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Ep. 46: Father's Day Q&A with Essy
Episode 4625th June 2020 • PLANTSTRONG Podcast • Rip Esselstyn
00:00:00 00:56:20

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In honor of Father’s Day last week, I gathered up your questions and called my Dad, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, affectionately known as Essy to many.

There’s nothing he loves more than helping you understand the importance of what you put on your forks to fight disease and to create and sustain healthy and vibrant endothelial cells.

Essy is the ultimate taskmaster and, much to everyone’s disappointment, he doesn’t prescribe a 90% plan. He’s 100% ALL IN and he expects the rest of us to follow suit. While he may not believe in moderation, he does believe in you and your ability to tackle this head-on and bring heart disease to its knees.

Nobody said this was going to be easy and that’s ok. All of us need a really good challenge in our lives to push outside of our comfort zones, test our limits, and see exactly what we’re made of. You're stronger than you think.

Topics covered? A huge variety, thanks to you, our listeners and fans. Among them:

  • Nitric Oxide and why chewing your greens is your best defense against chronic western disease, including COVID-19.

  • Why fluoride toothpaste is a no-no for your health

  • Dr. Esselstyn's opinions on statins and supplements

  • Your fear of not getting enough protein

...and more

Essy speaks the truth and never rounds up to make an argument land in his favor. He simply wants us to live our best and most vibrant lives and, at the young age of 86, I think he's on the right track.

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