and Engaged Learning for and this is the Work In Sports podcast…Welcome to 2020 people!!December has been an awesome month, but I’ve missed all of you. Letting you behind the curtain a bit, December is one of the slowest months for the podcast, and for our business at large… but January is the biggest month of the year for us as a company.Makes sense right? People setting new goals for themselves, striving for something better in their life, so they go to our job board looking to find that job they’ve always dreamed of and start anew. They gravitate towards our podcast to set the stage for all they want out of themselves in the coming year...I love this time of year!But before we get to 2020 -- I love December from a family perspective, my kids have been home from school for the last 2 weeks and we all hung out together which was awesome. I have a 7th, 6th and 2nd grader, so you can imagine Christmas and the holiday season is a pretty big deal.From a business perspective, December is huge for us -- we spend the month planning and organizing our approach to the coming year. We set company goals, discuss new features and brainstorm concepts for the podcast and more. This is always an exciting time because I’m someone that likes to push forward, I’m never really content. I don’t have any major announcements today since our ideas to better our product aren’t completed yet… but let me tell you, it’s going to be awesome. As for the podcast. Yes, there are new ideas in the works thatI’m excited about… but one thing I can tell you is that I have a goal to double up in January. Normally I do about 4 interviews a month and release them every Monday. Well, I want to kick off January like a boss… so I’m going 8 this month, starting with Philadelphia Phillies Mental Skills Coach Hannah Huesman on Monday. I can’t even tell you how pumped I am about this interview. Hannah is awesome. Like straight up, blow me away awesome. I think she may be one of our best and I hope to have her on more in the future. Also coming up this month -- Sloane Kelley USTA Managing Director of Content and Creative ServicesCelia Bousa Director of ESPN Next which is their leadership development programIshveen Anand, CEO of Open Sponsorship, a tech platform bringing athletes and brands togetherSam Ray, San Diego Padres Manager of Amateur ScoutingTimothy Duncan, University of New Orleans Athletic DirectorAnd then two more that aren’t fully confirmed yet so I can’t say… but are fingers crossed, awesome. But all that excitement is for another on a rare Friday episode of the Work In Sports podcast, I have a topic I’d like to cover. I saw Frozen 2 with my kids over the break, which strangely enough has inspired this conversation… Let it goYes I know that’s from the first Frozen movie, but seeing frozen 2 reminded me of it, and Frozen 2 was kind of OK, so less inspiring to say the least. What I mean is, I want to talk about the things you can’t control (i.e. let it go) That is my last reference to the movie. In my 20s I was a control freak, but it was all a mirage. In my 30s I became disillusioned with the people around me, and I let it control me. In my 40s I realized the only thing I can control is myself and my reactions to the things around me. I choose how to feel and how to respond, but I don’t choose how others behave. I’ll explain this through the comments of one of our posters on the Work In Sports podcast private group on Facebook. They will remain nameless, and I am surely not here to shame them, rather I hope to enlighten a bit. They are frustrated, they’ve been on the full-time job search for a while and in the meantime they’ve been working part-time and seasonal jobs. Everytime this person posts, they voice their frustration with all the co-workers around them.They are always on their phones, they mislabel the work, they leave early, they perform poorly. It eats this person up.