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My Secret Project, A New Plugin and Business as Unusual WPCP: 025
18th November 2013 • The Kim Doyal Show • Kim Doyal
00:00:00 00:44:54

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Where the bucket has 2013 gone?! Seriously. I swear I say that every year..."where has the year gone"... and this year is no different. It felt like it was just 90 degrees yesterday and I was hanging out by the pool (o.k., so it was 90 degrees a month ago maybe, but still). For whatever reason I have had the hardest time getting back into the swing of things since our trip to Scotland (we've been home over a month now and I keep thinking I'm just going to wake up with a "ta-da" feeling... but no. Not happenin). I didn't completely put business on hold while I was gone but I feel like I've been in catch up mode for a while. The truth is my business is simply growing. So naturally it makes sense to start something new, right? (just the way I roll... what can I say?) Which is where my 'Secret Project' comes in. Based on the image in this post - it's probably not much of a secret, is it? I'm officially launching You may (or may not) have read the post back in February of this year when I contemplated moving away from The WordPress Chick. I had an experience with someone I referred to as a 'fizzy douche' because, well... because he was. You can read the post here to find out why said individual earned this 'oh so lovely' title (it was definitely earned). It was more than just this one incident that made me consider giving up "The WordPress Chick". Long and short of it, I was tired. I had created a perception of how things needed to be on this site and was worried that if I changed things up at all I'd lose a bunch of readers and subscribers. Of course as life tends to teach me over and over again, my perceptions aren't always reality. I received lots of love and "NO! Don't leave The WordPress Chick!", which made me feel wonderful, truly. But I still knew I needed to mix things up a bit. With the launch of my podcast and the content that as gone along with it you can probably tell I've been sharing a lot more than just WordPress news or Genesis news. There are so many other parts to my business that I enjoy that I knew I needed to branch out and bring more into this site and what I do. I've been bringing in more of my personal journey (as it relates to my business) and have to say that the response has been overwhelmingly positive. But... Something was still missing. Time for a new platform. Enter There are a lot of reasons behind the launch of this site, one of which is something I've started this year, almost accidentally (accidentally in that someone emailed me to ask if this was a service I provided). And that is coaching. Something that I absolutely LOVE! I've done some tests running coaching off of this site and will probably do more of it in the first of the year, but the choice to run coaching and different products and services through is because it's much less restrictive. There won't be an expectation that everything I do on that site be tied to WordPress (even though in some round about way it may be... you just never know). I am SOOOO TOTALLY Excited about this. I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning. You'll see more of my quirky sense of humor, no-nonsense approach and desire to live life on my terms on And of course that means another podcast (have I told you how much I love podcasting?). While I finish up the branding elements and site design you can sign up to get notified when the site launches and my official 'Launch Party' (not exactly sure what that will look like, but it will be fun!). A New Plugin Nothing beats creating something because you need it, huh? That's where my ideas come from when it comes to plugins (the whole 'few' I've had created). I've been doing a lot of digging into e-Commerce and WordPress and what the best options are based on the customer experience and what is being sold. I went into more detail in my post titles 'Selling With Genesis',



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