After COVID-19 and the internet people seem to be less connected. In this episode Rich and Paul discuss how the internet is designed to perpetually split people into different parties and views. They offer advice for people to care less, in order to foster better, more holistic human connections.
I was wearing a mask, uh, a face mask, uh, and, uh, it was,
Paul Ford:where are you?
Rich Ziade:I'm not in New York City.
Rich Ziade:I'm, I'm in a rural part
Paul Ford:That was a
Rich Ziade:of New England.
Rich Ziade:Uh, and, uh, it pandemic is definitely subsiding, but, you know, I have family
Rich Ziade:members, elders who I don't want getting sick, so I, I kept wearing a mask for a
Paul Ford:right, right.
Paul Ford:Me too.
Paul Ford:Knock on wood.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Paul Ford:Also, also, you know, the New York City experience of
Paul Ford:the pandemic was a rough one,
Rich Ziade:It was a rough
Paul Ford:one.
Paul Ford:We were, we held on for little long.
Paul Ford:Yeah,
Rich Ziade:exactly.
Rich Ziade:And, and, and so I walked down an aisle.
Rich Ziade:I, I forget which aisle I was in in the Walmart.
Rich Ziade:It was very big.
Rich Ziade:It was huge, man, you couldn't see, and they make it such that you
Rich Ziade:can't find the exit, so they make sure you walk around more Shit.
Paul Ford:It's like a casino
Rich Ziade:Yeah, it's like a
Paul Ford:with an Ikea, but it sells guns.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:And this guy who was like putting stuff on shelves, worked at the
Rich Ziade:Walmart, had the vest on and everything.
Rich Ziade:He was an associate,
Paul Ford:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:gave me just the most brutal stare.
Rich Ziade:Like, how dare you?
Rich Ziade:How could you, oh,
Paul Ford:Oh, you with your mask.
Rich Ziade:You with your mask?
Rich Ziade:And you know, I just kept walking and instead of feeling like I wanted to
Rich Ziade:lecture this guy about the importance of like, you know, aerosol containment,
Paul Ford:Sure.
Paul Ford:All
Rich Ziade:said to myself is like, how did you get to the point
Rich Ziade:where you gave a shit about me walking by you with a mask on?
Rich Ziade:I, I think, I think something's gone haywire and I'll explain
Rich Ziade:what I think has gone haywire.
Rich Ziade:I think we're connected to one another socially, a lot less now, I think.
Rich Ziade:I think, I think people are, Netflix binging, or they're on the internet.
Rich Ziade:And I think the, the connection that we seek out, look, there's a wonderful
Rich Ziade:book I read many years ago called, um, home from Nowhere by, uh, I think
Rich Ziade:his name is James Howard Kunstler.
Rich Ziade:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:And hi, his, the whole premise of his book is that the United States, um, is.
Rich Ziade:Set up architecturally to lead to, to have people living pretty
Rich Ziade:isolated, separated lives.
Rich Ziade:It's a car culture.
Rich Ziade:It's a lot of setbacks.
Rich Ziade:Strip malls, there's less town squares.
Rich Ziade:We talk about the town square on the internet ironically, but
Rich Ziade:in fact it's a lot of sprawl.
Rich Ziade:It's a lot of walking through big parking lots, and he actually talks about the
Rich Ziade:sort of collective psychology as a result of that, which is less connectedness.
Paul Ford:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:What he didn't have at the time, this is an old book,
Rich Ziade:is that the internet would show up and provide this almost sort of
Paul Ford:proxy
Rich Ziade:form of connectedness.
Rich Ziade:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:That wasn't actually people connecting with each other.
Rich Ziade:I'm meandering here.
Rich Ziade:Hear me out.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Rich Ziade:If I know you in town, And you have a particular position
Rich Ziade:on guns, but I've also seen you be incredibly kind at the daycare center
Rich Ziade:or at the volunteering for this or that.
Rich Ziade:I'm now seeing a diff, a fuller picture of what you're about.
Rich Ziade:But when you have the internet that is perfectly optimized towards
Rich Ziade:sort of position amplification and joining a particular camp
Rich Ziade:and then saying your peace.
Rich Ziade:You can't see anything else.
Rich Ziade:And so that's all we're left with and all of that energy that we would
Rich Ziade:pour into, like frankly, hoping that person recovers from the flu just fine.
Rich Ziade:It all pours into one
Paul Ford:here.
Paul Ford:Here's what happens right with that, cuz I, I see this too.
Paul Ford:It's really tricky because all positions get evolved or grown
Paul Ford:or developed to points where they become intolerable, right?
Paul Ford:So I, I'll give you an example, which would be, okay.
Paul Ford:I know you, I see you at the, at the store and I know you like, you like to.
Paul Ford:You're, you're kinda like a rough Second Amendment advocate.
Paul Ford:Not like you don't have like an a rifle.
Paul Ford:You don't have like one of these like machine guns, but you, you believe in the
Paul Ford:second Amendment and you want to protect it and you would vote accordingly and you
Paul Ford:kind of know that I know that about you.
Paul Ford:Right.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Paul Ford:You're right.
Paul Ford:For the first 70,000 years of my life, I'd be like, oh,
Paul Ford:well, you know, Mike is weird.
Paul Ford:He is got that gun thing, but I like him.
Paul Ford:We say hi.
Paul Ford:I get along
Rich Ziade:He also is just the, he's really hilarious what he
Rich Ziade:does at Halloween for the kids.
Paul Ford:Right.
Paul Ford:So, but I don't think it's just that we're all online together.
Paul Ford:It's Yeah, that's right.
Paul Ford:He is a really funny, like, and they do the haunted house, et cetera.
Paul Ford:He's a good guy.
Paul Ford:And the guns are in a safe, like he's following all the rules, right?
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Paul Ford:But then I go online and there is every five minutes I can
Paul Ford:add from a Sandy Hook parent.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:Right.
Paul Ford:And every five minutes, um, oh, in Mike's world, he gets an ad fr about
Paul Ford:liberals coming to take away your guns.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:And it's just, So what happens is you get, you get into this position where
Paul Ford:even if you are someone who is motivated towards a kind of tolerant, like, well,
Paul Ford:we have to figure it out together, you actually start to feel like you're
Paul Ford:betraying your core values if you are kind or if you spend time with people who
Paul Ford:have really fundamental disagreements.
Rich Ziade:Absolutely.
Paul Ford:Absolutely.
Paul Ford:And, and I do think that the internet made that.
Paul Ford:I, I think that was always there, right?
Paul Ford:Because you would go to your church and they would go to their church.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:That kind of thing.
Paul Ford:Or you'd live in one part of town.
Paul Ford:They'd live in the other part of town that's always there.
Paul Ford:But what wasn't there was this apparatus to continually optimize the messaging
Paul Ford:to, and, and look, we're all vulnerable.
Paul Ford:misinformation is always somebody else's cultural problem.
Paul Ford:Exactly.
Paul Ford:Not me.
Rich Ziade:And
Paul Ford:mean, I might have fallen for some random hoax where somebody, you know,
Paul Ford:said something was cake, but it wasn't.
Paul Ford:But my political beliefs are perfect.
Rich Ziade:Yeah, exactly.
Rich Ziade:Exactly.
Rich Ziade:And so what you have is, you know, I have, you know, uh, family members
Rich Ziade:who keep showing me videos of like, Biden flubbing a sentence.
Paul Ford:Oh yeah.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Because it confirms a particular view that they have about like him,
Rich Ziade:and, and it's not just that he's old, but also they don't like him.
Rich Ziade:And so this is more entertaining for them or more interesting to them.
Rich Ziade:I kind of sort of don't agree with some of it myself, but why do you care so much?
Rich Ziade:I keep asking myself over and over again.
Rich Ziade:Why do you care so much?
Paul Ford:Oh, everybody cares a whole lot right now.
Rich Ziade:Is that the advice here?
Rich Ziade:No.
Rich Ziade:Can we care less?
Paul Ford:If, if you go and study anything about the social sciences,
Paul Ford:like every single uh, research finding is like, ah, you know, people
Paul Ford:do better in really small groups.
Paul Ford:You know, they like have a cup of coffee together.
Paul Ford:Probably you should know about 20 people
Rich Ziade:your mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:Life.
Rich Ziade:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:And
Paul Ford:never talk to anybody else.
Paul Ford:You'll be a lot happier go, go fishing,
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Paul Ford:And, and,
Rich Ziade:so like,
Paul Ford:So we know in instinctually as humans that smaller clustered groups
Paul Ford:of humans that are kind of family and friend oriented are really healthy for us.
Paul Ford:And as we get bigger, bigger, bigger, we get more power and authority,
Paul Ford:but we tend to like be less happy.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Paul Ford:So you have, I think this sort of like somewhat atomized, somewhat
Paul Ford:unhappy cohort and then the great hack of the internet isn't just
Paul Ford:that it put the information and the misinformation straight into your brain.
Paul Ford:To me it's that it created, it actually constructed this whole new
Paul Ford:rhetorical structure where if you don't.
Paul Ford:Consume the information and you don't agree with the information,
Paul Ford:you no longer are in the in group.
Paul Ford:And the in group is constantly shifting and variable.
Paul Ford:What I think is actually happening is, uh,
Rich Ziade:An enormous
Paul Ford:of people make all this noise, and then a lot of people consume it.
Paul Ford:Most people just kind of go on with their lives and don't
Paul Ford:pay much attention anymore.
Paul Ford:I would say 90% of the people in my world are just like not really
Paul Ford:connected to social media anymore.
Paul Ford:Like they're, they're there.
Paul Ford:No,
Rich Ziade:I, I, I guess, I think you're right, except that, and, and
Rich Ziade:this is, you know, for our international audience, this is very much a, an
Rich Ziade:American, uh, issue, uh, or challenge.
Rich Ziade:Um, the truth is, yeah, social media's not, but what, what people
Rich Ziade:have come to realize in media generally is that if you make it
Rich Ziade:real juicy and you confirm my biase.
Rich Ziade:Boy, I will give you, I'll give you views.
Rich Ziade:Right.
Rich Ziade:And, and you know, look, I, I know it sounds like I'm, I'm sort
Rich Ziade:of signaling about Fox News, but frankly, CNN is, is just as guilty.
Rich Ziade:MSNBC is just as guilty.
Paul Ford:Well, yes and no.
Paul Ford:That, that is a nice balancing to, yeah.
Paul Ford:Fox is like currently
Rich Ziade:a, is
Paul Ford:No, but they're, they're,
Rich Ziade:They are the innovators.
Rich Ziade:Right.
Paul Ford:currently talking to the judge trying to see if
Paul Ford:they can reach a settlement.
Rich Ziade:Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Paul Ford:So like
Rich Ziade:That, that, I agree with
Paul Ford:just, I'm just flagging the term guilt cuz actually it looks like
Paul Ford:they're probably pretty guilty, but the.
Rich Ziade:yeah, yeah.
Rich Ziade:No.
Rich Ziade:Yes,
Paul Ford:Yes.
Paul Ford:Again, just take it outta politics for a sec.
Paul Ford:Play it.
Paul Ford:Or actually, let's take it further into politics.
Paul Ford:Play this out and let's talk about this for a second to
Paul Ford:see how the world has changed.
Paul Ford:2016 election.
Paul Ford:Absolute chaos on social media.
Paul Ford:Everything's hyper-targeted.
Paul Ford:People from like Eastern Europe are, are doing ad campaigns to Republicans
Paul Ford:about Trump in order to get clicks.
Paul Ford:So they.
Paul Ford:You know, make rent payments.
Paul Ford:So just absolute madness.
Paul Ford:Exploitation of human behavior.
Paul Ford:2020, still a lot going on, but, but, but a little bit calmer, a little bit.
Paul Ford:Still got your Marjorie Taylor Greens and your, you know,
Paul Ford:like, and, and all that stuff.
Paul Ford:Lot of noise in all
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Paul Ford:Um, okay.
Paul Ford:2024.
Paul Ford:What do you think we're headed for?
Rich Ziade:um, I, I, I think 2024, like as an election,
Paul Ford:Just assume there's a Biden Trump rematch, right?
Paul Ford:Like to just worst possible scenario for everybody.
Rich Ziade:I, I'm, I can, I can list out the flaws of a Biden as much as the next
Rich Ziade:person, regardless of where you sit on the
Paul Ford:spectrum.
Paul Ford:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:But I will say that I think part of the reason Biden won is
Rich Ziade:there's just, there was, there was.
Paul Ford:um,
Rich Ziade:He busted the template of like the crazy vaudevillian
Rich Ziade:marketer and just was like, how about we just all eat a piece of pie?
Paul Ford:is Biden's good at the other kind of politics, right?
Paul Ford:He just went to Ireland and everybody in Ireland waved an American flag and then
Paul Ford:he came out on stage and he went, hello.
Paul Ford:Right.
Rich Ziade:Right?
Rich Ziade:And so I, I think, I think Biden was very much a reaction to, um, just sort
Rich Ziade:of the cynical kind of baiting of a Trump
Paul Ford:Biden is when you elect Joe Biden, you're someone who says, you
Paul Ford:know what, I, I really, we need, we need to get a new sofa for the living room.
Paul Ford:Really?
Paul Ford:You're just like, I'm gonna live a good life.
Paul Ford:I'm gonna like watch, I'm gonna watch tv.
Paul Ford:I'm gonna Yeah,
Rich Ziade:short.
Rich Ziade:Right?
Rich Ziade:And, and, and so what he's, what he was betting on was that most of the
Rich Ziade:country isn't running to the edges and is rather again, looking to like
Rich Ziade:get that new dishwasher by September.
Rich Ziade:Right.
Rich Ziade:Like that's, that's like the goal.
Rich Ziade:And, and so, and what you heard from that again and again was something
Rich Ziade:incredibly not exciting and unimpressive.
Rich Ziade:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:And what, what we none of us have acknowledged yet is that's
Rich Ziade:kind of exactly what we needed
Paul Ford:Oh no, it was, it was, that's exactly, it
Rich Ziade:what we needed
Paul Ford:mid pandemic.
Paul Ford:We've been under enthrall of this absolute goofball lunatic who
Paul Ford:really doesn't mean anybody any.
Paul Ford:Like,
Rich Ziade:no, it's just the game.
Rich Ziade:He's playing the game.
Rich Ziade:Right.
Rich Ziade:Like
Paul Ford:he's just also like fundamentally and even people on the
Paul Ford:right, he's just kind of a bad guy.
Paul Ford:Like he might, and then, um, and then so I think like we wanted soothing, right?
Paul Ford:And I actually think that, so when you're saying everybody needs to
Paul Ford:care a little bit less, I think there is an element of that.
Paul Ford:I think people, what happened culturally is that, To say you don't care that
Paul Ford:much is an unforgivable offense.
Rich Ziade:Correct.
Paul Ford:You can't say that.
Paul Ford:You cannot go out into the public square and say, you know what?
Paul Ford:I don't care.
Paul Ford:You know what you do instead?
Paul Ford:You go quiet.
Paul Ford:And if, I mean, look, look at my Twitter presence right now.
Paul Ford:You look at everybody's right.
Paul Ford:People just aren't saying as much.
Paul Ford:And it's not because there's like, why wait in?
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Um, I want to tweak it.
Rich Ziade:Okay.
Rich Ziade:Because I, you're right.
Rich Ziade:Oversimplifying it and saying, why don't you just care a
Rich Ziade:little bit less isn't right.
Paul Ford:Well, I, but I, I think a lot of people, what happens is there's
Paul Ford:no evidence of people caring less.
Rich Ziade:I don't think people,
Paul Ford:they get quiet.
Rich Ziade:They get quiet.
Rich Ziade:They get quiet, but, but it also, families get torn apart.
Rich Ziade:Friendships get torn apart because they, because they get quiet and then you
Rich Ziade:have that dinner party and then that other person just won't shut up about
Paul Ford:I gotta say, some of the most brutal stories have been like, and
Paul Ford:then my brother died of Covid because he refused to believe the vaccines were real.
Paul Ford:And it's just like, well you are never gonna fix that.
Paul Ford:Right?
Paul Ford:Like, that's horrible.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Oh.
Rich Ziade:Or, or my brother didn't, but we can't sit at Thanksgiving dinner at all, period.
Rich Ziade:Like it's done.
Rich Ziade:Right.
Rich Ziade:And so I think, I think the tweak I would make is this, if someone,
Rich Ziade:uh, is holding up a sign about, you know, transgender rights
Paul Ford:Mm-hmm.
Rich Ziade:Right.
Rich Ziade:I guess what I'm reacting to is that person that walks by that just spins
Rich Ziade:up into a fury because they feel like something has been invaded on
Rich Ziade:their side, even though that person is holding up a sign to just raise
Rich Ziade:an issue and you can walk by and say, okay, um, I don't know much about.
Rich Ziade:I think, I don't disagree with it.
Rich Ziade:I'm not speaking for myself, but okay.
Rich Ziade:And then they keep walking.
Rich Ziade:Instead, what?
Rich Ziade:You have this incredibly emotional, intense reaction.
Rich Ziade:Right, and, and I think that, I think is a condition of the last 10 years of
Rich Ziade:both the pandemic of the internet of, of, of our president, our former president.
Rich Ziade:I think those are all things, those nerve endings got way more sensitive.
Rich Ziade:Let,
Paul Ford:me flip it.
Paul Ford:I'm extremely protran rights have been for a long time, have
Paul Ford:given money and so and so forth.
Paul Ford:I'm also extremely pro-choice.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Paul Ford:These are not really secrets about me.
Paul Ford:I remember once I was walking by, um, literally the Planned Parenthood, like
Paul Ford:one of the original ones in New York City.
Paul Ford:The one that
Rich Ziade:Margaret said og.
Paul Ford:the oj.
Paul Ford:And there were nuns outside.
Rich Ziade:Okay.
Paul Ford:And I remember I was with my friend, um, and, and
Paul Ford:he went, I want to punch a nun.
Rich Ziade:I wanna punch a
Paul Ford:I wanna punch a nun.
Rich Ziade:out of fairness.
Rich Ziade:People say that even without a protest in front of Planned Parenthood,
Paul Ford:you know, you know the critical thing.
Rich Ziade:Hmm?
Paul Ford:I laughed and he laughed.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:And then we walked out.
Paul Ford:You're gonna have the thought.
Rich Ziade:fight.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Paul Ford:But what's lo, what's got lost is the social context where people
Paul Ford:go, yeah, I completely disagree, but I'm not gonna blow up my entire life for
Paul Ford:this thing that I see in front of me.
Paul Ford:I'm gonna just let it go for right now.
Rich Ziade:You can disagree.
Paul Ford:No, no.
Paul Ford:And then I'm gonna vote, then I'm gonna make decisions.
Paul Ford:I'm gonna give money.
Paul Ford:Like, I'm just like, you're gonna li if you're gonna live in the real
Paul Ford:world and it's gonna be sticky and, and it's gonna be unpleasant in
Paul Ford:some ways and you're gonna have.
Paul Ford:Complicated moral decisions.
Paul Ford:We hit a point with the pandemic where everything became absolutely black and
Paul Ford:white, and I do think that that is an internet thinking is very black and white.
Rich Ziade:Let, let me end this with a question
Paul Ford:to you.
Paul Ford:Hmm.
Rich Ziade:Obviously the advice is why don't we pause and realize
Rich Ziade:that most issues are pretty nuanced and really understand
Paul Ford:No, no,
Rich Ziade:Why does that not work?
Rich Ziade:Let me, let
Paul Ford:me actually, let me turn it into real advice, which is that you
Paul Ford:may feel under pressure to have strong opinions on absolutely everything.
Rich Ziade:Mm-hmm.
Paul Ford:And that is the, that's how they get you.
Paul Ford:That's how you don't get anything done.
Rich Ziade:That's how you drink the poison.
Paul Ford:and then you end up spending all the time trying to
Paul Ford:get the right opinions in place and the right strategies in place.
Paul Ford:In our world, it comes down to like we're building a new product and I, you know,
Paul Ford:I, if I went online to my particular cohort, it would be like, you can never
Paul Ford:launch this because people could abuse it.
Rich Ziade:it.
Rich Ziade:Right, right, right, right.
Paul Ford:that is a, there's a morally sensible argument in there,
Paul Ford:but it also is utterly IMing.
Paul Ford:I can't do anything with
Rich Ziade:that.
Rich Ziade:Yeah,
Paul Ford:because I
Rich Ziade:Don't take the bait is what you're saying,
Paul Ford:saying.
Paul Ford:Because Hu and here's the thing is like, you're gonna be right.
Paul Ford:Let's say you're incredibly right about something like human perversity will
Paul Ford:mean that you'll be wrong the next day,
Rich Ziade:Yeah, yeah,
Paul Ford:right?
Paul Ford:You can't win.
Paul Ford:So anyway, uh, the advice is don't take the beat because
Paul Ford:believe what you want to believe.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Paul Ford:Give some money away.
Paul Ford:Yeah, stand up and And if you have something, you say you
Paul Ford:gotta stand up and say it.
Paul Ford:Of course.
Paul Ford:But
Rich Ziade:what's one last piece?
Rich Ziade:Cause I have a feeling most of our audience doesn't take the bait.
Paul Ford:man.
Paul Ford:Probably
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Possibly.
Paul Ford:Well now, now we've affirmed them.
Paul Ford:We affirm them.
Paul Ford:Good for us.
Rich Ziade:but what advice should you give to the, what would you, what
Rich Ziade:advice would you give to the person who is sensible and kind of even keel
Rich Ziade:but is standing next to someone who's losing their minds about an issue?
Paul Ford:I mean that's when you gotta go out for a beer
Rich Ziade:bud Light.
Rich Ziade:No know.
Paul Ford:apparently not.
Paul Ford:No.
Paul Ford:I mean, look, again, we're in this funny zone where if like you guys both really
Paul Ford:like to play Call of Duty and one of you is like a Republican one is a Democrat,
Paul Ford:ethically, you're not supposed to be able to play Call of Duty together.
Paul Ford:That's where we've ended up as a society.
Rich Ziade:Right.
Rich Ziade:Which is crazy because then you're not doing anything together.
Paul Ford:Well, nothing's gonna change at that
Rich Ziade:point.
Paul Ford:So, you know, find a hobby and hang out with your friends.
Rich Ziade:Let's end it on that note.
Rich Ziade:Beautiful.
Paul Ford:And we solved it.
Paul Ford:Ya and Ford Meta advisors very
Rich Ziade:very tricky, thorny topic, but I think we, we came through
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:But here's the thing, rich, they're all tricky and thorny.
Paul Ford:Yes.
Rich Ziade:Hit us up.
Rich Ziade:Ziade, uh, hello.
Rich Ziade:At Ziade with questions, thoughts, opinions, anything.
Rich Ziade:We'd love to hear you react to this podcast, which was a bit of a
Rich Ziade:minefield, but I think we came out
Paul Ford:No, we're doing all right.
Paul Ford:Look, listen.
Paul Ford:Also, if you want to, uh, go to a and put your email
Paul Ford:in, we really could use some beta testers real soon and we have
Paul Ford:something exciting and interesting,
Rich Ziade:Yes,
Paul Ford:right.
Paul Ford:All right, rich, let's get back to it.
Paul Ford:We got a lot of work to do.
Paul Ford:Have a good day.
Paul Ford:Bye.