This is the story of Rana Abdelhamid, a human rights organizer, entrepreneur, martial artist, and the ultimate community builder. In this episode, you'll hear about her fascinating story. She was a victim of a hate crime. At the young age of 16, Rana had the vision to create a movement supporting women’s empowerment through self-defense, entrepreneurship and organizing training. Since then, her non-profit called Melikah has trained over 20,000 women and girls in 20 cities across the globe with four primary pillars of
- healing
- self-defense
- organizing and
- financial literacy.
In addition to leading Malikah's mission around the world, Rana balances a full time job at Google, is actively involved in their diversity and inclusion programs ... she's a black belt in karate and has given an incredible TedTalk. I found it an absolute treat to interview Rana Abdelhamid and I hope you enjoy this conversation.
Thanks - Yinh