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We're Rebranding!
Episode 768th September 2022 • The Automotive Leaders Podcast • Jan Griffiths
00:00:00 00:06:30

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Here's a short status update on the why behind the rebranding.

This is a time for me to fall on the sword and admit something that's been haunting me for a while.



Jan Griffiths:

Hello, Finding Gravitas podcast audience. That is the last time I will say that. Don't worry. We're not canceling the podcast. No, no, no, we're making it better. Yes. We're going through a period of rebranding. Well, you might ask yourself, what is that? And why are you doing it? Okay, this is the moment when I fall on the sword. And I have to admit that I finally learned the lesson that all the business coach gurus and marketing gurus, and even Tony Robbins said, when I started my entrepreneurial journey, I actually attended Tony Robbins business mastery course. And something they all talk about is find your niche, or niche, and never know how to pronounce that word niche or niche anyway, the message is find your niche. And I refuse to accept that. I said, Oh, I am going to be authentic leadership for everybody. It doesn't matter what industry it is leadership is leadership. And I want to help those companies move away from command and control and move into a more authentic leadership model. And so I started my entrepreneurial journey and launched the business, Gravitas Detroit. Gravitas being the hallmark of authentic leadership. And then the podcast came along, and we came up with the name Finding Gravitas because that sounds logical, right? Well, actually, no, not really. Because nobody understands what Finding Gravitas really means. So if you're looking for a podcast on leadership, you're not necessarily going to find Finding Gravitas and you might not stop and listen, when you see it. In your podcast app, I had to rethink, I had to step back away from the day to day of the business and think about, okay, what's happening here? Where are we going? And the truth is, my audience, my people, where I live, the industry that I love is indeed, automotive. And I have to recognize that and know that that's where I play. That's where my business needs to focus. Yes, that's my niche. It is the automotive industry. And so you can see the need for the rebrand, the business name will remain the same, we will stay Gravitas Detroit. But the podcast name will be changing, it will be changing to reflect my audience, which is primarily automotive and the needs of my audience. You're going to see a new podcast name, you'll see new podcast art, a new intro, a new trailer, and new music. And it's all coming out the end of this month at the end of September. But don't worry, you won't lose any of the back episodes, you won't have to worry about a thing as a subscriber, it will all happen behind the scenes. And you will miraculously start to get the new podcast at the end of the month. So there it is, I had to fall on the sword. I'm always talking about fail, fail forward, fail fast. We talk about all these things all the time. And I have to take my own lessons that I teach to other people to heart and take this on board and do something about it. So here I am falling on the sword admitting that all their leadership coaches and gurus out there, you were indeed right. Going niche is the way to go. I finally learned that lesson. Automotive. That's my place. That's the industry that I love. And that's where I'm going to be. Now, there are some subscribers out there who are outside of the industry. It doesn't mean you can't listen to the podcast anymore. Or learn some of the lessons of leadership that we talk about in Gravitas Detroit, and that we coach people on. The rebrand is in action. And it's a lot of work, but it's fun work as you hone in on that mission for your business and where you're headed. It's been a great journey. So here we are another milestone in the journey. It'll happen the end of September. And I hope you'll stay with us and encourage others to subscribe to the podcast. We have a great lineup coming and I will talk to you again at the end of the month with a brand new name. Stay authentically you.



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