"As the leading visionary, your number one job is enrolling people in your vision. That means to be able to compel, activate, inspire, and motivate people to step in and support you," - Anjel B. Hartwell
Your primary responsibility as a visionary is to enroll people in your vision. On this Think About It Thursday Minisode, Anjel guides listeners through the critical elements necessary for realizing a visionary mission.
Anjel shares her wealth of experience and insights, shedding light on the importance of managing the numbers, mastering the art of selling, and compellingly communicating your vision.
Without financial backing, even the most brilliant vision can wither away. Anjel walks listeners through the process of managing the numbers to ensure that your vision has the financial resources needed to thrive and create a global impact.
Listen in to this Think About It Thursday Minisode to discover how support, whether financial, administrative, or strategic forms the bedrock of bringing your visionary mission to life.
Please reach out to us and become part of the Leading Visionaries Community to unlock a wealth of knowledge, inspiration, and collaborative support that will guide you as you step into your role as a visionary leader.
What You’ll Learn
Why you must understand the importance of financial support to ensure that your vision has the financial backing it needs to thrive and make a global impact
How to use effective delegation of administrative tasks to free up your time as you focus on bringing your vision to life
The primary responsibility of a visionary
The skills you need to communicate your vision compellingly so you can enroll people in your vision
The team members you need to help you spot your blind spots and guide you in strategizing your visionary mission.
The value of your audience in realizing your vision
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