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How an Online Summit Can Transform Your Direct Bookings
Episode 1187th October 2024 • Direct Booking Success Podcast • Jenn Boyles
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Are you ready to take control of your vacation rental business and boost your direct bookings? In this episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on the 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit – an online event designed to empower short-term rental hosts and property managers with cutting-edge strategies and expert insights.

“You're not doing this alone. You're part of a much larger community, all working towards the same goal, growing your vacation rental business through direct bookings.” - Jenn Boyles

Discover how this flexible, online summit can fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, allowing you to access valuable content from anywhere in the world. Here's what you'll discover in this value-packed discussion:

  • The summit's structure and how to make the most of the 24-hour viewing window
  • Why the All Access Pass might be your secret weapon for ongoing learning
  • A sneak peek at some of the 29 industry experts sharing their knowledge
  • How to connect with a global community of like-minded professionals

Learn why events like summits and conferences are crucial for your business growth. We'll discuss:

  • The unparalleled value of expert-led sessions
  • Networking opportunities that lead to game-changing collaborations
  • Exposure to cutting-edge tools and tactics

Are you ready to take control of your vacation rental business? Register now and prepare to elevate your strategy, connect with industry leaders, and pave the way for a more profitable future. Register here:

The key moments on this episode are:

00:00:00 Introducing the Direct Booking Success Podcast: Strategies for Short-Term Rentals

00:00:46 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit: Overview and Benefits

00:05:30 Actionable Strategies and Expert Insights for Vacation Rental Success

00:09:30 Featured Speakers and Session Highlights at the 2024 Summit

00:14:27 Closing Remarks and Next Episode Preview


Show notes are available at:

Direct Booking Success 2024 kicks off  on October 8, 2024!


In this 3-day FREE online summit, you’ll learn how to stop relying on OTAs like Airbnb and make more money with more control. Learn how to increase your direct bookings from industry experts and your fellow property managers from all over the world. 

This summit is completely free and online. Save your spot today:

While the summit is completely free, I highly recommend upgrading your free ticket to include the All-Access Pass and here’s why: 

✅ Lifetime Access to All Sessions: Rewatch every powerful session at your convenience, so you don’t have to worry about juggling your busy schedule.

✅ Exclusive Bonus Content: Gain deeper insights with behind-the-scenes interviews, bonus workshops, and expert-led training that you won't find anywhere else.

✅ Downloadable Workbooks & Checklists: Fast-track your growth with actionable tools that you can implement in your business right away.

✅ VIP Q&A Access: Get your burning questions answered by the experts in private sessions, ensuring you get personalized advice for your unique business challenges.

The total value of the All-Access Pass is over $3,200 but you can get it for just $49 when you register! Grab this today and upgrade it right away. You won’t see this great price again.


Work with Jenn to maintain consistency in your marketing and boost your direct bookings without spending so much money on it:

The ULTIMATE all-in-one marketing platform for short term rental is finally here! Sign up now and be the first to try it:

FREE GUIDE: 10 Ways to Drive Guests to your Website instead of Airbnb:

Follow Jenn on Instagram:

Join Jenn’s free Facebook group – the Marketing Hub:



Imagine having direct access to the strategies, tools and expert advice you need to increase your bookings without relying on those commission hungry OTAs. Well, that's exactly what I'm going to be telling you about today.


You are listening to the Direct Booking Success Podcast, bringing you all the information you need for your short term rental to stand out from the crowd. I'm your host, Jenn Boyles. As an owner and manager myself, I know how hard it can be to navigate the hospitality industry. I'm here to help so you too can have direct booking success.


Hello and welcome to the Direct Booking Success Podcast. I'm Jenn Boyles, your host. Today is October 7, 2024. Later today, I'm going to be kicking off the 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit. I'm very, very excited. But if you're listening to this and that time has already passed, don't worry. You can head to the website and you can sign up for the next event. So have a listen and I'll tell you all about it. Today I'm going to be walking you through this year's summit. I'm going to tell you about how this online summit thing actually works, what you'll learn, who's speaking, and how you can upgrade your free ticket. I actually started the Direct Booking Success Summit back in 2021 when I saw a need to have an online event where vacation rental property managers, owners and hosts from around the world could come together to connect, learn about ways to increase their bookings. And now we are four years on. So let's dive in and talk about how this 2024 summit is going to work. If you're new to this, or maybe even attended last year and need a quick refresher, this summit is designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule. I've made it super flexible because as a vacation rental property manager, I know you're juggling just a little bit. Whether that's managing bookings, handling guest issues, or optimizing your property for the peak season, let me tell you the best part about the whole thing. It's online. This means no travel, no accommodation to worry about, no time spent away from your business and family, and no extra costs. You can literally attend this summit from anywhere in the world, all from the comfort of your home, office, or wherever you are. And since it's online, you'll be able to fit it into your day without missing a beat. So how does it actually work? Well, once you've registered, you'll get access to the daily presentations delivered by our industry expert and your fellow property managers, each day is packed with actionable insights, and you'll have the flexibility to watch them on your own time. And that's where it gets even better. These presentations, most of them aren't live. They're pre recorded, which means that there's no stress about missing a presentation. You can watch them when it suits you, as long as you catch them within that 24 hours window when they're released. Okay? So it's perfect for you. If you've got a packed schedule, you might not be able to sit down at a specific time, but there are some live events, so I hope you can make those as well. Now, I want to touch on the fact that this is a global event. We have attendees joining from all over the world. Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, you name it. And because of this, we've made sure that no matter where you are, you can make the most of this summit. Time zones won't be an issue because of that 24 hours window I just mentioned. But. And this is a big but, but I know life can get in the way. Maybe you get pulled into a last minute meeting or can't catch up on everything you want to watch in those two days. That's why I've created an option for you to upgrade to the all Access pass. And with that all access pass, you get ongoing access to all the presentations, so you can't make a session during the summit. No problem. You can watch it later as many times as you need, actually, whenever it's convenient for you. The All Access pass also comes with some extra goodies if you want to take your learning to the next level. It's a great way to make sure that you don't miss out on any of the valuable insights being shared, especially for someone who likes to revisit and really take in the material. One of the things I love most about the summit format is how accessible and flexible it is. Whether you're managing a single property or have a multiple property portfolio, you can fit the summit in around your work, not the other way around. I've been in this industry long enough to know how important it is to balance learning with the day to day demands of your business. And with the 2024 Direct Booking Success Summit, you get that perfect balance. Now, I also wanted to mention that this event isn't just about the presentations, although, of course, those are fantastic. It's about connecting with the community of other vacation rental pros who are on the same journey as you. You'll have that opportunity to engage, chat, and network with the other attendees through our online platform. So it's just not passive learning, okay? It's. That's just not what it's about. You're actively participating and building relationships with people who are walking the same path as you. And that sense of connection, even though we're all turning in virtually, that sense of connection is one of the things that makes this summit so powerful. You're not doing this alone. You're part of a much larger community, all working towards the same goal, growing your vacation rental business through direct bookings. Okay, so that's how the summit works. Now let's get into the real heart of it. The benefits you'll get from attending. Trust me, this is not just going to be another online event. The strategies and insights you'll gain here are going to make a real difference in your business. So let's talk about what's in it for you. First and foremost, you're going to walk away with actionable strategies, the kind of strategies you can put into place as soon as the summit is over. This isn't theory or fluff. This is real world advice from experts who have been where you are and have successfully built their own businesses. They've tested what works and what doesn't. They made mistakes so you don't have to. And they're sharing all of this with you during the summit. Each presentation is designed to give you specific, tangible steps you can implement to attract more direct bookings and cut down almost costly OTA fees. Imagine being able to say goodbye to relying so heavily on platforms like Airbnb or booking, and instead building your own brand and business through direct connections with your guests. That's the kind of shift we're talking about here. Another major benefit are the expert insights you'll be gaining. These are industry leaders and innovators who are paving the way in the vacation rental world. They've mastered everything from marketing to guest experience to leveraging technology, and we're going to show you exactly how they do it. Whether you're a small, independent property owner or managing a larger portfolio, you'll find advice tailored to your needs. The lineup of speakers is incredibly diverse. We've got tech experts talking about automation and streamlining your operations. We've got branding and marketing pros sharing their secrets to building a direct booking strategy that works. And then there are those with years of hands-on experience in guest services teaching you how to create memorable stays that lead to repeat guests and glowing reviews. It's this mix of perspectives that will ensure that you walk away with fresh ideas no matter where you are in your business, and it's founded just about those presentations themselves, the summit creates an opportunity to connect with a community of like minded professionals. I know it can feel isolating at times. As a short term rental host or property manager, you're often working independently, making decisions on your own. But during the summit, you'll be surrounded by others who are facing the same challenges, the same struggles, and who are just as determined as you to build a successful direct booking business. One thing I really want to highlight is that attending this summit is going to have a long lasting impact on your business. This isn't about learning some new tips and tricks for the short term. The strategies, insights and connections you'll gain here will help you set the foundations for sustainable long term growth. By attending, you're investing in the future of your business. You're taking steps to ensure that you're building a brand that attracts guests directly, giving you more control over your bookings and ultimately more control over your profits. When you leave this summit, you'll feel empowered. You'll have that roadmap to follow filled with actual steps that you can take to level up your business. And most importantly, you'll be part of a community of vacation rental pros who are all on the same journey. One of growth, success and independence. Okay, now let's talk about one of the most exciting aspects, and that's the credible lineup of speakers. Okay, I'm not going to go into everybody because this year we've gathered the top experts in our sector, each bringing their own unique perspective, knowledge and experience. These speakers aren't just sharing theory, they're offering actionable strategies that will help you in your business and bring in more direct bookings. We've got 29 experts coming and speaking, but I'm going to tell you about five of them. One session that I'm really excited about is called how not to lose yourself in hospitality. And this is going to be presented by Ali Cammelletti. This one really hits home. I know for most of us, if you're ever feeling overwhelmed by the constant demands of hospitality, like you're always giving and giving and giving, never really filling your own cup, then this session is for you. You'll learn why taking care of yourself is essential, not only for your well being, but also for delivering genuine hospitality. It's about finding that balance that you can continue doing what you love without burning out. Now, if you've ever wondered how to make the most of your properties' amenities, you're going to love the five superpowers of amenity upsells far beyond revenue with Annie Sloan. This session is all about how upselling amenities can do much more than just boost your revenue. You'll learn how offering the right extras can increase rebookings, cut down on guest questions and improve your marketing communication, all while adding 30% more revenue to bookings. Sounds great, doesn't it? We've also got top strategies to optimize your website for higher conversions. This is led by Bart Sobbies of In this strategy, he's going to share some practical tips on improving your direct booking strategy, learning how to streamline your booking process, enhance your website's usability, and use tools like chat GPT to help boost your conversions. Another session that I'm really looking forward to is direct bookings. Gold mines are a major risk with Brian Seelos of Hospitable. This is a must attend for anyone who's maybe a bit nervous about diving wholeheartedly into the world of direct bookings. You're going to learn how to minimize those risks and simplify your operations, from guest vetting to payment processing. But it will also cover how to build that direct booking website that captivates and converts okay, it's giving you a future proof business model that doesn't rely on those OTAs. Finally, the fifth one is trusted as your superpower competing with giants in the rental market with, of course, the legend Heather Bayer. This session will teach you how to build that trust you need with your guests, strengthen relationships and boost your booking rates by focusing on exceptional service and strong branding. Trust is one of the most powerful tools you have as a vacation rental owner and property manager, and this session will show you how to use it to compete with even the largest OTA. So that's just a small taste of the sessions we have lined up for the 2024 Direct booking Success Summit. Each speaker brings something unique to the table in each session and is packed with actionable insights that will help you grow. So the 2024 Direct Bookings Success Summit is shaping up to be an event you truly don't want to miss. Whether you're just starting your journey towards increasing direct bookings or worked on this for a while, this summit is packed with actionable strategies, expert insights and community support that will help you take your business to the next level. This summit, I have designed for you, the busy vacation rental property manager owner host who is looking for simple, effective strategies to grow your business. And whether you manage one property or a portfolio of rentals, this event will help you unlock the potential of direct bookings and take back control from the OTAs. You'll gain insights, make connections and leave with a roadmap for success that you can start using immediately. So don't wait. Register for the summit, consider the all Access pass and get ready to transform the way you run your vacation rental business. Head to so that's I can't wait to see you there and hear about the amazing results you've achieved. On the next episode of the direct booking success podcast, we're going to be joined by Mridul Bansal. Now, he is the product marketing manager of PriceLabs and he's going to unlock the power of market data and show you how it can help you take back control of your bookings. Until then, please go out and take action for your own direct booking success.


Hey, thanks for listening to the Direct Booking Success Podcast. For more information about this episode and others, head to the website See you next time.




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