Tom Pepperdine interviews award winning author, Trip Galey, about his writing process. Trip discusses how he discovered the most important part of learning to write, his experience of writing a novel as part of his PhD, and the benefits of dating a professional proofreader.
You can get information on all of Trip's work here:
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Hello and welcome to The Real Writing Process, the show that finds
Tom:out how authors do exactly what they do.
Tom:I'm your host Tom Pepperdine and this month my guest is award
Tom:winning author Trip Gailey.
Tom:Trip is most well known for his award winning debut novel, A Market
Tom:of Dreams and Destiny, which is a brilliant book all about a goblin
Tom:market under Victorian London.
Tom:It's called The Untermarkt.
Tom:A magical place, a dangerous place, a place where Faustian pacts are made
Tom:and indentured servitude awaits those who are reckless with their words.
Tom:The story features a princess who sells her destiny, but
Tom:how did she come to sell it?
Tom:Who owns it now?
Tom:Who wants it?
Tom:And what deals may come from possessing such a powerful item?
Tom:Yeah, it's as good as it sounds.
Tom:It delivers on that premise.
Tom:The characters are great, the world is great.
Tom:And if you really like this sort of thing, Trip has also written a text
Tom:based game set in the Untermarked, which is like a choose your own
Tom:adventure book on your phone.
Tom:It's amazing, brilliant, and insanely detailed.
Tom:It's called Fairy's Bargain, The Price of Business, and it's
Tom:available in the App Store now.
Tom:He's also written some novellas that are available on his Patreon and if that
Tom:wasn't enough, he's also co edited a collection of queer sci fi and fantasy
Tom:short stories which is called I Want That Twink Obliterated, also available now.
Tom:So he's a busy guy, a talented guy, a guy who writes and a guy with a process.
Tom:And I'll chat to him straight after this jingle.
Tom:And this month, I am here with Trip Gailey.
Tom:Trip, hello.
Tom:Thank you for being here.
Trip:Thank you for having me.
Tom:Always a pleasure.
Tom:My first question as always, what are we drinking?
Trip:I am currently drinking, uh, cider, which I usually drink,
Trip:but not always or exclusively.
Trip:Um, I've got a Henry Weston medium dry.
Tom:Yes, the vintage and I love it.
Tom:Um, as a West country boy, I'm always happy to drink cider.
Tom:So I was very pleased to see this request come in.
Tom:Um, so you are a regular cider drinker, but is it your writing drink?
Trip:Don't tend to drink things when I'm writing.
Trip:Um, unless I'm writing in a pub, which does happen.
Trip:No, I'm already going to contradict myself.
Trip:Um, because I do write it in in my local pub with, um, fair regularity.
Trip:But as a default, I don't, I don't have a default writing drink.
Trip:I'm also the sort of person where I'm a very much a vibes writer.
Trip:So occasionally it's like, I wouldn't have a default writing drink because
Trip:I would have to, I would have to have a different drink for everything
Trip:I'm writing to help frame my mind.
Tom:No, so, um, writing in the pub, I mean, I've heard coffee
Tom:shops, pubs is new for the podcast, but not for writers as I know.
Tom:Um, is that because of the ambience?
Tom:Is it kind of, because the setting, with your debut novel, you know, it's Goblin
Tom:Market, I can sort of see the tavern sort of vibe of the hustle and bustle,
Tom:um, is the pubs, helping with what you're writing at the moment, or is it
Tom:just generally you like to write there?
Trip:Um, so, I live in Limehouse.
Trip:Uh, I've only lived here 10 months so far.
Trip:There are no convenient libraries.
Trip:I Do not have, good climate control, shall we say, in my space.
Trip:So over the past summer, the local pub has really, really good air conditioning.
Trip:And it's not, we're far enough out that it's not very crowded during most days.
Trip:Um, so I can usually go and I can find there's a one particular tall
Trip:round table, right in the corner, that I usually just occupy there
Trip:and I can sit and it's not too loud.
Trip:It's around the corner from, you know, the football being on the
Trip:screen or the speaker playing music.
Trip:And that it just sort of turns into white noise.
Trip:and I can just sit there with, uh, with my keyboard and a drink.
Trip:Because that's the polite thing to do when you're working in someone
Trip:else's space, is to contribute to the maintenance of that space.
Trip:There aren't a lot of coffee shops around here.
Trip:There's there's one I like, but it's much more crowded.
Trip:Like the local pub, during the afternoons is quiet or more peaceful.
Trip:And it just has this fantastic.
Trip:vibe to it.
Trip:It's, you know, it's got like the tin ceiling, you know, old fashioned,
Trip:lots of exposed wood and a really just nice and congenial bar staff.
Tom:So yeah, it's just, I find writing spaces such a fascinating thing, uh, because
Tom:some people need absolute silence.
Tom:Some people need the white noise.
Tom:Some people need the hustle and bustle.
Tom:But I think that's a healthy medium of just not too crowded,
Tom:not too quiet and air conditioning.
Tom:So, uh...
Trip:I am such a welting flower.
Trip:I, if it hits 27 or above.
Trip:I just, I cease being functional in any reasonable way.
Tom:27's my cutoff as well.
Tom:There's a, a sitcom in the UK many years ago called Black Books.
Tom:And there's, uh, oh you've seen it?
Tom:And, uh, Dave Syndrome.
Tom:That gets in with Manny and I think my Dave syndrome hits at 27.
Tom:But, uh, no, that's, that's great.
Tom:And so you said you're a vibes writer.
Tom:Does that mean that like you're writing sessions are when you're
Tom:feeling particularly creative or are you more disciplined?
Trip:I work much better when I have a functional structure around me.
Trip:It's not completely necessary.
Trip:I am to a degree, adaptable, but I've, I found such a great
Trip:deal of learning to write is learning how I write specifically.
Trip:I Grew up on a cattle ranch in Midwestern America.
Trip:I was woken up.
Trip:Every morning, 5 36 a.
Trip:And my body, up until I was about 40, uh, my body just internalized that.
Trip:So I would pop up, I would be functional, writing a market of dreams and destiny.
Trip:My best work was always up at six, get a solid two hours of
Trip:writing in before I have to like make breakfast or do other things.
Trip:So the earlier in the day it is, the more functional my writer brain is.
Trip:That doesn't mean I don't like last night, I was writing until like 9pm.
Trip:Because you know how happens errands explode and take so much more time
Trip:than they're supposed to take.
Trip:So last night, I had to work until nine to get some extra words in.
Trip:So I, I can adapt to the circumstances, but I know that I work better, I
Trip:work best earlier in the morning.
Trip:Um, I work best with music in the background as long as it
Trip:doesn't have English lyrics.
Tom:Okay, yeah.
Trip:Or lyrics that I understand.
Trip:Um, but aside from that, I can, I can work standing up.
Trip:I can work in the pub.
Trip:I can work in the coffee shop.
Trip:I can work.
Trip:on the bed, working at the kitchen table, et cetera.
Trip:Um, it's more a matter of sliders than a matter of ritual or requirement.
Tom:And when it comes to developing your ideas, are you someone who
Tom:likes to start off with a world and sort of like, what kind of world
Tom:these characters will inhabit?
Tom:Or do you have a character in mind?
Tom:Or is it more of a scenario and a concept?
Tom:how do you start?
Tom:Which first, which, which seems to spark the, the, uh, the story?
Trip:it's absolutely different depending on the project.
Tom:So your current projects.
Trip:so I mean, my current project that I'm working on, well, I'm working on like
Trip:three right now because time constraints.
Trip:The main project I'm working right on right now is, um, the sequel
Trip:to a market of dreams and destiny.
Trip:So that began as a scenario.
Trip:The scenario in question is given that you can trade anything at the goblin market.
Trip:What happens when you trade the guilt for an action.
Trip:As in the full responsibility, not just the emotional aftermath, but trading the
Trip:facts that you committed a particular crime to someone else who then.
Trip:Metaphysically functionally owns the facts that they committed that crime.
Trip:What happens then?
Trip:How do you get out of the frame job that's not a frame job because on a very
Trip:real level you actually did the thing.
Trip:So like the world is rippling and reshaping itself to point to you.
Trip:Fingerprints change.
Trip:People's memories change.
Trip:Physical evidence changes, at a different rate.
Trip:Memories are easier to change than a fingerprint because it's harder to affect,
Trip:you know, the real world than someone's memory, which is fallible anyway.
Trip:So it began with that concept slash scenario.
Trip:but of course for a market of dreams and destiny, it began with the world.
Trip:It began with the idea of this goblin market beneath London.
Tom:Yeah, that's, that's really cool.
Tom:And so, with your current project, when you have that scenario, I guess
Tom:you've already got the world in place.
Tom:When you're developing the plot and the characters and everything.
Tom:Are you someone who likes to write freehand and use notebooks?
Tom:Do you have an app on your phone?
Tom:Is it all on your laptop?
Tom:How do you map out the notes when you plan your outline?
Trip:I am categorically addicted to Scrivener.
Trip:Um, so I have, uh, I have a tablet.
Trip:I did my whole PhD.
Trip:I wrote all of a market of dreams and destiny on a tablet.
Trip:so I have the app version of Scrivener, which doesn't have
Trip:quite the same functionality as a desktop version, unfortunately.
Trip:But yeah, I know the first thing will be a card with brainstorming, and then there'll
Trip:be a card with like a cast of characters, um, there'll be a card for the outline.
Trip:Sometimes multiple, multiple of these as I move stuff in
Trip:and around and change my mind.
Trip:before I was quite so addicted to Scrivener, I used Docs and Excel
Trip:quite a lot, um, and I still use Docs and Excel when I am co writing, um,
Trip:because it's much easier to share.
Tom:Yeah, that sounds good.
Tom:one thing I did want to get in with, uh, because one question I'd like to ask a
Tom:lot of writers is about, uh, research.
Tom:And your, PhD was on Goblin Markets, you've probably done a lot more research
Tom:than others into the world building.
Tom:how, um, long did your PhD take you to research, uh, you know,
Tom:and write your thesis on that?
Tom:And has that been the cornerstone to the world building that
Tom:you've done since then?
Tom:Or do you still like to research new things, as you write moving forward?
Trip:Always always always always learning new things um finding cool
Trip:stuff and like running after it and figuring out oh how does this fit in
Trip:what are the implications of that.
Trip:i mean the thing i found that since i'm no longer doing a phd my available
Trip:time to invest in research has shrunk dramatically because you know there's this
Trip:pesky little thing called money that we have to run around and earn and it just
Trip:like it soaks up so much time doing that.
Trip:But the PhD, like the whole process was about four years.
Trip:I came into the PhD with the foundations of the world already existing.
Trip:Actually the first plot I came up with, as an idea for the novel portion of my
Trip:PhD studies did not survive six weeks.
Trip:Um, it got trunked and a completely new set of characters, well, not a
Trip:completely new set of characters, but a predominantly new set of characters
Trip:and a new situation slash take on the Goblin market started developing
Trip:about eight weeks into my PhD studies.
Trip:But I began writing very early on.
Trip:Not all of those words survived, not all of them made it into the final version,
Trip:but there are certainly like solid chunks, particularly of the opening few chapters
Trip:where there's a lot of market description, that has sections of them that have
Trip:been there since, since the beginning.
Trip:Um, Blatterbosch showed up very, very early.
Trip:And the description of his stall with all of the eyeballs and fingers and hair and
Trip:all of the other physical merchandise, shall we say, that he deals in has
Trip:been there since very, very early on.
Trip:Um, that came up quite quickly.
Trip:Um, but yeah, it shifted, it changed, it took on All kinds
Trip:of additional dimensionality.
Trip:Because one of the things I did for research is I went to every single market
Trip:I could find and reasonably get to.
Trip:Portobello Road, I did a market up in Nottingham, I have a friend in Bristol
Trip:who used to work for Bristol Council and he's like, Oh, well, we have in the
Trip:archives we have contracts of indenture.
Trip:We have period paintings of markets of the 1600s and 1700s, etc.
Trip:I did a ton of research into markets and it just, it really, really informed
Trip:and grounded sort of the reality of that particular part of the world.
Trip:And then, of course, at the same time, I was reading every book
Trip:on writing and editing theory and process that I could, you know, get
Trip:my hands on quite a bit of research.
Trip:But the writing went all the way through.
Trip:Obviously, at the end, there was a lot more rewriting, writing new sections to
Trip:make up for the characters and chapters that got trimmed or otherwise jettisoned.
Trip:Um, I almost lost two chapters of the novel, actually.
Trip:it was really unfortunate because they were, Both,
Trip:chapters between Derry and Owein.
Trip:Um, they were sort of like really key, sort of like emotional chapters and
Trip:my partner proofreads everything I do.
Trip:And he was going through and proofreading and he's like,
Trip:where's the bit with the candle?
Trip:The bit with the candle is missing.
Trip:And I'm like, no, it's in there.
Trip:It's totally in there.
Trip:It wasn't.
Trip:I couldn't find it.
Trip:I could not find these chapters.
Trip:I had, I searched for days until I found in an email that I had sent
Trip:him like two years ago, a PDF version of a 75 percent completed draft.
Trip:And I had to like, drag it out and retype them.
Trip:And then I, when I did, I realized, Oh, these actually happened in a
Trip:completely different narrative order than what I had settled on for the
Trip:version that went for the PhD Viva.
Trip:Um, so I had to like tweak and rewrite and whatnot.
Trip:But I managed to, uh, regain a big chunk of it.
Tom:Okay, that's good.
Tom:And, yeah, I guess that can be massively nerve wracking when
Tom:you're doing multiple drafts and taking different, narrative routes.
Trip:It was extra stressful because I wrote the novel completely out of order.
Trip:Um, because it was part of the PhD studies.
Trip:Um, when I needed to hand stuff in, uh, when my PhD supervisor, Dr.
Trip:Tiffany Angus, said, give me 2000, 4, 000, 6, 000 words by next week, Friday.
Trip:I just wrote them.
Trip:Even if I was stuck on something, I would jump to whatever part of the
Trip:novel l that I thought I had a handle on, wherever it was, and I would just
Trip:write 4, 000 words, 6, 000 words.
Trip:The beginning of the second year, one of these um, deadlines occurred, and I was
Trip:like, I don't know what I'm doing next.
Trip:But I know Dame Aurelia has this sort of arc, so I literally, I just wrote
Trip:all of her bits in one document.
Trip:All of her bits throughout the whole book.
Trip:Most of which stayed, although I added some and some got moved around.
Trip:But yeah, I wrote, I wrote basically her entire arc through the whole
Trip:book and then just handed that in.
Trip:Even though I hadn't finished the ending.
Trip:So it was, it was written completely out of order and it was the greatest
Trip:nightmare of my life trying to edit and make it make sense.
Tom:Yeah, I guess with that, you know, in year one, you have got a
Tom:rough outline of the story beats.
Tom:But that obviously changed quite a bit as it went on.
Tom:Do you still try and have a roadmap, when you start a new
Tom:project, and how detailed is that?
Tom:Is that just like an end goal, here are some thematic arcs I want to try
Tom:and achieve, or do you try and beat for beat, go through the main plot points?
Trip:I think of it like a map, like the old style map.
Trip:You would have landmarks, because you didn't have roads leading between things.
Trip:But like if you're on the Oregon Trail, for example, you knew you had to look
Trip:for Chimney Rock, a big visible landmark.
Trip:That you are heading for before you start heading to the next thing.
Trip:That's sort of how, how I function now, uh, in terms of my writing process.
Trip:I can get 25 percent of the way into a project before nailing down
Trip:the ending, but no more than that.
Trip:If I do not know very strongly what the ending is going to look
Trip:like by the time I hit that point.
Trip:I will just spin my wheels endlessly.
Trip:Um, I need, I need to know where I'm going.
Trip:And then once I have that, I will work backwards.
Trip:Okay, if I'm going to get there, I need to hit this first.
Trip:And to hit that, I will need this other thing.
Trip:And then I write towards the next landmark on the map.
Tom:Although you have an, you know, an ending by a quarter of the
Tom:way through, does it ever change?
Tom:Like, you get, like, another 25, 40 percent through and then you go, Oh, wait,
Tom:actually that ending doesn't work anymore.
Tom:A more true ending could be something else.
Tom:Or has that not happened yet?
Tom:Could that happen?
Trip:That has not, that has not yet happened to me.
Trip:What tends to happen is I will go back to the middle and I
Trip:will beat the middle into shape.
Trip:Until that through line emerges from the middle, because the middle
Trip:is the bit that I struggle with most.
Trip:Anyway, I know I'm going to spend a lot of time on it.
Trip:I know I'm going to agonize over it.
Trip:So if I'm going to already be that deep into the weeds or the
Trip:guts of the thing, That's, that's where I try and do my realignment,
Trip:rather than, Change the ending.
Tom:Okay, that leads on quite well with what I was going to ask about next,
Tom:which is kind of the daily grind of it is, you know, there can be a lot of fun
Tom:with plotting and like mapping out and sort of like coming up with the story.
Tom:And then it could be, Quite therapeutic to edit and refine but actually getting
Tom:the first draft, nuts and bolts, Uh getting it on the page, can be a
Tom:real struggle for a lot of people where a lot of people fall down.
Tom:Um, how do you discipline yourself without having a Supervisor giving you deadlines.
Tom:How do you discipline yourself to get in the words on the page now?
Trip:Um, I have a daily to do list, um, little, little tickable
Trip:boxes, which are so, so satisfying.
Trip:But in the evening, I have a box for reflecting on what I've done.
Trip:But I also have a box for, Review the chapters that I'm
Trip:want to write the next day.
Trip:So that I have that going through my subconscious.
Trip:and that when I wake up, I already know what the road map is.
Trip:So I don't spend as much time trying to orient myself.
Trip:Um, so if I, if I've done that, if I know generally where I'm going, if I've
Trip:taken the time to say, okay, this, this reversal needs to happen in this chapter.
Trip:Uh, I need to hit these three bullet points of information somehow in there.
Trip:It makes it so much easier when I wake up first thing in the morning
Trip:to just be like, right, keyboard on, fingers type, you know, Going for that.
Trip:Um, because if I have to figure it out before I go, then I spend so much
Trip:time and then I start, like, getting distracted, like, oh, don't want
Trip:breakfast, don't want another cup of tea.
Trip:But if I know, it's a way that I've found to reduce the friction.
Trip:There's little ways to reduce the friction to make it easier.
Trip:and I find that also on days where I write, even a few hundred
Trip:words before breakfast, my chances of writing a few thousand words
Trip:for the day massively increase.
Trip:If I wait even till after breakfast to get those few hundred words in,
Trip:I can still probably pull out like a couple thousand words if I have to,
Trip:but it becomes much more difficult and it eats up a lot more time.
Trip:Um, so, my process is figuring out what I'm going to do the next day so that I
Trip:can just do it first thing in the morning.
Trip:And then repeat that.
Tom:That's great.
Tom:I hear a lot of writers who will do the morning review of the day before,
Tom:like come back to it fresh, but to actually write, break, reflect.
Tom:And do that reflection the night before so that when you wake up,
Tom:you've already got that goal in mind.
Tom:That's really interesting.
Trip:I think it also helps like the subconscious.
Trip:Because like writing is as much a subconscious process as it is a
Trip:conscious one, particularly for me.
Trip:Um, it's hard to say how much like had just been worked
Trip:through while I've been asleep.
Trip:And then I wake up and I can just put the words on paper.
Tom:That's nice.
Tom:And, uh, you mentioned you having little tick box daily goals sort of thing.
Tom:Is that a, I'm going to write for this many hours or I have
Tom:to hit a certain word target?
Tom:What's your writing goals generally for a day?
Trip:I tend to find that writing takes up the amount of time you have for it.
Trip:I would love, my life would be so much easier If I could just say, I'm
Trip:gonna write for two hours this morning and then move on to the next thing.
Trip:But if I do that, my brain will obsess.
Trip:That nasty little like perfectionism imp that I have tried so hard to exercise and
Trip:I cannot exercise for the life of me, like the most I can do is like chain it, ball
Trip:gag it, stick it in a Cage in the corner.
Trip:If I I'm writing for two hours, I'm going to start hearing that little voice.
Trip:It's like, Oh no, this needs to be better.
Trip:That needs to be better.
Trip:Does the logic of this work perfectly?
Trip:and then I hit the end of my two hours and I've got a couple hundred words.
Trip:Whereas if I say, look, I have got to hit 2000 words in this two hours.
Trip:Then I can go right.
Trip:This many words in 15 minute sprints with like five minute breaks in between.
Trip:and then I'm like, okay, I can hit that.
Trip:Um, and if I run into a problem, it's much easier for me to go
Trip:like, Nope, I need to do my words.
Trip:Write it now, fix it in post.
Trip:Or, you don't know this bit, fine, skip to the next bit, write that,
Trip:and then go back and link them.
Trip:But if I've given myself a time limit, my brain will hit that little
Trip:impediment and it will stick on it.
Trip:It would be much healthier for me to just do time limit, but it
Trip:is much more effective for my brain to do word limit, do a word limit.
Trip:Especially because, this is something that I have done off and on, but
Trip:I have done every day since the beginning of 2025 is I am now keeping
Trip:like a word count sort of document.
Trip:And I enter in every day how many words I produced.
Trip:And like, I found that really helpful.
Trip:Just because time and experience, like, are so subjective.
Trip:If I didn't do that, it could be very easy for like three days to
Trip:slip by, five days to slip by.
Trip:Where I felt like I've been doing stuff, but then at the end of that, I don't
Trip:have more than a few hundred words.
Trip:If that.
Trip:because I'm like, Oh, I need to do this other really important things like,
Trip:Oh, no, no, I need to do self promotion on social media, or, I need to figure
Trip:out this one specific plot point.
Trip:And it's got to be just right.
Trip:That can just like suck so much time away.
Trip:Um, I have a huge tendency to allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.
Trip:Um, or even the finished.
Trip:Um, the only way I have found for me to get around that is to do this
Trip:sort of like granular tracking.
Trip:because then I can be like, okay.
Trip:This got accomplished.
Trip:That chapter was done.
Trip:I can move on to the next thing.
Trip:Yes, it's going to be a nightmare to edit, but that is a problem for future trip.
Trip:Which I mean, is a much smaller problem than handing future trip, oh, sorry,
Trip:you still have to write the whole flipping novel in addition to editing it.
Trip:Rather than be like, look, past trip has already written the novel.
Trip:You just have to make it a bit better.
Tom:Yes, with your writing style of, oh, this is a sticking
Tom:point, I'm going to skip ahead and, where you were with the PhD.
Tom:You know, I'll write this person's character arc out
Tom:of sync with the main thing.
Tom:When it comes to all these problem areas that you've like, put off and put off,
Tom:by doing everything else, does that make solving those problems easier or harder?
Trip:Uh, I find it makes it easier for me.
Trip:So this has a lot of bearing on both my drafting
Trip:process and my editing process.
Trip:Um, but this is a realization I had about the way I write.
Trip:And it took me this, this only came up, uh, a couple of years ago.
Trip:and It revolves around the way I read, actually.
Trip:so, there's this thing, uh, where some people, when they read, they
Trip:do not see pictures in their head.
Trip:And then on the other end of the spectrum is, people where they
Trip:read and they've got like a full 4D experience going on behind their eyes.
Trip:I'm not quite that extreme, but I am much, much more on the movie
Trip:in my brain end of the spectrum.
Trip:When I read a book, I do not consciously register the words on the page.
Trip:I don't notice them because there's a movie going on behind my eyes.
Trip:I don't see chapter breaks, I just, it just, it just goes.
Trip:So if I have to, when I'm reading, say, Oh, you can only read for this amount of
Trip:time, I literally have to physically take a bookmark and put it on the chapter I
Trip:want to end on in the way, to break my field of vision and to stop the movie.
Trip:Otherwise, I will lose all sense of time.
Trip:I will completely dissociate and I will just read for hours.
Trip:And I'll look up and think it's been 15 minutes.
Trip:And my partner will have been like, we were supposed to be
Trip:at the film 90 minutes ago.
Trip:What's going on?
Trip:I just, I There's a complete disconnect between the actual black and white words
Trip:on the page and what happens when I read.
Trip:And I've realized that I sort of do that in reverse when I'm writing.
Trip:I Have a vibe or an image or a scene or situation that I can see and feel.
Trip:And when I'm writing, it's very hard for me To fully focus on the words.
Trip:I do it to an extent because like, oh, I'm writing a scene where there's like
Trip:this anthropomorphic queen of bees.
Trip:So, like, my brain registers it enough to know, like, okay, we're
Trip:looking for honey metaphors.
Trip:We're looking for describing things as being like wax.
Trip:Um, if they're not actually wax.
Trip:We're looking for like hive minds and buzzing and honeycomb
Trip:and hexagons and things.
Trip:It's very difficult for me to actually register words on a page.
Trip:Editing is very, very difficult for me.
Tom:And we will come on to editing in a moment, but there's one other part of
Tom:the drafting process that I want to cover with you, which is something that
Tom:you're doing, which is quite unique to a lot of writers and might feel, well,
Tom:your Patreon at the moment, you're writing, uh, A Game Beyond Death and
Tom:that drafting process you're putting out.
Tom:You're putting chapters out as you write them.
Tom:Are they fully first drafts or do you want to talk a bit more
Tom:about how that's being developed?
Trip:So the process for a game beyond death is really it's the
Trip:process of me writing anything.
Trip:I came up with the idea.
Trip:I fleshed out the beginning and a bit of the end in enough to start.
Trip:I'm a little bit worried about the end.
Trip:I'm a little bit worried that it's going to, the ending is going to
Trip:shift on me a little bit more than it usually does on one of my projects.
Trip:I'm sure it'll be fine.
Trip:But yeah, so I have the concept.
Trip:I have the enough of a feel of the characters.
Trip:They're going to like grow and change more, but it's basically what you read
Trip:when you are reading chapter to chapter for a game beyond death is pretty much,
Trip:if it's not a first draft, it's like a 1.
Trip:15 draft.
Trip:Um, what you were reading on the page is the words as I wrote them down.
Trip:My partner is a professional proofreader and copy editor.
Trip:He will have gone through, so we will have eliminated the annoying nasty words, we'll
Trip:put commas in the right places, it will have a proofread on it, and it will have
Trip:a very light copy edit, where he's like, you've used this word like five times,
Trip:or You should mention this thing like two paragraphs earlier for better flow.
Trip:But generally what you were reading on my Patreon on those first drafts
Trip:are, yeah, it's like, it's like a 1.
Trip:Um, it's pretty much as I wrote it.
Tom:This is very different from your usual writing, where if there's
Tom:something sticking, if you're having to give that linear narrative to
Tom:your patrons, uh, you can't skip.
Trip:I'm still skipping.
Trip:Because I'm writing it slightly ahead of posting it.
Trip:like, right now, I think there are currently two chapters up.
Trip:I have three chapters written beyond that.
Trip:Writing today.
Trip:I was writing, I don't know, let's call it chapter, chapter five.
Trip:I don't know what the actual chapter was, um, because I don't
Trip:have it right in front of me.
Trip:I wrote the first, first 50%.
Trip:I got completely stuck, but I'm like, I know how this chapter ends.
Trip:I jumped to the end.
Trip:I wrote the last 250 words.
Trip:And having done that, I'm like, okay, that's where I'm going.
Trip:I got between 750 and 1250 words roughly for the pacing that
Trip:I'm going for to get there.
Trip:How do I hit that that and that by the time I get there.
Trip:And that's usually enough to get me Unblocked in this sort of thing.
Trip:The things that will slow me down a little bit is I have sort of like a detailed
Trip:ish outline like the first 12 chapters.
Trip:What's gonna slow me down is here in a couple days, I'm gonna go like okay.
Trip:I've run through my detailed outline notes.
Trip:The next Landmark is this.
Trip:Roughly feels like it's roughly four chapters.
Trip:It doesn't feel like it's more than four chapters of story.
Trip:What happens in each of those chapters and figuring out a slightly
Trip:more detailed description of what happens in each of those chapters.
Trip:So that I can wake up in the morning and you're like, right,
Trip:this is what I'm doing today.
Trip:That's, that, that, that.
Trip:Um, that's, that those are going to be the speed bumps that,
Trip:that slow down this process.
Trip:Fortunately, I have a partner who is a trained dramaturge.
Trip:Is a huge fan of science fiction and fantasy, loves me, loves my writing.
Trip:So if I get stuck, I can go, Hey, can we go on a walk?
Trip:And I have this problem and I'm going to talk about it and you're going to
Trip:tell me what works and what doesn't.
Trip:And then I'm going to sort out how to move forward.
Trip:Um, we do that quite frequently.
Trip:usually along Regent's canal cause it's beautiful and it's, you know, There's
Trip:not too much city, but you can still like nip off to a cafe if you need to.
Tom:Yeah, I think, um, walking definitely can free up the problem solving part
Tom:of your brain and having someone like a physical person who, like you say,
Tom:understands narratives and You can talk it out with is, is fantastic.
Trip:Oh, yeah, because that's the other thing.
Trip:because I I co write with other authors.
Trip:My bestt co writing friend is an author called C.
Trip:McCartney, who is also one of my fellow editors on I Want That Twink Obliterated.
Trip:And having a discussion with him, because he kept saying,
Trip:well, just fix it this way.
Trip:And I'm like, no, that doesn't work for me.
Trip:And he didn't understand why until we like broke it down.
Trip:And I'm like, no, no, no.
Trip:When I read something, this is what happens.
Trip:He's like, how do you edit or write anything?
Trip:If you don't see the words you're actually choosing, cause he's very
Trip:much on the other end of the spectrum.
Trip:He sees the words when he reads them.
Trip:And so we had this fabulous in depth conversation.
Trip:and it's really informed so much of like, the way I now approach my writing.
Trip:Knowing Oh, I do this, I need to be aware of this.
Trip:Because when I'm writing, I'm like, okay, I am aiming for this kind of
Trip:feeling with this kind of character and this thing needs to happen.
Trip:And I can't, when I'm reading over and editing, it's very difficult
Trip:for me to separate out what is on the page from what is in my head.
Trip:The number of times I have had an editor, usually my partner,
Trip:go, you did not say this.
Trip:And I'll be like, no, no, no, I totally said that.
Trip:And then I go back and I like very carefully read through it.
Trip:And I'm like, there's not even a mention of that word.
Trip:I'm like, but, but it was there in my head.
Trip:And because I knew it, I can't separate out what exists for
Trip:the reader separate from myself.
Trip:It's very, very difficult for me.
Trip:so when I'm writing, I'm trying to hold 15 things in my brain all at once and
Trip:part of my drafting process is doing little writing projects that help me
Trip:get a feel for, okay, this is, this is the way this character speaks.
Trip:So I can take that 15 percent of my brain that was trying to hold on to,
Trip:okay, this character speaks like this and pull it down to like 5 percent, so
Trip:that I can spin the other six plates that I'm trying to spin more smoothly.
Trip:Because when like, other people write, they can go through and do like,
Trip:okay, I'm just doing the structure.
Trip:And then they go through, oh, now I'll do a dialogue pass, and then they'll
Trip:go back and they'll go through again.
Trip:And like, now I'll polish up like word choice and adverbs and like,
Trip:oh, I'll write this thing in here and I'll add that thing in there.
Trip:Because when I read something on the page, it's a movie in my head.
Trip:That doesn't work for my writing process.
Trip:I need to hold as much in my head as I can, so that as much
Trip:as possible goes on with the page as part of the drafting process.
Trip:Uh, because if I had to like layer it through like that, I wouldn't be
Trip:able to because I would read through it three times and I would know I
Trip:would have it subconsciously in my brain that what is happening here is
Trip:the Duke is using sub vocal magical chanting in order to obtain the
Trip:results he wants from this negotiation.
Trip:I would know that.
Trip:And I'd read through it like three or four times.
Trip:And it wouldn't, would not occur to me that I did not explicitly
Trip:say it with those specific words because I don't see the specific
Trip:words when I'm reading stuff back.
Trip:Um, I can do it.
Trip:I can like break it down so that I'm looking at a sentence by sentence, but
Trip:it's much easier for me to like do it on the sentence by sentence level, literally
Trip:reading backward through a chapter.
Tom:So I guess it's, you know, great having a partner who is a proofreader
Tom:professionally and co writers.
Tom:I think editors are the unsung heroes of novels a lot of the time anyway.
Tom:But it sounds
Trip:Absolutely, 100%.
Tom:For you, especially the way that you write, because when you read it, it's
Tom:the movie, it's not the granular word by word, having that external person to
Tom:be, have you conveyed the message in the words that are on the page is essential,
Tom:to make sure that what you're seeing in your movie is actually there on the
Tom:page, uh, like, you know, the example you gave of, oh, it's in there and,
Tom:you know, it wasn't, so your partner, I guess, you know, the first person to read
Tom:a draft, do they give detailed notes on a, on a granular level, or is it just a
Tom:chapter, this is what I got out of it.
Tom:I, I, cause I guess they, they do proofread, but how do they help you?
Tom:How do their notes come across to you?
Tom:Uh, is it like things read underlined?
Tom:Is it on a separate document?
Tom:How, how do your edits come to you?
Tom:And also, I'm sorry, I'm doing multi part questions, which is very annoying.
Tom:How do you respond to that?
Tom:Is that a good thing to receive?
Tom:Is it a relief to get those?
Tom:Or is it like, no, it should be perfect.
Tom:Why are you criticizing me?
Trip:I'm going to answer this sort of like, like generally.
Trip:Not the full editorial process, but sort of like the where
Trip:it goes once I let it go.
Trip:So with a game beyond death, because I'm releasing it at a regular
Trip:interval, my partner will read like three chapters at a time, and then I'll
Trip:go and I'll schedule him on the Patreon.
Trip:And while he's doing that, he knows my house style.
Trip:He knows that We're putting everything into British English.
Trip:He knows we're using the Oxford comma, et cetera, et cetera, those sorts of things.
Trip:So he will just, carte blanche, he will just fix those and
Trip:he will make those work.
Trip:Whenever there is something that is a question of style, he will, he will
Trip:literally just do it right in front of me and I will sit there with like
Trip:a cup of tea and like read a book and he will say, you've used the word
Trip:roiling four times in two paragraphs.
Trip:And I will pop up and I will go over.
Trip:And I'll be like, uh, that one has to stay, that one has to stay, we're
Trip:going to change that to something else, and actually I'm just going to
Trip:take out that entire, like, clause, because I don't actually need it.
Trip:And I'll just do like little spot edits, and then he'll go
Trip:back over it again and resume.
Trip:And so it'll just be back and forth right there, just like really
Trip:quick fixes, um, and that's it.
Trip:He doesn't really do dev edit stuff, or deep structural stuff.
Trip:He generally, when he edits, he like, he reads my stuff, and he like,
Trip:fixes all my grammar peccadillos, and Small copy line edit sort of stuff.
Trip:He will flag for me and then I'll like pop in and I will quickly fix it.
Trip:And then sometimes we'll have an extended debate back and forth
Trip:about my fix, because I get very particular about the sound of things.
Tom:Okay, yeah.
Trip:Um, I have this discussion with Chris, C.
Trip:McCartney, all the time.
Trip:Because they'd be like, no, just change the word.
Trip:I'm like, I can't change the word because it changes the sound.
Trip:And if it changes the sound, it changes the rhythm of the sentence.
Trip:And it just, it just, no, it does.
Trip:The whole, the whole, the whole chapter, like, falls flat.
Trip:Um, and we will have these, like, really long, drawn out arguments,
Trip:which I find incredibly fulfilling.
Trip:And they make me deeply joyous.
Trip:Um, but it's that sort of thing.
Trip:It's like,
Trip:Uh, my entire family on my mother's side are musicians, and not a
Trip:single one is classically trained.
Trip:None of them were taught to read music.
Trip:They all learned how to play by ear.
Trip:They're all very, very good at playing by ear, being very musical.
Trip:Um, I did not get that gift at all.
Trip:But I think of the way I write in a very similar fashion.
Trip:I sort of write by ear.
Trip:I have read a lot of stuff.
Trip:I know how stuff holds to sound.
Trip:Um, and it just sort of like comes out so I do have opinions
Trip:on specific word choices.
Trip:And like I'm, I will be talked out of them.
Trip:I do have a tendency to use 10 dollar words because that's
Trip:just how my brain works.
Trip:but I can occasionally be talked out of it, talked down from using them.
Trip:Although sometimes that becomes a whole new argument because
Trip:I'm like, Oh no, you're right.
Trip:I'll change that word.
Trip:But then that also means I have to rephrase this entire sentence
Trip:to use different words so that it flows correctly, uh, flows
Trip:properly and sounds right.
Trip:Um, like, no, you didn't need to change that.
Trip:I'm like, no, absolutely.
Trip:If I'm changing this word to that, then the whole thing has to change.
Trip:Otherwise it doesn't sound correct to the flow of the story that's happening.
Tom:As a reader, I totally get that.
Tom:Because there are some books that you can have a 300 page book.
Tom:And you're going to have one book that you can read in a day, and you have
Tom:another book that takes you weeks.
Tom:And it's just the flow of the sentences, the flow of the
Tom:pages, the flow of the chapters.
Tom:If it just keeps you reading, and it's like candy for the
Tom:brain, it's absolute joyous.
Tom:And as a reader, I'm not conscious of word choice in that way.
Tom:But some, it's just very static and it's very slow and it's a bit of a
Tom:grind and a chore to get through.
Tom:so, yeah, that totally works for me, and I must say, it was less
Tom:than a week that I read your book.
Tom:It was phenomenal, it was a great read.
Tom:But also, I think The stakes for the characters, you get invested.
Tom:So you want to make sure everything's all right.
Tom:You want to know how they get themselves out of the situations they're in.
Tom:so yeah, I get that.
Trip:Thank you.
Trip:And like a lot of that is also down to everyone who helped me edit it.
Trip:My partner, Robert, absolutely fantastic proofreading, line editing, helping
Trip:me solve all of these little issues.
Trip:So it goes to him, like, market of dreams and destiny.
Trip:Everything went to him first.
Trip:Then it went to Chris because Chris reads and writes completely different than I do.
Trip:And Chris has possibly one of the best eyes for structure that I've
Trip:ever encountered in my entire life.
Trip:And he'll be like, I love all of this.
Trip:Like your vibes are still on point.
Trip:We are now going to have an extended discussion about like the chassis.
Trip:Uh, we're going to talk about sort of like fixing your carburetor or whatever.
Trip:I don't, I'm not super mechanically inclined in terms of like cars, but he
Trip:used a car analogy when we were talking about a market of dreams and destiny.
Trip:I don't know why, he's not super into cars either.
Trip:Um, but yeah, it'll go to, it'll go to Robert, it will go to Chris.
Trip:Chris will help me clear up a lot of structure, structural issues, and it will
Trip:go to the rest of my, my beta readers who, who obviously provide different
Trip:levels of insight and feedback and then I will, then I will do editorial
Trip:triage and implement the changes.
Tom:And when the book's finally finished.
Tom:The proofs are done, it's off to the printers.
Tom:Do you feel a sense of relief that it's complete?
Tom:Or is there more grief of, you know, you've developed this world, you've
Tom:got these characters, their story is done, and you're not gonna be spending
Tom:time with them day in, day out.
Tom:Is the movie is over, and is that a sad thing, or is it just like, yes!
Tom:Done right onto the next thing?
Trip:I'm Generally very happy because it means I'm done doing edits.
Trip:And edits are the thing that I find The most difficult about the entire process.
Trip:So just my relief at no longer having to do edits.
Tom:Yeah Yeah
Trip:Probably occludes any sort of like bittersweet melancholy that
Trip:may arise from the fact that I am done writing this particular story.
Trip:But generally I have So many things that I want to write that my brain
Trip:is already plotting The next thing while I'm still in the middle of the
Trip:previous thing, which is not useful.
Trip:Or not nearly as useful as it could be.
Trip:Yeah Because it really splits focus.
Trip:Yeah so yeah, I generally, I'm happy to hand it off.
Trip:Because quite frankly when the book goes through the printers That's just the
Trip:beginning of a whole new cycle Of like little tiny, excited, awesome things.
Trip:Like cover art or, Ooh, arcs or, Oh, it's finally in the store
Trip:or actually going to hold it.
Trip:I get to get a hold, the actual thing, the physical thing.
Trip:Yeah, I actually think I, I have more of a melancholic
Trip:reaction after publication day.
Trip:But again, I think that has a lot to do with how, how much time and energy
Trip:and like, buzz builds s up into it in the lead up to publication because,
Trip:you know, it's quite a long process and there's like, Ooh, I'm writing an
Trip:article for this blog and I'm appearing on this podcast and I'm on this panel
Trip:talking about this thing that's related to the book and et cetera, et cetera.
Trip:And then it goes out into the world.
Trip:And then the publisher is like, okay, moving on.
Trip:We're ready for the next thing.
Trip:Good job.
Trip:Uh, we'll see.
Trip:We see, we'll see how sales do in like six months to a year.
Trip:Um, write me something else.
Trip:And there's a, this is very much like a very big drop off in the amount of
Trip:focus that is, that is on the book.
Trip:which is a little bit harder to navigate because it's like, I
Trip:feel like it's much more abrupt than the process of book going.
Trip:The point of the timeline where it's book going to printers.
Trip:Yeah, that's that's not an ending.
Trip:That's yeah That's a phase shift.
Trip:That's not an ending but after publication day, that's much more like
Trip:oh no this This project is more done.
Trip:You're spending noticeably less time with these characters.
Trip:Because, you know, in the run up to publication, we're talking about
Trip:character, we're talking about setting, we're talking about the
Trip:book and, and all of these things.
Trip:So they are still very much there and very much present.
Trip:But post publication day, there's a, there's a fall off.
Trip:And yeah, I think that's a bit more, a bit more of the aww.
Tom:Um, I've just got the last two questions, but it's been a
Tom:fantastic time to chat with you, Trip.
Tom:Thank you.
Tom:Um, now it's my belief that writers continue to grow and develop their
Tom:writing with every story that they write.
Tom:You mentioned earlier how improving your writing was learning how you write.
Tom:And optimizing your writing process around that.
Tom:But was there anything in particular from the last project you finished that
Tom:you're now applying to your projects that you're currently working on?
Trip:I mean, the obvious answer that springs immediately to mind is
Trip:don't write so out of order as I did on A Market of Dreams and Destiny.
Trip:Get things in line more in advance.
Trip:So even if there is some slight shifting, it's not literally, okay, I
Trip:need to write a summary of everything that happens in every scene and put
Trip:it on note cards, spread them all out on the floor in front of me, and then
Trip:wiggle them all around until they fit back into a new order that functions
Trip:with all the through lines for all the characters and the plot and everything.
Trip:Okay, now I need to go remember and like trim all these
Trip:other things out and do this.
Trip:I've definitely learned that I have got to know, I have got to know the
Trip:ending before I push past 25 percent or untangling it is going to be almost
Trip:more of a trial than my soul could bear.
Trip:But it's also an interesting question because I'm now sitting here and I
Trip:am thinking back about things I have learned and it's occurring to me.
Trip:I love science fiction fantasy conventions.
Trip:I go to as many as I possibly can.
Trip:I especially love BristolCon.
Trip:I love FantasyCon.
Trip:I love EasterCon.
Trip:Um, I volunteered for the World Science Fiction Convention
Trip:when I was here in Glasgow.
Trip:I was on a lot of panels and quite often that does give you the opportunity
Trip:to verbalize and vocalize and sort of think your way through aspects of your
Trip:craft that you may not necessarily have formally thought through.
Trip:And I have actually had some insights just talking on panels that I have then gone
Trip:on to sort of like, Apply to my process.
Trip:Um, I was on this fantastic panel at an Easter con at one point, and it
Trip:was talking about cross genre works.
Trip:And like how you write them, how you take these two genres and
Trip:how do you mash them together.
Trip:And just being on that panel and sort of bringing into clear focus,
Trip:the image of how I thought about mashing up genres in my head.
Trip:It formalized some things, and I'm like, now I actually actively use
Trip:it when I'm plotting a, a work.
Trip:Like, for example, on my Patreon, there's a novella called Apple Pies
Trip:and Eldritch Skies, which is me sort of taking cosmic horror and cozy
Trip:fantasy and linking them together.
Trip:And I was specifically able to do that because of the thought process
Trip:that occurred to me on this panel.
Trip:It was very much like, okay, break it down.
Trip:What are the Aspects of each of these genres?
Trip:What, what makes them a genre?
Trip:What is the pattern of storytelling that is formalized as a subgenre in this case?
Trip:And there's not a lot of overlap between cozy fantasy and cosmic horror.
Trip:but there's an idea that is central to cosmic horror, that it is
Trip:terrifying to be such a tiny piece of something so unknowable and vast.
Trip:And I was thinking, but that's the, that's the thing with cozy fantasy.
Trip:It's all about being a tiny piece of something.
Trip:It's about having this cozy, nice, tiny little nook.
Trip:And I'm like, so Apple pies and Eldridge skies is overlapping
Trip:those two little tiny pieces.
Trip:We are keeping the vast and knowable cosmos, but we're linking that and
Trip:overlapping it with that small piece so that we can then bring in that's
Trip:actually comforting being just a small part in a vast and noble cosmos.
Trip:I don't I don't have to fucking worry about killing the witch
Trip:king like the world can burn down But reality will go on.
Trip:Good will still exist.
Trip:Light will still burn in innumerable stars.
Trip:Like it's finding those pieces and those overlaps and I would absolutely not have
Trip:been able to make that connection because it is a big leap if I hadn't had that
Trip:experience on the panel of like air quotes forced by circumstance to vocalize
Trip:my thoughts on this particular topic.
Trip:Um, and I, I love apple pies and I'll just guys, it needs like more editing,
Trip:more polishing, more editor work.
Trip:Um, But it was just so much fun.
Trip:It's so fascinating to write.
Trip:Plus, like, I got to write a very small, very cute, very deadly character, which
Trip:is one of my favorite things ever.
Tom:That's amazing.
Tom:And also I I want to second the amazingness that is author conventions
Tom:in the UK, especially genre conventions where you have these panels and
Tom:you have shared ideas, uh, it's always fascinating to listen to.
Trip:Um, I'm an American, I'm an expat.
Trip:I have lived here in the UK for over 10 years now.
Trip:And having experience of the convention scene in the United States and the
Trip:convention scene in the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom is like such a
Trip:sweet spot of the conventions are big enough to be interesting, but
Trip:they're small enough to be personal.
Trip:You can really develop a convention family, that like makes the experiences.
Trip:Like, so incredibly rich while at the same time having very relaxed, down
Trip:to earth contact with major figures in like the UK publishing industry.
Trip:I cannot recommend the UK fantasy convention scene enough.
Trip:If you are nearby and you can get to something like Easter Con,
Trip:which moves around and I think the next one's going to be in Belfast.
Trip:I highly recommend it.
Trip:If you can come over, if you can afford to come over, if your
Trip:life circumstances permit that.
Trip:I can't recommend it enough.
Trip:I've loved every single one.
Tom:Yeah, absolutely.
Tom:Uh, now just one final question.
Tom:It should hopefully be a simple one.
Tom:And in fact, because Dr.
Tom:Tiffany Angus was your, uh, PhD supervisor, I may already get it.
Tom:Is there one piece of advice you find yourself returning to
Tom:gets you through your writing?
Trip:So, It's not a piece of advice, so much as it is a Perspective.
Trip:Or maybe even a mantra, if you want to call it a mantra.
Trip:The one thing that gets me through writing more than absolutely anything
Trip:else is saying to myself, fix it in post.
Trip:Fix it later.
Trip:Um, and the thing, and it is very, it's very close to being what Tiffany would
Trip:say is you can't edit a blank page.
Trip:I think of it as.
Trip:You can't edit a blank page.
Trip:Tiffany says, what does she say?
Trip:She says, I can edit shit on the page.
Trip:I can't edit shit in your head.
Trip:So write it down.
Tom:I think actually in her interview, she did actually say you can't edit an empty page.
Tom:That was the words I was thinking.
Tom:So, um, great.
Tom:Well, Tripp, it's been genuinely fantastic.
Tom:I really enjoyed you as a guest.
Tom:Uh, thank you so much for being on the show.
Trip:Thank you.
Trip:Thanks for having me.
Trip:I had a absolutely fantastic time, honestly.
Tom:And that was Trip Galey, what a wonderful man.
Tom:His website is simply tripgaley.
Tom:com get links to all of his stuff there.
Tom:And I do recommend his Patreon so that you can catch up with his
Tom:latest book, A Game Beyond Death.
Tom:It's really good.
Tom:As of this episode being released, there are nine chapters out.
Tom:So, uh, you get that, and if frequent chapters being released,
Tom:you also get short stories and his newsletter and stuff.
Tom:It's about five pounds a month, but I think there's a free option as well.
Tom:So it's all very good.
Tom:As for me, I do want to give you guys notice that I do plan on attending
Tom:several author conventions this year, if my health behaves itself.
Tom:I'll give more details as I'm confirmed, but really hoping to
Tom:meet some of you and catching up with previous guests on the show.
Tom:Hopefully meet some future guests too.
Tom:Anyway, that's all for this month.
Tom:See you in February.
Tom:And for goodness sake, keep writing until the world ends.