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Empathy, Persuasion and Behaviour: Amir Bazrafshan
Episode 19th November 2020 • MarketEd NOT Live • MarketEd.Live
00:00:00 00:47:33

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Hello, and a very warm welcome back to season three of the MarketEd NOT Live podcast! On our first episode we are speaking to the wonderful Amir Bazrafshan, of ApricotBox and Apricot Video Marketing. As well as running his own agency and start-up, Amir teaches freelancers and small agencies how to do better marketing. Amir is also a coach at Seth Godin's altMBA. Impressive! In this episode, Amir will be talking all things video, how to make them better and how to know when and where to use them. Plus, there are also some dogs barking, because, you know, COVID. We have recorded these sessions remotely and life just happens. 


What you will learn... 

  • How to generate trust from your audience through the power of video 
  • Why video is not only important but powerful when used correctly 
  • What are behavioral economics and how you can use it to make your videos have more impact 
  • How to overcome consumer bias with your videos 
  • The art of persuasion in the age of video 
  • How you can use empathy to better understand your audience and create video that fits their needs and desires 
  • Which types of video to use and where 

Resources mentioned in this episode... 


The best way to get a hold of Amir is through his social channels. On Twitter, his handle is @Apricot_Amir, his Instagram handle is @apricotamir and if you want to be super-duper professional, here is his LinkedIn too, Amir Bazrafshan




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