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Journey from Idea to Successful Business with Ira Kaganovsky and Freedom
23rd June 2023 • Ask Brien Show • Peter Bronstein and Traci DeForge
00:00:00 00:36:03

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Today we are talking with Ira Kaganovsky, creator of Freedom, a clean deodorant company. Ira shares her incredible journey through taking an idea and turning it into a successful product. She shares how she inquired about large brand partnerships with Four Seasons, Airlines, and other big name companies. Then our hosts dive into how important packaging and cash flow are to the success of a company, as well as the key steps to creating a business the right way. Tune in to hear Ira’s story and how Freedom came to be. 



  • [2:25] What is the company Freedom?
  • [5:17] How do you make deodorant without a manufacturing shop?
  • [6:36] Does Freedom’s deodorant have alcohol or aluminum?
  • [10:23] How did Ira turn her idea into a company and how did she get some big brands to sell her products?
  • [15:35] Did everything just fall into place or were there challenges Ira faced?
  • [15:56] Ira shares about her breast cancer diagnosis due to high cortisol levels and high estrogen levels.
  • [19:13] The incredible story of using instincts to become an entrepreneur. 
  • [24:36] How important is packaging? 
  • [26:30] How important is cash flow and how does an entrepreneur get cash in order to scale?
  • [29:56] Where can people get information about the products available from Freedom?
  • [33:12] Are corporations expensive to start?
  • [34:18] What steps should people take when starting a company?



  •  The pitch and the story has to connect to your audience. Connecting to them is what will drive people to purchase your product. 
  • You can’t operate a business without cash. How you have access to cash is something that you’ll need to think about before you even launch a business. You don’t want to rack up personal debt on credit cards, so what other options are there to get cash/funding?
  • Legal Stepz is the place to go to learn about all types of businesses. 



Our why…

A few years ago, three of my friends were diagnosed with breast cancer. The ongoing theme from all their doctors was the importance of using natural products on the body, and especially to stay away from antiperspirants.

An unsettling fact that I hadn’t realized until that time, was that the antiperspirant most people use daily is actually classified as a drug per the FDA. I was eager to switch to natural products for myself.

So, I purchased my first natural deodorant, which did NOT go so well. I purchased my second one, third, then fourth and so on. When none of them worked for me, I decided to create one that did!

Am I a chemist? Nope – just a single mother of three lovely girls. I wanted to create a natural alternative to the typical not-so-good-for-you products that line the shelves of every store. For me, deodorant was just the first step.

Our products are all human-tested to ensure effectiveness, and are completely safe enough to eat! (Although they work much better than they taste…)

This is where I found my Freedom. The natural deodorant that really works! Be Healthy, Not Stinky!


Ask Brien Podcast

Freedom Deodorant Website

Freedom Deodorant Instagram

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Albany Farms Twisted Noodles 
Domestically made Ramen Noodles
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