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Under the Influence | Ep.22
Episode 2227th October 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:17:33

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I want to talk to you about what influences you are under.

What are you allowing yourself to be influenced by? Who are you allowing yourself to be influenced by? In your business but perhaps also in your life.

And the one thing that I recognized this past week, which I believe is SO important, is being your own source of influence or shall I say your own greatest source of influence.

Listen up. There is nothing wrong with being influenced by some of the people around us, some of our mentors, some of the things we listen to. Maybe you're influenced by some of the things that I'm sharing on this podcast. But one thing that really hit home with me this week was that I have been letting others influence me in my decisions. Influence me into procrastination, influence me into questioning the way I'm doing things or the way I want to do things in my business. Because sometimes that's easy to do, because we are influenced by the people we choose to give our attention to, by the things we choose to give our attention to.

And so can you be your own greatest source of influence in the sense of saying, the way I do things, the way I have my process, the way I choose to build my business … IS the way I believe is best for me, because it FEELS the best to me and this is key. Let’s riff about this on today's episode…

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is a Business Strategist + Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She creates unique success plans and provides strategic guidance to female entrepreneurs so they can SCALE to 6-figures and beyond while having the FREEDOM TO PLAY.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker, the Podcast host of Diaries of a Six Figure Coach Podcast and co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success.  It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Hello, Hello. And welcome back to another episode of diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I want to talk to you about what influences you are under and you're operating under. What are you allowing yourself to be influenced by all who are you allowing yourself to be influenced by in your business, in your business, but perhaps also in your life. And I want to hit home today, the importance of being your own source of influence of being your own greatest source of influence listener, there is nothing to be wrong to be influenced by some of the people around us some of our mentors, some of the things we listen to, maybe you're influenced by some of the things that I'm sharing on this podcast. But one thing that really hit home with me this week, after I spend a few days and beautiful aigua Sue, up near the border of Brazil, seeing amazing, amazing waterfalls, being in nature, being on my own, moving through a Big Wobble quite honestly. And my business was coming back to reading through all the shit that's in my space, or the things or the people that I have been letting influenced me in my decisions, or influenced me into procrastination, around the way I'm doing things or the way I want to do things in my business. Because sometimes that's easy to do, because we are so influenced by the people we choose to give our attention to by the things we choose to give our attention to. And so can you be your own greatest source of influence in the sense of saying, the way I do things the way I have my process, the way I choose to build my business is the way I believe is best for me because it feels the best to me. And this is key. We are all so unique. Well we're all uniquely different to each other. And the way you build your business is as unique to you as it is unique to me it is unique to them. It's unique to all of us and the more we embrace our own unique process our own unique way and create strategies and processes and systems that work for us and our way in our process the faster we can actually move and will move because the actions you take feel aligned with you they feel good for you. And when should feels good for us we do it. But when it doesn't feel good guess what happens? We don't do it and I have been finding myself procrastinating on taking action procrastinating on sharing content, procrastinating on how to sell where to sell if I should sell questions that I have not been asking myself or contemplating or procrastinating over in so long. Yet here I am. As I have transitioned my services transition what I'm doing transition my fucking life living completely differently than I have before feeling more alive than ever before and fucking procrastinating on taking action and putting myself out there and sharing my services and shining my light or being worried and I'm trying to brighten all this stuff in my space because I have allowed things and other people and their way in their process in fluency means so much

Theresa Lambert:

that I started questioning my own process. I started questioning my own process, things that have been working for me things that I've been doing, I started questioning by intuitive hits. Just even the last like, yeah, we can sell. And it caused me to procrastinate because we do not take action. And it all brought it back home to the fact that I desire to be my own greatest source of influence. For me, I want to be my own influence, I want to make sure that I am moving from my intuitive center that I am moving from my belief that I am moving from a place of my own alignment, and source and light and power and enjoyment and joy and love, and light. Because when I do that things flow content falls content flows, episodes flow, everything flows. And consequently, the way I show up in the way my message plans is different it lands with the people that I desire to reach it lands with the people that require to hear this message right now to the people that are leveling up the leaders that are forging that own way to leaders that are ready to be making their next level in their business of bucking reality that people that are ready to scale ready to grow ready to do the thing that want to move in a way that feels awesome, that want to be able to do it in a way that feels different. And that requires them to do it in their own unique way. And me doing it in my own unique way, is so important. Because I'm embodying my work, I'm embodying what I help my clients do, which is really creating strategies, processes, systems and plans that are aligned with them that are designed for them that are unique to them. So they can be their own greatest influence in the way they live their lives in the way they build their businesses in the way they show up in the way they communicate, because we are our own magic sauce. But sometimes, and I think so often, we allow this influence from other people to really impact the way we think to impact the way we show up to impact the way we think we should do the things or not do the things and it can cause us to procrastinate on, on taking action and that progress the nation are the same that we're doing things and they're not doing things because we're rooted in this perfectionist way over rooted in this idea of oh, we've got to do it the way they're saying we can't be too salesy, we can't be to this, we can't be true that don't do this, don't do that do it this way, but not that way. But just like this way, but not quite like that way. And it's like, don't ever feel that way, dad. And this is the space that

Theresa Lambert:

I've been in. And you know, one of the things that I like to tap into for my own business, that I have a wonderful, wonderful person on my team Amelia, who supports with this is human design, Human Design and my human design, I've done so much studying around my own human design, I found it so powerful. And I am a free five manifesting generator with an emotional authority pay, I have an open head and open Aashna and an open heart. And one of the things that I've really learned with these open centers, especially my open head and my open Ashna is that it's so easy for me to absorb other people's way of doing things, other ways of other people's ways of thinking. And assume that that is the way I should be doing it to like, it's easy for me to let it come in. And sometimes between that and my open heart, it takes me completely out of my own lane. And it allows these people to have an influence for me so much so that I fall out of alignment with my own stuff. So the work for me around this has always been coming back to my own alignment, asking myself, am I doing this? Because I really desire to do it this way because it feels good for me because it's in alignment with my vision, my values, my desires, the way I want to feel while I'm building my business, or am I doing it? Because this mentor said to do it this way or because she said to do it this way, or he said to do it this way or because I've seen somebody do it this way and it seems to be working for them. Right like I need to be able to make sure that is this my own belief system that I'm running with is is my own thought process that I'm moving with. Is this with alignment with me Me, truly me with what lights me the heck up or not. And this is so important, again, because when I and I can only, like reflect this, from my learning back to you is that when I move

Theresa Lambert:

or try and adapt or process myself mold myself into somebody else's process into somebody else's way of doing things, it doesn't work for me, it doesn't feel good for me. And consequently I procrastinate, and I don't do it or when I take the action, it doesn't feel like it's the right action. And then it moves me into this questioning cycle. And so what I'm learning through that, or what I continuously learn through that is, is that I noticed when I'm out of alignment, and I was out of alignment, and then what did I do? I said, I reflected, I pulled myself up on my own shit. I looked at the things that I was afraid to do. afraid to even admit. Even thoughts that come up and being like, wow, but like, what if my own process isn't good enough? What if I do it and it works? And then I can't handle it? What if I hit capacity again, I was out of the now and I was questioning things that possibly could happen or a future fear started bubbling up. And it is such bullshit stories. Because I'm incredibly successful as I am and things are working things are moving. And the most important thing for me, it's always all my clients having beautiful, amazing results. And they are my clients been having massive breakthroughs. One of my clients just shared the most vulnerable, powerful. Live on Instagram. I'm at I am Carrie, where you want to check it out. She's incredible. And she spoke about her truth vulnerably what's in her space, she's been pulling herself up, she's been having massive breakthroughs. I had another client who just celebrated her biggest month $9,000 month at another kind which has moved for a massive fucking wobble, and then literally started pulling herself up on her own shit, calling a bunch of messages and being like, wow, I just needed to bubble diary, all of that Thanks for holding space. And I'm recalled all this and I'm starting to realize this is a pattern. People are having incredible breakthroughs in my wealth, whether that is growth in their business, whether that is breakthroughs passively, whether they're pulling themselves up on their own shit and showing a level of self leadership. That is remarkable. This is how I also measure the level of my success or the successes of my clients. Because quite honestly, your success is my success. When I work with people, we are all one team. I am on your team you are on my team we are on each other's teams we're co creating together. And to beauty about everything that I've just witnessed is that they are allowing themselves to be influenced by them to be influenced by AI. To be influenced by their truth, not by what somebody else does, or somebody else says or, or what we think we should be doing or what we think it should look like. But by themselves. They are learning to be their own greatest source of influence. And that is what I hope you take away from this episode. Be Your greatest source of influence. And allow yourself to be influenced by you by your courageous thoughts by your greatest breakthroughs. Allow yourself to be influenced by your uniqueness, your magic salt and to be motivated and lifted up by it. Because your uniqueness, your process, the strategies that feel good for you, those are the ones that will allow you to move the fastest. And that is what I want for you is rapid acceleration and ascension and growth. This comes from you being really in your own lane in your own path in your own essence shining your own light. You are your greatest source of power. You are it you are the one not not her, not she not that not this, you you you you every single time. So be your own greatest source of influence. Yes, be inspired. Yes. be activated. Yes. get triggered by people get triggered by thing. get triggered by their shit that doesn't work for you. But always come back to bringing it back to being your own greatest, greatest source of influence. Always bring it back to your own truth, your own knowing. If you have resistance if you have shit to work through, do the work, do the work and then be influenced by you and move with that knowing Move with the trust, move with a faith in yourself in your own light in your own power.

Theresa Lambert:

Not in somebody else's, or in the shadow of somebody else. There is no one better than you remember that episode that we're all equal. We are all equal. We are all leaders, and I'm here to lead leaders. I'm here to lead leaders, and you're here, I bet you are here to lead leaders to this is about self leadership at its finest. This is about owning our unique path. This is about saying there was enough room and space for all of us. And we got to be our own greatest source of fucking influence. Because that's where all the magic happens. And that's what all the juiciness is coming from. So this is what I leave you with this week. This is what I leave you with this week, what are you going to do with this information, tap in be your greatest source of influence. And if this has inspired you, if this is firing you up, make sure you share this episode with somebody that you feel needs to hear this today. That needs to allow them to be their own creative source of influence, too. And if you're like me, and your human design, and you have an open head and an open Ashna and an open heart, then this is even more so important for you. Because you're fucking genius. You're amazing. You're magic. You're so much light. You're incredible. You're ambitious, you're powerful. You're dangerous, you're courageous, you're doing it. Don't ever forget it. I love you so much and I can't wait to be back for another episode of The diaries of a six figure coach podcast. Take care.




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