Unlock the transformative power of the 3HQ™ Method — head, heart, and higher self — as we reveal the key to manifesting your dreams. If you've ever found yourself spinning in circles, unsure if you need a full relaunch or just a simple pivot, this episode lays down the groundwork to setting a solid foundation for success. We delve into the reset phase, the critical first stride toward realigning with your goals, and how to effectively track progress to ensure you're not just making a change but making the right change. Whether you're navigating personal growth or steering your business towards new heights, prepare for an extraordinary journey of transformation.
Step by step, we'll tackle how to break free from the limiting beliefs that whisper you're not good enough, guiding you toward becoming a magnet for manifestation. Through the lens of Hilary's own experiences with life's rollercoaster, from battling tropical diseases to weathering family upheavals, she'll share the resilience gained from each relaunch. These aren't just stories; they're stepping stones to attracting a life filled with success and fulfillment, a formula that's proven its mettle with my clients.
Wrap your head around the law of attraction with a twist, as we dissect the creation of an alter ego, a strategy used by the likes of Beyoncé to command the spotlight. The journey to success is mapped out like an arrow, ready for launch, and you're the archer—questions, decisions, actions, and goals are your quiver.
This episode isn't just a listen; it's an invitation to step into the identity of your most successful self.
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Hey everyone, and welcome to today's show. And it is going to be so just like mind blowing, because these are the questions that I get hit with all the time from clients that are my one on ones that are paying anywhere from $2,500 to $10,000 a month to work with me. And they're trying to figure out, why aren't they able to manifest to bring in what they have always dreamed of. And as soon as we start to work together, we're talking about the lights go on. It is it's the small, just tweaks that you can do. And today, I am so excited to share with you share with you the processes, the steps, the questions that you might be having right now. And recently, I had a workshop all around a concept called three h q. And that again stands for three h q is the head, the heart, the higher self, and how this method, this formula, this lifestyle that you can live. Once you grasp it, it literally changes everything. You no longer are feeling like why am I you know, the repeater? Why do I keep bringing in exactly what I don't want? Why do I keep having people enter into my world that are not in alignment? Why can't I scale my business? What is happening?
Hilary DeCesare:You're listening to the ReLaunch Podcast and I'm your host Hillary DeCesare, best selling author, speaker and transformational coach widely recognized in the worlds of neuro psychology and business launches, which cultivated the one and only three HQ method, helping midlife women. Yep, that's me to rebuild a life of purpose, possibility and inspiring business ventures. Each week, we'll be diving into the stories that brought upon the most inspirational relaunches while sharing the methods and secrets that they learned along the way, so that you too, can have not just an ordinary relaunch, but an extraordinary relaunch.
Hilary DeCesare:So today, let's dive right into some of the questions and some of the myths I might add as well. But the first one I really want to talk about is in the workshop afterwards, I got a question that said, What is the difference between a relaunch, flip and a relaunch basically, and a pivot? Because all we've been hearing over the last, you know, couple years is about these pivots. Pivot pivot. Well, a relaunch is not just a pivot, a pivot is a change in your direction. All right, you're pivoting, you're going to change directions, but a relaunch a successful relaunch, establishes roots, it establishes the foundation for what success is. So imagine you have been working in your business, and you might be launching, it might be scaling it, you might be, you know, 235 years in, and it hasn't taken off yet. And all of a sudden, you're really thinking like, is it time to maybe pull the pull the cord get out of this business? Maybe you have venture capital investors, maybe you have angel investors, maybe you're self funding? Maybe you got some friends and family that are investing, and now all of a sudden you're saying, oh my gosh, how am I going to do this? Like, how do I save face? How do I save myself from what's been going on and continuing to come back into my world? And so here's, here's the most important part of the real question between a pivot and a relaunch.
Hilary DeCesare:A pivot is something that you can do in a matter of seconds, I can pivot I can change directions, right? You know, you're driving in a car, you're just like, Okay, I'm not gonna go right. I'm gonna go left here. Boom, you do it, and you can do it without thought to have was a really successful relaunch. I've discussed in a former prior episode about the seven steps to a successful relaunch. And I always talk about step number one, in any relaunch you're going through, and the first step is re set. It's not just plowing through, it's very, like intrinsically looking at what you've been doing. Looking at kind of the metrics around, how have you been working, running this this business? How have you been working in a relationship or being a participant in a relationship, and when you can pull the RIP set or the reset, and then pull that ripcord and say, All right, I understand I need to do a reset, I understand that the direction I'm going right now will not take me to success, I am out of alignment, I am not feeling I am jamming the square peg into the circle, then all of a sudden, you are now ready to officially start down that process of re launch. Which means just as you start to plant the seeds, no matter what kind of seed you're planting, you're not going to go you're not going to like shovel them up, you're not going to see how they're doing, you're going to understand that this is the direction you are putting it out there that this is the direction we're now going to go. It's like you're setting yourself up with your dashboard. And you're very much fine tuning the direction, the points of how you're going to get there, right. If you take and you're, you're on the you're on the sea and you're in a sailboat, and you're using the the automation part, and you kind of put in even the smallest change in direction, you could end up in a completely different place than what you thought you would set out to get to. And that's the same principle here.
Hilary DeCesare:So again, a relaunch is not a pivot, it is fundamentally different. It is setting yourself up for success. And so you can go back and listen to some of these others. But I want you to know that pivots will not get you to where you're going. And in fact, if you think about pivoting to the right, each time, I'm going to pivot to the right pivot, what would you end up being, you'd end up being in a circle, you'd end up completing that circle and spinning around and spinning around, we don't want that. We want to be able to track success and track your ability to move forwards. So that leads me into this amazing concept. And you know, we talk about the relaunch flip, we talk about when you are in that mindset, and you're spinning, and you're continuing to, to bring up the bad and what happens when you bring up any type of negative mindset. It spins you into another negative part of that because your your subconscious is going to do everything in its power to keep you safe and familiar with your specific beliefs, your specific thoughts it wants you to keep on that same path. Don't get off, don't get off that path. Because if you do, it's not in a safe zone. It's no longer safe and familiar. You're bucking up against that, that idea of the comfort zone. And how many of us right now are saying, Hey, I'm satisfied in the comfort zone. I keep me there because everything outside the comfort zone right now is crazy. There's so much stress out there that I want to be in the comfort zone. But when you allow yourself kind of that defeatist mindset of just keep me where I am, you're basically telling the universe that don't allow for change. Don't allow me to move forward. Don't allow me to have success in my business don't allow me to have success in my relationships. And so one of the things that I really want you to understand when you're really starting to go down this path that you're like, you know what, it's time it's time for me to open myself up for success. It's time for me to be able to take this journey that I'm on and start being the driver start being on that you know that In terms of the rocket ship, and your North Star is out there, it's time for me to start to not deviate from that point from that North Star from being able to reach success, because you've seen it. In others. You've seen it in friends, in co workers, you've seen it in the in the media, you know, others are able to get there. But what might be in terms of blocking the vision, in terms of not allowing you to see clearly, is that there's this point that people forget about, they don't realize that there's so much power behind it.
Hilary DeCesare:And one of the questions that I got from the workshop afterwards, or they wanted clarity, they wanted more information around it was I talk about manifestation magnets. And I talk about how each and every one of us has that capability of being a manifestation magnet. And when you are really operating, where you're starting to put out there to the universe, you're starting to put out to your source, you're starting to realize that you want more, you want more of what you don't have. That's when you can say right now, starting today, that, all right, I'll give this manifestation magnet, I'll give this like idea around it a chance. All instead of saying it won't work for me. There's no way that something like that is actually possible, I would say, why not? Let's try it. Let's go for it. I remember in one of my early companies, what if? What if it worked for you? Instead of what if it didn't? And a relaunch flip is just that. It's literally saying, what if? What if you ended up trying something like the process I'm about to go through, and in picking what you want to manifest, it came true. And all of a sudden, you had that job that you've always wanted? You had the career you've always wanted? You had the income, the profit margin, so you're actually not just putting money into your company, but able to pull money out? What if you could go on those vacations? What if you could help your family? What if all right, so that's what we're gonna start right here. What if
Hilary DeCesare:so, I want you to think of it like an arrow, and in the book relaunch spark your heart to really create, and to ignite your life, I want you to think about an arrow and at the bottom of the arrow, is that situation, that environment that you have been recreating in your life, and it's at the very top, the pinnacle, the the point of the arrow, is that goal that you're looking to have. If you don't like the word goal, it is your priority. If you don't like that, it's the result. Whatever you're going for, I want you to just right now, give yourself a second to be thinking about that. And then I want you to really think about why don't you have what you currently have always wanted? What is it that you really believe is holding you back? Do you reiterate to yourself? The I can't, or I should have? Or I could have? Or I'm, I'm this or in that I'm too old? I'm, I'm not smart enough? I'm not good enough. I'm not worthy. What are you telling yourself? That the reason you haven't What excuses are you potentially bringing into your world so that it's actually stopping you in your tracks? And I want you to start to think about that. And as you're thinking about those thoughts that you're having, are there environments that you put yourself in To that trigger those, and I want you to think about where have you been recently that you might have been triggered? Is it a person? Is it a place? Is it something that all of a sudden happens to you as you're driving, or you're listening to a song? And I want you to think about that. And now think about that environment. And now I want you to think about the thought that you would be having, and I want you to now take a step back and say, what if, what if, in that moment of time, in that environment, you could avoid the trigger? Avoid launching into that thought, and we know, a thought occurs first, and then an emotion. So what if we could change all of this, literally, like, imagine, you know, it's that snow globe and you're shaking it up, and you're like, everything is gonna fall into place? Well, we're gonna go on break. And when I get back, I'm literally going to walk you through the process that people are paying me 1000s and 1000s of dollars to walk them through. And I'm going to give you the formula so that you can start this process right now.
Hilary DeCesare:This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and is a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three h q method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life, reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch book.com
Hilary DeCesare:Hello, everyone, and welcome back. Was that a suspenseful ending to the last I am here, and I'm going to be sharing with you the top takeaways of how can you become a manifestation magnet. These are the exact items that I give to my highest paying one on one clients. We go through their specific at your applicable types of life experiences to get to what we're going to be doing today. But before I do that, I want to share something with you. There was a time where I literally felt like the relaunches were coming at me as fast as I could barely like even comprehend. And when I talk about relaunch again, I love having people go back, go back into their decades. Look at what happened in there, you know 10, zero to 10. What were the relaunches? For me? It was that I had a rare tropical diseases and almost died and I was in the hospital for six months in and out. Then I had my parents divorce. And then I had, you know, in first grade, I was actually held back based on a bunch of things that I share in the book, but already significant relaunches and then you add on when my parents got divorced, my mom moved us down to Los Angeles from Northern California. So then I had that flying back and forth with my brother to my dad's house, then back to my mom's house. Well, if you do this, and you keep going through your journey, you start to see that there are the college, you know, going off to college there is getting your first you know, official job. There's your first apartment, there's your first love interest that ends up being potentially a marriage or just a significant relationship. There's the breakups. There's this concept of like, you know, all of a sudden, you're now in work and you're trying to move ahead, and there's the there's the successes. There's the failures, I mean, we're talking about relaunches throughout the generation, your generations, your decades, and I think it's so important to understand that we have positive relaunches and we have negative but the negative ones are so critical. Call to our growth. And I mentioned this in the workshop that I said, you know, it's so incredible after.
Hilary DeCesare:Now I think it's 130 episodes of my podcast of talking about the silver lining relaunches in the relaunch podcast, not one person, not one has ever said, I would go back and change, change what happened? So are you looking at your relaunches from that perspective that what did I gain from them? What did it teach me? How have I grown? And one of the things that I want to let you know is that there is an amazing formula to get you to be a manifestation magnet. And when you start to think about, you know, and this was a, this is a great comment that came out of one of the workshops in the past month, and they said, Hillary, I focus on the Law of Attraction every day, I'm focused on it, I'm doing it, what I put out, I'm trying to receive back, but the law of attraction doesn't work. And I just smiled, and I said, maybe it's the interpretation of the law of attraction that isn't working for you. And they were just dumbfounded. They're like, whoa, what are you talking about? And here's the thing, there isn't one person that has been, you know, ordained that you are going to be the law of attraction king, or the law of attraction, queen, we all have the ability to do it. But we get in our own way, our subconscious gets in our way. So our conscious brain is sitting here saying, This is what I want. This is what I believe I should deserve to have. And I'm doing all these steps. I'm reading about it, I'm reading the secret, and I'm reading about, you know what I should be doing. And I'm putting it out there, but it's not happening for me. And here is where we can start right now, thinking about this in a very, very different way. Stop trying to have the law of attraction work for you, and start thinking about being truly a manifestation magnet. Because when you're operating from this, and you think about a magnet, a magnet, pulls things in, pulls things in. And we want to make sure that you're putting out what you want to be pulled into, right, what
Hilary DeCesare:what isn't happening, perhaps, is because we're not crystal clear on what we're trying to do. So when you think about this, I want you to be so crystal clear on the goal. And we call them rocket goals. And I'll go into in a in a different episode, I'll go into a lot on how I perceive goals to be but rocket goal. So you've got this goal. And you're so clear, you're so clear that you aren't going to know that you have a measurement for success, there is some way that you're going to know when it happens. This is how I know it has actually occurred. This is how I know that I've actually manifested it, right. But from there we back and into this when I was at Oracle, it was called reengineering. And I want you to think about this approach. So we're starting at the tip. We're starting at this tip of the arrow, and we're going down. And as you go down, I want you to think about what type of actions what could you be doing to actually have that goal that rocket goal occur? What are some things I like to always say, one to three things don't overwhelm yourself with this one to three things that you could say, action items to do. From there, one level deeper. You now can think about, well, what decisions would I have to make? What decision would you have to make right now perhaps it is, let's just say okay, let's make this super easy for everybody. You want to double your, your revenue at your company. And let's say right now your 500,000 and you can do this with any dollar amount but your your true goal your rocket goal is to get to Do a million. Okay. And so what you would do is you would look at that next level down and you would say, What actions could you take. And the actions would be? Well, I could start to structure when I'm going to be launching or when I'm going to be pushing out this product, or when I'm going to have a show or when I'm going to be able to create a another offer, or whatever it is, whatever line you figure it out these actions, but then the decisions that fall under it, the decisions would be, how are you going to show up for that? What decision are you going to have to make, you're gonna have to make decisions on dates, you're going to have to make decisions on the amount of people that you're going to have help you with this, how many hires these are decisions to get to that place, right? If you're operating from a place of having a million dollar business, you got to have the people to support you, you can't just all of a sudden have a million dollar business and you're operating from that place with 500,000. And I often say there are gates that happen along the way. And as you get your first $10,000 month, then you start to look at, oh, I'm going to hit six figures for the year, then you go to another gate of 250,000, then you go to a half a million gate, then a million, then 2.5 million, and a 5 million and a 10 million and a 20 million, and then you go up from there, and you get to the 50 million 100 million 250 million. But at each level, you need to be thinking that What Got You Here Won't Get You There, you need a new way to think about it. You need to be doing different things, different actions, you need to be making different decisions based on this new way that you're bringing in this new amount, this new revenue goal.
Hilary DeCesare:So as you are sitting there with your decisions, the greatest part is that you have to be thinking about what are the answers? So many people start with trying to figure out what questions should I be asking? And I say throw that out is? What are the answers you're looking for? What are the answers that are going to bring you to that place of making the right decisions, to be able to create the right actions to get you to that rocket goal? It's an incredible process. It's actually the answers that are more important than the question. And once you understand that, then it's super easy to be like, This is the question that I need to be putting out there. Right? We're reengineering we're backing into where this will all begin. And this all starts, again, at the very beginning, when you're initially being triggered in an environment and we'll get there. Hang with me right now. Okay, keep this journey going from your goal that you've identified to the action to those tactics of what you're going to do to the decisions that you're making, to the answers that you're looking to have, to the questions that you're going to be asking. And here's the most incredible part. At this point, I want you to answer this question, who would be the identity of the person that would be able to ask those questions, get the right answer, make those decisions, be able to do those tasks and actions and be able to get to that rocket goal. What would your identity have to be what B A viewers? Would you have to be working on? What value system would that person have with that person that's trying to get to double their revenue? Would they be sleeping in? Would they be hitting the pause button with or the snooze button? Would they be wasting away days and hours upon end? Would they be constantly like you know, shifting and refocusing and doing all these different things or would they be very much focused on that and your identity is also based around under your beliefs, your beliefs, create a barrier. And whatever your belief system is, keeps you where you are. So if you look at the belief system of where you are right now, and the identity of the person you want to be with those beliefs are you in a position to go from your old self to your new self, old self of the, I've got, I've been stuck at this level forever, I haven't been able to do this, I really want to increase my revenue. But I don't know how I can't do this. It never works. I keep spending all these different things? Or can we move forward into this new identity?
Hilary DeCesare:So I call it your whether it's your guy, it's your HIGO. If it's a girl, it's your sheet go. It's your alter ego, not just your ego, because your ego isn't necessarily playing for you. It's playing against you. It's the thoughts in your head that keep you where you are. But your sheer ego? Is this empowering, amazing person that is deep inside of you. It is that higher self. It is your greatest self. And how would that she go think of you as being like, you know, you are an award winning Academy word, Oscar, you've got all these, you know, wonderful, maybe you're a singer and you've got an Emmy and, you know, a Grammy, or whatever it is. And I want you to think about how would you show up? What would it look like we often talk about this concept around our ideal client. Well, who would you be in that ideal place? Who would that Chico be all the way down to how they would show up to the behaviors to how would they look to you know, how would they be presenting themselves when they go on Zoom or when they go into a meeting. And that's who you need to be showing up today. So it's a really incredible exercise, when you start to play with this alter ego. Beyonce has an alter ego, in fact, you know, if you look into it, I believe there's something like
Hilary DeCesare:hundreds of people that are now saying, calling out the names, calling out there's an I can't remember the name of the country singer that has any actually wrote songs where the guy sings the songs, everyone's really like, it's this person, you can't remember that I can't. But I want you to really think about this, that in that top part of the arrow as you're getting to the line that comes down, so you've got your triangle. And then you've got below that you've got that line, that's your arrow. We're right now at what I like to say is the sweet spot, sweet spot that you got to get to this point, so you can get above it. So that you can start to get into asking those questions, you can start to get into the right answers, you can start to get into the decisions, the actions and those goals. I mean, this is where it starts to get super, super interesting for you. So now that you've put yourself into the shego, or the HIGO, of who you want to be, as that person creating that seven, figure eight, figure nine figure, whatever you're going for opportunity in your business, I want you to then think about what else do you think you need? Well, I'm going to keep this in suspense. Because the next few items that I'm telling you can make or break the success of what we're talking about in manifestation magnet, these are by far the most important part of this whole process. And so when we come back, I'm going to share that with you. And I'm going to share probably the number one, the number one thing successful people are doing right now to reach their dream life. About that. I'll see you when we get back from the break.
Hilary DeCesare:This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and as a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three h q method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot relaunch book.com
Hilary DeCesare:Welcome back everyone, and so excited to share with you the next few steps in becoming a manifestation magnet. When I work with clients, and they are paying the highest dollar level two here, what I am currently taking you through if you haven't been tuning in, I've been walking you through a succession of steps, that you once you learn these, once you embrace these, once you start to leverage them, you will start to see shifts and changes in your life that you have never thought possible. A lot of times we hear you know, oh, law of attraction, if you just think it, it will happen, not the case. If you really want to have things manifest in your life, have things show up for you elevate your game, in work in your relationships within yourself, then get out your pad and paper and your pad, paper pen, whatever you need your iPad and start writing this down. Because this really changes the game in every area of your life. So what we're talking about is success is something that allows you to understand it starts by being a manifestation magnet, it's not the other way. It's like this two sided coin, like one leads to the other. And if you flip it, you can go up the chain, you can go down the chain, but it's all relevant to making you successful. So we've discussed so far an arrow and at the tip of the arrow, you have what we call your rocket goal, your your result that you're going for whatever you're trying to manifest in your life, whatever you're trying to draw in, then we've got the idea around the next level down is the actions that you're going to take from there it was the decisions that you're going to make what decisions would you need? From there? It's the answers. It's these answers that again, answer the question and the question will be there. Answer the question, what are you looking for? What is the answer? What will be the answer for success? Once you can do that, then you know, the question to ask. And then from there we are talking about identity, and how your identity maps to your belief system. And in order to elevate this identity, to be that alter ego to be that form of confidence to be that that person that has the ability to bring in a seven figure company an amazing relationship, a true feeling of well being a sense of purpose, and fulfillment. And let's add joy for the heck of it. All of a sudden, you're like, wow, that's what we're going for. So once we have that midpoint of the arrow, it's the stem of the era that we're going down now, from that point of identity downward. We now need to think, what would the emotions be of the person that would have that rocket goal and accomplish it? What would what would those emotions look like? You know, the emotions would be around like exhilaration, excitement, we said joy. It's like, if you're reaching those levels of success, are you in shame or blame? are you operating at a really low level? No. That person is like, they're there. They're riding the wave. They're they're so on point of where they're going. And so from there when you think about you know, the I feel exhilarated I feel joyful, I feel fulfilled. I'm like,
Hilary DeCesare:Oh my gosh, I'm doing what I set out to do. It would be what are the thoughts now that that person your shoe ego would be thinking while they certainly wouldn't be thinking I can't, or I should have or I would have their thinking or that their scarcity or that I'm not good enough they wouldn't be thinking now they'd be thinking like I'm doing this I got everything I need. I might headed for that seven figure business I am I there I'm doing it. I'm fired up. The thoughts are like you know what? I there's a credible song that I grew up on I am woman and it's I am woman hear me roar? And if that's what you're thinking, you're thinking like, yeah, I got this. Right. So now the last thing is all right? How are you setting yourself up for success in your environment, it wouldn't be setting yourself into an environment that you're constantly be triggered by people, it wouldn't be that you're setting yourself an environment that has too many distractions, it wouldn't be an environment that isn't conducive for you being able to again, have those thoughts, create those emotions, a thought, thought comes before write a thought comes before an emotion, a feeling. And then from there, when a thought and an emotion are repeated over time, it becomes a belief. And so you're driving by the decisions that you're making right now, by where you're putting yourself, the situations, the environment, you are dictating. Right now you are choosing how you are going to create what's going to happen for you tomorrow. So as I just went from point down to the base to the foundation, you can just as easily take it from the bottom and go up to the top of the arrow. And so imagine you're putting yourself into this awesome, awesome environment, you're not putting yourself into a toxic place, then you're thinking like, hey, my thoughts do dictate what's gonna happen tomorrow. And Hillary's just told me that thoughts trigger first before the feelings before the emotions. All right, when you have bad thoughts, what kind of emotions come from there? Well, we now have the ability to change our thoughts on our business. So now we have those feelings. And again, as we repeat these over and over and over, we have our belief system now that we're creating, we're creating better habits. We're creating habits of success. Habits of and one of the top best tips I can give you to create your morning routine you're all about is that the second you wake up in the morning, assess yourself. Think to yourself, where are my thoughts right now? Kind of thoughts? Am I having? Am I having like, positive, empowering, awesome thoughts about the day? Or am I already starting down that path of I've got so much to do. I'm so busy. Oh god, I have that meeting with so and so. You're already setting yourself up, to not be able to hit that rocket goal that you're setting yourself up for the day.
Hilary DeCesare:So my, the one that I always begin coaching with is when you wake up, if you are in that bad place, you're having the bad thoughts before you step out of bed. I want you to pause. And it's the pause principle. It's pausing it sitting back down, putting your head back on the pillow. And doing a relaunch flip, a relaunch flip before you get out of bed. And if you're at you know a level seven or level eight, you're like, I want you to elevate your game again. Because mediocrity and mediocre days is not where we're going for. Yeah, life is going to happen. relaunches are going to happen. But we want to be setting ourselves up for success. So once you start to have your thoughts, and you're starting to feel it in your body, all right, I see what Hillary's saying, I've got these you know, I'm coming up with new habits. I have to remind you that habits are neither good nor bad. It's how you perceive them. Right? Talk about in the book, this concept of potato chip principle, and I am a crazy person around two o'clock for chips. I love them. And in the book, I have to sit there and say, I also do like almonds and the new almonds are so much better for me. So I will have to say go for the almonds. Go for the almonds. That's the relaunch flip there. But I want you to be thinking about this as you're getting out of bed. How can you change that and trust me, you all have heard my story lately I've been hit With relaunch after relaunch after really launch, but I continue to go back to, I control my thoughts. And as my mentor Jim Fortin says, I control my thoughts, I'm the thinker of my thoughts, which means I can change my thoughts to those that actually serve me, in my highest way, in my highest self. So I want you to think about that as you go from getting out of bed, the thoughts that you're thinking, elevating those elevating your emotions, which will then create better habits, as we're creating better habits, they're becoming our beliefs. And our identity is now being shaped into what we want to show up as, and then I can start to ask better questions. Remember, I always say, do the real entrepreneur up here, start talking about the answers you want? How do we get those answers? As questions, good questions, you're gonna end up with a whole lot of answers, and we want the best answer, then you get to the decisions that you're gonna make, you're operating at this highest level, you're going to start taking the action, you're gonna start taking those, you know, the tasks that you need to get done. And that's how you're going to achieve your highest level of attainment of your goals of your priorities. It is an incredible process. And it's like, you know, those people in Las Vegas that run the table, this is how you run the table, you keep it going. And then when you feel like, you need a break, that's when you have that pause principle and you're like, I just now need to fuel up again, I need to get more rocket fuel in so that I can keep going. But when you're operating at a lower level, and you start to realize wait, negative thoughts are starting to come up again. Yikes. That's when you know, you need to take a break. This is this is also I'm going to give you another huge tip. This is also help people avoid burnout. When you understand what we're talking about here of being a manifestation magnet, it's really important to be able to go up, go down, make sure that the chains in this, you know, this, this whole chain of events is something that is positively linking together, and one links to the next to the next. And if there's a chicken, the armor, if there's a break in the chain, you can't go up, you can't go down. But it all starts. It all starts with you having the choice of the environment you're putting yourself in, of the thoughts that you are creating the emotions that were triggered from the thought you're creating, and then the identity that you're trying to become. So
Hilary DeCesare:as we are really putting this together and understanding the importance. And by the way, this is on page 147 in the relaunch book, spark your heart to ignite your life. Go and read what we talk about here and you'll see it you'll understand it, we put it into even more practical terms. But when you start to realize that you're in control, when you start to realize that all of what you do is a domino effect of you start the domino. And that morning ritual, when you first get up, you're setting the dominoes, you're pushing that one over, it's starting to have the effect on the next one and the next one in the next one. So it is truly so powerful. So as we are now thinking about three HQ, and what I've shared with you in terms of manifestation, I've shared with you this whole concept of law of attraction without these other steps. So many times it doesn't work, it doesn't work because you're blocking yourself, your identity is blocking yourself who you thought could have a life like that is not where you are right now, it's not in you to think that you could have it. So it's that scarcity, mindset scarcity thoughts. And so try what we've been talking about today. Leave comments, go over to our Instagram account, the relaunch CCO and let us know. Let us know in you know the messages message me directly and tell me what are you going for? What are you trying right now? And have you done the process and if there's anything that is you know, not working? Let us know let us help you because this is a winning solution. This is how you move forward in your life of success and we often call it A three h q, lifestyle to success. And you can have it and you can right now understand that it's no longer this, like how does it happen? I just gave you the steps, go back and re listen to this. Take notes, take notes. Sometimes I even act like you know, take notes like you're in a college course right now. But instead, this is a life course. This is one that is so impactful for you, because it opens up your future, to really having everything that you want and all the different areas of business and your personal life. It's incredible. So thank you for being here today. I am going to be looking forward to coming back next week. I have Lionni Karcher. She wrote that amazing book ski weekend, we talk about how she manifested that, how she went from writing a book. After she was the high powered attorney. She had everything going against her because she didn't have those belief systems in place. We got those in place. And now her book is about to be made in to a major motion picture. So look forward to seeing you next week. And again, relaunch now, don't wait.
Hilary DeCesare:You've just heard another episode of the relaunch podcast. If something shared in this episode resonated with you. Please head over to iTunes right now and leave us a five star review and share this episode with others to inspire them to take the small steps that lead to a life full of purpose and possibility. And remember, you can have immediate access to the show notes and any giveaways at therelaunchco.com/podcast until next week, now is your time to relaunch your transition into a transformation.