Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
Don’t Know Anyone? Here’s How to Start Building Your Network
11th May 2018 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:14:36

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No matter what industry you are in, you can build a network of great contacts if you put in the work. Here is the work you need to do. Hi everybody I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast --- As many of you know I was out earlier this week, no podcast on Monday or Wednesday because I was in Phoenix at our corporate offices for our quarterly summit. We get together from all corners of the country and work up strategies and tactics for our business moving forward. I can’t really tell you what we are up to, because we aren’t there yet, but it was an exciting week. I will tell you this, much of the feedback I have received through this podcast, through our private facebook group and the email inbox was discussed and embraced. You folks gave us some good ideas that we are putting into action and I can’t wait to tell you about. Some very cool features, tools and well some other stuff, that’ll add so much value to you in your job search. I’m excited. This is my excited voice. My first day back the northeast office, which is just me and my podcast studio north of philly, I interviewed Andrew Howard Communications Manager for the NFL and it is going to be an awesome episode come Wednesday. If you are into the behind the scenes inner workings of NFL events – think combine, draft, super bowl, playoffs – you are going to be really into this discussion. My conversation with Andrew lined up very very well with a question we received this week from Ellen, a junior in college who is struggling with building her network. Now, as you know Ellen will get a free month at Work in for having her question read on the air – which means she will gain immediate access to our over 7,000 active sports jobs, our matching technology, our resume database that is available to our over 8,000 employment partners – it’s a gift that will help Ellen! You can send your questions to – or join our private facebook group by searching for the WorkinSports podcast on facebook. Being a part of that group will get you an incredible network of contacts – many people I’ve interviewed on the show are in that group…and there are hundreds of sports areer minded people, helping each other out in the battle to get hired – so join in. Also, I probably don’t mention this enough but – subscribe to this podcast, and tell your friends and fellow students… we love growing our audience and sharing all this great information with all of you! So subscribe already…don’t miss an episode! Alright on to Ellen’s question: HI Brian, love the podcast I’ve listened to all of your expert interviews, often more than once and I love you QA sessions which is why I am writing in. In the expert interviews you consistently ask how someone got started in their career, and I listen anxiously hoping to hear someone who didn’t have an “in” in the industry. Alas, it seems so many of your experts say – we’ll I knew such and such which led to a chance. Just being honest here, I don’t really know anyone. I’m worried my lack of connections will really hurt me getting a job in my near future – what do you suggest? Ellen great question and one that many people struggle with so let’s dig into it. First I want you to know there is hope, I got my first job without knowing anyone. Truly, I knew no one. But my skill profile helped me get noticed and then it was up to me to nail the interview and sell them on me. And that is a really important disclaimer here – even if you have all the connections in the world, you have to have the right skills, you will not be hired for just knowing people or having a relative in the business, you need the skills and the ability to sell yourself. Knowing people just gives you a chance, you still have to deliver. But let’s get to your networking question. The reason I said this meshed up well with my interview of An...




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