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Episode 46: TEACHER
Episode 4622nd November 2023 • Old Fogies & Films • Fahad & Aric & Ruth & Tikia & Shelly
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School may be out for the holiday, but the Fogies are back in session with our first episode of Season 3: Teacher! Connecting back to her first movies of S1 and S2, The Kindergarten Teacher and We Need to Talk About Kevin, Tikia completes a theme about disturbed students and teachers, inappropriate relationships between the two, and school violence. 

Teacher - dir. Adam Dick - 2019



Welcome back to old bogeys and films and hello season 3. Each episode, the members of this panel take turns assigning a film to watch and discuss.


I mean, get with the program already. We have.










And me to Kia. Start season 3, we thought it would be interesting if each of us tried to complete a theme with our first movies from seasons one and 2.


Since mine were the kindergarten teacher and we need to talk about Kevin, this week's movie was, 2,019 teacher starring David Das Malchan and Kevin Pollock.


The 3 movie theme. Is about, well, ties in with the idea of the, of well school and Kids and teachers.


Okay, well, our teacher of course to self-explanatory. Do well and put on on spot.




Okay, I'm sorry. That distance.




Yeah, do you wanna start back again at the 3 movie theme is about and you could just say 3 movie theme is about teachers and schools and you know the craziness that has to do with all looks something like that like


Yeah. Bye.


Well, we told you the school violence teachers or an appropriate school. And that happens.


And bad cabins.


Okay. The 3 movie theme involves, the, I teachers and school. A disturbed teacher and a disturb student.


And this one kind of completes the whole, the whole theme with another disturbed teacher. So, basically this movie is about a borderline sociopathic English teacher named James Lewis who goes to who goes to well intentioned but disturbing links to protect 2 students in his class.


Well, 2 students from Shoot the 2 students in his class from the bullying the encounter from the high school baseball jocks.


Name is Tim Scott and his friends. Avy Tricks Tim. And to getting into his car one day to terrorize him to professing.


To the billing, it is revealed that Tim is being abused. And by his wealthy father at home.


So James breaks into Tim's family's house to get revenge on Bernard Cooper who is Tim's dad, some's probably dad, and ends up shooting him.


Tim said in some shooting him in the chest. I'm sorry. He, and, again, shot in the chest and getting sent to prison for his.


Everything you did and did lots of themes that were unpacked here include bullying, cyber bullying, attempted suicide and child abuse.


And I guess I will open this up with. And my dashboard here, so I was fine.


In terms of what did you think about the movie and Yes. Give it to me hard. Let's right.


Yeah. There might be children listening to this.


Yeah. I see this season.


You like, what do you say? You like, hit it, hit it home or where we call it.


Okay. And you gave me one more time.


That's what I meant. Is it?


Hit at home is more appropriately given to me.


I was not going to dirty. Yeah.


Hey, okay.


I'm decided to hear what you guys have to say this because I was really excited to see this movie.


I say I saw it actually years ago. A few years ago when Kam was born. Bye now it's on a theater so then seeing again I didn't realize I don't think I appreciated the idea of this disturbed guy also cause some kind of vigilante in a way.


Oh, so you've, you've seen this movie.


I'm thinking Yeah, I realized about yeah, I mentioned last week about 3 4 years ago. It came in at a time.




I think I mean I didn't see the theater because I had to stay home for that month. So yeah, but then I didn't remember a lot of it.




So it was a pleasant surprise to see I see it again and I loved it to play even more the second time.


So once again, Open it up. Okay.


Thank you. I actually really like the movie. I I.


I found my times. It's one of those instances where He's the main character is doing really bad things, but you're kind of rooting for him because the people he's doing it against are just horrible terrible people but then it's like in the reality of it all it's like but they're also human and you should never wish ill upon other people but these other characters are just so terrible you're




like come on do do it do it what are you doing you know I'm not gonna get into the plot details until we talk later into it so I'll just say I really I enjoyed it a lot I did have some difficulty watching some parts of it.


You know, you all know me well. I can watch horror movies and gore and all that kind of stuff all the time.


I have seen terrify or to a gazillion times now and that's one of the furious movies you can ever watch.




But when it comes to reality, and serious issues. It still kind of makes me feel very uncomfortable to watch things happen on screen.


And I will say the scene where the girl was, committing, or attempting to commit suicide in the bathtub.


I had to look away for parts of it. And when I would look back and like just the. The intensity of the cuts in her arm. Like I got to look away.


I'm like, I, I can't, I can't deal with this right now. This is just a lot.


So, So I think it hit home the seriousness of. Schools and bullying and just how. It's unfortunate that it's a thing that's existed forever, right?


They tried to show you that with, Mr. Lewis's character that he was bullied as a child and bullying just never unfortunately goes away and it comes in different forms.


We saw him bullied as a child. We saw him in a way bullying that student for bullying the other students.


But then we learned that bully actually was bullied by his dad and it showed you just all these different angles and you know tied in other ways of like You know, the other teacher who revealed that she was raped.


That's a that's a very very intense extreme form of bullying too. So it was very interesting to just see this movie tackled it from a lot of different angles and I like kind of where it was going.


I felt like I I really wanted at the end to see the bully kids father to really get it.


I wanted to see them again just get into so much trouble and get what he deserved. Not that he needed to be shot or killed, but I wanted his son to see his son telling the police what happened and watch him get dragged out man.


Cost like I wanted to see that so that's my only like big disappointment with the movie is I wanted that dad to just really get what he deserved.


So I'll leave it at that, but I enjoyed it. It was just there are moments I had to look away, not because it was a bad movie, but because it really hit home the seriousness of what children have to deal with.


Yeah, that's interesting. You think of like Blung Gore, but that day in a way that's that's that's hard and it's like it's hard in itself, reality, people, you know, reality bullings, but that's so yeah.


Thank you, Ruth, you're next to my queue. Take it, take it away.


Okay, well,


For me, it was kind of. Difficult to watch in certain things of course with me with Gore even though it was kind of a different thing as well.


I did find it quite depressing, so it kind of was hard to watch at times, I would say.


At first, like, when I first started the movie, because they're, they're changing between, the main character of him as a child and as an adult and then at first so it took me a little while to make it clear that


When they cut to the. Certain like from the now. What was that other boy? Cause I was thinking, is this the same kid that's being bullied from both?


From kind of from both aspects. Okay.


And it's kind of funny you brought that up that you know you were kind of finding it difficult with the the cuts from going back to the past to the present the past to the present because I was watching it on free v it also would cut to commercial.




And that was jarring to me because I thought if they were doing like a cut to another, even like, wait, at 1 point it actually cut to people on bleachers.




It's a commercial, but it was people on bleachers. And I'm like, wait, why are they at another baseball game all of a sudden it didn't make sense so Yeah.






They do not do a good job transitioning. I watch it on the same thing. It just was like, waited.






Is this the movie or is this a commercial? Yeah, it didn't.


Not only do we have to deal with cuts and past and present, but also to commercials that fit into the story potential.




Yeah, exactly. It was a good story line overall. And the, I feel like the cast did a good job, but,


I don't know if it was just me the lady Arabella. That the teacher.


Goes out with, I don't even remember. Per much only from I guess like the baseball.


Game. I don't know if she was around in the school school house too. Maybe she wasn't.




They never really showed her in the school. Like they just showed her in the bleachers when she was being introduced to him.


And at first I thought she was like another mom.


Yeah, I did too.


Yeah. I didn't realize she was a teacher. And then they topped when they were out together, they were talking about things that were happening at school and I thought, well, how does she know?


Yeah, and then you see her like.


She's just like. Is on the end, I guess.


Thank you.


But yeah, I think those are the only like real scenes we see over we don't actually see her in the school.


Yeah. So I guess that whole lot more in that, but I guess I just wish. I think more.


I just thought of the, you don't even go here. Thank you. Okay.




Go here. I know that one guy, Tim was obviously a horrible bully, but was there any other backstory, but was there any other back story of why he decided to pick certain people like Daniela.


Bully her.


That's exactly what I was gonna say. I was like, I want to know why they were picking on these 2 kids.


They don't give you a reason other than she's it slow at reading. But.


She's also. Yeah, she's.


For her, it was a very racist reason. And then for the boy it was because he was harder than them, so.




Oh, because of the. Like pictures they made.


Yeah, and the words that they use like he use some racist terms about her


I didn't hear that.


Tim, he said and your bleep girlfriend and it's a, For instance.


Oh, I missed that. One over my head.


Now work. Yeah. So that word out.






Yeah, but and I think for the boy, Preston, is that his name?


Boy, that was bullied. I think he was bullied because he was smart. And you know they're kind they're not smart and he's getting the accolades from the teacher so they're going to pick on him.




It was also sensitive and creative and


Why, why does he take so many pictures of Tim?


I think it was not I don't think he necessarily took a lot of pictures of Tim all the time.


I think they saw from the baseball game because he kept on taking pictures to. Mess up.


To blind him. Yeah.


Oh, they that confused me because towards the end they did say that there were he had tons of photographs of Tim.


Like 300 or something ridiculous.


Not just, it did almost seem like he was obsessed. Which confused me because I had only seen him take those pictures because he was specifically trying to throw Tim off his game.




I think it was something that the father commit told the principal. I think they made it up. I don't, yeah.


Was he making that? I felt like I thought maybe he was making it up. Okay.


They were trying to make up like, oh, Tim was doing it in self-defense. This kid's a stalker.


Okay. Alright, that's what I thought. Yeah.


Like, you know, I think they were making it up.


Alright, well, I guess that's. Yeah. I guess that's. Good for now.


Buys the lies.




Oh, thank you, Ruth. Alright. We'll move on to Eric. Eric, take it away.


That's me. Enjoyed the movie. It was a little lighter than I thought it was going to be actually going in.




Like Yeah, good. A little bit in subject matter, but, but mostly in scripts, like just sort of, I thought it a bit superficial.




Sometimes. On the substance that they were covering. And, But I did, I love David Dust Mulsion and his performance is amazing.


I agree.


And I like how it wraps up at the end but I think for the first Half of the movie at least you you don't really know what kind of movie you're necessarily seeing, right?


And even you know the bad guy Bernie played by Kevin Pollock the you know Tim Cooper's father.


Even he seems like he is it just like a reasonable person like a nice guy. No big deal so.


And I also thought that they had this theme, you know, they sort of, I guess, framed the whole story with this.


This, this plot device of him teaching the students about the Merchant of Venice. And so, you know, several times on screen, during his actual classes, but also the class he teaches at the end.


You see that, that diagram that matrix is Those are both the wrong words for it, but he's written up on the whiteboard about heroes and villains and what makes in her and what makes a bill in and what he's trying to teach the class is that the characters in the story are kind of in a way both heroes and villains.


They're both doing bad things. To each other. So how do you determine like you know from from one character's perspective they are the good guy?


They're the victim, but from another character's perspective, they're the victim. And so they, that was a little heavy handed of a, of a motif for me.


But it did make sense and I appreciated it, you know, cause he talks about how how you know Tim, I mean he learns firsthand that who he thought was a super villain, Tim.


Was a kid going through something that he didn't know about previously. So Tim is a villain, but he is also a victim.


He's both at the same time. And then I think he realizes himself, you know, that he's got a gun on this kid and he's kind of He's gone a little too far that he he's been a victim.


He's been bullied. Bye the student, by the student's father, but also his whole life and as a child.


But he's also holding a gun. So he said, and the boys crying. So I think he realizes in that moment in that same moment that he is also a villain and a victim at the same time.


The one person they don't give that credit to is is Tim's father there's no real like character arc for that guy he's just a dick But, but and I did appreciate the very last scene where he's, the class is dismissed at the prison.


And he actually, the guard says, okay, was inmate time to go and he's like just let me clean up and he takes the the eraser and starts to wipe away that diagram that you've seen the whole movie because I think he's that's sort of like subconsciously he's saying like I get it now like I'm not the good guy I'm not the bad guy.


Maybe nobody is a good guy or a bad guy. But we all have a problem treating each other. The right way, I guess.


So, but I did enjoy it and, I think I have more to say later that those are my general thoughts.


Eric, I just want to touch on when you brought up about like. You know, with Tim, then they showed like he actually isn't like a Superville and he's a villain but he you know had this back story of what his father did the abuse he did to him.


But I just wanna bring it up here and we can talk about it more in detail, especially Shelley, after you go and give your thoughts too but I just I don't like that they want us to it kind of is trying to be like, okay, be sympathetic towards him when he's a horrible, horrible person.


And if he's being abused at home, that doesn't mean he should go around and turn around and abuse other people.




You can make a decision for yourself to let it stop there and not continue that cycle to other people. He doesn't need to go and literally stab a kid in the back in a bus like he punctured the kids back you know like that's seriously a horrible thing to do Well, I was just thinking this kid has a hole in his back now.


Did anyone else think that had to be a long needle, those bus seats are thick. Like how did it get all the way through?


Thank you. Yeah.


Like, that's here.


Yeah, that had to be a knitting needle.


And it just happened to be that nobody was sitting behind him.


I mean, they also blind me now.


Yeah, thank you for raising that, because that was something I wanted to bring up. That was my main gripe with the movie is I, I waited the whole movie, especially during that movie, especially during that that tense scene in in the whole movie especially during that that tense scene in in the nature reserve with the gun awaited the whole movie for somebody to tell the kid okay sure like You've got some bad things in your


life, but These were still your choices. Those may be ransom. Not excuse. I want him to say it like him to admit it or or Mr. Lewis to say that to him like I create okay I get it but you chose to behave this way towards other people.




I mean, it's still your choice. You've still done this. And, and that didn't happen.


It's missed opportunity.


And it made a little, it made it a little better for me because honestly that kid was a pretty good actor.


I hated him through most of the movie but when he starts crying and he's really upset and he's being honest with Mr. Lewis and honest with his father back at the house.


I started to really feel for him like those seem like honest emotions that the actor was putting into the character and and not like crocodile tears or like just trying to get out of that situation and save his.


His sports career and his life or whatever it seemed like he was honestly like just at it had reached his limit and was broken as I said okay I get that I still want someone to tell him I like I want to hear him admit I think that's the problem is we want accountability.




I want to hear him acknowledge that it's it was still his choice to treat these people this way and he almost ruined these 2 I mean he kind of in a way did ruin these 2 kids lives they'll never be the same Like you can't stay at that.


Well, the boy. Boys blind in one eye.


Boys blind, he can't use, be a photographer anymore.


One of the guys.


. Yeah These things, these actual literal scars and these traumatic events are going to follow these kids forever.


Yeah, it was it was a big teachable moment that they missed.


So, I mean, that is not


Yeah, yeah, I think it would have been nice to have that. That be a part of the conversation.


So thank you for bringing that out that did bother me. The other thing was you mentioned something about his dad.


Oh, how you kinda wanted him to just pull the trigger and kill him. I did too. And I was actually staying to the television.




Just shoot him. Like, why are you like being? Not just shoot the data.




I said the opposite. I said, I, not that I wanted him to die or get shot.


I wanted him to be dragged away in handcuffs. Okay.


Well, my point is you wanted him. You wanted some tangible accountability.


Yes, I wanted something to happen. Sometimes I feel like killing and dying is an easier way out. Like he needs to suffer for what he did in jail.


You know what a nice sort of a karmic redirecting of the scene would have been. When the father picks up that.


Gun that he has on display to shoot. The teacher if the gun had sort of gone off in his hand because it was an antique and shouldn't have been used as a real gun in the first place and it like blew away his hand and he sort of slumped in blood and it's like, that's what you get for trying to be an asshole about shit, you know?


Actually thought his son was gonna jump in front of the first bullet.


I thought his son was gonna actually just shoot him because I mean it seems like it was pretty bad like sadistic abuse not just like oh I I rough you up when I get home every day and it's really bad.






It was like what really like I don't want to use the word clever but inidious and statistic, you know, kinds of abuse is like gross.




It's, It's like a whole other level. So anyway, I'm done, finally.




Alright, thank you, Eric. In Shelly, your thoughts?


So I'll be Debbie Downer. I didn't like the movie. I think because.


I like Fahad. So much of it made me so uncomfortable. And then kind of like Eric was saying, I think.


Some of the things were too on the nose. The bullying was too on the nose. Like a lot of things weren't.


They were just.


Very like what you would expect like this is what bullying is and it just it didn't and then it didn't give you any reason why are they bullying these besides the guy being smart, well there's plenty of smart people.


Doesn't, you know, it just didn't make sense and then The end drove me crazy because he gets shot, he gets shot right in the chest.


He would die in like 2 min. He bleed out. And what happened to the dad?


Like, you didn't have any follow-up on, what, and then. He had to if he survived this horrible gunshot.


He then he's in prison? Like what for what? Like what did they arrest him for? Aside from.


Oh, my brain just kept going like attempted murder. Did he go in for attempted murder? Why is he in for so long?


Like he didn't make He consciously made the choice not to kill these people. And obviously he, but.


How long do we? I don't know if I caught it if they told us how long he would be in.


They didn't, but you would think that if he's, if he's able to teach in prison, like he's got to be in prison.


Yeah, long enough to be teaching a class.


He's not just in jail. That's just that part didn't, it just bothered me.


It's minimum.


I didn't, it didn't wrap up. For me in a way. That I even understood like it just When he got shot, I was like, you're kidding.


After all of this, And what was the story? Showing, I mean, he was clearly crazy. We had a lot of things going on.


His wife divorced him, but then they brought in this other teacher. And he went on dates with But why was he such a jerk to her?


Like he. What was the purpose of that? Like it it just felt. And a messy.


No, I think he's already disturbed. From things he doesn't he's kind of like he doesn't know how to relate to students but to delay the people on personal level and relationship level.


He's kind of like, it's like socially backwards that way. I got a social backwards feeling too, especially But given what it have in his background, he's trying to be.


Except for his good.


You know, impress, impress her, but it's, it's coming up, it's kind of nuts.


He's not aware because he already has some social. And that this going on. That's my take on it.




Oh, he's not, he was socially pretty good with her. I don't think he was trying to impress her.




I think that it was just he was so angry. At the time about the things that were going on and he was he wanted to live in his anger and and express his anger and she was trying to tell him that in order to really like live and move on with your life you have to learn to put the anger somewhere else and and just let it go and then then he made that I sort of agreed with him when he made the comment about


her rape, about how, you know, You know, if you were me, I would stay angry and I would.


Probably do something to the person. I wouldn't just sort of like swallow it and let it go.


But he made the mistake of kind of blaming her for for anything that that guy may have done after he got.


Yeah, that was wrong for him to say that.




Think that's why she was like fuck you and walked away because she made it like her fault if he abused somebody later.




Because she didn't just sit there she said she went to the police like they the system failed her So what more, she's not gonna go and kill him.




Like, and he can't expect that that's what she's gonna go do and then blame her because oh well since you didn't go and kill him or you know mutilate him in some way he's gonna go do this other women it's your fault and I was like I and he said it obviously because that's in his mind what he needs to go do to stop these bullies.


He's gonna take in his own hands, but it's like You can't expect, yeah, he was just in his own head, but he said a horrible thing to her and she had every right to walk away the way she did.


And I also hated that.




So he takes this child, this teenager, out to this nature preserve. And then he's about to shoot him.


But then they end up making friends on the way home. He's like, I'm gonna give you a ride home and we're gonna chat like you didn't just I didn't just try to murder you.


It was it did seem kinda awkward that drive home and when he pulled up to the kids house I was like wait a second like


I know. And then the kid didn't run in and tell his parents. Hey, my teacher just kidnapped me.


He's like, well, the battery car battery died. Well, no, your teachers.


Because the understanding. I thought they'd reach that understanding after he found his views. He sent him to tell his teacher. I thought that's why he didn't say anything.


I wonder if like all this stuff sorry TikTo going.


Yeah. Yeah.


Oh, I wonder if they somehow just they edited out all the important conversation and dialogue like maybe he did tell him that lesson of well because you're being abused you shouldn't do it to other people do you see what you're doing is exactly what you unmade him realizes like I'm so sorry and they had like art but they didn't show any of that.


We went home.


But I think you're right, it doesn't make up for it. Be just because. Your life.


Is so horrible. Why are you doing this? Almost caused the one boy to die and the girl tried to kill herself.




Do you understand? You know, how can you be? So stupid.


Yeah. And I also just say throughout, the last part of the movie when he was enacting his plan.


I was like, Okay, so he's just slashing the kids tires like I thought that was his only plan like he didn't slash the tires now they can't go anywhere and it's like oh, hey, you know, but then I'm like, oh wait, okay, he's walking him back to the kids car.




Okay. That's what I thought.




That's odd. Oh, he's gonna get in a car with him to like maybe tell him something but I was like wait where's he taking him that way he's gonna it was just There's like a snowball that was just getting bigger and bigger as it went on.


But I


That's why I guess I get so upset with why is he in jail? Because the kid wasn't about to.


Well, on him. He didn't turn him in. He didn't tell his parents. So what did he go to jail for?


That at all.


I'm sure.


Unfortunately, it could be that his since his father is such a big deal with the police and everything. Sorry, But in his own house in self-defense and the park has ought to pull.




But his father shot him right in the chest.


I don't I don't know what sentences you get for these things, but it's home invasion and assault with a deadly woman.




And and also


But they would have to press charge it, I guess my mind.


Okay, what I press charges


Father would have, I don't know, the sun may not have, but if the sun. Oh, That's.


Him. I guess but the son and the mother it seemed like they were I don't know. Okay.


So what I bet you the mom is caught in the abuse as well. So she probably is so that mental state is afraid and didn't speak up and I you know the father could have said something like son of you say anything I'll kill your mom you know he's that kind of person that could have threatened his mom.


Was afraid of him?


Yeah. We'll see they could have fixed all of this by just showing us.


Oh, yeah.




Well, if there was a trial, I'm sure that the abuse came to light because they would have Mr. Lewis, the teacher would have had to testify and he would have talked about you know, the reasons why he decided it was necessary, why he felt it was necessary to come into that house with a gun because the father is horribly abusing.


And he called 9 1 one remember he said one of my students father's has a gun and he's abusing him.


True, so that it's already on, so it would have been part of the trial and so.


So they would have known some of the details about like how we found out or, you know.


And it may have, you know, depending on what the kids said, if the kid was put on the stand, he may have had to admit that that Mr. Lewis had taken into the nature preserve and then that's where he had been.


Okay. Yeah.


But who knows if he would have lied for him or if he would have lied for him or if he just decided because Mr. Lewis told him at the end when he was dying and the kid the kids said what should I do and he was talking to his teacher and the teacher said just tell the truth and he meant like when they ask you when the cops come inside and they ask you what's going on just tell them exactly what


happened. You don't need to lie for me. Or for anyone else. And so I'm sure the kid just told him everything that happened.




So, and there's a lot there if the kid did tell him everything because you could even say like the fact that he impersonated a girl to get in a minor to come meet him.


Yeah, yeah, that's true.


And if depending on the pictures that Tim sent back. If Tim sent back. Yeah. So that slashing tires kidnapping.


That's bad. Okay. Yeah.


No gosh, child pornography.


Threatening him with a gun, hit beating him, threatening him with a gun, then home invasion, pulling a gun on the guy like all of that added up.


Alright, I gotcha, I got you.


Oh, we got pretty bad, yeah. But it is one of those. I love it. First episode of season 3 and we've already got classic Shelley who wants the full back story the full front story I knew why are they skipping all these detail


Yeah. And of course defending children. Okay.


Hmm. Okay, thank you. One of the themes was the most difficult to encounter in the movie for you guys in terms of like.




Which one in particular that I thought you mentioned when she you know suicide is committed suicide we're getting anything else stands out you particularly seen stands out that was particularly like You know, gut riching or just kinda.


Yeah, I just I just want to add on to the suicide one as to as to why it's So I lie I feel that way when I watch it is and I know I think with some of us we've had these discussions before but I always just suicide is just such a permanent solution to get away from problems and I always feel like there's better ways, there's more ways, there's other ways out


Good. Okay.


of things than suicide and I just feel horrible for people when they think that that's their only solution or their only way out.


So it just made me feel terrible for this girl that you know she's going through all of this like And I see where she was coming from and the fact that like, okay, they put up the site.


Oh, they brought it down. Everything's fine. But once it's online, it lives there forever.


For ever, yes.


It all there and this poor girl like it's gonna follow her like people will when she goes to college people will find it in college when she's at work people will find it at her job.


So it's just it's I feel terrible though that that's the only way out that she feels like she can take it seems like she and her brother had a good relationship.


I'm like her brother, she could have talked to him. I don't think she needed to.


Do what she had to do or thought that she had to do. So that just makes me feel uncomfortable.


I need to say things like that like Kia 13 going on 30 when they finally show the scene where she commits suicide.


That was very hard for me to just sit through and watch. Like I had to look away and I'm like I can't.


So that that topic is just very uncomfortable because I always feel like you can have one more day, one more day.


You can turn things around and it's just I feel terrible for people who in their minds that they feel that's the only solution.


So any seems like that always makes me uncomfortable. So I, I say that and then the scene where they pull up up on the boy and beat him up so bad in the back of the head with a rock and then beat him up like those things it was just they were bad.


Oh, yeah.


Hard to watch.


Hmm. Okay.


They make it sound like, Tim didn't really. Do much that it was his 2.


Friends who did a lot of the most like egregious acts of abuse even like setting up the site if what Tim said was true and there are apparently the ones that decided to beat a Preston in order to protect their friend Tim.




So it's interesting that we don't really get They get very little screen time. We don't learn anything about them.


I don't even know what their last names are. I don't know what their personalities are except asshole, you know, so.


And what, yeah, why would they? Do that on his behalf or his. Yeah.


Yeah. Well, and that's also what


Well. Sports team support, right? Like.


And also though that's the story we were given by Tim and by his dad. Cause Tim did stab the kid.




He's the one who did the stabbing in the back in the bus. So we don't know maybe Tim was one of the 2 who beat him up.




Maybe Tim was involved in putting some of the pictures up. But he just didn't wanna spoil at the career.


Yeah, we're.




I think he admits to some of that though. Under duress in the nature preserve though. So I tend to I tend to believe that it's true that he's not the one who actually beat Preston or even told them to that they were doing it because they were mad that they were fucking with the you know star pitcher


Or he told them to do it.


Well, I don't know, but I don't think that he told me. He said to the


Never know. He could be the leader.


Yeah, but, So for me, I mean, a lot there were a lot of, you know, moments.


All the bullying was difficult, but every time they're calling someone the F word, of course I'm like, ugh.


Gross. Very ironic. They were calling everyone the F word except for the coach who was actually K.




Somehow I was like, okay, he doesn't get picked on, but. But all these people who are actually trying to have relationships with women are being called the F word all the time.


I still hear that now. The kids joking. With each other. Yeah.


So I hated that as I get Sweeney. But.




I said, I hear that now, you with kids joking with each other. We'll hear that, you know, so.






Shelley, any parts that stood out to you in terms of, disturbing or


I don't think that I have a different one want to add that the bullying


Didn't disturb me. It was just made me so mad because I hate


I hate that kids can, I'm sorry, be so mean to each other. For no reason or.


Nobody teaches. Empathy like think about put yourself in that person's shoes and think about what they have to go through.


Yeah, that's why I just didn't understand. I guess I didn't understand why they were made.


Like there's no reason. For it and of course the suicide it was that was really upsetting.


I didn't understand why she rinsed the scissors off when she went into the bathroom.


I knew I felt like it was coming. Like, why? The scissors off. They don't need to be clean.


But you need to clean.


Well, the reason is bad parents. I mean, we saw one kid's bad parent, but I'm sure the other kid, they have.




Shitty parents who taught them bad. Gave them bad examples to live by as well. I mean, that scene where Kevin Pollock comes to Dust Mulsion's house.


And it seems very nice, but then he threatens him. Oh, that was the most disgusting thing to me, the most disgusting.


Say would you pack up your things and go and you're you're no better than a scuff on my shoe or some some nonsense like that and It actually really upset me that Dustin didn't talk back to him like I would not let somebody I don't care who the hell you are who you think you are, how important you are in town.


You don't get to talk to me that way. I mean, that, that guy is a pathetic loser that he needs to talk to people this way, that he's about what's happening with his son when he's the reason his son behaves this way and the way the reason his son's life is going this way because you've taught him the wrong lessons in life.




And do you all catch? She'll catch the way that he convinced Mr. Lewis to, let him in the house.




He said, I have something very beneficial for both of us to just and I was like okay well it's interesting that maybe he's gonna come up with something a real and then he said the stuff he said I was like you were just a horrible person.


Yeah, yes. And I had a hard time believing.


I know that I just had a hard time believing that. He had so much power in that town.


What did he do to gain, I mean, besides being wealthy?


It's having the right friends. I mean, he and the principal go golfing every weekend. You know.


Was this a private school or a public school?


He. And he buys influence like they said that his name is on one of the school facilities.






So it must have been a private school because they wouldn't name a gym after. Like, I assumed it was a public school, but.


I was a public school.


You could.


I assumed it was, but I don't know.


I think it was. I think you can I mean if somebody donated something to a public school I think that you could put their name on it.


It would go through probably the board. Education or whatever the school board. For computers and they probably say yes.


School board? I don't know. Like I don't know. That's a good question, but I've never heard of that before.




I brought up that conversation in the house because, because the father used the exact words his son's son had used when he was bullying, including the F word.


And I was like, and that was like an aha moment for me. I was like, oh my god, this is exactly where he gets it.


He's learned how to treat and communicate with other people. From his father's example.


You wonder why would you copy someone who What did he make him run on the treadmill until he threw up all of himself?


That way his feet were all torn up.


Oh, I thought he like. With Yeah.


No, I said it. On its bottom feet. Yeah.


And he locked him in a furnace room, which I guess if you have a big enough house, you have a furnace room, but that phrasing.




Kind of through me, cause like in a furnace room? Oh, it's a mansion.




Sorry. We have a


Yeah, that was.


It's the boiler room where Fredd Krueger is, you know?


You catch it, that was a dead, that he took a picture of him and threw him off. His game that's when he left in the room it was in a way That was the fault of the.


Preston, you without meaning to that he caused him to get to be abused because he threw off his game today.


I take a picture. Just when you get up in the boy room. Yeah. Yes.


I was torn on that. I was proud of Preston for finding such a clever way to fight back.


But then I also thought like, aren't you kind of you're messing with somebody now too.


He was, I was just thinking that he's bullying too in a way.






But then I had like if you're like, you want to be a professional baseball player.


Do people you know do flashes from cameras outside of the diamond really like should you be letting that? Why is this getting to you so much?


They shouldn't. Yeah.


But I think it's because his father was watching and the scout was there and it was just like punching once too much pressure at once for him.




I'm surprised none of the other players saw the flash and was like, hey, kid, get off the move.


And Tim could have said that. He said, I can't pitch this guy is like just eating out.


But Yeah. Flashing me. It camera.




I'm being flashed.


Okay. Good.




There's another example of a really attractive actor who's supposed to be the bullied nerd.


I'm like, oh, come on. This kid so popular in my high school.


He kind of reminded me of the lead boy and Halloween ends.


Oh yeah, yeah. Cory.


There is so.


Cory. And no, he's not my recast.




I did contemplate it for a split second last night. While watching, but I was like,


Hey, you reminded me a little bit of. Oh, what's his name for ready player one and Cyclops and


Okay. Oh Yeah, I know who you're talking about.


Why? Why can't I think of it?


That's up. It's really missing from my brain.


Yeah. Let's see.


Hi Sheridan.


Hi, Shared and thank you.


Did they say, okay, so when. The boy Preston ends up in the hospital. Did the police not investigate?


I'm sure they did, but I thought like, It Okay.


That's a little bit more than a little more than boys will be boys. I mean if you're if you're missing your eye or your eyes You're in the hospital for.


Is glasses went into his eye, right? I think.




What I thought was interesting about that bullying moment at the Nature Preserve was that they like seriously planned that bullying moment at the Nature Preserve was that they like seriously planned this.


They apparently rented a white van and dressed in like seriously planned this. They apparently rented a white van and dressed in like, they apparently rented a white van and dressed in like, you know, head to toe black so they couldn't be recognized.


This was like some sort of like heist level planning to believe it. And so I wonder if they took it even a step further seriously and you know had covered their trek so well there was no way to ever really know for sure who had done this.




Yeah, doubt there's security cameras around there. And they got him from the back so he didn't even see it coming.


Trail camps? I don't know.


But they were covered anyway, so he wouldn't have known who it was.


But I meant you would have been able to see the van and like get a license plate maybe or something.


Yeah. Hello.


I'm never that observant like I would not be able to tell you what card did whatever and what the license plate was if it was something.




We have 4 wheels.


Yeah, I think.


But they couldn't have been the only ones who knew like they planned this perfectly. Without telling anybody else.


I think Tim knew and he might have bankrolled it.


I don't think so.


Somebody, somebody would always talks.


I do think Tim is the head of this whole thing. He's the one who told them to do this.




Yeah, Yeah.


I really think he did. He stabbed the kid in the back with but hole in his back that is evil he is evil enough to do that




Well, and then they made the terrible whatever it was of the girl.




The website, he tripped the, he physically was assaulting this boy already. So what's not to say that he told his 2 friends, hey.




Let's plan this attack on him. So you'll shut up forever.


I mean, he did.


Right now I need to know what his dad did. That made everybody love him so much.


He's just wealthy, nobody loves him. They just put up with him. Because he's




I just don't believe it though. I believe that he's wealthy, but I just don't believe.


Well, I mean, are there certain people?


Oh yeah.


Everybody's in his pocket, every single person. Please.




There are certain people out there who are very, very wealthy that are horrible people, yet for some reason people really love them and they have a lot of power and get a lot of people on their side.


So we've seen it at a large scale.


But they also have a lot of enemies. So I just.




It's so much.


True, true, there are a lot of enemies, but it hasn't stopped him.






I'm not saying names.


I don't care. I just understood.


I was gonna say to your point behind. Like I want to believe that he didn't really have anything to do with it.


But he did seem nervous in class when Preston was missing as if he knew that something might have happened to Preston and he was.


Really nervous about what was about to happen. And so when the people's, you know, the teacher was looking around nervously and when the the whoever that was superintendent or whoever it was came into the classroom you know he got even more nervous and Cause I think is no matter what he seemed to know that something bad might have happened to Preston and he knew that it was going to low back.


But see, it seemed like he thought, oh shit, this is gonna blow back on me. And that's why I'm like, I'm really.


Because you know if he had planned it then he would have known like he's not going to be in glass tomorrow


Oh, I, I think Tim knew that press why Preston wasn't there.


Or maybe he didn't think, maybe he thought it would not be a beating so bad. He thought it would be the kind of beating where Preston would come to class the next day and would just be bruised.


And so when Preston wasn't in class, that's what made him nervous and he thought, crap, they must have gone too far or something.




I mean, they went over the date. He was like, He was unconscious.


Or maybe I went to part of it.


Hit him in the back of the head with a huge rock that could kill him right then and there


Yeah, and is I like that was






Tell you kill us on


Is it? I don't remember.


I'm sorry. Oh, okay.


Back in the neck.


From Doctor Who.




Speaking of pop culture references, did anyone check the chat?


I did. Debbie Downer, she said I hate to be a Debbie Downer.










I am.


You the face, Shelley.


She's the best.


Okay. Yes.






I like the acting in this movie with especially with a Tim and, David Dalshman's character.


You might have heard that because you're beating on the microphone.


I thought you seen


Can you hear me now? Oh, Oh. I like the, I like the, I like the range of motion that came out of David and, and Tim all the whoever guys placed him.


We could hear somebody was beating on the microphone.




So I thought it was very believable with what everything in there going both going through. I know even though it's a Tim with a bully.


Toward the end when you found he was being bullied you know I could feel that motion and then it was I don't know, I, I like that.


It was really, Yeah, the motion throughout the, the scenes, the movie, so.


I, you know, like I like things with versatile acting and all this stuff and That's kind of what stood out to me as well.


So. Anyway.


I agree for the most part. I think the acting was really good for a lot of them. For some reason, the actors who played that teacher are a Bella.




There's something that I don't know, it's just her facial expression. She always looks like she's smelling something bad.


Yes, she does. Yeah.


It's true.


It's like, and I mean, I feel bad saying that because that's just probably her face. But I don't need it.


Okay. Oh.


That's just what she looks like.


I'm not judging her. I'm just not judging her looks, but I'm like when she's trying to it just she looks like she's always upset mad, which is ironic because the whole point of our story is that she's not letting anger dictate her life.


Oh yeah.






So I was like, they needed something different to really get that across and make that impact. Looking that way.


I agree, but then I kinda kinda got into it because I, I'm tired of people who are acting and they just kind of act the same character like an archetype that exists and so many other actors that played them.




So when somebody's performance style is just a little bit different, even if it's kind of hard for some people to get into.


I'm like, I like that because at least if she's gonna be on screen. It's something completely different.


I'm not seeing the same performance from, you know, a dozen other actors that do the same part.


So, but yeah, it was at first I was like, she's making some strange spaces. I can't tell if she's disgusted by everything or if she actually likes She friends with these people?




I don't know.


Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed at least the face.


Hi there. Yeah.




Did you think it was weird? When Mr. Lewis goes to the hospital. To see.


Preston, right, and Daniela. They just start kissing in front of them. He said.


Yeah. This is where I take my leave.






I think you guys notice when.


This is Husband. Exit stage left.






Get a room! Ha ha! But you got one.


I think James. Okay. Okay. I think James saw that and like, Something you see see something there where he was he felt like he was unwanted briefly or something like that like he felt like he was he wanted to be more involved with them they started they involved each other you see that brief moment of life Okay, I'm gonna get ready to go now.




That's pretty, yeah, like that maybe he, maybe he realized maybe I've gotten over involved in these teenage I often feel like high school on in television or film is a little Over lots.


Yeah. So that was, yeah, there's no brief moment there. Hmm.


Good's lives. Yeah.




Okay, any other last thoughts about anything else? Oh, well, I did wanna ask. About job, the idea of jocks and like had they play out when we were in school, but we all went to school with this stuff for Eric's all poses to you Eric when you were in high school.


Is there a sense of a mean jock or did everyone kinda do their own thing?




You know, it's like a little illustrated. Just a little though, like some of these things do happen, but of course, you know, in a encapsulated narratives, you know.


You know, encapsulated narrative, you of course have to like hit all those moments all at once and it might be like throughout a whole school year but you know it makes it seem a lot more intense.


So it's not like I mean I was I was bullied a little bit but not as bad as some of my some of my, what are the co students?


What's the word I'm looking for?


Post. Okay. The student. As well.


Hello, Last mates, classmates.


Colleagues. No. That's it. Classmates.


Not colleagues, yeah, that's what I was trying to say. Lastly, thank you. Gee.


That's right.




The only word I never forget is anomia, which is about forgetting words. So, you know, so like somebody takes me up and through me all once and I got pushed once and those kinds of things.


But as far as jocks, like they always had this intimidating nature and you didn't really want to bother with them.


It was usually Not like the the lead sports people but like sort of the second string or people who wanted to be in sports.


Probably came from poorer families than the privileged you know, captains of sports. Those are the ones that usually walk through the school kind of messing with people.


Like they they feel like they needed to mess with people. And it's about the insecurity.


I think when you most people who aren't being abused by their Kevin Pollock father when you have that much money, there's not much you need to worry about.


So you're not insecure about anything. So why are you treating people? It's the people who don't have much and they feel like they could lose everything.


That want to like project that onto other people and treat them badly. There was even like, I think he was the captain of the football team, if I remember correctly, I tried to block out once high school but He was, like, surprisingly nice to me on more than one occasion.


Like privately and I was like I don't know you would have thought like he could have been as big a dick as he wanted, but he was.




And I think also I think like you were saying. I think TV plays into that or you get like a perception of what you think someone's going to be like.






But they're not really like that.


Yeah. For us, it's a little harder because we were at such a small school that we didn't really have like the jocks or in that traditional sense that you think of and all.


I mean our cross country captions. Are well I was gonna say our senior year cross country captains were jerks and bullied everybody Just kidding me and Shelley, we were


For the jobs, right? You were on the train team. You're the captain of the gym.








Oh my gosh, you guys, I know you did.




But yeah, so we didn't, and I, I know there was bullying in terms of like, name calling and things of the people, but I can't personally recall if there was any physical bullying between that guys did I might I think I've heard like an instance where a girl might have slapped another girl I don't know and then there was that instance where I'm not gonna say names




I don't know.


because I don't wanna be reliable for spreading anything. One student gave X Lax to another student telling them it was a char and that.








Could go really. Yeah, so. But beyond that, I don't know like physical like beating people up or that kind of stuff that went down.


Yes, that's that was pretty bullying.


But again, such a small school, if anything like that happened, you would know exactly who did it.


You with the, we're all jogs. We everyone did was involved somehow in small school.






Everybody did was involved somehow, small school. Everybody did some kind of sport or in the choir or in the theater.


So everybody, it just, that's one thing I liked about it too, but just coming from Collegiate where they were to find jobs and to find this and that.


Right. And again, just because I'm saying there wasn't any explicit physical bullying that doesn't mean Oh no, I know, but like our school probably had a lot of emotional bullying and manipulative bullying going on between Students, parents and students, teachers and students, teachers and teachers, teachers and parents.




Oh no, I know.




All of a community. Well, there's always there's always at least one kid in the class, usually more than one who's just odd enough that people can't help but sort of like I don't know, be a just like low-key cruel to them just






Hate that. I hate that. I hate that.


Just ignoring that like sometimes that's a form of . It's just, don't want to deal with it but you know I'm not trying to throw anyone on the bus but didn't someone on this call like it prank at least one person like that who sort of you might describe when you're in high school is begging to be fucked with.


It is.


Well, Oh.




Yeah, I mean, thank you, Eric.


You're welcome. You know, just listen, and have an honest conversation. The forms, bull you can take and the people.






I know, but there was, you know, there was a certain student that was obsessed with, and I pretended that I got an autograph from them and she got excited.


Oh! Yeah.


You know, it was a very jerky thing to do, but granted, I was also friends with this person.




So it was a jokey thing to do with her. Like I was, I was a friend of this person's and even years later, years later, years later, I was friends with her until I realized just how much of a racist person this Girl is and I cut ties with her.


Now we all know.


Who the real bully is in the long run


And now we all don't seem to start that yet.


Yes, I remember was this back to you boys and and. And sink. So in this vacuum boys, what did Hanson get in there?


Oh, it was Hansen before it was bachelor boys.


Interesting. Okay. I love Yeah.


There was a band of boys. This person was


Oh, who did love Hanson?








I don't think I to my memory right now, I don't think I ever bullied anyone.




There were some people that I did try to like avoid. And partly that was like, I didn't want to be, you know, I was trying to get the target off of my back and I didn't want a bigger target on my back by you know, being associated with certain people.




And there was like this one kid who was. I think he may have been a little mentally challenged.


We didn't really know the terms back then for some of the, you know, the wide range of difficulties a person might face.


So I would, wouldn't know what it was, but. He once called me up out of the blue at my home.


And my first question was, How did you get my number? I tried to be very nice about it.


Oh, and he said that he had taken it off of I used to have a tag on my saxophone so that if I ever got lost somebody could call to find out where to.


Return it. He had just taken that. I mean, that's kind of creepy thing to do, right?


He had just, I didn't tell him he could call me. But in, you know, I thought about it a lot since then because I thought You know, I was trying to protect myself and I didn't really, you know, I had no, I didn't have an interest in being friends with him, but I didn't know how to, I probably wasn't as nice about it as I could have




Oh wow.


been. And that probably wasn't great for him.


But I don't know if I can think of anything that would be worse than I did. I was too busy trying to be quiet and not get bullied myself.


Well, I will say that I regret. Not bullying, but not speaking up when I saw, not speaking up more, more strongly when I saw things.


Other people being treated. In a terrible way. And I regret not doing that.


And Shelley, I will say in your defense though, you did when you saw certain things, obviously we're not gonna go into details here but you spoke up and when it was a hard situation to do because of the people involved and used it up for the wrong person.


True. That.


Who also happens to be the racist person I cut ties with. Why are we depending the wrong person?




Why did I defend her?


But, but, no, you did the right thing. But, no, you did the right thing.




And even like, no, you did the right thing. And even like with, and unfortunately their instances where Tower, quote unquote, power gets people away with certain things.


You know, there's other students where Something was brought up against them and I went and defended them. Like say, nope, that's all lies.




This person didn't do what is being claimed against them but the higher ups didn't listen to even my testimony on it and that person got in trouble for something they didn't do.


And unfortunately.


Can be their father? I mean, maybe their father was Bernie Cooper and maybe he


I was just thinking that I take back everything I said. Power does get you some now that I think about it.


Yeah, that's




Yeah. Unfortunately, yeah, we've seen that in play. But it's unfortunate that that kind of stuff does happen.


I can get






And it still happens today in schools.


Yes. That's too bad. That's unfair. That sucks.




Is it that time again? Thanks.


Time for what?


Is was on a tip of my tongue, Andy. Okay, is that time again for




We can!


We close each episode with the recast game, but we each play casting director or and choose a different actor from any era.


Living or dead. We're trained character in the film instead. First up is I will go. Backwards to forward so much queue here.


Who? I'm going to recast Mr. Lewis, but I am going to pretend that it's Mrs. Lewis.


And, I would put Amy Adams. Who is my favorite favorite actress? And if she's not yours, then.


She should be. I thought it would be interesting to think about that movie. With a woman in that role.


I like that. I think that would be very compelling actually.


How would it change it?


Shelley, I was gonna do that, but I, I decided I was like, I couldn't think of like what actress.


No way.




But I like Amy Adams.


I want to mention it. You said Miss, Miss Lewis, the girl that played her, she was a little giants.


Really? Was she little in little giants?


The movie. Do a little. She, she was like the cowboy girl. That one to.


To try to be a little girly but not really. She wanted to be like one of the boys basically and You are so old giants, that's her.


I don't think I've seen little giants.


Who played? Who? Who was this?


Donna something. That was the one that was, this is Lewis, that, that got divorced.


Let me look coming up.


Like her. They don't tell us much about their marriage, but she just seems like kind of a bitch.


She did. She seemed awful.


Maybe the whole story is different, but it seemed like


Well, we didn't know enough about that either.




I had, I didn't take on that. I felt she just, you know, had put up with his anger management.


Oh my gosh, that is her from little giants. No, no, I'm, I, I looked at the picture.


You don't believe me.




I was like, whoa.


Yeah, that's like, it's like, oh yes, yeah. I had to take on that.


I thought that she was kind of just done with his, his, he had anger issue, so.


I thought she was just done. I didn't think she was a bitch, but no, I mean, everyone says good, different views and things.


But yeah, I didn't see that. So on different side.


I haven't I haven't thought about little giants. That had Rick Moranis and Ed O'neill.


Oh yes.




I remember that movie.


Michelle, I like, I agree, I think, like you said, it would have been very interesting.




To see how the dynamics would have played out had the, had it have been a Mrs. Lewis.


And kind of the interactions with the bullies and the principal and the kids, Tim's father, like what he has said the things to a woman that he said to a man or what he had been, you know.




Yeah. Yeah. Yep.


Been interesting.


Hmm. Thank you, Eric, Good.


How do you use the D word and not the F word?


Okay, test.


Me? Oh, I haven't gone yet. Okay. So I decided I liked actually who was cast in most.


Of the roles. So I decided to cast a minor character the coach. And I wanted to cast him with this actor that I'm in love with.


Like you do. Anyway, his, the actor's name is Derek Wolf.


And he's most famous for being on, no, no, no, Derek Wilson. He played Wolf on Future Man.


He's most recently appeared on Gen V. So whenever you guys catch up on that, the boys spin off.


You'll catch him in an episode. Cause he's very sexy and he would make a good coach but I also like thinking of him as gay, so.




I think you're here. Okay.


Well, for my recast I thought about maybe, recasting. Tim's father, Bernard Cooper and maybe making, even a kind of a different kind of, Strong character.


I thought, mate, what about Sylvester Stallone? How intimidating. Very intimidating.


Oh gosh.


Oh, that would have been interesting.




I would I would assume, Optized, which Shelley might answer the question about why everyone's afraid.


I think I would have liked that.








He has a new documentary out about his career called Sly.


Oh yeah, and see what I saw was on left. Yeah.


But Ruth, I almost recast Kevin Pollock too just because I'm used to seeing be a comedian.


It was weird seeing him being a bad guy.


So. Yeah.


Yeah, Good.


Yeah, but he did, I think he did a really good job.




I do.


Oh, I hate it now.


Versatility. Yes.




What's kind of Pollock's best role? There's only one right answer.


Trying to remember and another one I've seen him in


Wayne's world.


No, wrong. It was playing a brownie in Willow.




Oh, I didn't see it.


Here. You scream ale or beer or both. Anyway, little drunk Kevin Pollock as a brownie on a willow is One of my fondness members.




What's a brownie?


They're the really tiny people in Willow. There's brownies. There's a


Oh, okay. Isn't that also another word for Yeah.


Like a girl scout.


I can't.


Before you're a Girl Scout, you're a brownie.


Brownie, okay. I was picturing him in like a little girl's house.


Yeah. Good.


Yeah. Try a long clock. It was the eighties, so you know.








Yeah. Thank you, Ruth.


Yeah, so probably no shock that I'm gonna recast Arabella. I just need somebody who can be a little strong but also look a little happy at times.








Okay. Oh


Oh, would she be prettier? She smiled more, really. Really?


She would look no, but she would look happier if she smiled more.




Oh, how misogynistic.


That is it.


That's not misogynistic. If you smile, you mean you're happy. If you're happy, you should smile.


Hey, baby, you need to file more.


If you're happy and you know it, smile your face. Isn't that how the song goes?


I'm sorry.


Okay. Make your face, I'm sorry, Pahad. I know if anyone were to come into this episode.


If you're happy to know it smell your face.




Completely blind, they would think I'm trying to character assassinate you. Okay.


I know you've been on me. So Eric, let's talk about recent bullying.




2 indications of it tonight already. I feel victimized and I am going to need to have a sit down with you to discuss.


Oh no.




Bad you don't have a gun because we are near a a nature present.




Oh yes. So I'm going to recast. Arabella with the actress Stephanie Shu.






From everything everywhere all at once. And from. The marvelous Miss Masal.


Yeah. How was everything all at once? Sorry, jump in there. I was curious.


Oh, I like her.




Do you guys seen that? Looks very. Like. Busy.


Oh, it's an amazing movie. Everybody should watch it every day or once.


Everybody everywhere.


If there


Yes, should watch it.




Back to, so on Arabella, I just realized why that name is sort of. Needing me in the brain.


That's the name of the guy. That he cheats with and drop dead Fred, right? He cheats on Phoebe Ks with Arabella Arabella.


Is that Arabella?


I think so.


They really liked the Arabella, Daniela.




Okay. Okay.


Only the only Even non white people.




Hi, Cinderella, Cinderella.


Hmm. Thank you for that. Oh. Oh yeah.


Hello, Ella.


It's Annabella.


And what?


It's Anabela in drop dead Fred. And Bridget Fonda plays her.




And go.


Oh yeah, I need to cut that whole thing out.


Okay, yeah, back to you.




There's always says, I'm your fella, Annabella.


Oh, same, sorry. You're looking down. I forget you're looking at up something.


I was like, no, thank you, Pardon. You like, oh, it's like, oh man, I interrupt you.


Thank you, my recap, I thought you cast James Lewis. With Haqueen Phoenix.


So like his role as kind of a mousey man turn joker and the joker and he was 1 point very, I remember him expressing a long range of emotion and stuff in his space for eyes being treated and how you like society and all and that kind of remind me of David's character so Yeah, I remember.


Again, similar thing. He was getting, I never get too much away about Joker, but he was.


About several bullying situation and He kind of got revenge a little bit. So, yeah.


That's Murray Castle Team Phoenix with James as a


If you was in it, the movie would have gotten a lot more press.


I think I think horse.


I'd be a lot more scared of that character.


Yeah, that's thank you. That's what I've made with my mind. He's he has like a that crazy face.


It's a handsome face. It's like a crazy face. Like if he especially gets mad, that makes sense.


Do you guys watch space camp growing up?


Like, yeah.


I heard it. I never heard of it.


A long time ago.


Okay. Well, while King Phoenix was the kid, the lead kid. But back then, I think he still went by leaf.


I think so, yeah, yeah, yeah.




We, Phoenix.


All of his brothers and sisters have hippie names, river, leaf, rainbow. But I think he changed it later.


Oh yeah.


I don't know why he changed.






If they don't want any thoughts, sir, don't be cast. Oh, it's time to rate.


The movie. I say that because you find Alright, it's time to write the movie. So you need to open up your chat.


No, you


Enter your number. Jeez, raise your thumb. That sounds robotic. Are you announce that?




It's in parentheses. It says host. It's just telling you. Wait, yeah, you have to wait until you have to wait to stop talking before you can start talking or else edited it's gonna sound stupid


Okay, okay, it's time to rate the movie. So we want I asked everyone


Oh, I thought you


Okay, and then, someone's gonna. In Bobo countdown 3 2 1 0 to hit enter.


I don't remember doing that last time.


I do that again. We can also do 0 to 5. I don't think anyone's gone below one.


But I never said that. You, you go back to doing that? That part?


Okay, no, no, no, I was like, I gave this like, sure. Okay, everybody, let's go ahead and rate the movie from 0 to 5.


Aha, just talking to you.




Once you are done rating, put your thumbs up. So I know you're done and then I'll count down from 3 to one to 0 and then on the row of 0 hit enter.


Okay, I see everybody's thumbs are up. So 3, 2, 1, 0.


Oh wow, here comes. The truth, Ruth?


Hello very


Very. I don't think we've seen. We had 2 people with the same rating, 2 other people at the same rating and one person in between.




With sandwich.


Hi, I thought she'd yours be lower, cause you didn't like it. So I didn't know.


I thought you would used be lower. I think you get 2.


I think it's a good 3.


Oh, I know. Yeah, not yet. Sorry, getting into the swing of all of this again.


Oh, may I read them out loud?


I know it's like, wait a minute.


I need to bring up the spreadsheet.


You guys are making my editing hard.




Hey, I, the spreadsheets up, so hold on. I'm now just scrolling down to the bottom.


Oh, and look at that already at a placeholder for this. Okay. Or no.


Oh, that's chipmunks. Huh?


Okay, Shelley, read for me, please.


Alright, so FAA gave it a 4. Eric, a 3.2 5. Shelley A 3, Ruth, A 3, and Takia a 4.


I am the creamy filling in the sand. It's a cookie sandwich if you if you didn't know it's a cookie sand.




So the average for this one is a 3.4 5.






That sounds approval.






K is that not what you were hoping? Okay.


No, I like it's good. I said it's good. It's awesome.


Like I said, I heard, yeah, overall it was, some pretty good positive stuff. And then, yeah, that doesn't, much, Yeah.


. It was awesome You love the acting.




Yeah. Yeah.


But you gave it a 4.


There's some things that I think like I want a little more like more of a petty type stuff like when she So I don't know.


When she rents the scissors off.




No, not that. Oh, I know one see I think where she She saw this stuff on the social media and I didn't know one around the reacted, no one, no one lacker yet, it was kind of weird.






It's like, did anyone see it? Like. Okay.


I thought they were looking at her like


They were laughing.


They were, they were like 2 girls laugh. Okay, maybe I need a CFR yet. Okay.


I'll, this is, yeah, I don't know. I mean, 4 is good.


Yeah, yeah, no, I was just curious. You had very specific criteria and this seemed to tick those boxes.


Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I don't get everything at 5.


And it's your own movie.


Okay, we know.










Okay, it is time to. Okay. Who's next to you to announce the next film? And it goes to




Is it that time for the next person? Okay. I just giving a little.


You're gonna have to go back and do that again because you're talking over people, which means no one's gonna hear it.


Richelle, you want to say something? I'm sorry, you were saying. Okay.


No, no, no, I'm sorry. Go ahead.


The next googie will announce the next film.


Okay. It's also, you're just supposed to, it's just a direction to you.


Oh no.


The same.


It's like when it says you walked, you walked down stage left, you know.






Guys, I'm like, Who's the person?


Eric, Eric. Do you have the next film for us?


Who's the next person?


So just say something so it's not for Eric to announce the next plant film.


Did the next stone for us? I didn't do this last time. That's why I remember saying that.


Do you have the next film for us, Eric?


I do at the next film for you guys. And the next film is Tangerine. And here's why, cause this whole cycle So each of our first movies of this season, we are just like Takia going to try to tie them back to our first movies of season one and 2 with some kind of theme.




My first movie was a clockwork orange. My season 2 first movie was the fruit machine. So this one is tangerine.


And what's ironic is this was actually already on my list. That I have been like over a year of movies that I might.


Oh wow.


Announced for you guys to watch for Fogies. So I just looked at that list and was like, oh my god, there's my answer right in front of me.


The problem is it has now come off of streaming. So I'm going to send you guys the money to rent it on VOD.


So you can. Rented on whatever service you prefer. Apple TV, voodoo, whatever is most appropriate.


YouTube, if they have it.




Oh, thanks, Eric. That's nice of you.


I'm gonna tell you, I'm not gonna tell you anything about this movie. You're just gonna, you're gonna go in blinds.


I will say it may not be safe for children. That's up to you. It's going to be very interesting and I look forward to talking about it.






I like all the movies I've ever suggested I have not seen this I just know what the plot is.


I know I've seen clips and I know what the directors like. So Is very much.


Yeah, it is definitely an SFC, not safe for children.




Is it NFT? What is an NFT? Okay.


Oh yeah.


It's not a nun. Was it fungible token?






So Tangerine is free to play on plex.


If you have clicks, yeah, but that's a subscription service, right?


I don't have Plex and I'm watching it all.


Okay. Okay, try that. Triplex.




. Oh




Try it. It did show an ad to start, but Yeah, it looks like it's the actual film.


Oh yeah, okay.


So I'm also selfishly saying because I think the movie I'm selecting requires people to pay.






So. Wanna make it 2 movies in a row but




Oh no, is that too big of a hand?


This is the right show, yeah, I see a gaggle of kids in the picture. Shelley Dashfeldy.




You don't have to send me money, I got you. I watch it. I don't mind paying.


Last 4 digits of your phone number.


You don't have to send me money but I'm not, gonna tell you.


It's too late. I'll just go find it. Okay. You're not getting out of this.




You're taking my money.


I don't.




But if it's onplex, we can, it seems like we can watch it for free.




Well, you can Ben Momi back if you watch it for free. I trust your honesty.








Oh, Eric, you don't have to pay me. I had other means, but okay.


I already had this set up before we even got on tonight. Just gonna press the button when I set it.






Well, everybody use that money towards my movie the weekend.






And I'll just take Eric back. So, so instead of like, you know, moving it back to Eric and then, you know, let's just do that.




So it just constantly pass it forward.








Well, yeah, do you declare anything?


I declare. I was just, as I was your state, I was gonna say the same thing.




I was on that one. Let's sorry. We said the same time. I declare this episode of Old Fogies and Films concluded.


Thanks for joining us. You can find us on Facebook and find our list on Letterbox. Don't forget to leave a comment or review.


Everyone say, class dismissed.


Yes. Yes.


Plus dismissed.


Plus this list.


The fastest.




And you have detention.




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