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Explosions Rock Kabul, Causing Multiple Casualties; Texas Gov. Issues Exec Order on Vaccine Mandates
27th August 2021 • NTD News Today • NTD News Today
00:00:00 00:48:11

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NTD News Today—8/26/2021

1. Pentagon: Blast Outside Kabul Airport

2. GOP, Dems Urge Biden to Ignore Deadline

3. A Closer Look at the Group Known as ‘ISIS-K’

4. Afghan Director and Singer Reflect on Chaos

5. Baby Named in Honor of Evacuation Jet

6. Vets’ Health Care Costs Skyrocketing: Study

7. Rally for Medical Freedom and Medial Choice

8. TX Gov. Issues Exec Order on Vaccine Mandates

9. Boston Protest for Medical Freedom

10. Cardinal McCarrick to Appear in Court

11. School Director Explains Virtual Education

12. South Dakota AG Plea Deal After Traffic Death

13. California Fires Threaten Recreational Sites

14. Bay Area Light Rail Gets Back on Track

15. China Undermines U.S. Vax Outreach: Report

16. Argentines Protest Pig Farm Deal W/ China

17. Hired to Get the Jab: China Boosts Vax Goal

18. Thailand Develops Machine to Extract More Vaccine

19. Colombia’s New Push to Identify the Disappeared

20. Amphibious Boat Tours Paris

21. Traditional Greek Boatbuilding Craft Fades

22. 5 Fun Ways to Stay Hydrated (Besides Water)





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