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How to Be a Just Leader
Episode 214th September 2020 • JUST • Rob Shields
00:00:00 00:55:30

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David Spickard shares how being a just leader means creating an environment for people to thrive.

  • 0:00 Episode starts
  • 0:44 Personal check-in
  • 1:26 Jes talks about feeling suffocated recently
  • 2:37 Jes out of her funk by watching ultra marathoners
  • 2:54 Rob starts personal check-in
  • 3:30 Rob talks about intermittent fasting as a way of self-care
  • 4:13 Discipline in fasting leading to healthy discipline in other ares
  • 5:01 Establish theme of shaking up the routine
  • 6:38 Introduce guest David Spickard
  • 7:20 Introduce Just Leadership Project
  • 8:09 Personal check-in with David
  • 8:29 David learning about being healthy and finding pace and resting
  • 9:32 Youngest daughter having college at home
  • 10:23 David’s kids having to learn resilience and patience
  • 11:17 Jes introduces the concepts of gaps in leadership
  • 11:35 What are the gaps you are identifying today in leadership? How did you come to those conclusions?
  • 11:50 David talks about his role and Jobs for Life
  • 12:54 Seeing how significant people are engaged in work affecting leadership
  • 13:04 87% of employees are disengaged with work
  • 13:42 70% of people who leave their jobs are because of their bosses
  • 14:08 A lot of leaders are good at building business, but not their people
  • 14:47 Being a just leader means creating an environment for people to thrive
  • 16:13 How are you going about day-to-day practically building just leaders?
  • 16:26 Coach CEOs and leadership teams how to build company culture and thinking about impact through the platforms in place
  • 16:40 First way he coaches is through self-created Thrive Assessment
  • 17:04 T - Trust - How much trust do you have in your people? How much trust do they have in you?
  • 17:10 H - Health - Are you physically and emotionally healthy? Are your people physically and emotionally healthy?
  • 17:16 R - Relationships - How well do you all relate to one another? How deeply do you feel connected to one another?
  • 17:26 I - Impact - How much do you feel your work has a greater impact in the world?
  • 17:31 V - Value - Do you feel valued? Do your people feel valued?
  • 17:24 E - Engagement - How much do your people feel like they are using their gifts, talents, and abilities? Do they feel like they have an opportunity to grow and build a career at your place of business?
  • 18:02 Assessment uncovers the unspoken culture in every place of business
  • 18:39 Second way David coaches is through small group of CEOs and business leaders who meet in a cohort around just leadership
  • 20:17 Encourages people like himself to get into justice and experience fullness
  • 21:13 Acknowledges that people with power, wealth, and influence often aren’t at the grassroots tables
  • 23:04 If you were to archetype a world class leader, what are those qualities?
  • 23:32 Ongoing process that is endless to become more just
  • 24:02 David breaks down Proverbs about when the righteous, the city rejoices
  • 25:52 Qualities of the righteous: they see the whole playing field in themselves, in others, and in their whole communities; they build cultural competency; they give power away; they take bold and corougeous action
  • 27:55 We can talk about justice all we want, but if doesn’t lead us to action that creates to change
  • 29:06 Jes brings up charity versus justice
  • 30:21 Sadaki? stewarding everything for peace and justice
  • 30:57 Those who are in leadership and in power stewarding everything they have and the outcome is others being able to rejoice
  • 31:26 David introduces the concept of “empty power”
  • 32:40 Transformative relinquishing of power
  • 33:30 Being a just leader should impact every area of life
  • 34:54 The idea of being just may be in direct conflict with being profitable as a company
  • 35:23 What does it mean to make a just decision?
  • 37:28 Rob introduces the analogy of the rising tide lifts all boats
  • 37:54 Rising tide only helpful if you have a boat
  • 39:21 How do we break the cycle of history before us where people in power are looking out for the needs of their neighbor?
  • 40:13 Change involves sacrifice, discomfort, emptying ourselves, giving up things we think will give us security, and understanding everything we have is not our own
  • 42:54 As much about the process as the destination
  • 44:13 Have to talk about it to reframe your minds and then you have to experience it
  • 45:43 Details about qualities of a just leader series
  • 47:07 Register at
  • 47:32 David signs off conversation
  • 48:53 Jes talks about her take-away
  • 52:26 Interconnectedness game versus zero sub
  • 55:10 Sign-off
  • 55:12 Outro

Thank you to DJ Pdogg and Producer Lo Key for our awesome music throughout the show!

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Ben Azevedo, owner of Bear Cave Audio





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