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How To Get Unstuck| MAG0018
Episode 181st May 2024 • Magnetize • Grace Oben
00:00:00 00:15:28

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In this episode of "How to get Unstuck," we tackle the common challenge of feeling stuck and offer practical strategies to overcome inertia and move forward. We explore the importance of introspection in identifying the root causes of feeling stagnant, such as fear, self-doubt, or lack of direction.

Our discussion emphasizes the power of setting specific goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and cultivating a positive mindset to combat negative thoughts. We also highlight the value of seeking support from others, finding inspiration in new experiences, and prioritizing self-care to maintain well-being during challenging times.

Join us as we delve into these strategies with expert insights and inspiring stories, empowering listeners to break through barriers and pursue their goals with renewed energy and purpose.


  • Identifying the Root Cause
  • Setting Specific Goals
  • Challenging Negative Thoughts
  • Seeking Support and Inspiration
  • Practicing Self-Care

About the Host: 

Grace Oben is a highly sought-after international speaker, Author, Mindset and Purpose Clarity Coach who is dedicated to empowering women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to find clarity in their purpose, make a lasting impact in the world, and make money living it. With a passion for helping others, Grace has been featured on GO TV, Global News, Podcasts, Magazines, where she shares her valuable insights and inspirations.

Drawing from her extensive experience and expertise, Grace offers transformative coaching programs that empower women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to discover their unique gifts, unleash their potential, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment. Through her engaging speaking engagements, she captivates audiences with her dynamic storytelling and practical strategies for personal and spiritual growth. 

If you're ready to transform your life, Grace is ready to guide you on your journey of purpose-discovery, helping you unlock your potential, and make a positive impact in the world.

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Grace Oben:

Good morning and hello hello. Hello. Hello welcome back to magnetize easier Grace Oben, and welcome to this week episode. So today we'll be talking about how to get unstuck, how to get unstuck you know, I always say to people that one thing that is constant in life is change. There are times that you will be happy, there are times that you will be sad. Sometimes things will go well, sometimes not so well. That's just life. So, it is important to, to understand and accept the reality of things. Things will not always go the way you plan or you want them to go. You know, anyone can feel good when their health is great. A happy relationship more than enough to pay the bills, you know, work is going well, business is going well. No major family crisis. Anybody can feel positive them. The real challenge is how you handle situations when you get knocked down. How you respond, when you face diverse situations, is where the growth really takes place. You know, when you are facing some challenges, and you plan to get out, the first thing you want to do is to assess yourself, evaluate where you are. Assess the situation. Ask yourself questions like what brought me here? What role did I play to get here? What has brought me to this point? What What am I supposed to learn from all of this? You know, taking full responsibility for your life, Accept where you are and take full responsibility for where you want to be. You know, in life there, we have two primary choices. We can either accept conditions the way they are. Or we can take the responsibility to change them. That's just the truth. One of the ways to get unstuck is recognizing that the behavior pattern or strategy you have been using is no longer working for you. You know, a lot of people won't let you forget what you've done in the past or what mistakes you've made. But the truth is, all of us have done some mistakes in the past. All of us have done something, something that if we were or if we have the opportunity to do it all over again. We will not do them all. At least we will not do them the same way we did. We'll do things differently. If we knew what we know now we would have done them differently. If we knew what we know now a lot of things that we did in the past we would have done it differently or done them differently.

Grace Oben:

I'm just going to show share quickly with you. Some just five simple steps that you can take to help you get unstuck. Whatever it is whether you're stuck in a relationship, in a career that you hate, that you fed up of a job that you, you really want to get out. Whatever it is a business that is no longer working in a relationship that's no longer working, that's just causing you pain. And you feel stuck. So whenever you find yourself or you feel like you are stuck, one of the first thing you need to do is to reflect and identify the root cause. Take a step back and reflect on what might might be causing you to feel stuck. Identify the underlying reasons for your stagnation. Whether it's fear, self doubt, lack of motivation. On clear vision on clear goals. Just take a step back and, and reflect on what might be causing you to feel stuck. Once you identify the root cause the underlying the underlying reasons for your stagnation, you want to set specific goals. Break them, break them down. Break down your larger goals into smaller goals into manageable task. setting specific, achievable goals can really really help you to regain focus and momentum. Create a plan with clear steps to move forward. You want to also seek inspiration and new perspectives. You want to you want to surround yourself with inspiration by reading books, you know, listening to podcasts, like baseline like magnetize podcast, you know, or even talking to people who motivates you who are those people in your life? Who motivates you. It could be a friend, it could be a colleague, it could be a neighbor, it could be you know a family member? Who are those people in your life that you can talk to, though, who motivates you you want to again look for new perspectives and ideas that can help you see your situations, your situation from a different angle. Probably you've been looking at things just from one angle. So look for new perspectives, new ideas, that can really help you you know to see a situation from a completely different angle. The fourth thing is you want to take action. I always say that action is the is the cement is the icing on the cake. Action. Action is what brings the resort action is what changes things. Action is what move you forward. Action. Sometimes the best way to get unstuck is to take action. Even if it's a small step. Just start start something starts from somewhere. Procrastination can feed feelings of being stuck. The more you procrastinate, the more you feel stuck. So start with something manageable, something easy to build that momentum. You will be amazed that once you start the inspiration the motivation to keep going will come you know as they say, a journey of 1000 miles begins with a step you just need to start

Grace Oben:

the fifth point or the fifth step is practice personal self care take care of your physical, mental and emotional well being engage in activities that help you relax and recharge you know, such as such activities, you know, meditation, you know, spending time in nature or connecting with loved ones self care can help you regain clarity, self care can help you regain or gain clarity and energy to tackle challenges. And I always say that self care does not necessarily need to cost you money. There are so many things you can do to take care of yourself that will not cost you money that you will not need to spend. And of course, there are tons of other ones also that you can do. Because self care is so so important. self care is so vital

Grace Oben:

is going to help you gain clarity is going to help you to regain, rejuvenate to gain that to you know to gain that momentum to move forward. self care is so important. So necessary. You need to start somewhere you know another thing you can do is challenge your negative thoughts. Challenge your negative thoughts. You know pay attention to your inner dialogue. What kind of inner conversations are you having. challenge any negative or limiting beliefs that maybe hold you back that may be holding you back. Replace them with more positive and empowering thoughts. Try something new. Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new can help you break through from feeling of stuck or from feeling stuck. Experiment new hobbies activities or approaches to see what sparks your interest. You want to also seek support. Reach out to friends family members. You can even reach out to a therapist if you need to. for support or guidance. Talking about your feelings with someone you trust can provide valuable perspectives and encouragement. You want to also practice mindfulness. Mindful mindfulness techniques are great. They're amazing. Right such as deep breathing exercises. They can really help you stay present and focus. And also by being mindful, you can better navigate challenges and make decisions with clarity. Create a vision board. visualizing your goals and aspirations can be a powerful motivator. Create a vision board with images chords and formations that represent where you want to be and what you want to achieve. Break routine you know, monotony can contribute to feeling stuck shake up your routine and You know, by trying a new routine to work. Use a different route to work. rearrange your workspace your office your home, or changing up your daily habits. To add a sense of, you know, excitement axon, add some excitement into your daily daily habits your daily routine. Celebrate small wins. Celebrate small wins. It doesn't have to be something big. Just celebrate every win, acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest achievements along the way. Recognizing your progress, no matter how minor can really really boost your confidence and motivation to keep you moving forward. practice gratitude. This is this is one of my favorites. practicing gratitude. Shift your focus from what's lacking to what you are grateful for. Keeping a gret a gratitude journal, or simply just reflecting on what's positive or positive about your life, the positive aspects of your life can really, really shift your perspective and lift your mood. You want to set boundaries. This is so important as well. Learn to say no to things that drain your energy and or distract you from your goals. Setting boundaries can help you prioritize what truly matters and create a more balanced lifestyle. So boundaries, setting boundaries is so important. Visualize your success. Take a few moments each day to visualize yourself overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals. Imagining success can happen, you know, just imagining success can happen, too. It's it just gonna motivate you just imagine that success can happen will help you stay motivated and remain positive. It's so important. But you need to start you know in summary getting stuck will mean you taken the steps to leave life on your terms. You need to make some conscious decisions. You need to become more intentional about your life and how you do things. You will become more aware that you are not just an ordinary person that you have a special power within you to magnetize whatever you want to magnetize to attract what you want. You do have the power within you that you have an unfolding future that anything is possible to them that belief

Grace Oben:

but you have to do something you need to take steps you need to take actions. Nothing changes. Until you stop moving. Nothing changes until you start moving. Again, it's your girl Grace Oben, and I just wanted to share this few thoughts with you. See you next week on another episode Magnetize have an amazing, amazing, amazing week. And bye for now.




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