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Spring Cleaning For Your Finances
Episode 847th April 2022 • The Wealth and Wellness Podcast with Kalee Boisvert • Kalee Boisvert
00:00:00 00:21:52

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Spring cleaning brings about the opportunity to clear, declutter and get rid of what no longer serves you in order to make space for more of what you do want. So what better time to use this same theme in your financial life as well. And for those of you that don’t like cleaning, no problem!  Because spring cleaning your finances is a different kind of cleaning that is a valuable investment in yourself and your financial future! Listen to find out my list of top recommendations for doing some important spring cleaning on your finances that will set you up for achieving your goals and feeling empowered about your money. 

About the Host:

I am a financial professional, who specializes in helping people to achieve their financial goals.  My absolute passion is creating new possibilities in people’s lives by showing them the ropes when it comes to money. I’m here to spark healthy and positive conversations around wealth and investment and create a world where nobody is limited by their financial situation. I believe this begins with education and shifting our relationships with money. I love getting to witness people achieving their most ambitious goals and creating new possibilities for themselves and their families! 


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Kalee Boisvert:

Welcome to the wealth and wellness podcast with

Kalee Boisvert:

me Kaylie Bob air, I specialize in helping people to achieve

Kalee Boisvert:

their financial goals. I have a love for all things numbers, and

Kalee Boisvert:

I'm passionate about financial literacy. My goal is to spark

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healthy and positive conversations around wealth and

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investment, and create a world where nobody is limited by their

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financial situation. But wealth is just one piece of the

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equation of living our best lives. So join me as we explore

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both wealth and wellness topics. From your net worth to your self

Kalee Boisvert:

worth, get ready to take confident action.

Kalee Boisvert:

Hello, this is Kaylee. And thank you so much for tuning into this

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episode of the wealth and wellness podcast, I figured it

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would be fitting for the time of year to talk about some spring

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cleaning ideas for your money. So we're calling this spring

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cleaning for your finances. I'm all about acknowledging the

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energy of things. And there's so much power in cleaning and

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clearing and decluttering and getting rid of things that no

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longer serve us and making space to welcome in more of what we do

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want. So whether it's going through and cleaning your closet

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or going through the garage and clearing it out, or doing you

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know spring cleaning around the house, well, we can also

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transfer that spring cleaning directly to your finances. And

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all these cleaning and clearing is going to really serve you in

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moving in the direction of where you want to go. So I'm no

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organization expert. And so I'm going to stick to spring

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cleaning for your finances. So I'm not going to give you any

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other cleaning tips. So don't worry about that. We're going to

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stick to finances and money on this call. Okay. So a great

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place to start when it comes to spring cleaning for your

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finances is checking in on your goals and the progress towards

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those goals. So maybe you set out at the start of the year

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with a specific goal. or really any time with a goal that you

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had in mind for your finances. Maybe it was something along the

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lines of save for a down payment on a home, or a vacation

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property, saving for your long term financial freedom goal or

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retirement, saving for your children's education. Whatever

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it might be, this is a great opportunity. And again, you

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probably have more than one goals as well. But this is a

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great opportunity to check in on your progress. So using this

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spring cleaning time as a check in time, see where you're at in

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relation to the end goal. And it's you know, from seeing where

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we're at and checking if you're on track, it's a great time

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again, a great time to be doing this checking in, the check is

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going to help you identify whether maybe you're falling

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behind. Or even better, maybe you're ahead of the game and

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you're on track to reaching your goal sooner than you originally

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planned. So that's, you know, positive and great to see. And

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so that can happen as well. So this check in is really just,

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it's very powerful, because it gives you that time to revisit

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the goal. So giving it time and attention. We have busy lives,

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we get off track sometimes. So it's really taking that time

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giving ourselves time and attention to actually focus back

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on the goal. Where are we in relation to where the end goal

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was. And do any adjustments need to be made, because it's always

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better to spot those sooner than later. And maybe you've made

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absolutely no progress towards the goal you had in mind. So

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maybe it was a goal that you had in your head of what you wanted

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to achieve this year, but you haven't actually done anything

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to take action on it. No shame in that. And that's completely

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okay. But even better that you're checking in, because this

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is your opportunity to say okay, I'm actually going to take

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action now, I'm going to do something to get started towards

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this. So again, spring cleaning task of taking time to review,

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check in on progress and make changes if need be for your

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goals because goals are so important. But part of the value

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is that we're not ignoring them. We're not just leaving them to

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do their things that we are actually making sure that

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everything is still on track. Okay, so another spring cleaning

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for your finances is to check in on your cash flow. So I know the

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thought of a budget makes many people cringe and it's a task

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you probably want to put off for a future date. Maybe it's one of

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those things in your calendar that you just keep pushing out

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to a further date. But having a check in with your cash flow can

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be very beneficial and helpful for your finances. What happens

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is you might spot some expenses that can be easily eliminated,

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you might even find extra savings opportunities from

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what's coming in as far as your income. So this cash flow and

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taking time to look in check in on it. Again, it's sometimes it

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brings up sort of that, that fear and that like will not, not

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the fun is tasked to do. But let's switch that mentality in

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that mindset. And let's look at it as a positive, let's see that

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it's a great awareness tool, it's a great opportunity to spot

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things that we can change that we can actually take action on.

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Again, the more you were aware, the more strategic you can be

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with your finances. So the more we know, the more empowered and

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the more we can actually work towards our money goals. So

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that's really the goal behind checking in with your cash flow.

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The Cash Flow exercise of going through spending might also lead

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you to discover some expenses, such as subscriptions that you

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no longer even use, and therefore you can cancel and

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save yourself some cash. So we're in a time where we sign up

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for all sorts of things. And then sometimes it's months

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later, you realize I'm not even using that that probably was not

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worth my time to purchase. Or maybe it's not something I

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actually need. Well, this check in is going to bring those to

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your attention. And then you can make sure it's time that you

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maybe cancel those and do some rejigging and seeing, is there

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anything that's money is going out? Is there all sorts of

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things that you're like, Okay, I'm aware of that makes sense?

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I'm okay with all that, are there some that stand out to

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you, and you're like, yeah, that's not serving me, I don't

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need that, let me make some adjustments, because every

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little bit that you don't spend is more money for you to keep.

Kalee Boisvert:

So that's exciting. Okay, now moving on another spring

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cleaning, it's like we have a whole list of tasks for spring

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cleaning. So another goal you might have, or another task for

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your spring cleaning, might be to increase your savings. So

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what we're hearing more and more of lately, of course, is the

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concern of rising interest rates and inflation. And although this

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is out of your control, as far as what you can do, like, you

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know, we don't want to see inflation, but you personally,

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probably not a lot you can do to impact where that's going. But

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when we go okay, well, what can I do? What can I control? Well,

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I can increase my savings towards some of these targeted

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goals, if we're going to see if we're going to see a sustained

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in increase in inflation for years to come. If that is the

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case, then this is going to help offset some or all of that

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impact, saving more towards your goal. So putting more money away

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by ultimately increasing the amount you have at the end of

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the day. And I know saving more money is probably you know, it's

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easier said than done, like, Oh, here's the solution to save more

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money? Well, well, you might say, Well, where am I gonna find

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that there's not much left each month. But again, is an

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opportunity we talked about just previously, going through

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expenses, seeing if there's places you can save it like now

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is a really good time to be doing this again, because we

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want to be directing more of that towards savings if

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inflation is what we're experiencing right now. So when

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it comes to increasing that savings towards the long term

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goals, retirement goals, things like that, every little bit

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counts. And even putting away $50 more per month into your

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retirement savings investments, for instance, can have a big

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impact. So compounded at 10%, over 10 years, just $50 more a

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month becomes over $10,000 After 10 years. And after 20 years

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that's over, or it's around 40,000. So even that minor

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change, where we're just making some tweaks can make a

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difference. And again, it's more money for you then at the end of

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the day. So also good opportunity to review any

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savings plans you have through your work through your employer.

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If your employer offers stock options, or any matching

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programs for contributions into retirement savings plans, or

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anything like that, I urge you to participate and take

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advantage of this. It's essentially free money when

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they're matching what you put in. And, again, if you are

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participating, but maybe you haven't been doing the maximum

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percentage that they're willing to match up to, then there's no

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time like right now to say okay, I need to maximize that I need

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to put that to the absolute amount. And again, because any

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bit more we can do with savings is going to help us and

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especially when we're right now experiencing Okay, inflation,

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and long term that can be a scary impact on those retirement

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savings accounts and whatnot.

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So what else can we do for spring cleaning, automate, so

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let's automate as much as you can when it comes to money. We

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have endless to do lists for to do list in our lives, right we

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have household duties We have you know, kids, their their

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things, their activities, we have everything going on in our

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work lives and, and what needs to get done. So if any, in any

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way you can simplify things that's ideal. There's a lot of

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ways to simplify your money. And one way is to ensure that you're

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automating it. So if you manually pay some bills, or all

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your bills each month, maybe now's the time to set up those

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auto payments, and it gives you that many sort of less tasks to

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have to remember each month. And that, you know, saves you from

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as well, because you know, when we have all these tasks, things

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can be forgotten. Unintentionally, maybe, of

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course, but it happens, right. So if that's the case, with

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bills, well, it saves you from having to pay interest if you

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are to forget, or having it impact your credit by missing a

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payment or a few payments if you do forget to pay. So by all

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means automating it really simplifies things, takes it off

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of your to do list gives you some more headspace to focus on

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other things that maybe have a little bit more, you know more

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importance and that you'd want to focus on. Same is true for

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savings, though. So automating bills and expenses, great, but

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you want to automate savings as well. You never want to forget

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an opportunity to save because if you have a goal to put away,

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you know, $100 a month and you forget a few months, well, it

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might be harder to kind of find where where that went and, and

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where you can kind of pull that from so having it all happen on

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a recurring basis. So maybe one of your goals is that you wanted

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to save $100 A month towards your children's education,

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automated habit, just go into that Education Savings Plan on a

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regular basis. And take it one step further and have it auto

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invested to so not just is the $100 a month that you have as

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your goal going towards that account. But it's also being

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invested automatically, as we know, the markets are going to

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go up and they're also going to go down. And so if you automate

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those recurring investment savings, it ensures you're

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taking advantage of some of these dips along the way. So

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unfortunately, it's really hard to predict short term what the

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market moves are going to be. But if you're adding all along

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the way, you don't have to be so focused on the day to day of the

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market, knowing that you're going to be taking advantage of

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some of those sort of when things go on sale along the way.

Kalee Boisvert:

So adding and having it actually automatically invest too is a

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great strategy to accomplish that. Okay. Um, spring cleaning

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is also a wonderful time to assess any debt and make a goal

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to paying down your debt. So get really specific and targeted

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with that goal of what your debt repayment plan is. As I

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mentioned previously, we are facing rising interest rates.

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And what that means is that is going to be passed along on the

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rates of borrowing. So your rates of interest on money owed

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can very much be impacted by this. If you have a line of

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credit, there's a good chance you may have seen an increase or

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will be happening in the coming months. For a mortgage, if

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you're set to renew in the coming months or years. Again,

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likely you're going to have to renew at a higher rate than you

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were previously locked in for. So getting really serious and

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intentional about the debt repayment. Because if interest

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rates are increasing, that is working against you if it does

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impact those rates on what you owe. So you don't want that that

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sort of compounding right working against you. So getting

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serious about paying down debts, having a really specific plan on

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how you're going to achieve that. And and really talk about

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the bad debt when we talk about it in the finance industry that

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you really want to target first that bad debt. It's that high

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interest rate debt, double digit, think double digit,

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interest rate debt, or even the high single digits, that's where

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you want to put your focus on getting that down, paid down.

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Because if there is an increase or a jump in that rate, it's

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just going to again, compound against you, it's going to

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increase the amount you have to pay.

Kalee Boisvert:

What else Oh, so this is kind of the time of year as well where

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you know, you're probably completing taxes, or maybe you

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have just completed your taxes. So what better time for some

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spring cleaning as it relates to your taxes? If you were in a

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position of owing, this is a great opportunity to make a plan

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now to offset that in as sort of so it doesn't happen again in

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the next tax year. So maybe the best means to do This is

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contributing to a retirement savings plan, which is going to

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help reduce your taxes owing. So again, if you know right now

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that that happened this year, and you don't want that to

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happen again, that's one way to make sure that you're not in

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that same position next year. And, you know, by doing

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something now about it, it's a lot more realistic and less of a

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financial hit. So maybe you say, Well, I'm going to put away $100

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towards my retirement savings plan, and that's going to help,

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you know, offset any taxes owing, next tax year or reduce

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my tax owing, if you're in a position of a big refund, it's

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great. I mean, we love free money, or like what feels like

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free money. So free money, it's actually your money, you're just

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getting back. You know, we love getting a big paycheck, or a big

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amount of money that maybe you weren't expecting, but you might

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want to check to make sure your employer's taking off the right

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amount if you got a big refund. And it might make sense to have

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that reduced. Because remember, when they owe you the money they

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pay you isn't with interest. It's not like they've, they've

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had your money that long, and they're gonna also credit you

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for the interest that you could have earned for that time they

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held it. So you're technically the money is always better off

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in your hands again, the refund or what they're giving it back

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is usually your money, right? It's money, you've paid into tax

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and you've just overpaid. So always nicer to have it in your

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hands. Okay, on to the next one, another spring cleaning task for

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your finances. Oh, this one actually does relate to

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cleanliness, and reducing clutter and organizing. So this

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is about paperwork and going paperless. So with all different

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investment accounts and bank accounts and bills and things

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like that, there's so much paper that can go along with that and

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so much mail. So if you have the boxes and stacks of old

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paperwork, take some time to go through it, see if there's

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really need to hold on to it. If you're unsure, ask your

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accountant as far as you know, how long should I hold things?

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Or what things do I need to hold for a certain amount of time? If

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it's coming from a specific company check in to see if they

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retain a copy and how many years they retain it for and that way,

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you know, okay, how much of this do I actually have to keep? And

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how much do I know, if I need to duplicate I could just reach out

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to them in the future to ask for one. Most companies now of

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course, do really encourage you to go paperless. And then

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therefore you're able to access everything online. So it's a

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great way to reduce waste, less clutter accumulating in your

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home. And again, you're still able to access everything from

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your online accounts, you still get the same statements. It's

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still stored there for you. And you know, really having things

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accessible online is when we think of like, okay, what's

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better physical storage or online? Well, at least when

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things are online, we're usually you know, more able to retrieve

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them down the line versus physical, it could go missing,

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it could get lost, it could, you know, your house could flood,

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you could lose it in a move or something like that. So actually

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having things online is, I would say usually a bit easier to

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track down. So save yourself some, save the environment from

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all that paper and save yourself some clutter in your house by

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making sure you're doing paperless as much as possible.

Kalee Boisvert:

Check in so last spring cleaning task I have is about checking in

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on insurance policies, beneficiaries and your estate

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documents. So this might sound like a really big undertaking,

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it doesn't have to be it might just be a quick check in and but

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it is a really important one because our lives change. And

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it's so important that we keep these very important items up to

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date to reflect all your intentions if anything were to

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happen to you. So again, it's going down the road of okay if

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something were to happen, where you know, who gets this amount

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of money, or what would I like to see happen with this property

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or what happens, you know, with with children and things like

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that, so it's very important conversations, and things to

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think about. And once it's done again, it feels like a big

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undertaking, but once it's done, it feels so good. It's like a

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big weight is lifted off. So taking time to check in on

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beneficiaries of all your accounts that have beneficiary

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designations. So here in Canada, that means your RRSPs or

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retirement savings plans. That includes like locked in

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retirement savings plans as well. Tax Free Savings accounts

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and your pension account, or your pensions, also confirming

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beneficiaries listed on any insurance policies you hold and

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just again, you're making sure these are up to date. They're

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reflective of your intentions, what you want to happen if

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something were to happen with you. Lots changes in lives,

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right? Like we get married, we have kids, all these things are

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changing along the way. So you want to make sure that These

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documents are reflective of those changes, estate documents.

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So your will your power of attorney, your personal

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directive, always good to just have a check in with these and

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maybe a check in is every, you know, more like several years,

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like five years or so if nothing has occurred. But with life

Kalee Boisvert:

events, you are very much encouraged to review these

Kalee Boisvert:

documents. So yeah, major life events like getting married,

Kalee Boisvert:

having children, things like that, again, just ensuring your

Kalee Boisvert:

intentions are all documented. And everything is as it should

Kalee Boisvert:

be, if something were to happen to you. So it's all this very

Kalee Boisvert:

important, very, very important. So that wraps up my list of

Kalee Boisvert:

Spring Clean tasks for you. If you're anything like me, maybe

Kalee Boisvert:

you hate cleaning. But this is not about cleaning. This is

Kalee Boisvert:

spring cleaning for your finances. And that's a very

Kalee Boisvert:

different kind of cleaning. And I see it as an extremely

Kalee Boisvert:

valuable, valuable, valuable. Jeepers, I'm having problems

Kalee Boisvert:

talking. valuable investment in yourself in your future. So

Kalee Boisvert:

spring cleaning for your finances, make it a priority.

Kalee Boisvert:

Even if you don't like the cleaning side of things. Maybe

Kalee Boisvert:

you got to hire that out. But this this piece of you know,

Kalee Boisvert:

it's spring cleaning, it's something you definitely don't

Kalee Boisvert:

want to ignore. So thank you so much for listening to this

Kalee Boisvert:

episode, and I will catch you on the next episode. All right, bye

Kalee Boisvert:

for now. I hope you found value in this episode. And because I'm

Kalee Boisvert:

such a proponent of taking confident action, I want to pose

Kalee Boisvert:

a question to you the listener. What is one action that you feel

Kalee Boisvert:

inspired to take after listening to today's episode? If you enjoy

Kalee Boisvert:

listening, please subscribe and share with your friends and

Kalee Boisvert:

family. Thank you so much and I will catch you next time




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