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It's not called Big Data anymore - it's just data
Episode 1220th October 2020 • Location Matters • NGIS Australia
00:00:00 00:43:39

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This is the final episode of season two of Location Matters AND the last episode for 2020. What a rollercoaster of a year we've had and I'm so proud of how far this podcast has come. In this week's episode, we have some powerhouses in the geospatial industry, Chad Jennings, the Product Manager for BigQuery, Google's Cloud-based Enterprise Data Warehouse; Matt Forrest, the Director of Spatial Data Science at CARTO; Dion Fleming, the CARTO team lead and Customer Engineer at Liveli and Sarah Butler, NGIS Marketing Manager and a great podcast host. Today we dive into Google Cloud's focus on next generation spatial infrastructure, looking at the new CARTO BigQuery Tiler API and CARTO BigQuery connector, as well as what the roadmap looks like for BigQuery Geovisualisation in the future.

BigQuery sandbox  

Getting started with SQL in CARTO

Twitter search for #BigQueryGIS

Transform, store and analyse your GIS data with FME and BigQuery



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