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02. Prepping For Spring Mini-Sessions
Episode 215th February 2021 • Mini Sessions Made Easy • Rebecca Rice
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Another episode of The Business Journey Podcast is live! We are talking about one of my favorite topics of all time: mini sessions! Mini sessions are the bread and butter of my business - I'm truly the biggest fan of them. Today, I want to focus on prepping for spring mini sessions. Yes, spring mini sessions. In February. Because, if you're not planning for them already, you should be! When people begin coming out of hibernation and want to start asking around for photographers, you want to be the post and photographer they tag! 

When it comes to planning your spring minis, I have THREE tips that I'm sharing on the podcast. Make sure you check it out for all of the details, but I've got the overview for you here! Spring minis are one of my favorite types of sessions all year long. Every year, I make about $15,000 JUST from spring minis alone. I hope that got your attention! Now... onto the tips to prepare for your spring minis:

Take your promo shots NOW (if you can). 

When I say "promo shots", I mean the images you'll be using to advertise your minis. Make sure you show what your location, setup, and theme will be! These are the first photos everyone will see of your setup so they really matter. And if you don't have the chance to capture your setup before your minis because it's your first year (and probably location specific, like bluebell fields!), tune into the podcast to see what my recommendation is. It's easier than you think!

Pick a date and count back 6-8 weeks to advertise.

Counting back this many weeks gives you plenty of time to book up your minis. Most of the time mini sessions "fail" because the photographer didn't give enough time to book the sessions. You need time for the advertisements to work! If you're not naturally a planner, I know this can be more difficult - and that's okay! I have lots of tips to help you on the podcast - and in my Mini Session Playbook!

Open one date at a time.

The final tip is to only open one date at a time. If you're planning on multiple dates, it can be really ambitious unless you have a huge client base. I recommend that you start slowly and open the first day. When those start to fill up, you can open the others. You don't want your minis scattered in small bunches across multiple dates - it's better if they're back-to-back for your own planning! There's some other benefits, too, but you'll have to tune in to learn them all!

There they are! Three quick tips to help you with prepping for spring mini sessions! Make sure you listen to the whole episode and get all of the secrets I'm sharing about booking your minis! And check out our first podcast episode here!

Topics We Discussed

Why you should prepare your sessions NOW (1:15)

Theme Inspiration (3:00)

Take Your Promo Shots Now (3:48)

What if I don't have promo shots? The WRONG thing to do (6:48)

What if I don't have promo shots? The RIGHT thing to do (7:50)

Open Up One Date at a Time. (14:50)


Links mentioned in the episode:

+ 12 Theme Ideas Free Download

+ Mini Session Playbook






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