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Hark | 4 | Do You Hear What I Hear?
Episode 410th December 2024 • Threshold • Auricle Productions
00:00:00 00:49:55

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Amy Martin:

If you stand in front of a classroom full of

Amy Martin:

kindergarteners and ask them what an ear is, chances are good

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that they'll think you're kind of silly. Everybody knows what

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ears are, those floppy things on the sides of our heads, the

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things we hear with but what if you were to pose that same

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question to a classroom full of spiders?

Amy Martin:

Dr. Natasha Mhatre: So this is going into the fun part of my

Amy Martin:

Dr Natasha Mhatre researches how insects and

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spiders process sound at the University of Western Ontario,

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and she says that scientists used to think that spiders

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couldn't hear airborne sound because they didn't seem to have

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any obvious ear like structures.

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Dr. Natasha Mhatre: That used to be the received wisdom. There's

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now different pieces of evidence from other labs, including some

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evidence we've just collected that suggest that they can hear

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airborne sound.

Amy Martin:

Where would their ears be?

Amy Martin:

Dr. Natasha Mhatre: So that's the big question.

Amy Martin:

Natasha says she and other researchers are now coming

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to understand that it's not necessarily that spiders don't

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have ears. They might just look really different than ours.

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Dr. Natasha Mhatre: Okay, so there's some evidence that one

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of the ways that they hear is when air hits the web of some

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spiders, it makes the web move, and they can sense the vibration

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of the web, so they're kind of making their own ear drum.

Amy Martin:

The web is the ear.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Natasha Mhatre: The web is the ear.

Amy Martin:

How cool is that?

Amy Martin:

Dr. Natasha Mhatre: That is pretty neat, because you can

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make whatever ear you want, right? If it gets damaged, you

Amy Martin:

can just make yourself a new ear. Really cool.

Amy Martin:

Welcome to Threshold, I'm Amy Martin, and

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we're going to hear a lot more from Natasha in our next

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episode. But I wanted to start out with this fun little factoid

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about spiders just to shake up our perceptual framework. We

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think we know what ears are. We think we know what it means to

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listen, but those ideas are usually just drawn out of our

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own very limited experience. And speaking of things we think we

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know but maybe don't, what is sound? Like, if you had to

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define it right now without looking anything up, what would

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you say? Even though I work in audio, I didn't really have a

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clear answer to that question before making this season of our

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show. Sound is one of those things that's so much a part of

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my everyday life that it's easy to forget how mysterious it

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really is. It's everywhere, but it's invisible. It's flowing

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into my brain every waking moment and when I'm asleep it

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turns out, affecting my mood, my energy level, my sense of

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connection to wherever I am and whoever I'm with. But what is it

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actually? The answer to that question is not as

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straightforward as you might expect, so in this episode,

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we're going to press pause on our timeline of listening to

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examine the nature of sound itself, what it is, how it

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moves, and how wildly different our experiences of it can be.

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We're going to tap into a secret communication network happening

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all around us, pay another visit to the dolphins of Shark Bay and

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talk to a world famous composer about how much more there is to

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listening than what meets the ear.

Amy Martin:

I'm walking through a Montana forest. The breeze is rustling

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through the trees. There's a creek flowing nearby, and one of

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my favorite birds is unleashing its song again and again. It's a

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Swainson's thrush, and I love its song. I think it sounds like

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a waterfall flowing up. Chances are good that you have a bird

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song you love too, and even if you don't, almost all of us hear

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birds singing every day. So in a way, this experience I'm having

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is completely ordinary. But if I zoom out a bit and think about

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what's actually happening here, it's kind of marvelous.

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Something that originates inside the body of a small bird hidden

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in the branches above me is traveling across the forest and

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landing inside my ears and ultimately in my mind, where it

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becomes this beautiful, melodic thing with the power to change

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my mood and lift my spirits. I'm receiving something from this

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thrush, something is being transferred between us, and it's

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affecting me. But what is that something exactly? What is

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Amy Martin:

Dr. Lily Wang: So at its heart it is an energy in the form of

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vibrational waves in matter.

Amy Martin:

Dr Lily Wang is an engineer who teaches and studies

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acoustics at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. She fell in

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love with sound as a child the way many people do: through

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Amy Martin:

Dr. Lily Wang: I love singing. I have loved singing since I was a

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little girl, and I've always been in choirs, and then I did

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also play piano.

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I asked Lily to give me a crash course in the

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fundamentals of sound, and she started with the fact that

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there's a wide range of sound waves, and we can only hear a

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portion of them.

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Dr. Lily Wang: We call it the audible range. The most common

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definition of the audible range is 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz.

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To help make those numbers mean something, here's a

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tone moving across that whole range. It takes about 30

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Amy Martin:

But this so called audible range should really be called the

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human audible range. Elephants, pigeons and many other animals

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can hear well below what we can detect, that's called infrasound

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and all sorts of other creatures can hear way higher than we can

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in the ultrasound range. Dogs can pick up frequencies twice as

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high as our upper limit. Cats can hear four times higher. And

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many dolphins can hear seven or eight times higher than us, up

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to 150,000 hertz. That's higher than almost all other

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vertebrates on the planet, except bats. Again, humans top

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out at around 20,000 hertz, or for many of us, significantly

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Amy Martin:

Dr. Lily Wang: I really can't hear above 8,000 hertz anymore.

Amy Martin:

You know, there are bats in my house at certain times of the

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year, and I cannot hear them. Like I can see my children go...

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woo!..they twist their heads like they can hear that the bats

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are back and they're nesting, sadly, in our house, and they're

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like, squeaking, but it's at like, it's probably at like, 10,

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12,000, hertz. I do not hear it at all.

Amy Martin:

Here's what 10,000 hertz sounds like. If you're not

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hearing anything, don't worry. You are definitely not alone.

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Dr. Lily Wang: It's the most common disability among humans

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is that we lose hearing and most often at that higher frequency.

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In fact, some amount of hearing loss is almost

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inevitable as we age and of course, some people don't hear

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any airborne sound at all. We're going to talk to one of those

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people later in this episode, but Lily says this measurement

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of how we hear sound waves moving through the air is really

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just one relatively narrow dimension of our lived

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experience of sound. All kinds of other factors affect our

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listening experience, the temperature and humidity of the

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air, what other sounds are happening at the same time, the

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shape and texture of the space we're in, and that includes the

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most intimate space of all, our own individual bodies.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Lily Wang: The shape of your ear, the shape of your head, the

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shape of your body, all these things are affecting how that

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sound wave approaches you.

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This is why our voices sound weird in our own

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ears. When we hear ourselves on recordings, we're actually

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experiencing the sound very differently when it's coming at

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us in the air through a speaker, versus hearing it from inside

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the place it's produced, the resonating chambers of our own

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Amy Martin:

Dr. Lily Wang: The fact that we are part of this experience does

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actually morph how that wave gets into our head.

Amy Martin:

So you and I could be walking right next to each

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other listening to the same Swainson's thrush calling in the

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forest, and the differences in the shapes of our bodies means

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we'll be hearing slightly different things. But however

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the sound waves are ultimately received, they all start the

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same way, with a vibration.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Lily Wang: Something that is moving, something back and

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Amy Martin:

From there, a whole lot of things happen one after

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the other really, really quickly. So let's try to follow

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the journey of that Swainson's thrush song step by step, from

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creation to reception. In birds, as with humans, song begins with

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breath. This thrush pushes air out of its lungs and through a

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special organ called the syrinx. It's set up differently from the

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human larynx or voice box, but the basic concept is the same.

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The bird squeezes the muscles around the syrinx, setting air

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molecules into motion, and when it opens its mouth, that

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vibration is then passed through the air, molecule to molecule

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like a baton.

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Dr. Lily Wang: It's pushing these particles, which push the

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next particles, which push the next particles.

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It's an incredibly fast relay race, moving from the

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bird across the forest and into my ears.

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Dr. Lily Wang: But once it gets into the ear, it's traveling

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down and it eventually hits a membrane that is physically

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attached to three of the smallest bones in your body.

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That membrane is called the eardrum, and it is a

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lot like the tight, bouncy top of the drums we use to make

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music, except it's only about a centimeter wide. That's less

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than half an inch, the vibrating molecules of air hit that drum,

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making it shake, and that causes those teeny, tiny bones called

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the ossicles to move, one after the other, which shakes a second

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Amy Martin:

Dr. Lily Wang: ...that is then connected to fluid inside the

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Amy Martin:

The cochlea is a fluid-filled tube coiled up like

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a snail shell or the world's tiniest cinnamon roll, and when

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the vibration that began with the breath of the bird is

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transferred into the cochlea, it sends ripples through the fluid

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inside, almost like waves rolling across a miniature

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ocean. And lining the inside of the cochlea, swaying in the

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fluid, guess what we find? Cilia. Tiny little hairs like

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the ones that grow on the bodies of baby corals. Under a

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microscope, they look like sea grasses, flexing and bending as

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the waves of sound roll over them.

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And as they move in response to the sound energy, the cilia

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perform one of the greatest magic tricks in the human body.

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They transform this physical vibration into a spark of

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electricity, which then shoots off to the brain through the

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auditory nerve, where we process it as a sound.

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Dr. Lily Wang: And all this happens so fast, like, so fast,

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like, in an instant!

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343 meters per second, give or take, that's

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more than three football fields in the snap of a finger.

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Dr. Lily Wang: So quickly. It's just miraculous.

Amy Martin:

So to recap the process, the vibration starts in

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the body of the bird. That energy is passed across the

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forest into my ear canals, where it hits the drum that moves the

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bones that hit the other drum that shakes the fluid, which

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bends the cilia that turn the vibration into electricity that

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goes to my brain, in less than a second. And that's the

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simplified version, but as quickly as this vibration is

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transferred from the bird to me as I walk through the forest,

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the movement of sound and air is actually relatively slow. Sound

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moves more than four times faster in water compared to the

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Amy Martin:

Dr. Stephanie King: This, this.

Laura Palmer:

This is what we do.

Laura Palmer:

Dr. Stephanie King: This is it. This is paradise.

Amy Martin:

We'll have more after this short break.

Amy Martin:

Welcome back to Threshold, I'm Amy Martin, and I'm in Shark

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Bay, Western Australia, scanning the horizon for dolphins.

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I keep seeing something way out there.

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Dr. Stephanie King: Yeah, that was another dolphin. Yeah, yeah.

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That's Stephanie King, co-director of Shark Bay

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Dolphin Research.

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Dr. Stephanie King: So we're approaching what we call glass.

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There's hardly any wind, and then you really see how many

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dolphins there are in Shark Bay, because you just start to see

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them everywhere.

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So cool.

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In our first episode, we met Stephanie and her field team and

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a few of the two or 3000 dolphins that live in these

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waters. Now it's the afternoon of that same day. The heat is

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upon us, the wind has died down, and we're moving slowly across

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the water.

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It's the most beautiful, blue, green water, it's just perfect.

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Up ahead, a small group of dolphins is gathered at the

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surface. They're not swimming or jumping. They're just kind of

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hanging out there in the calm, quiet waters. Stephanie explains

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what's going on.

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Dr. Stephanie King: You'll sometimes see dolphins in Shark

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Bay, what we call snagging. This is when they're resting at the

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surface, so the whole body's just flat on the surface. And it

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was because in Australia, you snag sausages on the barbie,

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like snagging. They're called snaggers on the barbie, and it

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looks just like a sausage lying at the surface.

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But these floating sausages are actually much more

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active than they appear. A dolphin doesn't lose

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consciousness when it rests, or at least not all the way. Half

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of its brain remains engaged in the work of breathing, which it

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needs to come to the surface to do, and stays alert to what's

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happening around it, and that means listening.

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Researcher Laura Palmer flips on the speaker in the boat

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connected to the underwater microphones, and we're suddenly

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dropped into a conversation.

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These are echolocation buzzes, pulses of sound that the

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dolphins send out in order to gather information about their

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Dr. Stephanie King: They wait for the returning echo, and so

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the closer they get to a fish, the more they are echolocating

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so they can use their returning echo to work out distance and

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It's remarkable to be able to listen in as the

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dolphins do this, but it would be even more mind blowing to

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experience these sounds the way they do. Dolphins aren't only

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detecting a much wider range of sounds than we do, the whole

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nature of their sonic experience is something we can only sort of

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guess at. These echolocation buzzes are beams of acoustic

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attention, and they come back to the dolphins packed full of

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information that their brains have evolved to process at

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lightning speed.

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So what sounds to us like a continuous buzz, to them, it's

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like really fast echo locating happening?

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Dr. Stephanie King: Exactly. Really, really fast clicks. So

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they're like pulsed vocalizations, and they produce

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them so rapidly, so sometimes it sounds like it's almost a

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continuous vocalization.

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Dolphins can actually use echolocation to

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perceive the insides of objects. If I jumped in the water with

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this group, they'd be able to sense not just my outer

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surfaces, but my bones and lungs. They would perceive me in

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a way I could never perceive myself, and they'd be doing it

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using sound.

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Dr. Stephanie King: Here we go, snaggers.

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We've come upon another group of resting

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Amy Martin:

Dr. Stephanie King: Snagging, see. Just resting at that

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surface, like a...

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Sausage on the barbie.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Stephanie King: Sausage on the barbecue. Exactly.

Amy Martin:

Stephanie says dolphins use echolocation

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primarily to help them find food and for navigation. But even

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now, when they appear to be doing little to nothing, there

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is some echolocating going on. It's like they're casually

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scanning the environment, just keeping the ear out, except that

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ear isn't where we might expect it to be on their bodies.

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Dr. Stephanie King: They receive sound through the lower jaw, and

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that sound then goes up to the middle and in the ear. So when

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they're snagging like that and resting, you sometimes see them

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their lower jaw is still in the water, and they're kind of

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moving their head side to side, as if they're scanning, right?

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They're not vocalizing. They're actually listening for sounds of

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other dolphins, if you like. So we typically see that when maybe

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they're waiting for a dolphin to catch up, or there's about to be

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a join, and they'll turn around and they're scanning, and

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they've obviously detected something, and then they're

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having a good listen to see who might be close by.

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But with dolphins and other animals that live in

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the water, the whole idea of close by has to be redefined.

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Acoustic vibrations don't only happen faster underwater than in

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air, they also do a better job of holding on to their power as

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the vibration is transferred from molecule to molecule, it

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doesn't lose as much energy with each pass of the baton, and that

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means underwater sounds can stay loud for a much longer time. So

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what feels very far away in human terrestrial life might

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feel quite nearby to a fish or a seal or a dolphin.

Laura Palmer:

And Rockette just surfaced 80 degrees.

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There's a little flurry of extra buzzing from the

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group as a dolphin named Rockette pops up and joins them,

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but there's no visible change in the dolphins' faces. It's not

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like they're opening their mouths to echolocate. I asked

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Stephanie how they are producing these sounds, and she says, as

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with our vocalizations, it begins with air pushing through

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tissues in the dolphins' bodies.

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Dr. Stephanie King: They basically have these phonic

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lips, these two lips they can push together and then force air

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through that then causes vibrations of different tissues

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within that chamber. And it's the tissue vibration which

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creates the sound, essentially.

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I love how they're performing, right on cue, as

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you're talking about it, they started doing it.

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Dr. Stephanie King: Yeah!

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That vibration then passes through a pillow of fatty

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tissue in their foreheads called the melon. It acts as a sort of

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acoustic lens, focusing and amplifying the sound, which is

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then project it out through their heads. We think of making

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sound as one thing and receiving it as another, but one of the

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things I find most intriguing about echolocation is that it's

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both at once. It's a way of making sound in order to listen.

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It takes the whole idea of active listening to a completely

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different level. Dolphins can decide to shoot a beam of

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listening toward another dolphin or an approaching fish, kind of

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like the way we might flip on a flashlight in order to see into

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a dark corner of a room. And they can manipulate that

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echolocation beam, they can make it stronger or weaker, wider or

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narrower, and if something attracts their attention, they

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can turn up the dial instantaneously and send out a

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bright, strong pulse of acoustic energy homing in on whatever it

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is they want to investigate. That's what seems to have

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happened with Rockette, because she suddenly left her group and

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zoomed right under our boat.

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Dr. Stephanie King: There we go, Rockette in the bow. Hi,

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Amy Martin:

Oh, hi. Hey, beauty. Oh, right underneath us. Oh, my

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gosh. I mean I can reach out my hand and touch her. Wow.

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It's not us she's curious about it's a patch of sea grass below

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us in the crystal clear water, we can see her twisting and

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turning herself through it.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Stephanie King: So we saw Rockette just come up and rub

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herself in a sea grass patch. And we see that a lot with the

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dolphins, and we'll call it seagrass play. Or they seem to

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come up and drape it over their body and even rub themselves

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against it, I think just because it feels nice. But you see that

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quite often. And she obviously peeled off from the group,

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spotted that seagrass patch and went over there and started

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rubbing herself underneath it before returning to the group.

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It looked a little bit like a dog growing on a mat.

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Dr. Stephanie King: Yeah, exactly, and you know, they do

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that. It's fun. They enjoy. It feels good. Same for the

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Amy Martin:

Lots of animals use echolocation, orcas and sperm

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whales, some small burrowing land mammals, and, of course,

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the most famous echolocators of all, bats. The common

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denominator here is darkness, where vision is diminished, the

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clicks, chirps and buzzes of echolocation can help animals

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navigate their worlds, and humans can learn to echolocate

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too. Many people with visual disabilities become experts in

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it, but even the most highly skilled person can't come close

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to what dolphins can do.

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Echolocation is only one of the ways dolphins use sound in

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future episodes, we'll be coming back to Shark Bay to listen to

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their whistles and pops, sounds they use to communicate with

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each other and even to identify themselves. But now it's time

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for us to return to the terrestrial realm, to meet these

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mysterious creatures that are using sound in yet another

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fascinating way. We'll have more after this short break.

Matt Hurley:

Hi, my name is Matt Hurley, and I've been a

Matt Hurley:

Threshold listener and donor since season one came out in

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2017. I was also one of the first volunteer board members of

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the nonprofit organization that makes Threshold. Over the past

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seven plus years, I've had this unique first hand look at just

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how much work it takes to make this kind of show. I mean, the

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the time, the dedication, the determination that's required to

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tell these, in depth stories really make people think and

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feel, and give people a sense of what it's like to really go to

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places where the stories are happening, to talk to the people

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who are part of them. It creates this rich, immersive listening

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experience. And it's like that kind of reporting, this whole

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kind of show, is not easy to make. It's also not easy to

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fund. Talk about slow, in-depth, thorough. These are not often

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part of the existing models for making a podcast. So it's up to

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people like us to really make sure Threshold can get made. I

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believe what Threshold is doing really matters, and if you do

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too, help them keep doing it. Threshold's year end fundraising

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campaign is happening right now through December 31 and each

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gift will be doubled through NewsMatch. So if you give $25

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they'll receive 50. You can make your one time or monthly

Matt Hurley:

donation online at Just click

Matt Hurley:

the donate button and give what you can. Thank you.

Amy Martin:

Hi Threshold listeners. Do you ever find

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yourself wondering what businesses are doing and what

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more they should do to confront climate change? Then you should

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check out Climate Rising, the award winning podcast from

Amy Martin:

Harvard Business School. Climate Rising gives you a behind the

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scenes look at how top business leaders are taking on the

Amy Martin:

challenge of climate change. The show covers cutting edge

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solutions, from leveraging AI and carbon markets to sharing

Amy Martin:

stories that inspire climate action. Recent episodes feature

Amy Martin:

insightful conversations with leaders like Netflix's first

Amy Martin:

sustainability officer, Emma Stewart, who discusses how the

Amy Martin:

global entertainment giant uses its platform to promote climate

Amy Martin:

awareness. You'll also hear from CNN's chief climate

Amy Martin:

correspondent, Bill Weir, about the importance of integrating

Amy Martin:

climate change into news coverage. Each episode dives

Amy Martin:

deep into the challenges and opportunities that climate

Amy Martin:

change presents to entrepreneurs and innovators. Listen to

Amy Martin:

Climate Rising every other Wednesday on Apple podcasts,

Amy Martin:

Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Dallas Taylor:

I'm Dallas Taylor, host of 20,000 Hertz, a

Dallas Taylor:

podcast that reveals the untold stories behind the sounds of our

Dallas Taylor:

world. We've uncovered the incredible intelligence of

Dallas Taylor:

talking parrots.


Basically, bird brain was a pejorative term, and here


I had this bird that was doing the same types of tasks the



Dallas Taylor:

We've investigated the bonding power

Dallas Taylor:

of music.


There's an intimacy there in communicating through


the medium of music that can be really a powerful force for


bringing people together.

Dallas Taylor:

We've explored the subtle nuances of the human

Dallas Taylor:



We have to remember that humans, over many hundreds


of thousands of years of evolution, have become extremely


attuned to the sounds of each other's voices.

Dallas Taylor:

And we've revealed why a famous composer

Dallas Taylor:

wrote a piece made entirely of silence.


I think that's a really potentially quite useful and


quite profound experience to have.

Dallas Taylor:

Subscribe to 20,000 Hertz right here in your

Dallas Taylor:

podcast player. I'll meet you there.

Dallas Taylor:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: So now we're hearing their mating signals.

Amy Martin:

Welcome back to Threshold, I'm Amy Martin, and

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we're back in the United States now with Dr Rex Cocroft and a

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group of wild animals. I'm not going to tell you what they are

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right away, just listen and guess.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: Two or three different males.

Amy Martin:

So cool.

Amy Martin:

Here's a hint. These animals are much, much, much smaller than

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dolphins. They live all over the world, and millions of people

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walk by them every day as they make these sounds. But we don't

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hear a thing. This sound is made by a treehopper, a teeny little

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insect about the size of a sunflower seed without the

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shell. It communicates by shaking its abdomen, which sends

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waves of vibrations through its legs and out into the stems and

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leaves of plants. Other tree hoppers can feel those

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vibrations with their legs, and they often respond with their

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own belly shakes.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: And it doesn't look like they're doing anything

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at all. There's stationary. If you're really close, you can see

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their abdomen moving when they signal. But otherwise it just

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looks like like nothing is happening.

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And ordinarily it also doesn't sound like anything

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is happening. These treehopper calls don't get broadcast out

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into the open air. It's not just that these insects are small and

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their calls are quiet. The vibrations they make don't leave

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the body of the plant. We're only able to hear them now

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because Rex has hooked up a special microphone to the plants

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and connected it to some speakers.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: If I turn the speaker down, you don't hear

Amy Martin:

anything. And we're standing right next to this plant, and

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you could put your ears right next to me, you really don't

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hear anything.

Amy Martin:

So these little insects are talking to each

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other through a secret world of sound called the vibroscape.

Amy Martin:

Instead of air or water, these acoustic waves are moving

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through the bodies of living plants.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: It's like they take a different train, sec

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through acoustic space and put together sound in ways that we

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never thought to do.

Amy Martin:

So what is going on here? How is it possible that

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these sounds are happening all around us, but we can't hear

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them? and how did Rex break the code? Well, it helps that he had

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an early interest in music like Lily Wang, and later he combined

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that with a love of biology and animal communication. He studied

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frogs at first, but one day in the 1990s, Rex decided to find

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out if treehoppers had anything to say.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: I just walked out onto a meadow near where I

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lived. I was at Cornell, so this was upstate New York, very

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beautiful place in the summer. I had a tape recorder. It was a

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cassette tape recorder and headphones.

Amy Martin:

He found a goldenrod plant with some tree hoppers on

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it, and leaned a microphone right up against it.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: And immediately I heard these wonderful sounds.

Amy Martin:

I'd never heard it before, this tiny insect, this beautiful

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song. And then I was hooked. I never looked back. It was a

Amy Martin:

sound that I was completely unfamiliar with, and I could be

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confident that no human had ever heard that sound before, and

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that's still true with most, most insects that communicate

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through plants. You listen to them, and probably nobody's ever

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heard that sound before.

Amy Martin:

And that's basically just because we haven't been

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listening. We couldn't hear anything, so we thought there

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was nothing to hear.

Amy Martin:

It's almost like the treehoppers turn the plants and their own

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bodies into musical instruments. That's partly what captivated

Amy Martin:

Rex about these sounds the first time he heard them.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: To me, it was totally different when I

Amy Martin:

expected, because it had, it was like harmonically structured,

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and it was changing in pitch, and it was very exciting.

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Before we knew anything about their sonic

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lives, treehoppers had attracted attention because of their

Amy Martin:


Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: They look like miniature cicadas, and they have

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a kind of roof over their back that in many cases, is very

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elaborate and whose function we still don't really know in many

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Amy Martin:

The treehoppers that Rex studies the most are called

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thorn bugs, and they look like rose thorns that can walk. Other

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tree hoppers look like they have sand castles on their heads or

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bird droppings.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: Others have what looks like a little

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Starship Enterprise in their back, a lot of interesting

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forms, and others, it's just a smooth roof.

Amy Martin:

So treehoppers are kind of the quirky rock stars of

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the insect world pushing the boundaries of fashion and sound.

Amy Martin:

This next one might be my favorite. Its scientific name is

Amy Martin:

potnia brevicornis, but I think of it as Rage Against the

Amy Martin:


Amy Martin:

Again, this hidden world of acoustic signaling is called the

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vibroscape, and I love that term, but it also made me

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wonder, since waves of vibration are happening anywhere there's

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sound, isn't the vibroscape sort of everywhere? I put the

Amy Martin:

question to Rex.

Amy Martin:

Is there a sharply defined line between a sound and a vibration?

Amy Martin:

Because my understanding is that all sounds are vibrations. So

Amy Martin:

why aren't all vibrations sounds?

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: They're very closely connected, and it

Amy Martin:

depends on the sensory structures that you use to pick

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them up and how your nervous system then relays that

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information to your brain.

Amy Martin:

We can experiment on ourselves in real time to

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understand this. If you're playing this episode through a

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speaker in your house or your car right now, and you crank up

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the volume, you might be able to feel the music vibrating the

Amy Martin:

floor or the steering wheel. If you're a person who hears

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airborne sound, you can also hear those waves as they hit

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your eardrums. The waves of vibration have the same source,

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the music, but they can be perceived through two different

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sensory systems.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: It's all the same thing. It's all mechanical

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energy that's propagating through an environment, whether

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it's a structure, whether it's the air, whether it's the water,

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but you have to have a different kind of sensor to pick it up. So

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for us, our vibration sensors are totally different from our

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ears and the information from those we feel it different. It

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goes to different parts of our brain, and so that's what makes

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it so different.

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For us.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: For us, right. For us.

Amy Martin:

Our experience of these two waves of vibration is

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bifurcated into two different sensory systems, hearing and

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touch, but that's just a reflection of the way our bodies

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happen to be put together.

Amy Martin:

Dr. Rex Cocroft: For other animals, they may be just two

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sides of the same coin, like the ones that I study, these insects

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with their six legs, and they have vibration sensors in their

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legs, but some of those vibration sensors also act as

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pickups for airborne sound. And I don't honestly know how they

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tell the difference sometimes. How do they know if it's a sound

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or a vibration, if they're picking it up through their

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legs? And I'm not really sure the answer to that.

Amy Martin:

Or maybe the whole question of what defines sound

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versus vibration only makes sense from within our own

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perceptual framework. Maybe if your senses of touch and hearing

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are more unified, there is no differentiation, really.

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: We're actually incredibly gifted

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listeners. You know that is inherent to being a human being.

Amy Martin:

We have the capacity to listen. I think it's a categorization of

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the word "listen" that gets really confused.

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie is a world renowned

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percussionist and composer. She's also deaf. She doesn't

Amy Martin:

hear airborne sound waves, but she says listening is available

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to everyone.

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: You know, we think about hearing, and

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Evelyn grew up in rural northern Scotland, helping

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that's something that can be measured. That's something that,

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out on her family's farm, and she says the patience that

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you know, medically, we can see whether that person can hear a

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certain frequency at a certain volume. However, listening is

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farming requires gave her some of her first formative lessons

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not something that can be measured medically. Someone can

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be born deaf, but they can be amazing listeners.

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in listening.

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: Because listening is all about patience

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that I have learned over time. So you can't force a field to

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grow corn any quicker than it will grow the corn according to

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the season and the weather. You know, you can't dictate when a

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sheep will give birth to a lamb. It will just naturally give

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birth to a lamb as and when that time is right. You know, there

Amy Martin:

are certain things that just need to happen naturally. And so

Amy Martin:

I think that is very much to do with listening. You know, is

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that we can control a certain amount, but ultimately, we also

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have to work in partnership with the existence that we're in,

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with the environment that we're in.

Amy Martin:

Evelyn had already exhibited a strong interest in

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and talent for music when she began to lose her hearing around

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the age of eight.

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: I realized that one aspect of the body was

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no longer working as it used to work.

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But this change did not stop her development as a

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musician. In fact, it seems to have enhanced it. When she began

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studying percussion at age 12, her teacher suggested she take

Amy Martin:

out her hearing aids and tune into other ways of sensing the

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music. That's when she started to learn how to listen with her

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whole body, to pay attention to the vibe escape.

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: It's simply the knowledge that sound is

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vibration, that is what sound is, and therefore our bodies are

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a resonating chamber. So if I'm playing a glockenspiel or cymbal

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or triangle or anything with high frequencies, it's more than

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likely going to touch the face and the upper part of the body.

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However, with low, low sounds, such as playing bass drum or

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timpani, or anything with a really low, resonant sound.

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Obviously the vibration is quite wider and bigger, and that will

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reach a larger part of your lower part of the body. So you

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know, your tummy, your chest, down your legs, your feet,

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through the stage and so on.

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Evelyn has developed her ability to feel differences

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in pitch, tone and musical color at a much subtler level than

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most people, and used those skills to become one of the most

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celebrated percussionists of all time. She composes for the

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concert hall, for films and for television, and she performs all

Amy Martin:

over the world. She's won multiple Grammy Awards, the

Amy Martin:

Polar Prize, and a long list of other honors. Clearly, she has a

Amy Martin:

musical force in her that was not going to be denied no matter

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what. But even though we're not all going to become musicians of

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Evelyn's caliber, she insists anyone can learn to sense sound

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as a whole body experience.

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: You know, the brain is an extraordinary

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thing, and it will re kind of jig itself in so many different

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ways. But it does need time. It really needs time.

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It also needs courage and freedom to explore,

Amy Martin:

and Evelyn has cultivated those qualities in herself, along with

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a beautiful sense of play. Despite all of her success and

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expertise, she positions herself as a learner. She greets an

Amy Martin:

instrument or a piece of music like she's greeting a friend.

Amy Martin:

She doesn't assume anything. She asks questions, starts a

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Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: I'm very thankful just to have a curious

Amy Martin:

take on things, and I think that's really what it boils down

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to. If I'm picking up a, let's say, a waterphone or something,

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you know, the first thing I'll do is look at the object. What

Amy Martin:

is it made of? Is it metal? Is it wood? Is it skin? Is it

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ceramic? Is it glass? Is it porcelain? What is it?

Amy Martin:

A waterphone looks like the mutant offspring of a

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pie pan and a hedgehog. It has a round base with spiky rods

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attached to it, which can be struck or bowed. The music

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you're hearing is from a video on Evelyn's YouTube channel

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called "Waterphone improvisation."

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: I look at the size of it. Is it hand held?

Amy Martin:

Is it something that you have to sit to play? Is it something

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that you stand to play? Is it something that you use mallets

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to play or sticks to play and so on. So immediately, before I've

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even struck something, the whole body is involved. And how you

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can allow the body to be an extension of this object, so

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that there's no longer the player, the instrument, the

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audience, their music, the this, the that. So how is this body,

Amy Martin:

sort of merging into this instrument? And then I'm like a

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kid, so I don't go on the internet and find out how to

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play the instrument. I just say, Evelyn, what are you going to do

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with this instrument?

Amy Martin:

So there's no boundaries, no expectations, nothing.

Amy Martin:

So we as sound creators are sound artists. You know, we're

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painting sound into a space.

Amy Martin:

So you just sort of begin to think, oh, yeah, that's a fat

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sound, because it's felt through your tummy or your lower part.

Amy Martin:

Oh, that's a much thinner sound, or that's a weak sound, or, oh,

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this is as far as I can go dynamically without maybe

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causing harm to the instrument. These are the different objects

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I can use. And bit by bit, you build up your kind of color

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palette. And so when you're looking at an instrument and

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engaging with that instrument, you're basically finding out all

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of the sign colors you possibly can in the environment that

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you're in that that particular instrument can produce through

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the imagination that you have and that you're willing to

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engage with.

Amy Martin:

And that is that.

Amy Martin:

Evelyn has become famous as a maker of sounds, but

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she says her primary purpose is to teach the world to listen. In

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fact, she created a foundation to advance that mission.

Amy Martin:

Dame Evelyn Glennie: Listening is about being in the here and

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now. It's about living each day and taking the time to

Amy Martin:

experience what is right in front of you. So it's kind of

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stripping down all of the complications, releasing all of

Amy Martin:

the baggage that's on our shoulders, all of the

Amy Martin:

expectations. It is just simply being and that's very

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Amy Martin:

I wanted to expand the boundaries of my own

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listening abilities and see if I could tap into the secret

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treehopper communication channel that Rex had told me about. So I

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bought a small contact microphone and attached it to

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some plants, a lot of plants, and mostly I heard wind and

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plant stems bumping into each other. But I got better with

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practice, and one day in a park in Iowa City, the magic

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Amy Martin:

I couldn't see who was making this noise or where it was, but

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somebody was talking and kind of humming. I sent this recording

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to Rex Cocroft, and he said it was definitely something in the

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cicada group, probably a leafhopper, but he couldn't say

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for sure which one. He said it wasn't a sound he had recorded,

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and chances were no one else had heard or recorded it either,

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which felt pretty extraordinary. It's not very often that I can

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say I might have recorded a sound that no other human has

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ever heard, and now you've heard it too.

Amy Martin:

We don't know what it's like to be a treehopper hearing or hear

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feeling the call of another treehopper through a plant. Just

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like with the dolphins, we can't get inside their experience. We

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can get closer to guessing what our fellow humans are

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experiencing, but even then, we can't really know. Some people

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feel vibrations very sensitively. Other people hear a

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huge range of airborne sound, or none at all, and whatever we're

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hearing and feeling right now, that experience is bound to

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change over time, often in ways we can't control. Sound is

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ephemeral and ever changing, and so is our experience of it. So

Amy Martin:

you know that Christmas carol that asks, do you hear what I

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hear? Well, now I know that the answer is probably, no, I don't.

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Or maybe kind of sometimes? but that difference is actually what

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connects us. No one person or even one species can hear

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everything, but together, we are a planetary ensemble of

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listeners, each of us making our own entirely unique

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contributions, the treehoppers and the spiders, the dolphins

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and the percussionists, the corals and the fishes and you

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and me.

Amy Martin:

This episode of Threshold was written, reported and produced

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by me, Amy Martin, with help from Erika Janik and Sam Moore.

Amy Martin:

Music by Todd Sickafoose, post production by Alan Douches. Fact

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checking by Sam Moore. Special thanks to Stephanie King for

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some of the dolphin sounds you heard in this episode, to Rex

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Cocroft for the use of his treehopper recordings, and to

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Evelyn Glennie for the use of her music. I highly recommend

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that you check out Evelyn's YouTube channel and watch her do

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the waterphone improvisation we played or any of her other

Amy Martin:

videos there. Just search for Dame Evelyn Glennie on YouTube,

Amy Martin:

or you can find a link on our website or in the show notes.

Amy Martin:

Threshold is made by Auricle Productions, a non profit

Amy Martin:

organization powered by listener donations. Deneen Weiske is our

Amy Martin:

Executive Director. Learn more at



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