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Pt Two To Seek and Thirst After God
Episode 3221st April 2022 • Truth of God Podcast • Fred Coulter
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To Seek and Thirst After God - Second Half

(Sabbath After Unleavened Bread)

Fred R. Coulter—April 23, 2022

Psalm 63:1: “O God, You are my God…” That’s personal and individual to every single one that has the Holy Spirit of God! He is your God!

“…earnestlyI will seek You!….” Not just haphazardly, but:

· diligently

· constantly

· spiritually

In repentance and yieldedness to God!

“…My soul thirsts for You…. [Notice David’s attitude;Jesus told us to express this]: …My flesh longs for You, as in a dry and thirsty land where no water is, to see Your power and Your glory… [remember we’re going to see Him as He is] …as I have seen You in the sanctuary” (vs 1-2).




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