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Investing With Integrity - Sean Murphy and Rusty Roberts
Episode 193rd October 2024 • Investing With Integrity • Jeff Talarico
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In this episode of the Investing with Integrity podcast, host Jeff Talarico speaks with Rusty Roberts and Sean Murphy, founders of Psalms Path Consulting. They discuss their unique approach to business coaching that integrates biblical principles with practical strategies for success. The conversation covers their personal journeys of transformation, the importance of living out one's faith in the workplace, and the challenges of merging spirituality with entrepreneurship. They emphasize the significance of scripture in guiding business decisions and the concept of righteous desires as part of God's plan for individuals. Additionally, they introduce their community initiatives and free training resources aimed at helping others grow spiritually and professionally.

Key Takeaways

Rusty and Sean emphasize the integration of faith and business.

Personal transformation is key to achieving success.

Living out faith in the workplace can inspire others.

Scripture provides guidance for business decisions.

Righteous desires align with God's plans for individuals.

Community support is essential for growth.

Freedom in Christ leads to peace of mind.

Challenges in merging faith and business are common.

Execution of ideas is crucial for success.

The importance of being doers of the word, not just hearers.

Find out more at


Jeff Talarico (:

Welcome to the Investing with Integrity podcast. My name is Jeff Talarico, and I am your host. Today we have special guests, Rusty Roberts and Sean Murphy. They're founders of Psalms Path Consulting, and they help Christian entrepreneurs achieve more peace and profit in their business through transformative business coaching that has its roots in scripture. In a world where business coaches talk about the tactics and strategies without mentioning the power of Jesus.

Rusty and Sean are some of the only coaches in the world to integrate real business strategy with everlasting biblical principles. With over 30 years of combined experience, they help their clients scale their companies while keeping Jesus at the center of their life and business. Their unique approach helps struggling business owners finally get on the path to spiritual, personal, and financial freedom.

Through Psalm's path, Sean and Rusty have inspired over 150 ,000 individuals to embrace their divine path, achieving success and fulfillment by aligning their work with spiritual truths and community engagement. So it is with great pleasure that I welcome both Sean and Rusty to the show today. Welcome guys, how are you?

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

You're doing great, Jeff. Thank you. awesome, Jeff. What an intro. Thank you so much.

Jeff Talarico (:

Well, you I did write that myself. No, I didn't. That's something you guys sent, and I really appreciate it because it really does highlight what it is you guys do. So, if you've listened to the show before, the first question I always ask my guests is to tell us a little bit or something about themselves that most people don't know. So Rusty, I'm to go ahead and start with you.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

I am a leading expert at not fretting. So, one thing that people would not know about me is I do a whole lot of fretting. And that's why I have that little life preserver up there. And at the top, I'm going to angle it back so you can see. Do not fret. I wrote that for myself. And I created this life preserver for myself because the Lord has me in deep water every day.

And it's usually very choppy and it looks violent and horrible and we're gonna die. so, I’ve gotten I teach people to not fret But the lord keeps me in water that has that has that at the forefront all the time

Jeff Talarico (:

That's fair. How about you, Sean, tell us a little bit about yourself. Something that most people don't know.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Well, people generally do not know this about me until they get to know me. And that is, I don't eat vegetables. And I was in the health and fitness space for well over 20 years. And me and vegetables, we just don't get along. And I say that. I will force myself to, like I'll have a salad every now and then. I'll eat broccoli and peas and things like that. But if I had my choice, I'd rather just leave it off the plate than put it on the plate.

Jeff Talarico (:

None whatsoever.

Now, does.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

And it's now so contrary to somebody who was in the health and fitness space for so long. So yeah, that's something about me that I'll put out there that I'd rather people really not know unless I'm actually at your dinner table.

Jeff Talarico (:

But you guys are in Arizona, right? So does that include like green chilies or jalapenos?

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

He's... It includes all of that. It really does, Jeff. I don't think you like spicy, my man. I learned a lot about this after he has spent some time with us out here.

Jeff Talarico (:

my gracious.

There you go. There you go. Well, you guys own a really unique company. And we talked on the phone a couple of weeks ago or on Zoom or something, and you described a lot about what you do. And I thought it was a really pretty good fit for our listeners because they are always looking for ways to not be afraid to proclaim Jesus in their lives. And you guys are on the forefront in this. You're in a coaching arena. You're working with executives and those that...

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

That's the food that matters.

Jeff Talarico (:

that really want to no longer be afraid to stand up for the gospel. So why don't you tell us a little bit about the story of Psalm's path and then we'll go from there.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Psalms Path came about as an endeavor that I was creating a holistic integrative oncology clinic out here in Arizona. I'm not a doctor. Never owned a brick-and-mortar business in my life. I would say I've never even owned a lemonade stand.

a miraculous healing in early:

Even though I didn't have the money to do it. I didn't have the experience of doing it It really seemed like it was a task better suited for somebody else Lord said no you're gonna do

And it has been a wild ride. Brio Medical is out in Scottsdale, Arizona. And we're headed on our fifth year now. just a day after Thanksgiving will be our fifth year. And we are headed towards being one of the top integrative oncology clinics in the country. Well, I fell upon scripture to do that because I didn't have the experience to do it. I fell upon scripture to do it. Psalm's path is that scripture. Come to find out.

I've had this plaque on my wall for, I don't know, maybe at 12, 13, maybe or more years, Jeremiah 20 to 29. 29. Excuse me, Jeremiah 29 and 11. Thank you. It's only been on my wall for 20 years, right? That the Lord has plans for our life. And they are for us to prosper. that's not, Sean and I have had a ton of talks about this.

That's not prosperity gospel in the sense that people, we're not even fans of the term. But what people think about the Bible saying we're going to prosper is simply, Lord, I've got my ideas. You bless them. And voila, now I'm rich. That is not it at all. But the Lord has truly given us a plan and says that it is His plan, not ours, His plan. And it will prosper us.

Well, I fell on that scripture along with a ton of other scriptures, primarily found in Psalms 37, one through eight. And that was the path that I took to do things that I wasn't qualified to do. Now I'm a national expert. Turns out the Lord will do that for any of his children.

And that's what we do. That's what Sean and I Sean had, and I'll let him tell his story, but Sean had created just a wonderful, was it online Facebook group? Right. And he took off like wildfire. And I was a product of that as I came in on his rise up and I'll let him tell his story. Yeah, Jeff. So

ing and operating my gyms for:

just because I wasn't going to walk into another year full of fret, full of worry, full of despair and brokenness and frustration and everything else that was going on in my life. Just feeling like a constant failure and feeling like a constant let down to other people because I had sacrificed so much of my family and myself even my own worth for success. And it was because I was relying all on mental and physical strength, I had let down spiritual strength.

So, it all came to head in:

holy spirit so in December of:

They're without them. I'm going to tell you that right now.

Jeff Talarico (:

I think we as entrepreneurs find that out quite rapidly. Cause I like you guys. mean, there was a time in my life I tried to do it on me and, my abilities. was my, my ability to sell, my ability to understand business, my ability. And it wasn't my ability at all. It was all God. And the day that we recognize that is the day that our life changes.

as entrepreneurs. into this, one of the other questions that I ask a lot of money managers that I deal with, or other entrepreneurs is you get to live out your faith at work every day. Why don't you guys describe what that means to the two of you? You can do it individually and then we'll talk about that a little bit more.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

I'll go ahead and take the lead on this. You've got a great title of your show, and investing. And we had talked about it just briefly before we started recording. It comes out of the book of Luke, and one of things that people will find about us is when we give advice, we give the scripture of where that advice comes from. And Luke chapter 19, verse 11 through 26.

This is all about investing the lord is all he's an investor and it has everything to do with our identity and What we get to invest is the holy spirit and you can't lose it

And he shuns us if we do not invest it and I so I encourage anyone who's listening to this Hey guys, read Luke 11 Excuse me 19 11 through 26. Thank you and it'll it's the parable of the minas and this is the Lord giving us this peril parable between It's leading right up to the cross right up to God. This is a crescendo That week before he heads to the cross

And he's talking all about investing the portion of the Holy Spirit that we get secondly the very center of the book of the of the Bible is Psalm 118 verse 8 very interesting better to trust in the Lord than man so I was asked to do a Column for some paper some years ago, and it was all about you know how do you navigate?

COVID or something as a small business owner. And here was my answer. I could not separate the Lord from it. And I encourage everybody to take this philosophy. I never worried about any of those things. I didn't care about where the stock market was. I didn't care about COVID or any of these things. When the Lord said it's time to go, it's time to go. And I got up and I started moving with him.

and it didn't matter, none of these things matter. They shut the world down and it still didn't matter to the Lord.

So as far as there's people that are looking to bring the Lord into their business, it is the best decision you will ever make. And you'll find that a very good scripture for them to put to memory is going to be 2 Corinthians 1 verse 20, I believe, where it says, the promises of God are yes and amen, for the glory of God through you. Wow.

I want you to take a hang on that one for a second. When we understand and dedicate our lives, commit our lives to living inside of his promises, everything we ask, everything we do is yes, amen.

that the Lord will be glorified through all of our actions and our businesses and our personal lives and everything and he's going to do this. It's not us that's doing it. He does it right through you. You're along for the act of right. That's who we've become. That's what we teach people to do. And no, it's not easy because the Lord sends you out in deep water. That's why you always take your life preserver with you. Always take your do not take your scripture with you because you're going to need it.

You're gonna need to hold on to it because the Lord is about creating strong children very strong children and not weak and hedged by Circumstances, so we are absolutely to take risks We are to he's looking for children to take risks and make those big investments Jeff

Jeff Talarico (:

I don't disagree at all. mean, and that brings to mind the scripture that Sean, you've got on your arm. I Isaiah, I think it's Isaiah 12 two is what's on there, correct? Okay, surely God is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord himself is my strength and my defense. He has become my salvation. How beautiful to remember that as we go forward in anything that we do. So, commend you there.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Correct. Yes, sir.

Yeah, yeah, this yeah, no, no, no, no thunder. I'll even tie it into what I was about to say, but it really comes down to one word for me, Jeff, and that is freedom. When I'm operating with our Father in heaven, I'm operating at a complete freedom. And what I mean by that is I have peace of mind, and I have.

Jeff Talarico (:

All right, Sean, you get to answer that question now. And did I steal your thunder with the scripture? Sorry.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

And I have full trust, just as the scripture says here. have my brother put this on me. He's a tattoo artist up in Fredericksburg, Virginia. So, I'll give Kevin a shout out for that.

The freedom to operate from peace of mind and knowing that God has got me, he's got my back and he's already established my plans and all I have to do is just trust in him and follow him and commit my ways to him. And yes, the work is still hard. Yes, there's still times of threat. Yes, there's still times of, you know, the fear and the worry could come up, but then it's just like, just as quickly as those things can tend to, used to take a hold of me and bring me down. Now it's like, well, wait a minute, what am I fearing? What am I worrying? And then I'll just, then I'll just get into the scripture or I'll remind myself of this scripture. This scripture was put on me because of my darkest places in my life. This was the scripture that I read over and over and over again when I was coming out of suicidal, coming out of those dark times of exact nature. So what I have today is really peace of mind and better communication with my good Lord above, better communication with relationships, business partners, my family, my son, even my girlfriend and then better communication even Jeff with myself because we know that the enemy only comes to kill, steal, destroy and man was he you know your mind is the battlefield for the evil one and he was filling me with all the lies he was filling me with all the false stories and the things that just kept me down and depressed and you know just kept me in that moment of fret.

Today I get to operate out of freedom because of better communication with myself, better communication with my father God, and open channels of freedom through the Holy Spirit, which is just a huge blessing. It is a huge blessing. When you get to operate out of that freedom, you get to operate out of that peace, you'll make better decisions. And that's what it's all about.

Jeff Talarico (:

Absolutely. 100 % you do. that's really a good way to put it. I freedom in Christ is the true freedom we have. I every Christmas, everybody around the world sings, you know, peace on earth, goodwill towards men. Well, there will never be peace on this earth, but we can have peace when we know the Prince of Peace. And believers can have that. And it's just

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:



Jeff Talarico (:

It's one of those things, but it comes with freedom, understanding that we are men or women and we do fall, we make mistakes, but if we get up, we repent and we go right back at it again, our Father loves us, He cares about us. And He loves those that don't know Him yet either. And that's where a lot of us need to understand that a little bit more. mean, Scripture is pretty clear. Love God, love your neighbor. And if you don't love your neighbor,

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Yes, sir.

Jeff Talarico (:

You don't love God. And he said that, not me.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:


Jeff Talarico (:

And there's a lot of business people that they forget that little aspect of it. There's a lot of Christians that forget that little aspect of it. And it's so much easier to live life in freedom. And Sean, again, I'm so glad you brought up that word because I truly believe that. I think freedom in him is really the only way to live. So what kind of struggles have you guys faced trying to be this niche market of

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:


Jeff Talarico (:

of just bringing Jesus in a coaching aspect.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

that's a good question. Whenever you're doing something that you haven't done before, there's going to be some trial and error to it. And even though the Lord guarantees success whenever you're abiding inside of his righteous desires, it doesn't mean that there won't be some learning curve. So but.

take what we do is we apply the scripture to everything we're doing so that we know, we are on the right track. We're doing it according to the way the Lord wants us to do it. So now we're praying about each step that we take.

And we encourage everybody else to do this. Pray about the steps that you take. That's Psalm 119, 105, a light to your path and a lamp to your feet. These are different lights, ones to give you the goal and ones to help you illuminate the steps along the way. And we were doing this exactly the way we teach everyone else to do. And so whenever we run into a learning situation, which is we did not get the desired results that we were

looking for we're ready to make a pivot real quick and we take what the nose that we got hey we did not learn we did not get what we were looking for what did we learn and we apply that learning to it do some more praying and make a pivot send that sucker out there again and continue to move forward so that's that's exactly how we if that made hope that

And that's how we would advise others to do. And Jeff, I would say that mindset is such a big one. Making the shift. I know that we've come across many people are like, I just don't know how to bridge the gap between my business and my faith. don't like I got to keep them separated. So I don't want to offend anybody. So I don't ruffle any feathers into an office. I don't lose clients, know, things of that nature. Right. And I am just a big all or nothing type of person. I'll be honest with you, Jeff.

For me, it wasn't a struggle. For me, because I saw the change that Jesus Christ had made in my own personal life. And I was just like, I want to shout this from the rooftops. Like, I am not backing out. I am not going to, you know, hide my light underneath a bushel, so to speak. Right? Like I am just out front and very adamant about God is the CEO of my business. And if you're going to work with me, you're going to work with God. You're to get scripture. You're going to get these things. But not everybody is quite there. There's still that friction.

that tends to come up for people. So they're really like, how do I, how can I massage this in? And one of the things that I will instruct people is you do it by the fruit of the Spirit. You just start applying the principles of the Bible. You don't have to come at people with the scripture, so to speak, or you don't have to say, well, I do this because the scripture says to do this. No, just live the scripture. James 1 .22 says, be doers of the words, not just hearers. And so deceive yourselves. Like just live the good word and let...

Let the Bible shine through you. Let Jesus Christ's love and compassion just shine through you in your actions. And do that in your daily life as well as your entrepreneurship life, right? And then people will start seeing you. They might even ask you, like, dude, you operate so differently. You don't cut any corners. You're always having a handout for people. Like, what's different about you?

Now you have an opportunity to be a disciple. Now you have an opportunity to share your testimony on why you conduct business in a certain manner that's different than others. And I'll wrap it up by saying this, is that here in America, we truly do live in a great country of freedom. I know a lot of times it seems like we're persecuted, not. We are not persecuted here in America yet, Jeff. Persecution might become, yes, it's a mindset. If you can't, like we're an online, we're doing a lot of online stuff.

Jeff Talarico (:

It's all in the mind.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

So we get the comments, we get the bash, and we get the lash, and we get the, you know, and a lot of it comes from the Christian community, just as much as it comes from people who are not Christians. You know, you guys are preaching prosperity gospel, and you guys are doing this, and you guys are giving Christians bad names, blah, blah, blah, right? And I just look at it as, you just don't know yet. You just don't know the scriptures yet, you're in error. You just don't have, or maybe it's the other person, you just haven't had an experience with God yet, so you're also in error.

And so I just come at that with just compassion and grace towards him, the same that our father in heaven, you know, expressed towards me in my pit, right? And so we're not persecuted yet that they may be coming in America. I mean, it's been a while that they will be coming, but we're not there yet. So let's do everything out of love. Let's let's be men of strength and of courage is Paul wrote about to the Corinthians and let's and let's do it. Let's stand as firm in the faith and let's be on our guard.

Let's be on our guard and we do that through the scripture and then let's conduct ourselves out of faith. So if I can add to that we need a good solid foundation and that's what the scripture offers us. You quoted a scripture right there that everybody needs to know Matthew 22 29. Jesus is talking to the Pharisees at the time, but I know he's speaking in the church and he says you're an error because you don't know the scriptures nor the power of God.

Jeff Talarico (:

I'm in it. I'm in.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

It is so important for us to get into his words when he gave it for all these people died to bring this book to us. countries, nations have tried to destroy it and nothing can destroy this word. What a disaster if we don't pick it up and read it on a daily basis and get it into us. This foundation changes everything about who you are, mind, it changes who you are. And when we look at prosperity,

Do we preach prosperity plan? Is it biblical? Yes, it is biblical. We've already cited the scripture. But it's not the way people would think on their own. It's when people think about biblical prosperity, they're thinking about the Lord just blessing whatever ideas they got. It's wrong. And they're wrong because they don't know the scriptures. When they know the scriptures, they're going to see that the Lord has a plan for them.

And that plan is for them to prosper and all of their stuff is yes and amen. It is amazing what the Lord has. And Psalms path what the book comes out soon. It just finished all of the digital revisions and so forth. So Psalms path book will be available soon. The core scripture on this, Jeff, which is so important, is Psalms 37 verse four. Delight yourself also in the Lord and he'll give you the desires of your

Jeff Talarico (:


usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Now we can impose a word there, he'll give you the righteous desires of your heart. So if the Lord's giving you something, go to Isaiah 54 verse 17 and you'll know, because he says in the New King James Version, and the righteousness comes from me says the Lord. So if he gives you something, it's righteous. So if he gives you a desire, it's a righteous desire. Those desires are very unique. They are not coming from our own heart.

So we discussed this is actually an invitation that the Lord is giving us in the scripture why we've taken it as our probably our lifelong journey that Sean and I have here as to tell people obtain the knowledge and the desire to pursue righteous desires in their life. It's an invitation. It's conditional because he says delight also.

So that means you've got something you have to do. So the Lord tells us in verse 3, 4, and 5 what our responsibilities are. And when we go and perform those responsibilities, He's guaranteeing the outcome. This is exactly what I did, and I got a holistic, integrative oncology clinic out of it. When I didn't have the money and I didn't have the expertise, I didn't have any of these things, I still got it.

So this is available to any Christian who does this. And the more scripture you read, the more he drives it home that these are very special desires. So in the book and in our coaching, we let people know what the five criteria of a righteous desire is versus what the Lord says our desires are. They're bad. When you read in the scripture what our desires are, there's nothing good in them.

But when you read in his word what his criteria are for his desires, you can see why it's always the answer is yes and amen. When we build our businesses on this foundation and do our investments with this in mind, you'll always win. There will be bad news, but it'll turn it for your good. He promises this. It is such an amazing way to live. Everyone should be doing it. Everyone should be it.

Jeff Talarico (:

I'm not in disagreement at all. And I'm going to give a shout out and a kudos to my mother -in -law who taught me something 42 years ago before she was actually my mother -in -law. Be the Bible that somebody may read. You may be the only one. And that has stuck with me forever. And one thing, Rusty, I'm going hit on, said, I think the word you used was when we perform. Let's change that.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:


Jeff Talarico (:

when we're obedient to what he asked. Because he's not the Wizard of Oz.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Amen, that's a good word. Yes, and he gives he doesn't No, no, no, and he does not leave us to Figure it out on our own He clearly gives us instructions that we need to be obedient to and he will bring it will give you a righteous desire And he promises to bring it into your into your life now we go further on that You know, what is it? What is this righteous desire?

Jeff Talarico (:

Not at all.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

It can I get some kind of idea of what this may be? Well, we go to Ephesians 3 20 It comes out of the abundance of his riches. So it's bigger than you think and it's more than you ask of him So whatever it is, it's something inside of you because desire in by definition is you're gonna want it You'll want it. It'll be bigger than you and it'll be more than you ask and what a wonderful thing that the Lord is giving us these promises. And remember, all of his promises are yes and amen. So the Lord for me is I was a cancer patient advocate helping people get to other clinics. And the Lord's like, we're going to make that bigger than you thought. And you were asking me to bless your advocacy business, where I'm going to bless you with your own clinic.

So what a tremendous thing. So we're all for not pigeonholing anyone. It doesn't matter your age or your finances or your prior failures. None of this matters because it comes out of His glory. And you will want it. It'll be something that the Lord wants to bring into this world uniquely right through you, whatever your experiences are. What a gift. What a gift.

Jeff Talarico (:

It is and that is the coolest part about listening to him. know, there are a lot of things and for new believers, once they get discipled and if they're discipled correctly, you know, then sometimes somebody throws in, well, now you go on a missions trip, you got to go to Africa, you got to go on a mission trip. God hasn't ever put that in me. I have no desire. Now I'm on an international board.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

15 minutes.

Jeff Talarico (:

for a missions group out of Cameroon. And if God tells me to go, He'll put the desire in me to go.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Yes, he will. Philippians 2 13. Hey, right there. Yeah, he'll put it in.

Jeff Talarico (:

Yeah. And so many people get miss, they get misconstrued over all that. And it's like, he will give you the desires, anything that you that, and if you, if you feel like you have to go do something, but you're struggling with it, it's not of God. Because if it is, it will be easy to do. So tell us, tell us again, the book comes out when

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

That's exactly it.

I haven't heard from the publisher on that yet, but we finalized the art, we finalized the page design and everything. So that was done last week. So there, it should be out, I would imagine, within the next couple of months. But no one has to wait for that today. We're already giving the digital book away. And we turned that into free training that I'm sure John, want to tell them about? Is that the right time to tell them about that?

Jeff Talarico (:

Sure. Sean, tell us about the free training.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Sure, sure. So what we've established here lately, Jeff, is a community. And what we're doing right now is we've opened up a school platform for a free community where people can come in. And this is specifically for people who just know that God has put something on their heart that's bigger than them.

but they're just not sure how to really go about it or they just want, you know, they want to do things biblically. They want to do things God's way. And so we spiritually feed them, but we also feed them with business sets. We've got well over 20 years of business practice and marketing and sales in the whole nine. And so we help them with the fundamentals of business, but

We help them even more with the fundamentals of scripture. Like let's get the scripture, let's get God breathing into your business, let's get God breathing into you. Because Rusty actually said this back, Jeff, and it stuck with me.

He said, you know, I don't think God really cares about anybody's business, but he does care about the person running the business. He cares about you. And so he wants you to succeed. He wants you to do well. He wants you to be a disciple and show who he is in the glory of this vaccine, the kingdom of heaven and who his son is and Jesus Christ. And so if we will proclaim that, if we will do that, if we will do that through our business, as we say that your business is your ministry, if you will do that, then there's reason that he would not bless you as well as your business. So we put this community together so that we can foster you, we can help you grow spiritually, so that we can help you grow within your business and whatnot. And inside of there we have a free course. Actually we have three free courses in there that people can tap into. Course number one is All Songs Path and this is to really to help you on your walk spiritually as you just get alignment more with God and just start, you know, just really start putting your life into his hands more and more and more and trusting in him. I knew that was something I needed for my own life. And so we walk you through step by step how to do that. The second one is renewing your mind. Romans 12 two says, do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world. Well, that was something that I had to break free of tremendously, Jeff. I mean, that was a big struggle of mine was all the false stories and the things that I just had to break free of, but I was transformed by the renewal of my mind. So we actually put in a little mini course, how to actually do that, how to challenge the lies that are going on and how to overcome those things. And it's a free software that we give away inside of our courses to help with that. And the third thing is, I shared earlier that I had a reel that blew up and creased my following. Well, I give that course away for free as well. If you want to step onto your online platform, start creating some reels, shares the love of God and also can help increase your influence and impact for the ministry. Well, I'm going to give you that, those resources as well, how to create them, how to get your messaging right, how to do this in a way that, you know, if you want to share the word of God, you can do that as well. You can do this with the ministry, you can do this with business, you can do it with my favorite and that is a blend of the two.

So we call it entrepreneur ministry in that fashion. So we got even more common in that community. We're doing live Bible studies. We're doing live business trainings to all nine. So it's an exciting time, Jeff. It's an exciting time.

Jeff Talarico (:

Awesome. Awesome. That's, you're putting into practice what you're preaching and that's exactly what we're supposed to do. If we live our life the right way, doing what we're supposed to do, it all falls into place. Like I shared with you guys when we talked the first time, I blew up my practice. When I decided to fully do biblically responsible investing, I came back and I blew up my practice and didn't know what would happen, but

the Holy Spirit told me to do it, I did it. And it has been a blessing. you know, we've talked a lot about people being afraid to do something like this. There is a huge contention of certified kingdom advisors, which is what I am, and as well as I'm member of the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants. And there are some that don't do this. They have it

have the letters, you know, and to me, you're either going to do it or you're not going to do it. And, and it's like, it's like, I can be a, a financial advisor who happens to be a Christian, or I could be a Christian financial advisor, because I think there's a difference. So, all right.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

There it is. 100 % there is. It's kind of like the plumber has Jesus fish on the back, he still does a crappy job for you. So. Our journey on this is it was interesting. I asked the Lord what he wanted for about two months last year. And he told me I want growth. And because of that, the book was written. And I'm like, OK, so I'm supposed to sell the book. No.

Jeff Talarico (:


usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

The book may or may not, it'll probably sell on Amazon, things like that, but the Lord wanted us to give that away. So now we have this school platform for those people who aren't familiar with school, SKOL. This is a great place for people to do online courses and so forth. But there's something that also was brought to Sean and I's attention that helped us groom where we are now, what we're offering.

We found online that there was a dismal 13 % of people who buy an online course. Only about 13 % of them actually successfully completed. Well, when you're looking at doing what the Lord wants you to do, and he says, I want growth, 13 % ain't it. Not even close. So what we do is we give all of that information away in a free training. We give it away.

and then we help them execute. Because execution, execution's where it's at. Ideas are really not of a lot of value. There's tons of ideas. But it's execution on those ideas is where the magic is. So we give this away, this free course in Psalms, which is how to, the power of righteous desires and that the Lord is offering us.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

The chance no matter who you are where you're at what part of life you're in is Offering you the ability to co -create with him a righteous desire that he has picked out just for you It is going to be an incredible journey that he will take you on and you're gonna love every bit of it. You will love it That's the beginning that foundation and then we help them execute because the Lord wants us and we talked about it in Luke chapter 19, he wants us to put his spirit to work and one of the great things that we have that separates all the rest of time, the internet. Look what we're getting to do and we have found that churches have been failing.

I went to multiple churches with Psalms path and I schooled the preacher I schooled people in in his church and then they wouldn't do it They're like now we're not set up to do this. What do you mean? You're not set up to do this

The churches that I went to, unfortunately, were more interested in their growth than the congregations. And the Lord's like, well, I made you an entrepreneur. Go do it. And so here we are. We're entrepreneurs online teaching people that want to be entrepreneurs or just want to work in righteous desires at no cost.

We do have a cost down the road in execution, right? Because that execution may be very, very specific, very specific. But we want people to understand the power that the Lord has given us as his children. And the responsibility that we have is very well laid out in the parable of the menace, very well laid out. In fact, if you don't do it.

Jeff Talarico (:

Sure, absolutely.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

You're not that good and faithful servant everyone thinks they are right Christian I'm a good and faithful servant. Are you? Are you really? Yeah, are you are you putting his spirit to work? So we we show them the power of these righteous desires and then we start showing them how to execute and build their own communities if that's what something that the Lord has laid on on their heart. What a tremendous gift the Lord has given us.

Jeff Talarico (:

Absolutely. Are you?

That's awesome. That's awesome. Hey guys, we're getting towards the end of this. I got a couple of things that I do want to ask you and having the two of you on the show, it's going to stretch it out just a little bit. But here it is. you could have a conversation with any three people dead or alive, who would they be and why? And it can't be Jesus.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

You want to go first? Can I take the lead on that? Sure, I know my first one.

probably be my first two, but King Solomon would actually be my number one. When I, Jeff is so interesting, when I started getting back to the Bible, Proverbs, it was discipled over me to read a chapter of Proverbs every single day as it lines up with the calendar date. And I don't see our calendar, I don't even know what is today. Today's 16th. Go read Proverbs chapter 16 today, go read chapter 16 tomorrow and vice versa and so on and so forth. And if you will do that, then you will gain God's wisdom and you will develop

Jeff Talarico (:

Today's the 16th.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

some characteristics that you know some wisdom characteristics knowledge all the things that God will instill into you that was just like whatever me well that led me into really studying who is King Solomon like who was this man and why did he write this and he had to you was so wise and then how did he fall like what happened why did he write Ecclesiastes right like all this stuff right and it and as I'm reading this I'm like wow like we have a lot of common like we just have a lot of comments like taste the wealth and taste of women, but we fall into our own traps that we set for ourselves. But it would just be very interesting for me to learn from him. I would love to ask him the question, what was your biggest lesson that you learned? We know that you were a public speaker.

We know that you were a consult to other kings and queens. We know that later on you wrote Ecclesiastes, which is like all of this was meaningless without putting our faith in our Lord God. But how did you come to this? I would love to ask that question. why did this happen to you? I think it would just be a very interesting conversation, but there's so much to learn.

Well, there's so much for us to still learn from King Solomon today if we would just open up. And for anybody who's like, I don't know how to read the Bible, I don't know where to start, start a Proverbs. It's very easy to read, it's very applicable. You could just take the words right there and start applying it into your life.

Jeff Talarico (:


usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

And go forth and start getting into the gospels after that because we got to learn who Jesus Christ is as well. Amen. He's the most interesting man of all time. I'm going to turn it over to you. I'm going to go with one there for now. I've got three, but they're all for the same reason. They're all for the same reason. That's David, King David. I can't wait to barbecue with that man. Joseph and Paul.

Jeff Talarico (:

Two more.


usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

And for all the same reason these men stayed positive and so we got David running around for fear and for his life for years, right? sought after by his own son to kill him and We all know the story of David so the Lord said he counted everything is righteous for this man except the Hittite, right? So this was a very godly man. He said he had the heart of God

And he had to put up with intense moments, prolonged moments in his life where all he had was the strength of the Lord to follow. What an amazing thing. How did you stay focused? Joseph, man, this guy didn't do anything wrong. He said, blab his mouth to his brothers. And boom, it took, what, 18 years for this to come about, that the promises that the Lord gave him.

How did you stay so positive when people were? Imposing their their fleshly desires on you and screwing you over How did you do that and then Paul? Wow Paul, what an amazing man, so he starts out is just run for your life, right run for your life Here he comes. You're gonna you're gonna die Say again

Jeff Talarico (:

Mike Tyson in an alley.

Mike Tyson in an alley.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Yeah, amen to that. Yeah, run. That's all you got, right? And then have the epitome, the hegemon of come to Christ moments, right? And he repented in that moment and never went back.

How is it that he followed you talked about the other day? So when Paul comes to town, he doesn't ask about the hotels Yes, that's the prison. How do the jails in in your town, right? Because he knows he's gonna be there. How did you stay so? Adam in about the work of the Lord in in the absolute of knowing that this is gonna

Those three men are absolutely astounding these three men and I plan on having a barbecue with these guys, you know separately together, right? It's gonna be great I'm going to their house or they're coming to mine whatever the case may be But those are three individuals that in the face of adversary, right? How did they stay so focused? And not and not drop the ball

Jeff Talarico (:

Great choices. All right, Sean, you got two more. Let's go.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

I'm going to wrap it up with this. I'm going to give you one more and that would be my father. Me and my father, my dad passed away this past November and unfortunately we weren't always on good terms with one another. We butted heads. We're both men who are very stubborn and whatnot but he gave me back when I started entrepreneurship job my father was one of these men who was very good at living the principles of God and demonstrating that and being a man of God.

Yet he didn't quite have that compassion and that love to teach you and to raise you in the way that you should go. He knew the way that you should go, but kind of instructing you in ways, it was very hard. was a very iron fist growing up. So we had a very estranged relationship. Love my father. I know he loved me, but we didn't always see eye eye and we didn't always get along. Well, I never got to have closure with him before he died.

And I got my closure through my mom as we are going through some of this stuff. But I found books, Jeff. And these are the conversations that I would love to have with him. Is dad, let's forgive each other for the errors that we've done to each other. We both have hurt each other along this road. But the books that I found, I always saw that he was always working on himself.

He was always growing in God. I opened up his Bible. He has the same scriptures underlined or the same ones I have highlighted in my Bible, things of that nature. So we are more alike than we were different. Right, Jeff? And I would just like to have that closure moment, if you will. All is good. All is forgiven. Jesus has us both, obviously, here. And we are two men that, you know, we had our own demons. We had our own demons that we're working through. We had our own demons that kind of like kept us in a grip. But we just know that, or I know this for both myself as well as him, Jeff, is that Jesus Christ came and redeemed us both, restored us both, and I know I'll see him in the kingdom of heaven. And so that gives me just a blessing of publishing and just clarity and really peace of mind knowing that, all right.

Jeff Talarico (:

Praise God.

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Not all is lost. Just because I lost them here on earth does not mean I lost them forever. So I'm going to wrap up with that.

Jeff Talarico (:

All right, last thing. What didn't I ask you that you guys are just dying to say?

usty Roberts And Sean Murphy (:

Rusty you gotta take the lead on that. know Rusty you always got more to say than I do. Yeah, I'm not a man of few words. How do we, where do we go from here? Where do we go from here? For those that this has rung a bell with and you're encouraged and you're interested in what we call Psalms path. Here's what we encourage you to do.

We have this, we have a group in school called Soms Path. can also, it's Psalms Path on Instagram, or would it be better to go to just a school platform? Anywhere people want to connect with us. have Instagram. have, Instagram is the best way if you need to send a personal message. All the other platforms like TikTok and Facebook, it's really hard to connect with people for whatever reason. Instagram does a really better job. It is better. So they can come to Psalms Path and they can even go to

right so you can go to and acquire a free copy of this workbook and from there connect with us the Lord's clearly said walk with the wise and you'll be wise and we're helping people learn what the Lord's promises are in very short period of time took us years to learn this I had to walk that walk this learn it I didn't have a mentor outside the Lord himself and he

He was very patient with me, which meant it took me a while to learn this. So if you want to learn this in a very short period of time, you can. If you want to execute on this and put this to work, because the Lord's clearly said, be doers, not just hearers, and blessed are those who do. So the magic, or the blessing, should I say, the blessing is in actually putting this into action.

in your life and you will see amazing things. So if they go to PsalmsPath .com they can certainly grab a copy of the book and begin to connect with us. We have a great group where they can get other free training and learn how to execute this. And that is the key. We will help you execute this and you will surely, the Lord will surely change your life. doubt.

Jeff Talarico (:

All right, guys, thank you for that. will put those links in the show notes so they'll have easy access to them for you for that. I cannot tell you guys, Rusty, Sean, thank you so much for your time today. I greatly appreciate it. And I know that without a doubt, the Lord has got you guys doing something major and we look forward to possibly hearing from you guys again. Sound good? All right, y 'all have a blessed day. Thanks. Bye.




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