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HH345: Stress Accelerates Aging
20th September 2024 • Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call! • Melissa Deally
00:00:00 00:02:15

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Today, I want to talk about the fact that living in a place of chronic stress accelerates aging.

About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner and Master Practitioner in NLP and Timeline Therapy and a Board Designated Hypnotherapy Teacher Trainer, helping people get to the root cause of their health issues and then get lasting results. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.  Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 & 2022 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler.

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit and many more! She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get started.




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Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to another episode of health hacks as I continue talking about stress and how it impacts your health and your lifespan. And today, I want to talk about the fact that living in a place of chronic stress accelerates aging, and nobody wants that. And the reality is is that all you have to do is look at the our world leaders, and look at what they look like when they go into office, and then look at what they look like when they come out of office, you know, look at whether it's, you know, the Canadian Prime Minister, US presidents, British Prime Minister, Australian Prime Minister, any of our world leaders, they have very stressful jobs, and you look at their aging over the course of time that they're in office, and you'll see that they age significantly. And this is happening because stress speeds up the aging process by shortening our telomeres, which are like the protective caps on a on shoes laces. Well, there are protective caps on the ends of our chromosomes, and high stress will shorten those and so much research has come out in the last 20 years about longevity and increasing our health span and the importance for longer telomeres in order to do that, and stress does the exact opposite. So what can you do? Well, a really fun way that I love reducing my stress level is to turn on either really calming music and just chilling out and allowing that music to come over my body and almost Envelop me in the music, as I just allow my nervous system to calm or to put on some really uplifting music and dance it out and just shift the energy, dance it out, move my body. Because, of course, movement can help lower our stress. So whichever way you want to do it, whether it's calming, whether it's uplifting, it might be different from day to day, depending what's going on for you, but it's a really powerful way to reduce the stress that you have in your life and bring some joy back to your life and and then slow your aging process. In the process, and I'm sure you want to slow your aging process, don't we all.




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