Principe Scops Owl :: Otus bikegila
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 013
The Principe Scops Owl, is a critically endangered avian, native to Principe Island of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, roughly 150 miles off the Western Coast of Africa near Equatorial Guinea.
Research for today’s show was compiled from
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A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.
Welcome to Bad at Goodbyes.
On today’s show we consider the Principe Scops Owl.
Species Information:The Principe Scops Owl, is a critically endangered avian, native to Principe Island of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe roughly 150 miles off the Western Coast of Africa near Equatorial Guinea.
to our scientific taxonomy in: al inhabitants dating back to:It is pretty exciting to have a newly described avian species so recently and to me is a rich reminder of the breadth of our blue pebble’s biodiversity and how much more we have to learn and that there need be some urgency to this as we risk biodiversity loss, not even knowing what we are losing.
Okay back to our owl:
The Principe Scops Owl is small, measuring 6-8 inches in height with feathers that are reddish, gray, and very dark brown. Their eyes are yellow, and their beaks range from beige to nearly black. It has small ear tufts and soft light down on its chest.
humans. In:Príncipe is a volcanic island, with its oldest rocks dated to 31 million years ago. Its climate is tropical with very mild variation in temperature across the year; coolest lows in the mid 70s, warmest highs in the low 80s. It has two wet seasons – in March, April, May and in October, November.
The Principe Scops Owl shares its rainforest with kingfisher, mahogany tree, gecko, ibis, ebony, starling, oil palm, tree frog and puddle frog.
Though it has not been thoroughly studied, scientists suspect the owl feeds on insects like grasshoppers, beetles, moths and crickets. They hunt perched on tree branches, swooping quickly and quietly to the ground to seize their prey. They will also hunt flying insects, in flight.
The Principe Scops Owl’s main call is a quick sequence of identical short medium to low frequency notes. And it’s vocally active throughout the nighttime, rarely sounding during daylight. Both male and female vocalize both individually and in duet with one another. Females are thought to sing at a higher frequency, which is like other species of scops-owls.
In the dream, the owl calls its singular question and I wonder of naming and the old spellmaking and of course curse-making of a name spoke aloud. To risk mine with this bold Scops owl its dark walnut feathers rustle in the leaf-mottled sunlight. Perhaps he is an archivist, the recordkeeper of his parliament, holding the memory of: Moa, Dodo, Bay Thrush, Painted Vulture, Great Auk, Labrador Duck, Passenger pigeon, and all lost kin who can no longer answer his question. keeping safe their names, in the dream.
Little is known about Principe Scops Owl reproduction though they likely form monogamous pairs for breeding and we do know that breeding takes place in December–January. They are Secondary Cavity Nesters meaning they use already existing holes in trees or will repurpose Gray Parrot nests as their own. They do not build their own nests.
Beginning as long ago as the:As such, illegal logging is rare, though any loss of large trees in its native forest is likely to impact its population size.
Small areas of the forest have been lost to development. And a particular concern is the proposal for a hydroelectric dam along a river which flows northeast through the protected area. The impact of the development is unclear, but might affect a small but significant section of suitable habitat. When population sizes are small, any habitat changes are more troubling.
The owl is also threatened by one native species, the Mona Monkey and two introduced species, the Black Rat and feral cats.
The Principe Scops Owl needs further research in general and warrants a single species conservation plan or to be added to ongoing conservation actions for Principe's other threatened bird species.
ically Endangered Red List in: t is estimated there are only: Citations:IUCN -
.:The Conversation -
Wikipedia -
Music: Pledge:I honor the lifeforce of the Principe Scops Owl. Though I know only one word of its language, I endeavor to hold its name, in awe and remembrance, gently on my lips. I am grateful to have shared time on our small bright planet with this amazing little being. I lament the ways in which I and my species have harmed and diminished this species.
And so, in the name of the Principe Scops Owl I pledge to reduce my consumption. And my carbon footprint. And curb my wastefulness. I pledge to address the costs of my actions and inactions. And I pledge to name and resist the harm of any kin or their habitat, by corporations and governments.
I pledge my song to the witness and memory of all life, and to the total liberation of all beings.