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30: How to Develop Inner Trust
Episode 3019th July 2023 • Mystical Sisterhood • Maureen Spielman
00:00:00 00:34:09

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Your host, Maureen Spielman, joins you today to talk about Developing Inner Trust. This is also the celebration of 6 months of the podcast! How can you develop inner trust? What voice or qualities take up most of your inner dialogue? Is it supportive or sabotaging? Is it possible to develop a new overriding voice? Maureen not only believes that it’s possible to transform the way we speak to ourselves and how we are with ourselves, she also provides examples of how you can become increasingly aware and how to find more space in your life for this commitment.

Episode Takeaways (what you’ll learn):

  • What it means to develop inner trust
  • Why cultivating a consciousness that is safe is so important
  • How to carve out space in your day for your experiences
  • Why developing an inner relationship of the highest order
  • Nothing is more important than cultivating a shame free and judgment free zone within you

Mentioned Resources:

Shuka Selvakumar, Be Still My Heart

Suzi Lula/Soul Care Coaching

About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

Connect with Maureen:

● Check out her Instagram: @maureeenspielman

● Learn more about her work at

● Want to join our Mystical Sisterhood Membership community? Find out more here:

● Email Maureen at to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking engagements

● Want to view Mystical Sisterhood episodes? Visit the Mystical Sisterhood YouTube Channel here: Magical Sisterhood Youtube

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Maureen Spielman:

Hello mystical sisterhood listeners. This is

Maureen Spielman:

your host, Maureen Spielman. And I'll keep this brief. But I'm

Maureen Spielman:

coming to you today with a solo episode. And I'm talking about

Maureen Spielman:

developing inner trust. It's going to have just principles

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and ideas, questions for you to take away and apply to your own

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life and takeaways of How to Become more aware and develop

Maureen Spielman:

inner trust within you. And also thank you for being a listener

Maureen Spielman:

today is episode 30. And Mark six months of the show. I'm so

Maureen Spielman:

excited. You're here as always, and I'll see you in the episode.

Maureen Spielman:

Hey there, welcome to mystical sisterhood. This is your host,

Maureen Spielman:

Maureen Spielman. I started the show to highlight the

Maureen Spielman:

intuitives, healers and other courageous women that I've met

Maureen Spielman:

along my journey and continue to meet. Through amazing

Maureen Spielman:

interviews, I seek to ask insightful questions to uncover

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ways in which you the listener can apply the wisdom and

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knowledge to your own life. I believe that we're all in this

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together. So sharing healing and joy, and bringing community

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together is both my passion and purpose. If you'd like to learn

Maureen Spielman:

more about the mystical sisterhood community I'm

Maureen Spielman:

building, please visit www mystical See you

Maureen Spielman:

in the episode.

Maureen Spielman:

Hi, welcome back to mystical sisterhood. This is Maureen

Maureen Spielman:

Spielman, your host and I'm solo today. I'm excited, because I'm

Maureen Spielman:

celebrating six months of the podcast. It started in January,

Maureen Spielman:

and today I am on episode 30. I wouldn't be here without you,

Maureen Spielman:

the listener first and foremost, and all of my guests, I probably

Maureen Spielman:

have interviewed around 25 guests. So far. I've been

Maureen Spielman:

excited about each and every interview. And I'm really

Maureen Spielman:

excited about what's to come. I decided today for the solo

Maureen Spielman:

episode, to talk about developing inner trust, or

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honing it. If you've been on this path for a while, wherever

Maureen Spielman:

you are on your journey. Mystical sisterhood, and

Maureen Spielman:

bringing this to life has really been a journey of trusting

Maureen Spielman:

myself stepping into myself. And I really feel that it's an

Maureen Spielman:

expression at the soul level for me. And also in addition to the

Maureen Spielman:

world that was much needed. So I was looking for some inspiration

Maureen Spielman:

of where to start today. And probably like you, I have many,

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many, many personal growth and spiritual books on my bookshelf.

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In fact, it's a running joke that I can't stop buying them.

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And people I know, close friends family, they can't either. So I

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know I'm not alone in this. But a beautiful book came across my

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path, probably over a year ago. And it may be one that you

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haven't heard of. It's called Be still my heart. And it's by

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Shaku Selvakumar and she is a dear sister in law have a friend

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of mine, Xena, and sorry Selvakumar. So I was looking for

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inspiration in this book of poetry, again called Be still my

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heart. And I found a poem called the House of belonging, which I

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thought was really applicable and apropos for today, the house

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of belonging, she walked into the house of belonging,

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oblivious of any wrongdoing, stepping into cluttered rooms,

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hearing echoes from childhood wounds, memories from teenage

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years, brave planets orbited without fear, so comfortable.

Maureen Spielman:

She was not shedding her skin, hugging a tightly she sat within

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foreign seeking, you surely will find not always what you had in

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mind. She searched today, in the house of love. The furniture was

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swept away. She sat in the dark in the house of faith, with

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nothing at hand, but the hope of grace. She picked up bricks in

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the house of trust for a strong foundation instead of fear. She

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made friends in the house of gray, every strand had something

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to say. Or the journey inside, crosses terrain unknown, a

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forked path, a blossoming tree, she waits to see, she stays to

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see. So you can see at the end of this poem, it has touched my

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heart. I love this house of belonging. And I believe that

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that house of belonging exists within you within all of us. And

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so today I wanted to do Talk about delving into a deeper

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relationship to that inner home. So you may continue to develop

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your inner trust, finding your own North Star, as they say,

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being your own go to person for answering so many of life's

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questions. And if you're like me, persistent questions come

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again and again. And new ones keep coming all the time. So

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we're human, and we can expect that. I always, it's because I

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didn't know anything different. I used to think that that

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Northstar, or that compass was outside of me, I'd find that

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teacher or book that would be my guide, in my reference point.

Maureen Spielman:

And to some degree, I still do, or that that a loved one could

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be the answer to my happiness. And, in fact, all of my

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teachers, whether in the form of a true, you know, quote,

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unquote, teacher, or my teachers within my family, or my friend

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group, they are my guides, they are the ones that bring me back

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to my answers. But I am at the center of the show, I love how,

Maureen Spielman:

you know, they often say that when we have recurring patterns

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in our lives that frustrate us, or we seem like we can't get

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away from or out of that we are always at the center of it. So

Maureen Spielman:

that to me, says that we have these answers within. They lead

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my teachers and messengers lead me back to this inner home. For

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most of my life, I didn't understand that the people on

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the outside and the words in the books, we're not going to hold

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those complete answers. So again, they contributed to me

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finding it, but they weren't it. So I love the Choate, the

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coaching path that I've chosen to do it I call it soul care

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coaching, and of course, trained by Suzy Lulu spaced in spiritual

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psychology. And the premise is, and this applies to all of us is

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that you are whole and worthy as is, you have the answers within,

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and that there is nothing to be fixed. As I sort of wrote this

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out, as I was preparing, I thought, How beautiful is that?

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Does it get more beautiful? Can you imagine being a little child

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and being told these things, I'm laughing because I thought to

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myself, that though I loved my parents dearly, I wished for a

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do over, that do over of what it must have felt like to hear

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those words when I was young. So I see coaching as a journey of

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guiding you back to your truth, and developing an inner trust

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that becomes very reliable over time. I believe that if we would

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have been tended to in those ways, we would have developed

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this really, I don't know, just intimate relationship with

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ourselves. So that's what I'm interested in. Now, I really do

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find that so many of these terms and concepts come at midlife.

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And if it's true for me, I have to believe it's true for a lot

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of us that it's a new language, new practices, new ways of being

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that can lead us back to a really deep, intimate

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relationship with ourselves, and a deep and intimate trust with

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ourselves. Developing an inner relationship is one of the most

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sacred things we can do in our lifetime. Getting to know

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yourself so deeply that you can rely on yourself to give

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compassion to yourself in difficult times, lean on

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yourself to take pause and know that you will steer yourself in

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the right direction. And to become really adept at

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recognizing the signs coming to you, the universe around you,

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the intelligence of your body and your emotions. So

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essentially, you become your go to person, as experiences come

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your way. If you're in a pattern of reaching out to another, when

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you're when you're going through something, you will find that

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investing in a relationship to yourself will not take away that

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need completely because we are we are wired for connection and

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to be with one another. But it will reduce in a sense that sort

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of need or craving for an outer validation because what you do

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is you begin to enter validate yourself. And developing inner

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trust can feel like work. It's delving into new

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ways and I believe taking personal responsibility for how

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we're showing up for ourselves. So, although not clear at times,

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I tend to look at getting to my truth, my answers as a discovery

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process. And when I'm in that place, to come to myself with

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curiosity, and a willingness just to look inside. So why

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might your relationship to trusting yourself deeply, feel a

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bit rocky or unsteady? Or even? Like, what is Maureen talking

Maureen Spielman:

about? And I believe it's because we were steered away, we

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came into the world with that inner compass, that inner

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knowing I like to think of it as an inner calibration. And just

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because we are human, and we came up in whatever culture you

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came up in, our parents greatly influenced us. And we often went

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to what they wanted us to do our teachers, we know in school

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systems, we behave in certain ways. And we lose that in

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touchiness with ourselves, maybe someone in our life told us we

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were wrong, or that wasn't accurate, or there was a better

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way, and you began to believe it. So the news media,

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magazines, teachers, specialists, you name it, I

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invite you to look back at your life, you have been surrounded

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by other people's voices, opinions and ways of doing

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things. And again, places I entrust it to others, and

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allowed them to impact how I felt about myself or what

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decisions I made. And when I kind of pondered, where have I,

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perhaps given away my trust? True, you know, when I was

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younger, blindly, but I guess, I'm inviting us to be on a path

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of discerning what is our truth? And can we trust it? So places I

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know that I gave away my inner trust, were allowing someone to

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determine what smart was for me. And then not trusting myself

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that I actually had this intelligence inside, I had no

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idea for most of my life. Allowing something on the

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outside to determine how I needed to look or show up. What

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size I needed to be any of those things, those messages came

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through loud and clear. Gosh, if you're my generation, in

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magazines, and television, and so this kind of trust coming

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back to myself of what is in alignment with how I want to

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feel, I think allowing others to take the two know the best

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course of action for my children. That's where I love

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the tie in of conscious parenting. And I think conscious

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parenting is a really beautiful Avenue, and portal to find out

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our truths. So consider that. If you've never considered

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conscious parenting, I do find that most people who come to me

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for conscious parenting, are working on relationship to self.

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It because we know that then that spills over into not only

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our self trust, but the Trust for our children as well. And I

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guess in general, just allowing someone to determine my self

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worth. So it's not that people in our lives are not

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trustworthy. But we are being invited to remember that what we

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know feel and how our experiences have guided us and

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are guiding us and that tuning into what you feel is not to be

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taken lightly at all. It should be the biggest part of decision

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making in your life if you ask me. So going to yourself first,

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before anything else. I wanted to say, how do you do this? How

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do I do this? How have I learned to do this? And it's based on

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the premise that in order to trust yourself, you need to feel

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safe. So we know that this is true on the outside and the

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outside. If we're in relationship with someone in

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order to trust them, and have an abundant relationship, we need

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to feel safe. And if someone on the outside is not treating you

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well for any reason, you're not going to feel safe, you won't

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trust them. This is an invitation then to take a look

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inside that goes for inner work as well. What can undermine your

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own feeling of safety and trust on the inside? So I think that

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we all have an awareness how we can be hard on ourselves. But if

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we begin to dial up our awareness a bit, it's going to

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lead us to answers. So sometimes it is paying attention to how

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people on our outside are hard on themselves. But being

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judgmental of yourself. And this is sometimes that quiet internal

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voice, or not saying things out loud, but being judgmental of

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yourself in your mind, saying, You shouldn't have done that.

Maureen Spielman:

Either recently, or in the past a long time ago, we can create a

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lot of judgments about how we have shown up and the things we

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have or haven't done. Shaming yourself creates an unsafe

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environment inside, you're not a good person, or something's

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wrong with you, or there's something to be fixed or you're

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defective, because of something you've done recently, or a long

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time ago, again, I keep on saying like, being judgmental of

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yourself, and being shameful inside. I keep on saying a long

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time ago, because we can carry events from our past, and how we

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acted and showed up in our psyche for a long time. We know

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that they exist within ourselves, because we

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experienced them. Or we may or may not know that, but they do.

Maureen Spielman:

But I know that I've had many act of loops on things that have

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happened in the past. For me, it can be different for all of us,

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particularly it was my teenage years. Because that was when I

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was most out of alignment, I feel. I feel it through my life,

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but most where it felt very volatile. And I think confusing

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was my teenage years. So I my mind would go back and revisit

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that all the time trying to figure it out. And this today, I

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wasn't going to I do have some things to say about it in a bit.

Maureen Spielman:

But today was just really this premise of like, what does it

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take to develop inner trust? So we're taking a look, we're

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dialing up the awareness of where we're judgmental, and

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where shame sneaks in. Often we're tipped off because we use

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disparaging language. And that might even be, you know, your

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body's not good enough, you're not smart enough. Why did you do

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that? You're a bad parent, I don't know how it shows up in

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your mind, we all have our voices. So that really creates

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an unsafe internal environment, you can imagine if it were on

Maureen Spielman:

the outside, it would feel unsafe, and you're not going to

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trust. So becoming aware of how you speak to yourself. It's

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going to allow you to then make other choices, and trying to

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think of what I'm saying their awareness is the beginning. If

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you've been doing this work, the reminders are always good, don't

Maureen Spielman:

you think I remind myself every day. So building an inner trust

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is a process and one that unfolds at the pace that is

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right for you. At each moment, I'm reminding you that you're

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supported in this universe, and you're being guided on the

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outside and the inside. I'm hoping that today's podcast is

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giving you some guidance from an external voice. And I want to

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say something about the community at the end. But

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surrounding ourselves. With conversations like this are what

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leads us to developing the inner trust the inner safety, the

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inner intimacy. I've benefited greatly from both being in

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conversation with family who are interested in this conversation

Maureen Spielman:

with my coaching colleagues and friends and community through

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social care coaching and different communities I've been

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in. So I believe that immersing ourselves in these ideas is one

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of the biggest things we can do. And that's really why I created

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the mystical sisterhood membership. And that's always on

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my website. I'll refer to it at the end. But that's I think what

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I found for myself is the immersion in community has

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allowed me to experience more internal freedom. And so I want

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to bring that to the world. I want to ask you a question.

Maureen Spielman:

Okay, what has spoken to you so far? And what do you need from

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yourself consistently.

Maureen Spielman:

Ask these kind of slowly. Where have you neglected yourself?

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Possibly trusting someone else on the outside more than

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yourself? What ways have you been hard on yourself? For what

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has happened in the past? what ways are you hard on yourself?

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For what you haven't figured out in the present? That's a big

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one. We're often really hard on ourselves for what we haven't

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figured out yet. Especially as a woman at midlife, we've lived

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many years, and we've lived many experiences. And we can still be

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trying to mentally in our ego, be figuring out things. And I'm

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telling you, this process of bringing you into your heart for

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developing the inner trust is a key to get us away from the ego

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mind and into our heart space. I know that if you're listening

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today, you are on a journey of moving from an outer world folk

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focus to an inner world focus, you would not be here if you

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weren't. And that's what I always love to I want to hear

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about your journey. I think it's fascinating. So when the outer

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world beckons, when you want to know the answer, know that

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creating space in your day, let's call it space, let's not

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call it time, because many of us have a scarcity relationship

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with time, and I get that completely. So let's create

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space in your day. It's one of the most precious things you can

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do to foster inner growth. And if we call it space, it has a

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bigger energy to it right? Time does too. But we've been so

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cultured by time, we haven't been as and cultured by space

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being scarce. Maybe if you've got little kids, and they're all

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around you absolutely. Or you have a crowded home, or you're

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taking care of and taking care of an elderly parent, those can

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also create constraints on spaciousness, but let's think of

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creating space in your days. And it may seem like what does this

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space look like it can be physical space, it can be a

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spiritual space for you. And it can be this emotional space. I

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think it's sometimes can sound cliche, when somebody says, Oh,

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you just need to journal more, or you just need to meditate

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more. But to me, it doesn't matter what is being called in

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or what's being offered to you. Doesn't matter the form. But

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it's that you take intentional time for yourself, by a time a

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spacious time, on a daily basis, if possible. For me, and a dear

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friend said this the other day that it doesn't look the same

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for her everyday either someone that I love and respect so much.

Maureen Spielman:

But for me, it doesn't look the same. But I do believe some of

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the following practices allow us to get to this. I don't know

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like designated intentional space. And also holding this

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intention of I intend to create, to develop to foster to nurture

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to nourish my own inner knowing and trust. So daily practices

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lie, lighting candles, sitting with a journal, asking your

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guides what they're here to tell you are asking what I need to

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know, meditating, there are so many different meditations. They

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can be from insight time, or from calm they can be from also

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listening to anything inspirational. Because I find

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that when I listen to inspirational or I read books

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that are inspirational, they get me into my vibration, which

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allows me to connect with my true self. I also take a look at

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throughout my day, when I can, I'm no saint, believe me. But

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when I find myself using language that is focused on

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disconnected or disconnecting, versus connecting with myself, I

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witnessed myself and choose to replace these thoughts and words

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with compassion and understanding. It can be any

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number of phrases. So things like and these just soften.

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These allow us to soften into ourselves. When we have an

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experience that doesn't feel good coming to ourselves. It's

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so understandable that you experienced that that way, or

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that you feel this way. I see you. So this is inner dialogue.

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I see you for what you were experiencing. I want to connect

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with you. And just any sort of bridges inward of connection. We

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don't want the words that that disconnect that. And so when we

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say like I'm interested in my own experience. I'm curious

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about it. I want to know. Again, it harks back to this isn't an

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inner child podcast today. But it harks back to oh, what I

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wished I would have heard as a kid. But I can also give that to

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myself, I can give that to my loved ones, I can give it to my

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adult children. So I want to do another podcast on inner child

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because it's so fascinating. But the inner child involves going

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back to yourself, if you don't know what I'm talking about, to

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a younger version, and giving the law of care attending to and

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re parenting that is being called for. So in short, in

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developing this inner trust, you will begin to depend on yourself

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for when you develop this safety, intimacy, you'll be

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giving yourself more permission to do things in your life, to

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show up for what is true for you in the way that feels true for

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you. So, permission comes from you, first and foremost in your

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adult life, not from others. I think the process of intending

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to develop inner Trust and Safety and intimacy allows us to

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really slow down our life and begin taking pause more. And we

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can rely on ourselves for amazing guidance, and the

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cornerstone of it all for unwavering self compassion. And

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if you can't find that, from yourself, turn to those you know

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who can give it to you. You don't need someone giving you

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the answers. I mean, that's not to say that it's not well

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meaning, but it's within you. This whole podcast is just about

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it's within you. Bring in your trusted sources. It's that that

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dance between the two, I believe transformation for you, is going

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to happen before your eyes. I know that for so many of you it

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already is. You will find yourself saying I used to choose

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this way of doing or being. And now I choose this way. I'm

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mystified by the changes in myself and those around me with

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commitment, care and compassion, inner growth will flourish and

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take on a quality of abundance and again spaciousness. It is

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your time to experience this relationship where you can feel

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safe within where you wholeheartedly trust yourself,

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and just enjoy a beautiful inner experience. I'm personally on a

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journey of leaning into my truths, what my soul needs to

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learn. It's your birthright. It's my birthright. It's our

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birthright. So will you either begin, or continue to commit to

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your own personal growth. carving out time for yourself is

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a daily practice. We didn't talk about it in these ways. But

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practice present moment awareness. You become calibrated

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to your energetic vibration, and begin to know what you feel like

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inside. Get to know when things don't feel right. And when

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things are not yours. Practice coming back to the time that you

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set aside for yourself for spaciousness, and choose what

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speaks to you. Are you ready to develop an inner space and

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consciousness of safety and non judgement and continue to lean

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on trusted people? And what they reflect back to you. Take your

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time with the outer advice and input and know that these

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answers lie within you. You are on a quest alongside me to know

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and to really be your true authentic self. And I'm so

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honored again to be traveling alongside you.

Maureen Spielman:

You know that I'm passionate about what I do. I'm passionate

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about every topic that's been brought into this podcast. I do

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struggle a little bit when I choose what to talk about in my

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solo episodes. And I think I probably needed this one today

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to to keep on leaning in. But I wanted to say because soul care

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coaching and my mystical sisterhood, podcast and

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membership are so near and dear to my heart and I know that they

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are here for you if you if you want to lean on them at all.

Maureen Spielman:

There are three ways to get involved in the work and work

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with me, you can schedule just a one off 60 minute session for

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you to get an experience of what this work feels like. In this

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brief session, you can learn about intention setting,

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setting, share what is most relevant in your life, discover

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what is calling to be tended to uncover limiting beliefs

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operating below the surface, and walk away with a few tangible

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action items or new things to ponder in your life. I mostly

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love to work in the second way, which is a 12 week coaching

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container in which we do a deep dive into this work, whether

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it's how do I even come to myself? What is coming up for me

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through my emotions? What am I here to learn? What's most

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important? How am I showing up but mainly, how am I showing up

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for myself. So you begin to learn the principles of soul

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care into your life. Learn how to meet yourself with compassion

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more regularly, and grow a practice of developing a deep

Maureen Spielman:

and authentic and connected relationship with yourself. And

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another one of my favorite offerings is the mystical

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sisterhood community, or membership. And this is for

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either those doing coaching and wanting to experience community.

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Or it could be that you're not ready for coaching and want to

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experience community. And then these principles, I have members

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of the group who say like I just want to immerse myself in this

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language and start to learn not only this, these personal

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growth, ideas and new conversation and new language,

Maureen Spielman:

but also these principles of the universe. And I that's the part

Maureen Spielman:

of the mystical that we sometimes pull into the podcast

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is like, how is the universe holding us? How are these things

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for me, and it's all woven together. But in the membership,

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it's a lot of fun, because we're doing live calls every week,

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there's a community feed with inspiration. There's inspiration

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from me as your guide, but also from your fellow members who are

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on the path of seeking. So that's a little bit about the

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membership. And I do believe that healing happens in

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community. Being in community of seekers on a path, just

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reminding us of practices and principles is invaluable. So a

Maureen Spielman:

few ways to get in touch are to follow me on Instagram at

Maureen Spielman:

Maureen Spielman. If you're not doing that already, you can DM

Maureen Spielman:

me there with any questions. You can email me at hello at Maureen

Maureen Spielman: That's M au RENSPIEL ma And you can

Maureen Spielman:

find the mystical suit, sisterhood membership under the

Maureen Spielman:

work with me tab on my website, which is Maureen

Maureen Spielman:

Or you can go to mystical I hope today's

Maureen Spielman:

podcast lead you to considering your inner landscape a bit more

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your inner trust and just be with yourself in this really

Maureen Spielman:

heart centric, curious, gentle, intimate way. Thank you for

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listening today. And I'll see you on the next interview and I

Maureen Spielman:

hope to see you in the membership or if you feel like

Maureen Spielman:

following coaching. All right, trust yourself. Thanks for

Maureen Spielman:

listening to this episode of mystical sisterhood. If you love

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what you heard, please visit Apple podcast and subscribe and

Maureen Spielman:

leave a review and share with a friend if you're called to do

Maureen Spielman:

so. To learn more about my one on one coaching programs, or

Maureen Spielman:

join the mystical sisterhood membership. Visit Maureen

Maureen Spielman: or mystical Thanks so much.

Maureen Spielman:

I'll see you in the next episode.




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