Benjamin Franklin once said that the only things that are certain in life are death and taxes. Since we already discussed estate planning that means it’s time to cover taxes.
Taxes fall into the efficiency and technique equivalent in our financial training plan. This is why today you’re going to learn how to improve your efficiency so that you can pay less taxes over the course of your lifetime. After you finish listening, instead of dreading the thought of income taxes, you’ll feel empowered.
Come spend a mile with me and increase your financial confidence while you are increasing your fitness.
You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...
- Being efficient in tax planning [3:12]
- Capital gains [4:45]
- An example [6:13]
- How taxes are like efficiency training [9:03]
- Paying fewer taxes over your lifetime [11:22]
- Your homework [14:10]
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