Idolatry in Today’s Churches
TS Wright pt 2
Now, if you’ve been listening recently, you’ve heard several session with our guest today, TS Wright. We’ve done a deep dive on Revelation and the “7 Church Ages.” If you missed any of those episodes, go look them up in our archives. On our last episode, we learned the possible significance of the year 2038 – and what that could mean.
Today, we are going to discuss something that, I believe is very needful. It is also something that will probably make a lot of church pastors very upset. Maybe even mad. But that’s OK. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know I say things that tend to slap pastor’s upside the head with the Word of God. I get told I’m “stepping on toes” with some of the teachings we do. That’s OK, too. If you don’t want your toes stepped on, don’t stick out there where I can jump on them. Amen! Sometimes, people just get plain mad. That’s OK, too. They got mad at Jesus and He just kept on keeping on. Amen! Some get mad – but others wake up. Hopefully, you’re in the second group today. Amen!
But, fair warning…Today is going to be “one of those days.” Praise God.
Scott Wright is back with us today. Scott has been teaching us about the different ages of the Church and significant things the Bible and history has to say about them.
Scott is helping us to understand each of the different ages of the Church and why they are so significant – especially as we look at the modern day church age with all the societal problems we are facing today.
Scott is also a podcaster and has a truly great podcast called, “The God Centered Concept,” as well. You really need to listen – and subscribe – to his podcast. Amen!
He has also published a journal called, “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”
Today is part two and the conclusion of this great interview!
We’ve heard for years and years about the “Final Harvest of Souls.” About the “Next Great Awakening.” And about the “End time harvest.” Is that something we should focus on? It’s been taught for decades and this society has grown more and more distant from anything that truly resembles a “Christian based society.”
We’ve gone into detail discussing all seven of the Church Ages. But you believe that we have aspects of each and every church age on display right now – in our day and time. Can you expound on that for us?
Scott, this has been fascinating.
What will we be talking about next time?
Share with us how someone can reach out to you and get more information on this?
And your book, “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”
How can someone obtain a copy of your book? Is it on Amazon?
Before we close, share again about your podcast…The God Centered Concept
Folks, there is no doubt that we are living in what Jesus and historical Christian scholars have called, “The End Times.” We are working our way through each of the Church Ages in order to give you a more thorough understanding of how all this fits into what we are witnessing, right now, all around us.
We should not be in a state of fear and trepidation. NO! We need to be excited! We need to be thanking GOD for the day and time in which we live…
Drop down into the show notes, reach out to Scott and be sure to order a copy of his book, “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”
I want to leave with this thought… as you witness all these things happening around us, don’t be filled with fear, but Faith. And, “Look up! For your redemption is drawing near.”

Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon
Podcast: The God Centered Concept
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