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Ep. 51 - Castor oil need to try it
Episode 5124th January 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
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The Miraculous Powers of Castor Oil Packs

This episode of the Reality of Health Podcast explores the amazing benefits of castor oil and castor oil packs. I discuss how these packs can alleviate daily aches, pains, assist in weight loss, solve hormonal issues, skin problems, improve digestive health, and boost the lymphatic system's functionality. This episode also includes helpful consumer advice for choosing high-quality castor oil, the correct methods for using it, and how it can effectively nourish your body if properly hydrated. The potential hazards of improper use are detailed as well, highlighting the need for quality products and avoiding harmful additives. Lastly, an array of topical uses of castor oil is presented from reducing scars, promoting hair growth to relieving arthritis, muscle soreness, and much more. The episode emphasizes the importance of hydration for optimum benefits from using castor oil packs and warns against use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

00:12 Introduction to the Reality of Health Podcast

00:31 The Magic of Castor Oil Packs

01:57 How to Buy and Use Castor Oil

03:18 The Importance of Hydration

04:07 Choosing the Right Castor Oil Brand

04:57 The Science Behind Castor Oil

05:54 The Importance of Quality in Castor Oil

07:23 How to Use Castor Oil Packs

07:51 The Benefits of Castor Oil

12:14 The Impact of Castor Oil on the Autonomic Nervous System

16:31 Using Castor Oil Packs for Different Body Parts

18:28 The Influence of Moon Cycles on Castor Oil Use

21:52 Harnessing the Power of the Moon

22:07 Castor Oil Packs for Men

22:42 Relieving Muscle and Joint Pain

23:18 Soothing Stomach Aches

23:40 Fighting Fibroids and Inflammation

24:30 Alleviating Arthritis Pain

25:02 Eliminating Headaches

25:25 Boosting Adrenal Health

25:48 Safe and Effective for Kids

26:32 Promoting Lymphatic Flow

29:26 Healing Wounds and Scars

31:03 Enhancing Hair and Nail Health

42:10 Boosting Thyroid Health

44:31 Conclusion: The Versatility of Castor Oil

44:57 The Importance of Hydration


  Welcome friends.

To the reality of health podcast.

You may have heard about this topic recently, there's a lot of viral videos all over social media. Everything from. Celebrities to the newest natural health celebrity. Barbara O'Neill.

Today, we're talking about castor oil. And castor oil packs.

Totally amazing. Substance for the body in an amazing modality to help you with your daily. Pains and aches and.

Set backs and weight loss and hormonal issues and skin problems and digestive things. And. Wow. It just keeps going. How about lymphatic system? Healthier lymphatic system is so important. So important. We're going to have a future episode coming up on just lymphatic.

But today. Castor oil.

You know, we used to watch those cartoons when we were kids. And they would feed castor oil oil to the antagonist in the plot.

Like it was punishment. And then we would hear these stories of how.

People would give their children back. You know, A hundred years ago. Up to maybe 50 years ago. Give kids castor oil. For their health. Do you know why they did that? They did that because it was a laxative. 📍

Y because kids don't like to poop. So they would get all backed up. Guess what. Give them castor oil. They're not backed up anymore. And the same thing can happen to you. All right, so let's get into it.

Before I get into all the benefits. I think it's really important. To establish how to buy it. How do you use it first? I think it will be easier to follow along once you understand what you're using and how you're using it. I will say to begin with most people initially sleep better. They have better bowel movements.

You feel more calm? Generally feel better all day with less ups and downs. Everyone should feel benefits if you don't then most likely your dehydrated. Oh, yeah. So think about this. If you start castor oil packs. And you're not experiencing any benefits. It's because you're dehydrated.

Without water in the body, you can't get flow.

I've talked about this concept of circulation and flow with structured water a few times now.

Things have to move in the body in an out from one area to another, to another. And so on. If you are dehydrated, your lymphatic system basically is useless. And that's the sewer system of your body. Think about. When you're in the summer when there's no rain. You know how the sewer stinks. And then after a big rain. It doesn't smell anymore. Because it washed all that stuff out of the sewer. Less water in a stagnant pool or a pond. Yeah, the stinkier.

It is. Same with your body.

Hydration actually, doesn't come from drinking water. Which we've talked about in the past, but

hydration comes from consuming fat. In your diet. And minerals. Mostly the minerals. Fat makes your tissues soft and supple and flexible.

That youthful feel. Minerals create hydration. By carrying water in and out of your structures. All the structures of your body.

Water is the only substance that the body has to hold onto.

And then it has to put that substance into tissues.

You can actually check and see if you're dehydrated, you can use a urine test. They have strips for that. You can buy them online or. I believe you can get them in the. Stores.

So, how should you buy it? Well,

Let me first state that there are a lot of good brands, but I don't think anyone makes as good a product as a company called queen of Thrones. Not only does she have. The oil. Which she constantly tries to find the best source.

But she also makes the best pack. Bar none 📍 period.

It's personally what I use.

So the oil has to be extra Virgin, 100% organic. And it has to be in a glass bottle. That's either Amber or green. It has to be expeller pressed and no hexane. Trust me. When I tell you, you never want hexane in any of your food oils or your body oils.

Why is it so important to make sure it's this really super high quality? Okay, so let's get into a little bit of science here. castor oil oils, molecular weight. Is such that everything that's in it. That oil will pass it through your skin. Very deeply. So if it's in, let's say a plastic bottle. It's going to break down that plastic because plastic comes from oil.

Then that plastic from leaching out of the bottle, into the oil, you then put that on your skin and then you absorb all those micro plastic particles, right.

Into some of the most sensitive areas of your body or. In an area of your body, you're trying to lower the pain or get healing. And all you're doing is shoving plastic molecules right into that area. That's not a good thing.

So if it's.

Pressed using hexane. Well then. Hexane makes its way through your skin, into your body. You see? So the bottle matters. And the quality of the product matters.

I mean. Isn't it the whole point to do this for health, not to make it worse. This is why buying the right pack matters. Don't just throw a cotton. Piece of material. That's got castor oil on it and then wrap plastic all around it. You don't want that plastic like that. You're putting plastic against your skin.

That's never a good thing.

Hence the reason why I no longer wear any fabrics. That are made out of plastic polyester specifically.

That pack. He needs to be just as healthy. As the oil.

Chemical free organic dye-free bleach free. Flame retardant free, just free of everything.

The reusable. Queen of Thrones. Packs.

You use less oil because there's a barrier on the outside. So it doesn't get all over your clothes or sheets or, you know, whatever you have covering that.

The softer that interior material is the more contact for the receptors on your skin, both the pressure and the pain receptors. Just makes it way more effective.

Now, if you're going to use packs, you only want to use castor oil. Don't use any other oil. That's not good. There are few exceptions. We're not getting into those in this episode. That could be. Uh, much later, if you want to do any of that, just let me know.

Far as how many.

You can use. These packs. Or the oil as much as you want. It's there's no real limit on what you can do with it. You can use it on your skin just straight. You can do the packs. And there's no like. Well, you can only do once a day and you can only do that for five days and take the weekend off. No, it doesn't work like that.

That's that's not what this is. This is a completely different. A totally unique way. To use a modality. Without having to swallow it.

Nor spend a whole ton of money.

So actually what's in castor oil you might ask yourself. Well, there's a whole lot of these specific types of fats. Now they're omega fats, but there's a lot of them. And they are very good for healing. It also has vitamin E. And polyphenols. I know I spoke about polyphenols a long time ago. It said polyphenol is not good for you. But we're not using those as daily food right now.

We're using these as healing compounds. You're not going to get that much out of it to really cause a problem in the body. But these omega fatty acids that it has have great anti-inflammatory . Properties. Relieves the pain balances, your microbiome. Also reduces and breaks up biofilm. Remember when we talked about that in the parasite episode, Ooh, gross. Increases your circulation. Via the pathway of nitric oxide. You don't know what that is. Don't worry about it.

Your body makes nitric oxide. It's what causes the vascular constriction. Or the opening of all your venous tissue to allow blood to flow. Remember, we just talked about how good it is to have good blood flow. Also supports glutathione recycling. So your liver makes glutathione from your food. Then your body can make it again.

So after it uses it, it can keep recycling. It. And this is one of the few things that can do that.

Why do you even care about glutathione? Well, first of all, glutathione is, the most powerful antioxidant the body along with hydrogen believe it or not. Super super powerful for literally everything your body uses both of those. Glutathione and hydrogen. To fight all the bad things happening in the body and increase the good things.

My favorite part of this.

The number one reason why you want to use. Castor oil packs and don't worry. I'll teach you how to use them. Is that it stimulates lymphatic drainage. How does it do that? Erik? Well, you have a liver pathway. So most of the. Lymphatic.

Movement in the body. Goes through the liver. Yep. Liver is responsible for up to 80%. Of your lymphatic drainage.

Therefore it can help with all types of fatty liver disease. By the way they just classified a new one recently. Metabolic fatty liver disease. M F L D rather than nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Neurologically. Castor oil packs do absolutely incredible things. Now follow me with this. I know this is going to get a little bit. Hard to understand, but I think you'll get it.

When you place. Castor oil packs on specific dermatomes. It activates your somatic visceral reflexes. And then those trigger. The internal activation. Of detoxifying and cleansing organs, like your liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and your entire gut. 📍

What the heck did you just say, all right, I'll explain it. Uh, dermatome is it's an area of your skin. That's connected to a nerve root junction in your spine. Then that goes to your brain. So think about it like this. Your spinal column attaches through a nerve. To the skin on your hand. The skin in your hand would be a dermatome that's Derma and then T O M E. So you can actually influence the nerves from your hand. Through your spine and therefore influencing. Your nervous system.


Did that make sense? By putting a pack. On your elbow. Or your knee or your thigh? Or your butt. Or your gut. Or your neck. Even your head anywhere on your skin. There are nerves that go from that area. Through big nerves, by the way, through to your spine, a certain area enter into your central nervous system, which influences your brain and all the other activation. It's kind of like. A gateway. It's called a dermatome. Okay.

So Erik, why is that so important? Who cares? It's just a part of your skin. That's influencing the rest of your body. Oh, see, this is what gets me really excited. It's because it regulates your autonomic nervous system. Yea the nervous system. The autonomic nervous system, which I incessantly talk about because it runs everything. You got to understand this part of your body. Remember you have sympathetic and parasympathetic. So the reason why castor oil packs work so well is they work on . The parasympathetic side. So. When used while you're sleeping. It calms you down creates healing.

It detoxifies, it lowers your stress. And it increases your sleep quality. How cool is that? So during the day when you're in sympathetic, Which is. Movement getting your stuff done, running around, thinking. Being active. If you have too much sympathetic activity and you don't have enough parasympathetic, then you're always in fight or flight. When you get back into para sympathetic, now you're into rest and relax. Rebuild. This is where we want to be.

And this is what castor oil packs do for you. So if you even have a hard time relaxing, don't worry. The pack will do it for you.

I just love the whole autonomic nervous system thing, because it's literally your system. It's so cool. 📍 It's so much fun to learn about, and once you understand it, it explains everything. 📍

So here's, what's really cool about.

Castor oil packs.

They clean your colon and your liver. And your lymphatic system. Slowly. Uh, less uncomfortable side effects. In some cases, if you go slow enough. You know, you're not in a hurry. No reason to. Speed it all up. You don't have a lot of side effects. Matter of fact. You can regulate it based on how you feel. So if you're feeling it, you're like, okay. I wore this for an hour, which is how you do it.

First is wear it for an hour. Sometime in your day and get used to it. See how you do. Eventually you start wearing it. To go to bed. So you, you literally put it on before you go to bed and you sleep with it.

It's always recommended to try the one hour thing first. Do that every other day. Ah, let's do it for 2, 3, 4 or five times. It's up to you, whatever, whatever you like.

If you cleanse slowly. One of your best benefits is you're going to poop better. Oh, yeah. You will. No more constipation. Bloating irritable bowel, none of this kind of stuff. And for kids talking to you, parents.

Because it's so gentle.

And they don't have to take anything orally. It's just like this gentle way that they can wear it. They're like, this feels fine. And then eventually you got them sleeping with it and they don't even think about it anymore. And yet they just go to the bathroom, like. Oh, this is easy. They don't have to take it internally. Create diarrhea because like a dojo, it's a laxative.

So for everybody. Putting it over your liver. That's the right side underneath your rib cage. And the way she's designed her pack, it's very simple to use. It's super, super comfortable. Trust me. It is. Extremely easy.

There's only one caveat.

Do not. Use the pack on your liver. If you're pregnant or you're breastfeeding. I don't need to get into all of the reasons just. Believe me. Now.

So here's, what's pretty cool about this. The pressure from the pack and then the use of the castor oil oil. It's sort of activates a dopamine response while you're sleeping. If you use it during the day, a little bit there too, but for women, it secretes oxytocin. Oh, yeah. If you want to know what that is, look it up.

Y'all love that one. Men and women.

But the point is.

You go from a . Stress. State. To a parasympathetic rest. And digest state. Through dopamine and oxytocin. Which makes you sleep better? Lowers your daily stress. Constipation relief is pretty cool. So if you're just normally like, you know, I just have your irritable bowel and that irritable bowel for me is constipation. This is almost immediate. And very, very gentle. If you have sciatic pain. Absolutely amazing. Now here's where you put the pack over the area for the sciatic. So if you're feeling it, let's say just below your waist. Top of your gluteus Maximus. Or in your lower back, you just put the pack over that area.

And by the way, this pack is not like tiny. This thing is pretty good size. So you've got a lot of leeway here.

One of its best benefits. Is for breast pain. Now it doesn't have to be just women. Cause though I think a women, you know, they have the breasts. Well, men have breasts too. And men can have breast cancer. They can also have lymphatic situations. They can be sensitive there too. So for either men or women, This pack, castor oil. Is.

So good for breast pain.

It's one of the best things that's known for. Now. Queen of Thrones makes one for women. If you have a larger.

Chest size cup size, then this is what you're going to want to get, because it's more formed. You want the most amount of surface area. This is one of the ways of pack works. Remember, you're stimulating.

The receptors for touch and pain. And.

Sensitivity it's you want the whole.

Coverage, so to speak.

Moving down the body. It's used for all different pelvis type pains, men or women. So let's talk pelvis. So we're talking. You know, the general lower torso area. You're going to usually use it on the pubic bone area. For things like, you know, female reproductive issues, fibroids, endometrial problems, hormone balances, uterine issues is a big one for women, but also for men. It can also be used for your prostate.

erectile dysfunction.

Urinary issues.

Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you're the only one that has problems down there. Lots of men have problems down there too. This is something you can use very easily in the privacy of your own home. Nobody needs to know about it and you're not taking pills.

By the way ladies, you should know your moon calendar.

What did you just say, Erik? Well, I'm seeing your moon cycle. Now.

Not every woman knows. They don't really think about it. They don't care. They'll put it on a calendar, but they don't know where the moon is. This is important. The moon. Actually has more influence on a female body all though it also has it on the male body. Then, you know, All right. So hear me out. So on a monthly cycle. You want to put your pack on your liver from the time you bleed until ovulation?

That's the best time for women to do liver pack. Is during this time because there's more energy in the upper part there around the liver, preparing for the egg to be released. You get most of the benefit during that time using liver pack. Okay. Then.

You move it down to a pelvic pack. For post ovulation until you bleed again, you know, 12 to 15 days or so it depends on everybody. Everybody's a little kind, a little different.

You see the energy drops from the liver area down into the pelvic zone, preparing for the egg to land, so to speak for fertilization.

If you go back to my sex episode, I teach you. You can actually get rid of your period. But keep all your energy. If you want to have your period, then this method will help you achieve that goal. If you had.

Don't want your period then. You can follow the sex episode or I teach you how to get rid of it. It doesn't matter either way. One's not more beneficial than the other.

Now if you have perimenopause or menopause or you absolutely do not want to have kids whatsoever. Well, then you want to start the liver pack. On the full moon. Then the new moon, you switched to a pelvic pack. Okay. So write that down. It's also in the transcription.

Menopause . Perimenopause and you don't want kids liver pack full moon. Then you move to the new moon for the pelvic pack. Now if you're in fertile and you're having issues and you want to try this method, which works extremely well. You want to start the liver pack on the new moon?

Until the full moon.

And then once the full moon starts now use the pelvic pack until the new moon. Okay. Let me restate that. Start liver pack on the new moon until the full moon. Then you use the pelvic pack. Until again, the next new moon. So liver PAC new moon. Up to the full moon. Then you use the pelvic pack until the new moon starts. Men. You can do this too. You also follow moon cycles.

If you want to increase your fertility, you do the same thing.

If you don't want to get pregnant, then you follow the one to not get pregnant, which is the perimenopause menopause. I don't want to have kids thing. So follow those for the men. At the same time the women do it much better fertility, or if you do not want to be fertile, you can also achieve that as well.

All right guys.

So. Because we follow the cycles of the moon. You can use these packs for yourself. Don't forget.

We may not feel the cycles of the moon the same way they do. But, oh yeah, you absolutely follow cycles of the moon.

The whole earth does look at oceans. Look it. Uh, crime rates. I mean, all the stuff. So you can help your mail things to like prostate, even things like hair loss. Yeah, men, you can do a lot of things. You can add it to the follicles in your hair, just a couple drops in and then kind of massage that in and that area.

Plus if you use the pack down in the pelvic area that helps lower D H T. So, not only can you make yourself feel better down there and not age is as bad. But you can also help your hair just by working on the pelvic area, the liver area. And then also add a little bit of the drops to the hair area.

castor oil oil. Has been known to lower pain in muscles and joints. So let's say you're an athlete. Or you just work out. And you're feeling sore. You can use that pack on the areas. You're feeling sore. You can't just use the oil and rub it in. It's not quite the same, though. That pressure in the warmth from the pack actually makes a big difference. But if you suffer joint issues or muscle soreness, cause you work that body really hard. This is a very, very effective thing to do.

So I would say. Ice pack when you need it. And then castor oil pack when you're not running the ice pack.

If you get stomach aches or, you know, your children's and a stomach ache, you can put this pack right over the stomach. It's also been known to get rid of a stomach ache extremely fast. I've never tried it. Because they haven't had a stomach ache, but I'm sure it probably works because this has been going on. For years and years and years. And in some cases, thousands of years, So if you use it as the liver pack, Or any or in the body, but one of the main things it does is it gets rid of overall inflammation, both from the site that you're using it as well as the whole body, because remember it goes through your dermatome and it influences your entire nervous system pathways.

It's also known to destroy breakdown, tear apart in dissolve fibroids.

Those things can be everywhere. For men, it's mostly in the liver. For women, it's all kinds of areas. Y you say, well, estrogen. So. You collect a lot of estrogen in your liver. So men, the highest concentration is going to be in your liver. Women. Estrogen is everywhere. So therefore you have more areas that could have fibroid tissue.

For those of us.

Cause I think I do have some arthritis, but for those of us where you who have pretty serious arthritis, you can do a pack where you have the most pain, especially if you know it's coming. Let's say, you know, the pressure's going to drop because the storms come through. Well, if you know, it's the left knee. Cover that left knee while you're sitting at home watching television or football or whatever you're doing, just pack it right away and leave that thing onto you.

Go to bed, take it off, puts a new oil in there, put it back on, go to sleep, do everything you can. . Trust me. It will help you.

It's also known to get rid of headaches. You can pack the back of your neck. Your forehead, the side of your head, this kind of thing. Even jaw pain, you can pack it. So it's there. I know you're going to look goofy, but don't worry about it. It's about getting rid of the pain.

When you use. It as a liver pack. So let's literally going over the liver area. It works on adrenals. Now you can also work on adrenals by putting it directly over top of the kidneys. That works. Super good. Both sides. You knew one side than the other, or you can have two packs, but one on one side, put one on the other and then tie those down.

And you can have a lot of adrenal issues from stress.

It doesn't just take caffeine to really work the adrenals.

But I think it's pretty cool. You know, I mean, you can use it on the kids. It's totally safe if they like it. There's no side effects. You can use as much oil as you want, or as little as you want it, the normal dosage is usually a .

Tablespoon or two added to an area of the cloth and you put it on, you tie it down lightly. It's so easy. It's simple and kids don't hate it.

Now the pack works a lot better. If you put it on the skin. You can put it on the skin, the oil straight on the skin if you want, but the pack. Is much more effective.

I just want to touch on that again. One more time. When you put this pack on over your liver. Especially in your torso area, maybe even if you did on your stomach, but mostly in any area of your torso. There's like this pumping action for your lymphatic system. Okay.

The material, the pack. And the softer side. The softer it is the better. Causes a little like the slight compress. Okay. And then because of those skin receptors. That stimulates the sematic visceral reflex.

It's super subtle, but it's so extremely powerful. The results are amazing. You would think, ah, what really, I'm just putting this like pack with a little bit of oil and I'm tying it onto my body.

Yeah. Guess what. People that do it. They've used castor oil packs in hospitals for years and years and years. This is not nothing new.

But. If you understand the mechanism. This is why I started off telling you about how it works and how to buy it and how to use it. So that when I talk about what it's good for and you can picture it. So you want just enough pressure that creates a little heat under there and the softer material. There's more contact to the skin. And then the movement of your breathing or your slight movement, or you're walking around the house. That creates that somatic visceral reflex. It's like this pumping action.

It gets fluids moving and that's called flow. We want flow. Everything in your body works better with flow. Like we talked about stagnant sewer, a stagnant pond compared to a flowing river. Or a lake that's always getting new water in and wa and old water out.

It's amazing. It's such a simple thing. It's inexpensive.

It feels good even. I actually hurt my hand.

Recently. I have no idea what I did. It's actually my wrist. It was so paint, some of the most pain I've ever felt. I could not use my, my hand. I couldn't lift it.

Got adjusted from my chiropractor that helped. And then I. Kept a compress of castor oilville on it. For like two and a half, three days.

Wow. In about four days. It was 90% gone. That has never happened in my life where it went so quickly from such a negative state to such a positive state. I know for a fact, the castor oil oil did. Uh, super high speedy rate of healing. I could tell, I could feel it. So I'm just saying like, that was a recent one happened while I was planning this episode.

How cool is that?

All right, let's get back to what it's good for. So this episode is not five hours long. There's a lot of topical uses. Okay. Both men and women, youth. You've got lots of things. You can use it for. You can remove makeup.

I guess. If you're a man, you might be wearing makeup as well. It's good for a wound healing. they use it after surgery all the time. It's in tons of cosmetics, it's in tons of things that you buy for scar creams and whatever. But you just don't want to put on an open wound, but anything that is just closed, then immediately start using it. So if you want a lower scars or the possibility of a scar. And this is going to be, we're going to talk about this in the scar episode, because scars are absolutely amazing. And when I talk about this, you guys are going to be just blown away on how important scars are to your body. So one of the ways to speed that up is you use castor oil oil and usable vitamin E in there.

So you never want to use vitamin E in a jar, always buy capsules. Carlson labs makes the best vitamin E bar none period that you can buy. You will not buy a better product.

You get the vitamin E you Pierce. The soft gel, you can squeeze out as much as you need. Add that to some castor oil, rub it on your scar. Put that. PAC over there or just rubbing on each day. I'm telling you. Amazing for scars. No. If it's a wound that's healing, doesn't take very long. To heal it without a scar.

But if you do have a scar, that's been there for awhile. It might take us several months, but it will break down all that scar tissue and fibroids in, smooth it out, and then it'll go white and then it will go away and it will. I'm telling you. It's amazing. The testimonies on scars and castor oil oil are mind blowing.

That's great for your nails, by the way, just add a drop to each of your nails, rub it in. Anytime you want watch TV or whatever. If your hair, you can just add it to the ends of your hair or a little bit to your scalp and rub it in. You want to do that? Usually like when you're home, before I go to bed kind of thing. If you're going to do it before you get in the shower, you want to do it, you know, a while before you go in the shower, otherwise you just washed it right out.

Didn't give it time to work.

Like I said, you can use it for men and women, so you can use it for your beard. You use it in the base. And then you also put it at the end. It will help it grow. It'll be.

Softer. Much more manageable hair because you know, hair is kind of stiff. You can use it on all of the hair, but basically you want to do it the base and the tips. So guys, there you go. Great beard oil. I guess women can have beards too. I mean, They're starting to now see it all the time. Just look at it.

Social media.

Two of the things it's most known for and the one you see most often in social media. Is, it will increase the length. And the thickness of your eyelashes. Oh, yeah.

Absolutely 100% proven. It's a known thing, many cultures for thousands of years. Same with your eyebrows. If you have thin eyebrows, you want to use this every single day, twice a day, morning and evening. If you use an iron mask even better. Put it in there. Around your eyes. There's ways to put it on your eyelashes.

Little brushes. You can just put it on there. Put on your eyebrows. Cover it up. Go to sleep.

Lots of ways to learn how to put it in your eyelashes and put it on your eyebrows, that kind of thing. So I won't go into a lot of that here. Look it up now. You always want to test it on your skin first? You just never know. You can actually get clogged pores, so you'll need it. You know, adjust it just to use per your situation.

But it's really thick.

So you only need a little bit every day. You don't need massive quantities. I always mix it with a little bit of my skin oil. So I'll put like a. A dime in my Palm.

Then I add my living libations. Facial oil. Three squirts. Mix it. Forehead face neck. Ears back and neck. Awesome.

Just remember if you're going to mix it with anything you want to make sure whatever you're using is a hundred percent natural. Anything that you put with castor oil oil that castor oil's molecular weight is going to draw it deep into the skin. So you either going to put garbage on there and have all kinds of nasty synthetic commercial. Type.

Products or you can have really good quality nutrients that you pass through deep into sensitive tissues. My skin is so much better now that I've been using it.

And I don't have any clogged pores. You might be different. You can use. Essential oils or add other types of oils to castor oil to you don't have to use just straight castor oil. That's up to you.

And by the way it's been used in ayurveda medicine in India. For multiple thousands of years. They use it. Constantly all the time. I spoke about this in the belly button episode, but.

in ayurveda. They claim that your vein tissue dries out and needs oil. So picture inside your body.

Your veinous tissue, all your capillaries and such actually dry out. And by putting it. On your belly button. It helps nourish all the veins and arteries and capillaries from the inside out.

Y. Because it's high in good cholesterol and triglycerides.

And it passes right into the body, through the belly button. Think about that.

They also claim that it'll reduce wrinkles and nourish your skin, both putting it directly and through your Naval.

They swear by it for the eyelashes and the eyebrows become thicker and hair growth and the quality of all of it, that kind of thing. I'm not exactly sure if that works through the belly button, but I'm definitely not going to go against millions of people. Using it for thousands of years. And look at the Indian people, their hair it's beautiful.

Thick. It's luscious. Asian countries know more about how to create beautiful skin.

Then just about anybody in the world.

Uh, only because they spend a lot of time on it, but also because they figured it out.

And even if it doesn't work for your hair growth or your quality. Still a super healthy thing to do. It's going to have lots of advantages.

So how do I use it, Erik? Well, that pack. You're going to start with an hour before bed. Then you're going to go to full nights, three to five nights a week. Of course topically.

For a liver detox activity. That happens in your body from one to 3:00 AM. So if you go to bed before 11, then you'll generally hit that one to 3:00 AM. Liver cleanse. Starts with your gallbladder cleaning itself from 11 to 1:00 AM. Then the liver kicks in to clean itself. Then from three to 5:00 AM, your lungs will clean themselves.

then your spleen from nine to:

Then your body wants really good blood circulation.

It works on that from seven to 9:00 PM. Then from nine to 11 is what's called your triple burner, which is all of the major.

systems combined.

You can add essential oils. To castor oil oil. You need to know how to use them though. Don't just buy some garbage and use them incorrectly. They are super powerful and can damage your skin if you don't dilute them.

You should know what you're doing with using essential oils, but don't be afraid of them.

It's not like that.

One of the best would be Clary Sage C L a R Y. Second word Sage S a G E. This would be good for everybody. Here's what it'll do for you. Menstrual problems. Of all different types. Endometriosis PMs. Menopause problems. Hot flashes. Muscle aches and pains and muscular fatigue. Muscular spasms, excessive perspiration, headaches, loss of concentration. Memory insomnia, nervousness, depression, anxiety, physical stress, psychological stress. Why because it's restorative and it helps you sleep and reduces pain. That's a pretty good combo while you're sleeping and yeah, it works for both men and women.

The next one you could use as frankincense.

Oh boy. Talked about this before. It's good for coughs and colds, bronchitis, nervousness, asthma skin infections, scars wounds. Urinary tract problems, infections, mental fatigue, depression, nervousness, stress tension. to communicate. See, I had a problem there myself. Even though it does all of that. It's also a restorative tonic to the whole body.

These attributes I just listed are all about what healing. So even though you might not have a urinary tract infection doesn't mean it's not good for a million other things in your body. Here's a few more. You can use lavender. lime. Magnolia. Neroli N E R O L I. And one of my favorites, sandalwood.

So for the face. Instead of giving you every single essential oil for the face, because there's so many of them, I'm just going to give you two that are most universal, that are literally good for every single health condition in your skin.

Every single person. Every single reason. That's either German. Or Roman camomile. And lavender now I prefer camomile.

Cause too much lavender in your life can actually have estrogenic issues. But camomile is so much more powerful than anybody knows. Every single skin . Condition we'll work with Chamomile

one of the others that it's known for his eye issues.

You can use it in your eye mask.

You don't want to put it in your eyes unless you use like a sterile castor oil oil drop and there's ones that will state that it's sterile.

So when you add it to the eye mask and you have it, let's say around the eyes, You know, you're not in the eyes. It creates this cleansing effect from those tissues, all the nasties that's . Sort of like, think about like this, your eyes. I don't really have really good cleansing mechanism. So if you can pull those toxins out and then replace it with nutrients, well then an eye mask using. castor oil can be extremely effective every single day because you're using it every day.

And put it in like a glass dropper bottle.

And then you can add a little bit into your hand. Or you can put whatever you want. On your face or in your eye mask, it's just an easy way to deliver it. Right? You can, you can kind of just pick how much you want.

I also kind of use it. On my back. I use a back moisturizing applicator. So I'll add castor oil oil and jojoba oil.

Maybe even the aloe vera lotion that I've told you about before. And worked my back.

for hydration...

My back of my waist behind my arms, these kinds of areas. Absolutely wonderful, super nourishing. And by the way, If you look at my Oh, my skin looks fantastic.

So you can use it on your face. You can add things to it.

Like lotion or any of your other oils, anything you want to use and put it all over. Uh, there's no, there's no limit. No one's telling you. You can or can't do anything. You just gotta be careful with pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Just remember. Whatever you put into castor oil oil, that's going to go deeper into the body as long as you understand that you're good to go. One of its main benefits is how antifungal it is. Oh yeah. All the skin, fungus issues. Use the dropper put a drop here and there, whatever work it in. Don't really need to use anything else, but you could also add an essential oil if you really, really want it to something like tea tree oil or anything else. That is so effective.

It's ridiculous. And then why even by foot or heel cream, just use castor oil. Put your socks on. You don't need to buy this other garbage. If you like to sleep with your socks on. Which is never really that good for your health. Trust me. You want your feet to air out? But let's say you got a foot issue or it's so cold, you just can't even handle it. Put some castor oil oil on your feet, then what your socks on and go to bed. You want soft skin?

I'm telling you majorly. Good.

castor oil is known. For thyroid health.

You can make your own, or you can get. Uh, pack to use on your thyroid. Shaped like it.

Use it for about an hour before bed. That's all you really need to do. It's super sensitive area.

But it will help your thyroid actually work better. I'm going to have a whole episode coming up shortly. About the thyroid, how important it is. It's a master gland. And if you can use castor oil to help your thyroid work better. For all the thyroid issues. Why not? Your thyroid actually works with your liver.

We talked about liver and lymphatic drainage with castor oil oil. You see the two of them work together. Your neck area is actually crucial to your health. There's all kinds of collar up focal infections, which I spoke about in the original foundation episodes.

You've got lymphatic. You've got thyroid, you got your thymus, you got arteries, all that stuff that leads up in and out of your head. Very very important. castor oil oil helps. All of that. You don't need to take anything. You put a tablespoon. On a pack. When I say pack, think about it. It's just a piece of material. And you put it on your throat, tie it down a little bit, watch some TV or read a book or sit outside for an hour and you take it off.

That's it. And it does miraculous things to your health. So you see, this is not a hard thing to do. Super simple. Very cost-effective. If you go to queen of Thrones website. She tells you how long you can expect to use a pack and how to wash it. And should you buy more than one and all the little details? I believe you should have a few packs learn how to wash them. They're not used forever.

They do get filled up with toxins that it's pulling out of your body. So you're going to want to like change those out, but. Tell me. Is there a lot of ways to heal your body? That's so easy, so comfortable. That works so well, what else do we have? I mean, do you always want to take a pill? You don't even have to think about your diet plan.

All you do is put a tablespoon or two on this I put it on your body. Let it sit there for an hour or go to sleep with it. With huge benefits. I think it doesn't get any easier and it's comfortable.

So sounds like I had did a.

Commercial. And ad. For castor oil oil in a pack, but.

You're hard pressed to find people that have done it and said, yeah, it didn't do anything. I remember if it didn't. That means they were dehydrated.

Dr. Marisol who owns queen of Thrones. She is an N D. She has seen this when people said I don't really feel, I don't really feel anything. It's I don't know. It's not really. And then when she checks their dehydration, boom, every single one of them is dehydrated. She works on the hydration. Immediately the PAC works. So, yeah, you do have to worry about your hydration. That's not so bad.

That's really, really easy. But essentially not many things can do with this. Can do. It's wonderful for your body in so many ways, I use it every single day. It doesn't cost a lot of money.

I encourage you to try it. Especially as you get older. It's hard to feel better when you get older. What else can you do? You end up just taking pain medication, which is not good for you. Why not try it a different way.

Thank you for listening. If you know anybody that can benefit from this information, please send it along. Otherwise. Take care of yourselves.




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