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How to Get More Comfortable on Camera
Episode 13726th May 2022 • Women Conquer Business • Jen McFarland
00:00:00 00:49:14

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Jen McFarland:

The Women Conquer Business show is an educational, how to, women

Jen McFarland:

in business podcast that features stories, marketing news and real life

Jen McFarland:

experiences from fun and friendly hosts, Jen McFarland and Shelley Carney.

Jen McFarland:

Join us as we dive into the details so you can slay marketing overwhelm, streamline

Jen McFarland:

processes and amplify your impact.

Jen McFarland:

You'll learn strategies and tactics, leadership skills and practical

Jen McFarland:

advice from successful women entrepreneurs to help you grow,

Jen McFarland:

nurture, and sustain your business.

Jen McFarland:

Hello and welcome to Women Conquer Business.

Jen McFarland:

I'm your host, Jen McFarland joined by Shelley Carney as always.

Jen McFarland:

And today we are going to talk about how to get more comfortable on camera.

Jen McFarland:

This is a question that I get all the time, because I'm on camera a fair amount.

Jen McFarland:

And I think it's really important to talk through some of these things, because

Jen McFarland:

this is a big part of content marketing.

Jen McFarland:

It's a big part of getting your message out and really talking to people.

Jen McFarland:

If you're doing events, attending conferences, or want to build your

Jen McFarland:

brand and video content, part of it is you have to be able to engage

Jen McFarland:

with the camera and be engaging.

Jen McFarland:

But that all starts with comfort.

Jen McFarland:

Before we begin, we wanted to just touch base with each other.

Jen McFarland:

Talk about some things that are going on in the world.

Jen McFarland:

So, hi Shelley.

Shelley Carney:

Hi, Jen, I'm doing super.

Shelley Carney:

Everything's going according to plan in my life, we're going to

Shelley Carney:

go visit my mom starting tomorrow.

Shelley Carney:

Toby and I are driving over to Arizona to go to her house, set up a in-home studio

Shelley Carney:

so that I can do my work from there.

Shelley Carney:

My brother has been working on getting internet into their home,

Shelley Carney:

which is a process because they live in a retirement community.

Shelley Carney:

He had to call some of their neighbors and find out what

Shelley Carney:

they use and what works best.

Shelley Carney:

He's nearby, but the one he uses does not cover their area.

Shelley Carney:

He's been working on getting that done and of course Memorial day is coming, so he

Shelley Carney:

had to put it off by day because they're going to be closed for Memorial day.

Shelley Carney:

I'm hoping to have internet for next week's show.

Shelley Carney:

If I don't, I may be on my phone.

Shelley Carney:

We don't know yet, so we're going to play it by ear.

Shelley Carney:

But I'm happy to be going to visit my mom.

Shelley Carney:

Toby and are going to visit her Saturday morning.

Shelley Carney:

He's been wanting to see her and see how she's doing and just get a feel

Shelley Carney:

for what her life is going to be like and anything that we can do in her home

Shelley Carney:

to help make things easier for them.

Shelley Carney:

We'll take care of that this weekend.

Jen McFarland:

It's just so great to have people in your life like Toby,

Jen McFarland:

that is going to help and take care of things with you and do things.

Jen McFarland:

I started giggling because when you were saying you could be on your phone

Jen McFarland:

right before we got started, Shelley was teaching me how to use Streamyard.

Jen McFarland:

I haven't really used it before we started doing the show together and we

Jen McFarland:

did a test show and it was called test.

Jen McFarland:

Toby is awesome.

Jen McFarland:

And they accidentally published it and sent it.

Jen McFarland:

So that is not next week's show.

Jen McFarland:

And it could be that I'm by myself, which is fine because last week you

Jen McFarland:

were with Toby and how did that go?

Shelley Carney:

It went very well, of course we're used to doing this.

Shelley Carney:

The biggest problem was after the fact when YouTube made some

Shelley Carney:

random robot decision to make both our videos private on YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

I had to fix that when I got back from my yurt.

Shelley Carney:

How did you fix it?

Jen McFarland:

I edited the video and then it said it so that it was public again.

Jen McFarland:

But yeah,

Shelley Carney:

I edited mine too.

Shelley Carney:

So that must have been what happened.

Jen McFarland:

So it came back online and then I was able to share

Jen McFarland:

it and get it out into the world.

Jen McFarland:

That's the thing getting comfortable on camera, doing all this content

Jen McFarland:

marketing, it's all about rolling with it.

Jen McFarland:

That's what you have to do because a lot of this stuff happens.

Jen McFarland:

Before we start, one of the things about marketing is you can't be tone

Jen McFarland:

deaf to what's going on in the world.

Jen McFarland:

And I really felt compelled talk about we've had so many mass shootings lately.

Jen McFarland:

We've had so much going on in the world.

Jen McFarland:

And I feel like if we just blast through and talk about everything, like

Jen McFarland:

nothing is happening, there's a chance that we become tone deaf marketers.

Jen McFarland:

We have to really acknowledge that a lot of people are struggling right now.

Jen McFarland:

There's a lot going on in the world.

Jen McFarland:

It's difficult and tragic to see the pictures of these babies

Jen McFarland:

who were murdered in Texas.

Jen McFarland:

They're just small kids and it's so traumatic and difficult and seeing

Jen McFarland:

posts from people who are parents who are very concerned about sending their

Jen McFarland:

kids to school and all of these things.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's important to talk about it a little bit and

Jen McFarland:

process through it a little bit.

Jen McFarland:

Also how it relates to your marketing, because it actually does.

Jen McFarland:

What are you?

Jen McFarland:

You said that you talked about, whoa, there's an alert going on in New Mexico.

Jen McFarland:

Everybody's taking cover in New Mexico.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

There's a fire in the Bosque trail.

Shelley Carney:

Letting everybody know, stay away and Bosque trail is the trail right

Shelley Carney:

along the Rio Grande River and goes right through Albuquerque.

Shelley Carney:

Oh, wow.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Fires in that area.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

So you said that you talked about the shootings and

Jen McFarland:

everything last week or yesterday.

Jen McFarland:

Last night.

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

We have a show called news and views and we talk about news.

Shelley Carney:

And we started off our news coverage with the shooting and basically how

Shelley Carney:

people in positions of government and so on are handling it and how people

Shelley Carney:

are feeling and what can be done.

Shelley Carney:

In the chat there, it gave everybody an opportunity to express their feelings.

Shelley Carney:

What they thought was an underlying theme that they were seeing of

Shelley Carney:

why these things are happening and how we've moved into this.

Shelley Carney:

Toby talked about in the sixties, there was a school shooting

Shelley Carney:

and that was a huge deal.

Shelley Carney:

And now there's been 27 school shootings this year.

Shelley Carney:

So what has happened to us to get us to there?

Shelley Carney:

Why are we living through this?

Shelley Carney:

And it gets to be so many times, so often, that you can't even finish crying about

Shelley Carney:

the last one before the next one happens.

Shelley Carney:

It's tragic and it's sad and it is stressful.

Shelley Carney:

We're scared.

Shelley Carney:

W e have a very scared population of parents who are crying

Shelley Carney:

out for relief, some answers.

Shelley Carney:

What can be done to improve our schools and make things safe?

Shelley Carney:

We didn't like the shutdown during the pandemic.

Shelley Carney:

We didn't like that our kids had to do online learning,

Shelley Carney:

but they were a lot safer.

Shelley Carney:

There were a lot fewer school shootings when the pandemic was

Shelley Carney:

going on because schools were closed.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

I think that for me, it's we don't want to become blase about it.

Jen McFarland:

Like it's just the world we live in.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that you have a lot of really good resources that you wanted

Jen McFarland:

to share about if you're really struggling it is important to talk

Jen McFarland:

to somebody about how you're feeling.

Jen McFarland:

Reach out.

Jen McFarland:

There's the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Jen McFarland:

There are a lot of resources out there if you're struggling with this.

Jen McFarland:

Do you want to share any of those?

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

we'll talk about that.

Shelley Carney:

So it's important to look after your mental health, after tragic events.

Shelley Carney:

And this is definitely one of those times.

Shelley Carney:

Here are a few recommendations for self care in the coming days.


Talk about what you're thinking with someone you trust.


If you want to write something in our chat, if you want to reach


out to us, we're fine with that.


We're here for you.


Express Those feelings, so they don't stay bottled up.


Keep to normal routine as much as you can with getting up


and eating and going to work.

Shelley Carney:

And all of the routines can help keep us grounded

Shelley Carney:

and feeling like we're still okay.

Shelley Carney:

Avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking or drugs.

Shelley Carney:

They just prolong the problems and they don't help you to process your feelings.

Shelley Carney:

Take a break from social media if you feel like that's something you need to do.

Shelley Carney:

And a lot of us need to be reminded of that.

Shelley Carney:

Get off social media for a while and get out in nature and talk to people

Shelley Carney:

and get into the 3d world again.

Shelley Carney:

Help other people, if you can.

Shelley Carney:

Do what we're doing, reach out, say we're here.

Shelley Carney:

Talk to me.

Shelley Carney:

Share your feelings and then reach out if you need extra support.

Shelley Carney:

Here is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 800 2 7 3 8 2 5 5.

Shelley Carney:

Or you can text H O M E the word home to 7 4 1 7 4 1 for free 24 hour

Shelley Carney:

support from the crisis text line.

Shelley Carney:

Reach out and get that help.

Shelley Carney:

Now more than ever, we need to come together as a country, as a

Shelley Carney:

community to support each other and to support parents who are afraid, of

Shelley Carney:

what's possible for their children.

Shelley Carney:

We're here and we feel the way you feel, the pain that you feel as well.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

The pictures are just heartbreaking.

Jen McFarland:

And the posts that I see from my friends with children are also heartbreaking.

Jen McFarland:

I want to also transition a little into what this means for your marketing.

Jen McFarland:

I saw something on Twitter this morning that is exactly what not to do.

Jen McFarland:

One of the things that you want to look at after tragedy is what

Jen McFarland:

are you sharing on social media?

Jen McFarland:

Are you publishing a lot of posts that are going to be interpreted as tone deaf?

Jen McFarland:

One of the reasons we're talking about it now is we want to acknowledge

Jen McFarland:

there are things going on in the world much bigger than whether or

Jen McFarland:

not you feel comfortable on camera.

Jen McFarland:

And we want to acknowledge that there is a lot happening, so we don't sound

Jen McFarland:

like business as usual all the time.

Jen McFarland:

That's one of the reasons why we take time out when there are so many tragedies

Jen McFarland:

and we've had tragedies in Buffalo.

Jen McFarland:

We've had tragedies in Texas.

Jen McFarland:

We've had tragedies in California all in a week.

Jen McFarland:

I think, just a lot of people have died.

Jen McFarland:

So one of the things about your marketing and especially heading into

Jen McFarland:

a Memorial Day weekend, where you maybe have a lot of things set up, you

Jen McFarland:

just don't want to appear tone deaf.

Jen McFarland:

And this is an example of what not to do.

Jen McFarland:

At the top is somebody's commentary on it.

Jen McFarland:

The commentary is in light of recent events, we've canceled all of our

Jen McFarland:

Memorial day sales promotions.

Jen McFarland:

Instead use promo code profit from tragedy for 30% off all purchases.

Jen McFarland:

This is what the company wrote that does sound tone deaf, in my opinion.

Jen McFarland:

Since we are in the business of helping handle stress and creating space for

Jen McFarland:

our mental health, I will share a code here for our newsletter subscribers.

Jen McFarland:

You use code hugs 30 and get 30% off your purchase through Tuesday.

Jen McFarland:

And it's doing things like that sounds tone deaf, as the commentary on Twitter

Jen McFarland:

says it's profiting from tragedy.

Jen McFarland:

You absolutely don't want to do this.

Jen McFarland:

Some people say pause all of your scheduled content.

Jen McFarland:

I think it depends on what you're sharing.

Jen McFarland:

You definitely don't want to change your promotion so that it appears that

Jen McFarland:

you are trying to capitalize on so many tragedies that we've had, and you want to

Jen McFarland:

find ways that you can talk about things.

Jen McFarland:

That's why we are talking about everything that's going on in the world now.

Jen McFarland:

And if it means you need to pause your campaigns or rethink what it

Jen McFarland:

is that you were sharing in your marketing in light of tragedy.

Jen McFarland:

You do need to review that and look at it so that you are ensuring that you're

Jen McFarland:

not putting things through a lens that makes you look like it's business as usual

Jen McFarland:

and I'm profiting from so much death.

Jen McFarland:

So it is a time that a lot of people want to talk about a lot of what's

Jen McFarland:

going on in the world, whether it's Ukraine or other things that are going

Jen McFarland:

on, it's a time for communication.

Jen McFarland:

It's not a time for pushy sales necessarily.

Jen McFarland:

It's not to say you can't sell anything, but this is definitely not

Jen McFarland:

an approach that you want to go with.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that is why it's important that we talk about tragedy.

Jen McFarland:

And then we also talk about it in light of how you go out and engage in the world,

Jen McFarland:

knowing that there's a lot of pain in the world and then acknowledging it and

Jen McFarland:

navigating it with a little bit more grace than a coupon code that capitalizes on it.

Shelley Carney:

This week the news came out that there was a billionaire created

Shelley Carney:

every 30 hours during the pandemic, and a lot of them were from drug companies.

Shelley Carney:

And it makes you think about people who profit from other people's tragedy and

Shelley Carney:

it makes you kinda wonder is that right?

Shelley Carney:

Is that a good thing?

Shelley Carney:

I suppose it depends on if you've become a billionaire because of everybody

Shelley Carney:

needing to buy a particular drug and now you've benefited from that.

Shelley Carney:

Is there a way that you can then share that benefit with the world?

Shelley Carney:

Can you give money to fight world hunger or whatever?

Shelley Carney:

How can you stay on the right side of things, right?

Shelley Carney:

How can you be compassionate and lead with love?

Shelley Carney:

And I think we should ask ourselves that no matter what we're doing

Shelley Carney:

if we're just doing a regular show or if we are trying to address a

Shelley Carney:

tragedy, how can I lead with love?

Shelley Carney:

How can I be compassionate to people?

Shelley Carney:

And if you keep that in mind, I think the money will actually just come anyways,

Shelley Carney:

because it's just the rule of the universe that when you're doing really

Shelley Carney:

good things that are helpful for people, then money just comes to you anyway.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And we've talked about this a lot, and I think that one of the things

Jen McFarland:

I haven't shared on the show, but I've shared with you, Shelley is

Jen McFarland:

how I've been showing up and doing the same thing now for a long time.

Jen McFarland:

And now all of a sudden, people are just sending me clients.

Jen McFarland:

I'm not having to do a lot of active marketing to get people because when

Jen McFarland:

you show up, then people are like, Hey, I think that you have something

Jen McFarland:

to share that's really important.

Jen McFarland:

I think you can help people.

Jen McFarland:

So I get a lot more client referrals.

Jen McFarland:

And then I just talk about the issues and talk about, do my thing.

Jen McFarland:

And people come and the money comes.

Jen McFarland:

Fundamentally, I know the gurus tell you all kinds of things.

Jen McFarland:

That's fundamentally how all of this stuff works.

Jen McFarland:

You show up, you do your thing, you share your knowledge.

Jen McFarland:

People want to be a part of that.

Jen McFarland:

And that is how this works.

Jen McFarland:

So I don't care what other people say, because I know that my experience has

Jen McFarland:

been, you show up, you do your thing.

Jen McFarland:

And yes, the money comes, the clients come all of it.

Jen McFarland:

With all of that in mind let's do shift into what we came here to discuss.

Jen McFarland:

I think it is part of sharing your love and sharing your compassion is also being

Jen McFarland:

able to be engaging in all the different ways that you're sharing your expertise.

Jen McFarland:

And part of that compassion comes from feeling very comfortable when you are

Jen McFarland:

on camera, when you are engaging with other people, whether it's a podcast or

Jen McFarland:

through a blog or anything like that.

Jen McFarland:

And Shelley, I feel like this is way more your...

Jen McFarland:

Like, oh, when I talk about how to be comfortable on camera, a lot of

Jen McFarland:

times I'm talking about it based on my own personal experience, but

Jen McFarland:

I know that you talk through this with your clients and you really.

Jen McFarland:

Can you talk a little bit about your background because you

Jen McFarland:

have been in television and worked in this for a long time.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that, a lot of what you have to share on this is based on

Jen McFarland:

a lot of experience and expertise.

Shelley Carney:

It was 2011 and I signed up for a film tech program.

Shelley Carney:

And within that, I became a producer of a video series.

Shelley Carney:

That was my first experience with putting together a team, creating videos, putting

Shelley Carney:

them on YouTube and that included, all the way through pre-production

Shelley Carney:

through post-production; all of it.

Shelley Carney:

So I learned a lot and then I took acting classes after that,

Shelley Carney:

because I worked with actors.

Shelley Carney:

I was a producer working with actors.

Shelley Carney:

I had done auditions and we chose the actors and I worked

Shelley Carney:

with them during every shoot.

Shelley Carney:

So I got a real good excitement and feeling for what they were doing.

Shelley Carney:

And I went through acting classes myself, and a lot of it is just about,

Shelley Carney:

don't worry so much about the words.

Shelley Carney:

Worry more about conveying the feeling to people that you need

Shelley Carney:

to get across because people will remember how you made them feel more

Shelley Carney:

than they remember anything else.

Shelley Carney:

And I also took improv classes and I took a public speaking class and I learned

Shelley Carney:

that you don't have to know everything.

Shelley Carney:

There are times on our show, Toby and I, and he'll be talking and talking and all

Shelley Carney:

of a sudden he can't think of a person's name like he couldn't remember one of the

Shelley Carney:

prime ministers of China or something.

Shelley Carney:

I can't remember his name.

Shelley Carney:

Three people wrote in the chat, the name, that he wanted.

Shelley Carney:

It gives them a chance to participate and to feel smart

Shelley Carney:

because they provided that for you.

Shelley Carney:

So don't ever worry that you're not going to know an answer.

Shelley Carney:

Just do what you can with what you know, and what you have, and then

Shelley Carney:

let other people who are in your audience feel smart by also helping

Shelley Carney:

you out and providing those answers.

Shelley Carney:

I think that's a huge weight off your shoulders when you realize

Shelley Carney:

I don't have to know everything.

Shelley Carney:

I just have to show up.

Jen McFarland:

When I first started my business, I thought

Jen McFarland:

I should take an acting class.

Jen McFarland:

I should take improv.

Jen McFarland:

I've actually never talked to anybody who went and did all that.

Jen McFarland:

No wonder you're so comfortable on camera because you have

Shelley Carney:

failed so many times on stage.

Shelley Carney:

This is nothing.

Jen McFarland:

That's one of the things that I tell people just based

Jen McFarland:

on experientially, without having the background that you do is the best way

Jen McFarland:

to get over your fear or, the best way to feel comfortable on camera is to practice.

Shelley Carney:

That's right.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Be prepared, practice, and don't give up.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

Those are your three steps.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

I like this first point that you have here,

Jen McFarland:

which is, is there fear here?

Shelley Carney:

There's always fear of getting up in front of people.

Shelley Carney:

It's just ingrained in our brain.

Shelley Carney:

But it's something that we can learn through practice and

Shelley Carney:

preparation to quiet that down.

Shelley Carney:

To, I've done this before.

Shelley Carney:

I've been here before, I can do this.

Shelley Carney:

I don't have to know everything.

Shelley Carney:

Give yourself that little pep talk and then do it.

Shelley Carney:

And then the more you do it the easier it is.

Jen McFarland:

One of my friends and colleagues, Bridget, was giving a

Jen McFarland:

presentation and she took a selfie, it's this great selfie right before she

Jen McFarland:

goes to talk to a Chamber of Commerce.

Jen McFarland:

And she's like I feel like I'm going to barf.

Jen McFarland:

I was like, you got this!

Jen McFarland:

We were chatting online and stuff, which is why I don't feel bad talking about it.

Jen McFarland:

What I said was, I get really red and I always feel freaked out and I

Jen McFarland:

have so much fear and I do it anyway.

Jen McFarland:

And she was like, yeah, I do it anyway.

Jen McFarland:

And one of the things that we talked about a few months ago was

Jen McFarland:

how, I was in a documentary for an article I wrote about ClickFunnels.

Jen McFarland:

The thing I didn't tell people is in the interview I'm wearing a turtleneck

Jen McFarland:

that goes up to my jaw, basically, because when I get really anxious about

Jen McFarland:

things I get super red, everywhere.

Jen McFarland:

And afterwards I talked to the camera man, and I was like, so did I turn really red?

Jen McFarland:

And he's no, not really.

Jen McFarland:

And I said, what about here?

Jen McFarland:

And I pulled down my turtleneck and he was like, oh my gosh.

Jen McFarland:

He's it's like crazy.

Jen McFarland:

And it's all the anxiety that comes up and the fear and what's going to happen next.

Jen McFarland:

You know that as a public speaker or someone to be interviewed, those

Jen McFarland:

things can really mess with you.

Jen McFarland:

What I want to share is it's always going to be there and you just do it anyway.

Jen McFarland:

That's right.

Shelley Carney:

That's right.

Shelley Carney:

I still remember standing at the side of the stage wearing a bikini and

Shelley Carney:

they call my name and I'm like, I have to walk out there now I have to go.

Shelley Carney:

And I had to go stand out there by myself and do these poses on a stage in a bikini.

Shelley Carney:

It doesn't get any worse.

Shelley Carney:

Doing the rest of this is easy-peasy.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

One of the things that when I was prepping for the

Jen McFarland:

show today, that I thought was really great and it's something that I

Jen McFarland:

actually do but it would never have occurred to me, I was researching it

Jen McFarland:

is, to develop a relaxation routine, which is what I do or dance it out.

Jen McFarland:

And I sometimes have done both actually, and it just depends.

Jen McFarland:

So if you are like me and have all that anxious energy or you get

Jen McFarland:

really uncomfortable with the idea of being on camera, develop some

Jen McFarland:

way that you can help yourself.

Jen McFarland:

Guide yourself through this process, whether it is relaxation

Jen McFarland:

through, I do a lot of meditation, I've done visualizations around

Jen McFarland:

expected outcomes about things.

Jen McFarland:

All of that kind of stuff that really grounds you or just dance it out.

Jen McFarland:

And I've done that too.

Jen McFarland:

The lights I have in my office and stuff, they actually coordinate to

Jen McFarland:

music, which is the funniest thing.

Jen McFarland:

And so I'll crank up the music on my phone and have a little disco party in here

Jen McFarland:

and it releases some of that anxiety.

Jen McFarland:

And then after you've either grounded and relaxed or let the energy out, then the

Jen McFarland:

camera just seems to be less of an issue.

Shelley Carney:

And that's one of the reasons we have that fun, little dancing

Shelley Carney:

music at the beginning of our shows.

Shelley Carney:

So we can like, let's get into it.

Shelley Carney:

Let's get ready.

Shelley Carney:

But yeah, absolutely great to have those routines, they get you into that

Shelley Carney:

head space and after you've done them long enough, it's an automatic thing.

Shelley Carney:

Instead of it taking five minutes of meditation to get you there, it's, you've

Shelley Carney:

done it so many times you're just there.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I love this next bullet point and I have to say that it's also funny

Jen McFarland:

because I'm really a fly by the seat of your pants kind of person.

Jen McFarland:

I don't always know what's going to come out of this mouth.

Jen McFarland:

But I feel like since we've done this show together, it's been

Jen McFarland:

a lot easier to feel grounded.

Jen McFarland:

And what the bullet point says is what to say and who to say it to.

Jen McFarland:

You wrote this, so what would you like to say to that?

Shelley Carney:

That's part of your preparation, right?

Shelley Carney:

If somebody asks you to be in a summit or to speak to an audience, you are prepared.

Shelley Carney:

You know who the audience is, you know what your topic is, you

Shelley Carney:

have it outlined, you might have visual aids to keep you on track.

Shelley Carney:

And all of those things are a comfort because you have, okay, then I'm

Shelley Carney:

going to say this and show this slide.

Shelley Carney:

And then I'm going to say this as I show this slide and it keeps you focused.

Shelley Carney:

I know what I'm going to talk about.

Shelley Carney:

I know who I'm speaking to.

Shelley Carney:

So I have an idea of what their issues are, what kind of information

Shelley Carney:

they're looking for and how to best connect with that person.

Shelley Carney:

All that information is going to help you put on a really good presentation.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And that's one of the key components of content marketing, which being on video,

Jen McFarland:

writing blog posts, things like that.

Jen McFarland:

These are all content marketing strategies.

Jen McFarland:

They're all far more successful the more you know about your customers, because

Jen McFarland:

it's a lot easier to talk to them.

Jen McFarland:

It's a lot easier to look at the camera or even a couple inches above

Jen McFarland:

the camera and pretend that they're right there and talking to them.

Jen McFarland:

But it is very helpful.

Jen McFarland:

The more you know, about who you're talking to, what their issues are,

Jen McFarland:

and then sharing with them, like a friend, how you can help them

Jen McFarland:

and what it is you're going to do.

Jen McFarland:

And you have to plan that.

Shelley Carney:

That's right.

Shelley Carney:

And it helps to picture somebody.

Shelley Carney:

I know that today I'm going to be talking to people like Jen.

Shelley Carney:

So I'm going to picture talking to Jen when I look into the camera.

Shelley Carney:

And of course it's easier when there's two of us here to have that conversation,

Shelley Carney:

that back and forth and gives the other person a chance to think of a new thing

Shelley Carney:

to say while the other person's talking.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

But there's also the chance, the way that we do this stuff, it's live,

Jen McFarland:

there's a chance that something could go horribly wrong and our internet can fail.

Jen McFarland:

And, being prepared also helps you go through that on your own, if you had to.

Jen McFarland:

And that's the thing, like when you think about what to say, who

Jen McFarland:

you're saying it to, and then, I like to do the, what if game.

Jen McFarland:

I really do.

Jen McFarland:

I'm a project manager at heart.

Jen McFarland:

What would happen if everything went horribly, terribly wrong?

Jen McFarland:

It doesn't freak me out because if you think about it and plan

Jen McFarland:

around it, then it helps you navigate it if something did happen.

Jen McFarland:

Planning things and thinking through it really can help you in times

Jen McFarland:

where it doesn't go as expected.

Jen McFarland:

But most of the time everything goes exactly how it's supposed to, unless you

Jen McFarland:

hit publish test show Toby is awesome, which we did right before we went live.

Jen McFarland:

It was pretty awesome.

Shelley Carney:

We just put that out in the world, so.

Jen McFarland:

Out in the world.

Jen McFarland:

Next week, we're going to talk about this in way more depth.

Jen McFarland:

We're going to talk about show flow, scripting templates, things like that.

Jen McFarland:

But tagging on to what to say and who to say it to, you have to have some sort of

Jen McFarland:

notes or show flow or slides, something that will be your guide post, right?

Shelley Carney:

Yeah, absolutely.

Shelley Carney:

It keeps you on track and if you expect, okay, at this point, I'm

Shelley Carney:

going to make a joke and everybody's going to laugh and then we're going

Shelley Carney:

to do this and that doesn't happen.

Shelley Carney:

You can then go.

Shelley Carney:

Okay, that didn't work.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Moving on.

Shelley Carney:

Let's go on to the next thing.

Shelley Carney:

And that's what comedians do, right?

Shelley Carney:

If a joke bombs, they just move through it.

Shelley Carney:

They just go onto the next joke okay.

Shelley Carney:

Yeah, that didn't work.

Shelley Carney:

I'm taking that out.

Jen McFarland:

And then there's the whole, looking good and sounding good.

Jen McFarland:

This kind of comes down to, you have to make good content.

Jen McFarland:

It has to be at least somewhat entertaining for people.

Jen McFarland:

And I talk with my hands.

Jen McFarland:

So I end up being at least entertaining for people who think that's hilarious.

Jen McFarland:

And I have really worked on my environment, getting a good microphone,

Jen McFarland:

things that really help with that.

Jen McFarland:

I think that in the beginning it really is about showing up and doing it.

Jen McFarland:

And then as you evolve, like I have quite the collection of microphones

Jen McFarland:

over here from that evolution.

Jen McFarland:

And that might be what happens with some of you as well is you

Jen McFarland:

may improve your camera over time.

Jen McFarland:

That was the conversation last week, which is how do you get started?

Jen McFarland:

And then what are your first upgrades after that?

Jen McFarland:

So if you didn't catch last week's show, then understand that looking good and

Jen McFarland:

sounding good is also an evolution.

Jen McFarland:

And in the beginning it might be wearing clothes.

Jen McFarland:

Do you know if there are certain clothes that work better on video?

Shelley Carney:

Sometimes stripey things like this can give off a weird pattern.

Shelley Carney:

So you just have to look at yourself on camera and say, does

Shelley Carney:

this give off a Moray pattern is what it's called when it goes, woo.

Shelley Carney:

Wavy looking because it's stripey.

Shelley Carney:

For some reason, it'll do that sometimes.

Shelley Carney:

Other than that, you just want to make sure that you're happy with

Shelley Carney:

the way you look, then you're going to feel more confident, right?

Shelley Carney:

The best way to look good is to have good lighting.

Shelley Carney:

So start with your good lighting that lights you well and evenly, and

Shelley Carney:

gives you that well lit, happy glow.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

And then do the best you can with your hair and makeup to look natural,

Shelley Carney:

but nice because these are going to be out there for a really long time.

Shelley Carney:

You don't want to go back and look at it and go, oh my God, I'm so ugly.

Shelley Carney:

Take it off.

Shelley Carney:

Because the content is important.

Shelley Carney:

And if you can't get good with how you look and the way your voice

Shelley Carney:

sounds, then you're not going to be happy with the final product.

Shelley Carney:

So try to watch yourself a little bit in the beginning.

Shelley Carney:

As if, take a step back and say, okay, if this was a friend

Shelley Carney:

of mine, what would I say?

Shelley Carney:

Not oh my God, I'm so fat or my hair looks horrible or whatever,

Shelley Carney:

try to take a step back and go, okay, my friend you look nice.

Shelley Carney:

And you're modest, which is good because you don't want to be

Shelley Carney:

hanging out if you're trying to be marketing and talking serious topics.

Shelley Carney:

You don't want people tuning in just to see how pretty and busty

Shelley Carney:

you are, that sort of thing.

Shelley Carney:

So you want to make sure that you are, modest looking, professional

Shelley Carney:

looking and that you carry yourself well, and that you exude confidence.

Shelley Carney:

That's what's going to attract people.

Shelley Carney:

As for your voice, try to be as relaxed as possible.

Shelley Carney:

That's what I do and I get a lot of compliments on my voice.

Jen McFarland:

I know.

Jen McFarland:

I feel like you listen to me and it's a meat cleaver, and then we have

Jen McFarland:

the sultry voice on the other side.

Shelley Carney:

That's what you don't want to do.

Shelley Carney:

Don't put yourself down.

Jen McFarland:

But that's the thing.

Jen McFarland:

We are all on a different place on the spectrum here, in terms

Jen McFarland:

of understanding what that means.

Jen McFarland:

For me personally, I just don't look back.

Jen McFarland:

Honestly, I don't spend a lot of time watching myself.

Jen McFarland:

I don't spend a lot of time listening to myself.

Shelley Carney:

I try to say nice things to myself.

Shelley Carney:

Oh, I look really good there.

Shelley Carney:

Oh, I like that shirt.

Shelley Carney:

That's a good color on me.

Shelley Carney:

Things like that.

Shelley Carney:

The lighting could be better.

Jen McFarland:

But for me, the best way to not be critical is to not look back.

Jen McFarland:

But I will say this, if the people that you are looking to as your heroes

Jen McFarland:

in some of these areas are people who have huge staff or they've been doing

Jen McFarland:

live streaming for years and years.

Jen McFarland:

Like the Gary Vaynerchuks and Brendon Burchard's and people like that.

Jen McFarland:

You have to go back years and see where they started instead of looking at today.

Jen McFarland:

Because where you are today as someone beginning and trying to get comfortable

Jen McFarland:

with the camera, you can't be playing the comparison game all the time.

Jen McFarland:

Every show that you do is building on the previous experience.

Jen McFarland:

So when you look at it, as, do I look good and sound good?

Jen McFarland:

Like it's all about where you are.

Jen McFarland:

It's not about a comparison about where you are versus where somebody else is.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that really helps with the grounding process and helping people

Jen McFarland:

understand what they need to do.

Jen McFarland:

Again, it comes down to practice and then also acceptance.

Shelley Carney:

Yes, my partner who is 73 and a lot of times he'll say

Shelley Carney:

I'm not some young, pretty person people aren't going to listen to me.

Shelley Carney:

That's an excuse.

Shelley Carney:

That is an excuse to keep you from doing it.

Shelley Carney:

So do not use those excuses.

Shelley Carney:

Nobody really cares what you look like.

Shelley Carney:

They care more about what you're talking about.

Shelley Carney:

Are you of offering value?

Shelley Carney:

As long as they can hear and understand you they're happy, right?

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And then be authentically you.

Jen McFarland:

I have a problem in that I can't be fake.

Jen McFarland:

So if you talk to me, I'm just me.

Jen McFarland:

But I understand that we all have a veneer that we put on.

Jen McFarland:

I maybe haven't been sharing all of the times I fell down in Concussion

Jen McFarland:

therapy or the frustration of not being able to be on camera all the

Jen McFarland:

time, or like all the things that are going on behind the scenes.

Jen McFarland:

Because, everybody has their own life and their own privacy,

Jen McFarland:

but part of being authentic is saying I got stuff going on too.

Jen McFarland:

Everybody has stuff going on and then you just keep pushing through

Jen McFarland:

it and you keep working through it.

Jen McFarland:

And you be authentic about who you are, what you don't know, which

Jen McFarland:

I think is really important too.

Jen McFarland:

And then just keep sharing that and keep at it.

Shelley Carney:

It's true when you are vulnerable, it gives other people the

Shelley Carney:

permission to be vulnerable as well.

Shelley Carney:

If you want information from somebody offer your own first, right?

Shelley Carney:

I am feeling this.

Shelley Carney:

I went through that.

Shelley Carney:

I had this happen.

Shelley Carney:

My mom had a stroke.

Shelley Carney:

How many people reached out to me and said I had a stroke.

Shelley Carney:

My dad had a stroke.

Shelley Carney:

People reached out to me after I shared what was going on in my life.

Shelley Carney:

It gave them that permission, that opening to share back.

Shelley Carney:

So don't be afraid of being vulnerable about those types of things that are

Shelley Carney:

going on in your life that may be going on in other people's lives as well.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

It was interesting.

Jen McFarland:

I shared about the concussion.

Jen McFarland:

I've been talking about it on the podcast for awhile, but I shared about it for the

Jen McFarland:

first time on Facebook, which is where I go for primarily friends and family.

Jen McFarland:

I don't go there for business stuff, but there are some people who

Jen McFarland:

follow me from the business world.

Jen McFarland:

And it was really fascinating, all of my friends and family just

Jen McFarland:

rallied around and they were all like, oh my gosh, I didn't know.

Jen McFarland:

And hope you're doing better and it's been very touching.

Jen McFarland:

And then the people from the business world who are on there were like, oh,

Jen McFarland:

I can't believe your authenticity.

Jen McFarland:

I can't believe you're sharing this.

Jen McFarland:

And I'm like, I can't believe that you're saying that, it's important.

Jen McFarland:

It is important to let people know what's going on.

Jen McFarland:

It can't just be fake all the time.

Jen McFarland:

You have to share little pieces of you because it's your humanity,

Jen McFarland:

especially if you're a small business or a solopreneur, like these things

Jen McFarland:

are really critical as part of,

Shelley Carney:

Because you are the brand, you are the face of your business

Shelley Carney:

and you need to be a real person.

Jen McFarland:

I think we've talked about how to be authentic

Jen McFarland:

authentically you on there.

Jen McFarland:

And then it's really about diving in and getting started.

Jen McFarland:

So I love that you have written down here, invite friends to watch and comment.

Jen McFarland:

I will say that I was so freaked out when I started on camera.

Jen McFarland:

I would do Facebook lives set to private and I didn't let anybody see it.

Jen McFarland:

And it was to practice, just figure out how to turn it on and how to do it.

Jen McFarland:

But I love this idea of inviting friends to watch and comment.

Shelley Carney:

That's right.

Shelley Carney:

Because sometimes we do things that we don't even know we're doing.

Shelley Carney:

We might say a particular word oh, a hundred percent.

Shelley Carney:

And we might say it so much that everybody else is super annoyed by

Shelley Carney:

it, but we don't even know we do it.

Shelley Carney:

So that is an excellent way to have people comment and say, maybe tone

Shelley Carney:

that down, on that a hundred percent thing, because that's annoying.

Shelley Carney:

Or maybe you do a thing that's very distracting and people are

Shelley Carney:

like, why are you doing that?

Shelley Carney:

Stop it.

Jen McFarland:

I try not to I and the filler words in the beginning,

Jen McFarland:

there's going to be a lot of yeah, like you knows, that happens.

Jen McFarland:

Those tend to go away, but not all of them.

Jen McFarland:

I still do it.

Shelley Carney:

That is leading into the next one, by the way.

Shelley Carney:

That is why I believe you need to edit either edit your own videos or

Shelley Carney:

your own transcript of your videos.

Shelley Carney:

Because then you say, oh my gosh, I say the word just so often.

Shelley Carney:

Or I start every sentence with, and, or so.

Shelley Carney:

I need to cut that out because that's just annoying.

Shelley Carney:

And I have to take it out every time, so you begin to see,

Jen McFarland:

I say so a lot.

Shelley Carney:

We all do.

Jen McFarland:

But it has been a great experience.

Jen McFarland:

I want to say that I fully agree with that.

Jen McFarland:

It has been a great experience for me to go through my own videos and transcripts.

Jen McFarland:

I use Descript.

Jen McFarland:

I know that there are other programs like Otter and things like that.

Jen McFarland:

That's the power of that, because then you begin to see the ticks that you have.

Jen McFarland:

Cause everybody has things that they do.

Jen McFarland:

And the way to improve I think is to really go through and see that and

Jen McFarland:

then make adjustments accordingly.

Shelley Carney:

And I wish Toby would do it because he'll use a

Shelley Carney:

hundred words when three would do.

Shelley Carney:

I'm always cutting.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Just got to get this chunk out because it's just a bunch of

Shelley Carney:

words that don't mean anything.

Shelley Carney:

And let's just get to the meat of it.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

So when you edit things like that, you can go, oh, here's the meat.

Shelley Carney:

Why did I say all this junk?

Shelley Carney:

Why did I repeat it five times?

Jen McFarland:

Oh, but we did have the Toby is awesome event.

Jen McFarland:

So we know we're not busting on Toby a hundred percent.

Jen McFarland:

And then the last point we're gonna wrap up training.

Jen McFarland:

Oh my gosh.

Jen McFarland:

We're going to come in under an hour for sure today.

Jen McFarland:

Look at this.

Jen McFarland:

Is the only failure is giving up.

Jen McFarland:

I don't really have a lot else to say than that.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's it, that's the thing.

Shelley Carney:

Don't take down all your videos.

Shelley Carney:

Unless for some reason you totally change what you do for a living or whatever.

Shelley Carney:

Don't take down your old videos just because they're

Shelley Carney:

not perfect and don't give up.

Shelley Carney:

Keep trying, keep getting better.

Shelley Carney:

The only way to keep getting better is to keep doing it.

Shelley Carney:

If you're, like I said, some really horrible things on this and I don't

Shelley Carney:

want that to be what people think of me, then go ahead and take that down.

Shelley Carney:

But other than that if you're just sharing content and you're sharing

Shelley Carney:

your vulnerability and that sort of thing, don't take that down.

Shelley Carney:

Keep going, keep building on that.

Shelley Carney:

You're going to get better and better, and you're going to get more

Shelley Carney:

and more people showing up each week when you're consistent like that.

Jen McFarland:

A hundred percent.

Jen McFarland:

And I think that a lot of it too is.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

You have to practice, you have to keep going and it I've lost

Jen McFarland:

my entire train of thought.

Jen McFarland:

I have to admit I have lost it.

Jen McFarland:

It'll probably come up later.

Shelley Carney:

Perfection is a process.

Jen McFarland:

There's a process.

Jen McFarland:

Yeah, no, it's important to not get rid of old things, unless they really aren't

Jen McFarland:

relevant and it's important to keep going.

Jen McFarland:

It's easy to give up, it's easy to, and then at the same time, you

Jen McFarland:

have to acknowledge that sometimes you do need to take a pause.

Jen McFarland:

I had a pause on this show for a long time, and now I feel like it's

Jen McFarland:

back and stronger in a lot of ways, because it has a lot more focus.

Jen McFarland:

It's nice to have somebody else to talk to.

Jen McFarland:

It's really important to refocus and re-energize everything

Jen McFarland:

that you're going to do.

Jen McFarland:

Oh, I remember now what I was going to say.

Jen McFarland:

I'm in these creator programs right now.

Jen McFarland:

And one of the things that was super discouraging was reading in the

Jen McFarland:

Ghost creator platform, creator group that I'm in, they said the first

Jen McFarland:

hundred blog posts are practice.

Jen McFarland:

And I was like, are you kidding me?

Jen McFarland:

Cause I went back and looked and I have a hundred blog posts.

Jen McFarland:

I'm like, this is all practice?

Jen McFarland:

I've been writing my whole life, how can this only be practice?

Jen McFarland:

But then at the same time, the flip side of that was oh, okay.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

If I go all the way back to my original blog posts, they were crummy.

Jen McFarland:

If I go back to my original videos, they were crummy.

Jen McFarland:

And the point of that is that it's all a process.

Jen McFarland:

We're all learning.

Jen McFarland:

We're all growing.

Jen McFarland:

We're all continuing.

Jen McFarland:

You can reflect on the way things were and instead of

Jen McFarland:

deleting it, you just go, oh wow.

Jen McFarland:

I have really developed as a presenter.

Jen McFarland:

I have really developed my ideas around certain topics in

Jen McFarland:

ways that I hadn't imagined.

Jen McFarland:

And I will tell you, sometimes I go back and I'm like, why

Jen McFarland:

haven't I talked about that?

Jen McFarland:

It was still really important and now I have more experience and another

Jen McFarland:

way to talk about it that's different.

Jen McFarland:

Having that history, understanding that in the beginning it is practice and you're

Jen McFarland:

just going to get better and you're just going to naturally get more comfortable

Jen McFarland:

is really critical to this process.

Jen McFarland:

As a creator, as someone being creative in your business,

Shelley Carney:

I have two things to add to that.

Shelley Carney:

When I started my LinkedIn newsletter in January of this year, I wasn't

Shelley Carney:

quite sure where I was going with it, but I was just trying to, bring

Shelley Carney:

people together on LinkedIn and let them know who I am and what I do.

Shelley Carney:

I had done articles on LinkedIn in the past, but this was going to be a

Shelley Carney:

newsletter and LinkedIn gets behind you with that and helps you to promote it.

Shelley Carney:

But it's grown more than my email list has grown, so I'm happy with it.

Shelley Carney:

But every week I start off with here's what's going on in my life and here's

Shelley Carney:

how that relates to me as a marketer.

Shelley Carney:

I've really done well with the way I shaped my writing and I wouldn't have

Shelley Carney:

been able to do that two or three years ago when I was writing blog posts.

Shelley Carney:

I had to practice to get there.

Shelley Carney:

And the other thing I wanted to say was my friend, he is a social media

Shelley Carney:

content entrepreneur, and he said his Instagram account has gained over 15,000

Shelley Carney:

Instagram followers in less than 24 hours.

Shelley Carney:

And I was like, wow, how did you do that?

Shelley Carney:

Just posting a reel every day.

Shelley Carney:

And one got featured.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Yeah, this guy has worked at his craft.

Shelley Carney:

I know he's been podcasting since podcasting started in like 2004.

Shelley Carney:

He's done YouTube ever since YouTube came out, he's been working and working at

Shelley Carney:

it and people don't know that about him.

Shelley Carney:

They just suddenly find him.

Shelley Carney:

And they're like, oh, you've got, 3 million followers on Tik TOK, and you've

Shelley Carney:

got a million followers on Instagram.

Shelley Carney:

You're really famous.

Shelley Carney:

That must've been wonderful, that happened for you.

Shelley Carney:

And he would be like, I've been working on this every day and putting out reels and

Shelley Carney:

doing the work and being there, showing up and that is what gets you to success.

Shelley Carney:

And that is all you have control over is how much you put into it.

Jen McFarland:

And to do it.

Jen McFarland:

And yeah, I think it's really important.

Jen McFarland:

I have an earlier episode about this.

Jen McFarland:

There's no such thing as overnight success.

Jen McFarland:

That's right.

Jen McFarland:

That's a myth.

Jen McFarland:

And it's funny when you hear people talk about it and they're like, yeah,

Jen McFarland:

everybody says I'm an overnight success.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I wish they'd been here five years ago, seven years ago, 10 years ago.

Shelley Carney:

That was one long night.

Jen McFarland:

And so that's, what's really important here is

Jen McFarland:

working your way through that.

Jen McFarland:

But the only way to start is to start.

Jen McFarland:

And the only way to get there is to keep going.

Jen McFarland:

And that's the encouraging piece about it is that we're

Jen McFarland:

all on this journey together.

Jen McFarland:

We're all figuring it out.

Jen McFarland:

We're all doing things and Yeah.

Jen McFarland:

I think that hopefully we've done a good job.

Jen McFarland:

If you have more questions or comments about how to get more comfortable on

Jen McFarland:

camera, if you have something that has really worked for you or a tip that maybe

Jen McFarland:

we didn't see, or if this helped you.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Please do let us know.

Jen McFarland:

Comment on any of the live streams, send us an email.

Jen McFarland:

Anything like

Shelley Carney:

If there's something that you have, that we didn't address.

Shelley Carney:

We don't know your fears.

Shelley Carney:

We know our fears.

Shelley Carney:

Tell us so that we can address that.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Yeah, feel free.

Jen McFarland:

You can email me at and we'd be happy

Jen McFarland:

to hear from you and learn from you.

Jen McFarland:

I also wanted to invite you to subscribe to the women conquer business newsletter.

Jen McFarland:

If you go to women's conquer you can get it there.

Jen McFarland:

It's all the previous issues of the newly released newsletter are there.

Jen McFarland:

And then it does come out weekly and there's usually

Jen McFarland:

some sort of training in there.

Jen McFarland:

Some articles, things like that, that are helpful.

Jen McFarland:

And yeah.

Jen McFarland:

What else would you like to share Shelley?

Shelley Carney:

Oh check out Livecast Life book on Amazon.

Shelley Carney:

There are a couple of chapters in there about confidence and feeling

Shelley Carney:

good about being on camera and how to prepare yourself to do that.

Shelley Carney:

So that is at

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Check that out.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

And so tweaks of the week?

Shelley Carney:

Tweaks of the week.

Shelley Carney:

I don't have my soundboard.

Shelley Carney:

I am at home today.

Shelley Carney:

Cause we're getting ready to travel, but tweaks the week.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

So this happened to me.

Shelley Carney:

The friend, I was just mentioning that just got his big bump on

Shelley Carney:

Instagram, he has a YouTube channel.

Shelley Carney:

On every Sunday he does a live stream because his livestream coach

Shelley Carney:

told him to a couple of years ago.

Jen McFarland:

Is that you?

Shelley Carney:

I take full credit for it.

Shelley Carney:

That was me.

Shelley Carney:

I watch his show on Sundays and it's a fun little comedy puppet show.

Shelley Carney:

And he's got a wide range of viewers from kids all the way to adults, and it's kind

Shelley Carney:

of like Pixar and that he'll do humor.

Shelley Carney:

The kids sometimes maybe don't get the full understanding, but the adults

Shelley Carney:

are like, oh, It's a great show.

Shelley Carney:

I was watching it on Sunday and I'm not a member of his channel.

Shelley Carney:

But there are many members who show up every week.

Shelley Carney:

Suddenly I was gifted a membership and I was like, what the what?

Shelley Carney:

So I got a free membership through a gift and it was just like, tada!,

Shelley Carney:

You are being gifted a membership.

Shelley Carney:

Do you accept?

Shelley Carney:

And I'm like, yeah, sure.

Shelley Carney:

And then I got an email that said you were gifted a membership to this channel by

Shelley Carney:

another member and it's good for a month.

Shelley Carney:

And then you're at this level.

Shelley Carney:

So you can, take advantage of all these perks and go visit there now.

Shelley Carney:

And so I got to check it all out.

Shelley Carney:

Really great idea.

Shelley Carney:

It's in beta version right now.

Shelley Carney:

It's not available to every creator.

Shelley Carney:

But if you are watching a channel and somebody says, do

Shelley Carney:

you want a free membership?

Shelley Carney:

Just yeah, enable.

Shelley Carney:

And then that can give you a free membership.

Shelley Carney:

And it's a great way to check it out.

Shelley Carney:

So if you have a YouTube channel and you're putting together a membership,

Shelley Carney:

think about doing that, because you can give a free membership for

Shelley Carney:

a month, they can check it out.

Shelley Carney:

And if they like it, then maybe they'll continue to pay for

Shelley Carney:

that membership in the future.

Jen McFarland:

That's cool.

Jen McFarland:

And I'm learning through Ghost that I have a way of doing that too.

Jen McFarland:

I can get gift memberships.

Jen McFarland:

I have a membership related to Women Conquer Biz.

Jen McFarland:

We're also getting ready to reload our re-imagined

Jen McFarland:

epiphany courses also on Ghost.

Jen McFarland:

And we'll be able to do that as well.

Jen McFarland:

And what I have been just jamming on and I love is it's called heartbeat.

Jen McFarland:

It's a community platform that's very similar to circle or mighty networks.

Jen McFarland:

Some of these different platforms that's offered right

Jen McFarland:

now on AppSumo starting at $69.

Jen McFarland:

I would actually recommend getting the tier two, which is, I believe 159

Jen McFarland:

dollars or 156, something like that.

Jen McFarland:

And again, through AppSumo it's lifetime this is a company

Jen McFarland:

that has some bigger clients.

Jen McFarland:

It's much more established than some of the other lifetime

Jen McFarland:

offers that I find on AppSumo.

Jen McFarland:

I have been testing it, using it, working with it.

Jen McFarland:

You can put courses in there.

Jen McFarland:

That's what makes it like mighty networks is that you can do courses in there

Jen McFarland:

and community, or you could just do community and take comments and stuff.

Jen McFarland:

It takes you out of having a Facebook group, for example, or a LinkedIn group.

Jen McFarland:

Gets you off of social media and into a different platform for

Jen McFarland:

engagement, discussing things like courses or podcasts, things like that.

Jen McFarland:

It's been wonderful.

Jen McFarland:

It's one that I think could potentially take off.

Jen McFarland:

So it is a good tool to consider if you are really looking at

Jen McFarland:

having or building a community.

Shelley Carney:

That's right.

Shelley Carney:

And Jen and I have been talking about that as well, to build our own joint

Shelley Carney:

community for content creators and create a membership and heartbeat

Shelley Carney:

would be the underlying container.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

The community

Shelley Carney:

With me traveling and stuff, we're still in talks and putting

Shelley Carney:

it together and trying to make it happen.

Shelley Carney:

We're not going to give up on it.

Jen McFarland:

But we're busy, and launching companies and helping family.

Jen McFarland:

And there's just a lot.

Jen McFarland:

You know that.

Jen McFarland:

Everybody who's listening and watching because you are in

Jen McFarland:

the same position as we are.

Shelley Carney:

But we want to provide support to other people who

Shelley Carney:

are going through the same thing.

Shelley Carney:

And of course we have the experience of going through

Shelley Carney:

it now, so we can share that.

Jen McFarland:

So do you want to close us out with the inspirational nuggets?

Shelley Carney:

Inspirational nugget.

Shelley Carney:

This is from my Daily Stoic and I felt it was very fitting today.

Shelley Carney:

What if I stopped caring what others thought?

Shelley Carney:

Don't spend much time thinking about what other people think about what you think.

Shelley Carney:

Think instead about the results, about the impact, about whether

Shelley Carney:

it is the right thing to do.

Shelley Carney:

Earlier this week, Toby called me and he said there's these people on YouTube who

Shelley Carney:

are talking about me and saying how wrong I am and they're just being mean to me.

Shelley Carney:

And I want to make a video and I want to say something about it.

Shelley Carney:

And I was like, no.

Shelley Carney:

I said, why are you even watching that?

Shelley Carney:

What other people think about you is none of your business.

Shelley Carney:

That is their thing.

Shelley Carney:

What I want you to do instead is look at all the nice people that say nice things

Shelley Carney:

about us and what they're asking for.

Shelley Carney:

What kind of content do they want?

Shelley Carney:

Let's focus on that.

Shelley Carney:

Let's not respond to that negativity and expand on that.

Shelley Carney:

Let's think about ways to be more positive and let those people go.

Jen McFarland:

Yeah, I truly believe that you get more of what you focus on.

Shelley Carney:

That's true.

Jen McFarland:

Focus on the good focus on the people that you're helping.

Jen McFarland:

Focus on the people.

Jen McFarland:

It's so hard to do.

Jen McFarland:

I understand.

Jen McFarland:

But yeah focus on what you want more of and you will see it.

Jen McFarland:

You see what you're looking for.

Jen McFarland:

You find what you're looking for.

Jen McFarland:

I think I've mentioned before, I've got a YouTube hater.

Jen McFarland:

I don't even have that many followers on YouTube, but there's one person

Jen McFarland:

that every time, no matter what video it is, it's immediately disliked.

Jen McFarland:

I just have to let that go because I don't know who it is.

Jen McFarland:

And I am in a way crazily honored that they take the time to come hate on it.

Shelley Carney:

It's engagement and all those people who are talking bad about

Shelley Carney:

Toby, all the people who were listening were like huh, I better go check that out.

Shelley Carney:

So they come over to our channel and watch Toby.

Shelley Carney:

So really it's a good thing.

Shelley Carney:

So let it go.

Shelley Carney:

Let it go.

Jen McFarland:

That feels pretty good.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Just let it go.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Well have fun this weekend.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

If that's possible with traveling and getting everything set

Jen McFarland:

up and everybody out there.

Jen McFarland:

Thank you for being here.

Jen McFarland:

Thank you for listening.

Jen McFarland:

Let us know if there's something that you would like us to cover.

Jen McFarland:

Next week we are going to talk about scripting and getting your show flow

Jen McFarland:

template together so that you can be more it's again, one of the things we

Jen McFarland:

talked about for being more comfortable but it is also a great way to plan

Jen McFarland:

things out and get your content aligned with your mission and goals.

Shelley Carney:

And we look forward to seeing you again next week.

Jen McFarland:

That's right.

Jen McFarland:

Thank you.

Shelley Carney:

Thank you for joining the Women Conquer Business podcast hosted

Shelley Carney:

by Shelley Carney and Jen McFarland.

Shelley Carney:

Please subscribe and leave a comment or question regarding your most challenging

Shelley Carney:

content creation or business problem.

Shelley Carney:

Then share this podcast with family and friends so they can find the support

Shelley Carney:

they need to expand their brand and share their message with the world.

Shelley Carney:

Check the show notes for links to valuable resources and come back again next week.



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