Bestselling author, speaker, and StoryBrand CEO Donald Miller breaks down the Storybrand framework, the biggest mistake marketers make, branding lessons from Jeb Bush to Donald Trump, the massive importance of a common side-character, internal vs external problems, solutions vs feelings, and the #1 thing you want to be known for.
Donald Miller is one of the masters of story and he's a
Host:New York Times best selling author of Blue Like Jazz, Scary
Host:Close, and Building a Story Brand. So Donald, welcome back.
Donald Miller:It's good to be back.
Host:So how'd this come about?
Donald Miller:Well, most people know me as a writer, if they
Donald Miller:know me at all, they would know that. I've written a bunch of
Donald Miller:books, and they're most of them are memoir flavor, their self
Donald Miller:helpy kind of books, but they're told in first person memoir
Donald Miller:perspective, by the time you write your eighth memoir, you're
Donald Miller:just a clinical narcissist, right? So it's time for a pivot
Donald Miller:of some sort. And I developed this framework based on
Donald Miller:narrative after studying stories to write screenplays and books
Donald Miller:for 15 years, I developed a framework that I could use with
Donald Miller:my own conference company to filter my messaging down. And,
Donald Miller:and what that basically means is, I figured out how I could
Donald Miller:use the elements of story, which I'm convinced of the most, is
Donald Miller:the most powerful tool to compel him to bring to talk about my
Donald Miller:company in such a way that people would be interested and
Donald Miller:want to listen and engage. And, you know, the theory was that
Donald Miller:would turn into higher revenue and higher customer engagement,
Donald Miller:all this kind of thing, develop that framework, took my own
Donald Miller:company through that framework, and we quadrupled in revenue.
Donald Miller:And we saw that, oh, this framework that we use, just to
Donald Miller:clarify our own corporate message with my conference
Donald Miller:company is more valuable than anything we've ever come up
Donald Miller:with. So we sort of leaked the fact that we had it. And we
Donald Miller:didn't really put together a website or anything just sort of
Donald Miller:leaked that we had this framework that could help a
Donald Miller:company clarify their message. The first company was Procter
Donald Miller:and Gamble, and then Ford, Lincoln, and then the White
Donald Miller:House. And then and then we were off to the races, and shut down
Donald Miller:the old conference company. And it for me, it was a wonderful
Donald Miller:thing, because, you know, I really did feel like in my
Donald Miller:writing career, I'd set it all. And I'm not the sort of rider
Donald Miller:who can come up with a book every year and ride it. Life
Donald Miller:needs to happen for me, you know, I need to, to engage them
Donald Miller:stories. And basically, what I do when I write a book is I look
Donald Miller:back and I go, Okay, two years ago, what were you struggling
Donald Miller:with, that you are no longer struggling with? And if that's
Donald Miller:interesting, I'll write a book about it. So you know, it's been
Donald Miller:relationships, it's been faith, it's been, you know, all sorts
Donald Miller:of other things. It's been meaning of life with one of the
Donald Miller:books. And, and I didn't have any more of those, you know, it
Donald Miller:wasn't that struggle with anything in a long time, I
Donald Miller:guess. And so I thought, Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna turn this
Donald Miller:framework into a book.
Host:And what is it? So what is the story brand framework?
Donald Miller:It is based on the seven plot points that
Donald Miller:happen in almost every story. And I really mean, I mean, 99%
Donald Miller:of stories follow a narrative arc that is exactly the same,
Donald Miller:right. So whether we're talking about Bridget Jones diary, or
Donald Miller:Rain Man, or Hunger Games, or Star Wars, or Romeo and Juliet,
Donald Miller:it's the same story, basically, you just interchange some of the
Donald Miller:characters and some of the conflict. But what most people
Donald Miller:don't know is there is an order in which a story will unfold.
Donald Miller:And if you disobey the rules of that order, you will lose the
Donald Miller:audience, right. And so if you know what those story formulas
Donald Miller:are, there are seven of them. You walk into a movie, and
Donald Miller:within 15 minutes, you can pretty much tell what this is,
Donald Miller:this is monster in the house, or this is quest, or this is
Donald Miller:whatever these seven basic of story formulas. What that said
Donald Miller:to me early on when I was thinking about this process was,
Donald Miller:this is a language that human beings speak. And most companies
Donald Miller:don't know how to speak this language. Here's a summary of
Donald Miller:it. Every story is a character, a hero, that is facing a villain
Donald Miller:that is causing them external, internal and philosophical
Donald Miller:problems. They are in search of a guide, another character who
Donald Miller:can help them overcome their conflict and experience a happy
Donald Miller:ending instead of a tragic ending. That's basically sort so
Donald Miller:that's a lot. But it what it has to do with business, though, is
Donald Miller:these seven basic principles.
Host:Ok so hold on, so head forward before we dive into the
Host:principles, so So that is, like you said, the narrative arc of
Host:every story pretty much every story not everyone, pretty much
Host:but and that's we're gonna get to that because that's the
Host:solution here is understanding that but but, you know, the
Host:subtitle of the book is clarify your message. So customers will
Host:will listen. That's right. What are some of the biggest mistakes
Host:that you see marketers making?
Donald Miller:There are a lot of mistakes that companies make
Donald Miller:but here's the big one. Companies assume that customers
Donald Miller:are going to give them an amount of time in order To understand
Donald Miller:what they offer, and they're not, they're not, they're going
Donald Miller:to give you zero time, they're going to spend four seconds on
Donald Miller:your website, they're going to pass by your Billboard at 85
Donald Miller:miles per hour, they're going to swipe up on their Instagram feed
Donald Miller:and your ads not going to get any attention. What this means
Donald Miller:is you have to communicate very clearly why they should stop and
Donald Miller:pay attention. And you have to do it in a few seconds.
Donald Miller:Therefore, if you are confusing, or elusive, you are invisible. I
Donald Miller:don't care how much you paid for that billboard. You're
Donald Miller:invisible. I don't care how much you pay that web designer, you
Donald Miller:are completely invisible. So most companies, oh, we gotta get
Donald Miller:some attention. So we have to say who we are, we have to say
Donald Miller:it really loud. We have to tell our story, which is a trap. 95%
Donald Miller:of creative agencies believe that. And it's why most
Donald Miller:companies waste enormous amounts of money on marketing. Nobody
Donald Miller:cares about your story. The way that you get somebody's
Donald Miller:attention is that you invite them into a story.
Host:You guys have a phrase that you say that's worth
Host:capturing. You talk about if you confuse...
Donald Miller:You'll lose. So I've gone around the country and
Donald Miller:asked this question to 1000s of people. What did Jeb Bush want
Donald Miller:to do for America? Nobody has ever answered that question. And
Donald Miller:I probably I bet you I've answered that question to now.
Donald Miller:150,000 people, nobody's ever answered it. When I say what did
Donald Miller:Donald Trump want to do for America? Everybody says Make
Donald Miller:America Great Again. I mean, they literally chanted in unison
Donald Miller:jabs message was confusing. Donald Trump's message was
Donald Miller:clear. Who's the better candidate? I mean, arguably, I
Donald Miller:think a lot of people would say Jeb Bush, especially at this
Donald Miller:point would probably have been a better president. But he lost.
Donald Miller:The reason is people were confused. And they passed him by
Donald Miller:so he's essentially invisible. He before he called us and we we
Donald Miller:went and helped him a little bit at the very end. But before we
Donald Miller:went helped him, he was a 3%. In the polls, with $117 million in
Donald Miller:the writer eyes, super PAC and $12 million. In general campaign
Donald Miller:fun. This is not a money problem. This is a message
Donald Miller:problem.
Host:Well, and it's kind of like you go regardless of what
Host:you think of Trump, he was crystal clear.
Donald Miller:Crystal clear. And he learned it by reality
Donald Miller:television by telling stories by understanding what gets
Donald Miller:somebody's attention and drama gets their attention identifying
Donald Miller:villains gets people's attention. Now, he I also think
Donald Miller:he's extremely manipulative in the use of narrative, he
Donald Miller:vilifies people who aren't actually villain.
Host:Well I don't want to get too much into the politics. But
Host:but the but the point is, clarity counts for a tremendous
Donald Miller:And I would even say narrative clarity, narrative
Donald Miller:clarity, who is your customer? What is their problem? How is it
Donald Miller:making them feel? Why is that just plain wrong? And why are
Donald Miller:you qualified to get them out of this problem, you want to
Donald Miller:communicate a customer centric message, the message has to be
Donald Miller:at the customer. Let me give an example. Let's say I'm giving a
Donald Miller:talk, let's say you were at some TED talk, you know, symposium,
Donald Miller:and there's a bunch of talkers going up, the first guy gets up,
Donald Miller:and he says, Hey, my name is Don. And I come from Nashville,
Donald Miller:Tennessee, and I've lived there for about five years with my
Donald Miller:wife, we have two dogs. Second guy gets up, doesn't say his
Donald Miller:name, doesn't say where he's from, doesn't let you know that
Donald Miller:he has dogs, He literally says this, we've got a big problem.
Donald Miller:50% of the people in this room will probably die of cancer.
Donald Miller:Who's more interesting? Well, I don't know that guy's name. I
Donald Miller:don't know where he lives. I don't know if he have dogs. But
Donald Miller:I am plugged in at this point, when he goes on to say your
Donald Miller:water here is whatever. You know, when a story starts, when
Donald Miller:a character has a problem, it opens a story loop. It makes me
Donald Miller:want to pursue some sort of answer to this question so that
Donald Miller:I can close that story loop in my brain. The fact that you're
Donald Miller:from Nashville, Tennessee, and had been married five years and
Donald Miller:have two dogs does not open a storyline in my brain, I don't
Donald Miller:care. So I'm seconds are ticking by. And I'm waiting for you to
Donald Miller:open a story loop and you're not doing it. So my brain is
Donald Miller:designed, I believe, by God, that when you don't get to the
Donald Miller:point, or you're confusing, my brain is saying, You know what,
Donald Miller:I'm burning calories listening to this guy, and he's not going
Donald Miller:anywhere. It's not doing anything to help me survive not
Donald Miller:doing it. There's nothing in this talk for me. Barbarians may
Donald Miller:come over the hill here in an hour, and I need to save some
Donald Miller:calories in case I have to fight them. So I'm just gonna tune out
Donald Miller:on this guy and rest my brain a second, so that I can conserve
Donald Miller:calories in case there's a threat in the future. When you
Donald Miller:are confusing. Your customers brain literally is programmed to
Donald Miller:shut down and ignore you as a survival mechanism serve energy.
Donald Miller:That's exactly it. So you have to enter and you have to invite
Donald Miller:them into a story very quickly. And by doing that you have to
Donald Miller:identify an ambition that they want and a problem that is
Donald Miller:keeping them from getting what they want. And you got to talk
Donald Miller:about it right away.
Host:So the story brand framework give us the seven
Host:steps, just the names of them really quick.
Donald Miller:Well, there's a character you identify who the
Donald Miller:character is they are the hero and you have to identify
Donald Miller:something the hero once and we have to say that in a marketing
Donald Miller:collateral. You know, if you want to say 15% on car
Donald Miller:insurance, who do you go to Geico exact seat you already you
Donald Miller:know that that's effective marketing. You know, now what
Donald Miller:if? What if GEICO came out and had ads that said we won JD
Donald Miller:Power and Associates award for best customer Who cares. So
Donald Miller:there's two mistakes that brands tend to make when they're
Donald Miller:identifying what the customer wants. They either make it so
Donald Miller:elusive, or the other thing is a brand will offer so much that
Donald Miller:there's 15 things that we offer that our customers want, and is
Donald Miller:that that's great. But if you have a movie, and Jason Bourne
Donald Miller:wants to know who he really is, and lose 30 pounds and marry the
Donald Miller:girl, and he's thinking about adopting a cat, and he wants to
Donald Miller:run a marathon, you will lose the audience. You have to choose
Donald Miller:one. And it would be an umbrella thing that all the stuff you
Donald Miller:offer comes in under. So Dave Ramsey offers financial peace,
Donald Miller:well, how does he do it? He offers it through selling great
Donald Miller:mortgages, he offers it through software, he offers it through
Donald Miller:classes, but he offers financial peace is the one thing he's
Donald Miller:known for. And we've got to do that as a brand. So first,
Donald Miller:identify what your customer wants, then identify the
Donald Miller:problem. They are encountering getting what they want, I'm not
Donald Miller:going to go into this this will take a long time. But what is
Donald Miller:challenging them from getting what they want, what is keeping
Donald Miller:them from getting what they want. You need to position your
Donald Miller:brand to help them overcome that challenge. But you need to name
Donald Miller:the challenge. You need to name it and say we help you overcome
Donald Miller:this we help you overcome gingivitis. We help you overcome
Donald Miller:procrastination, we help you overcome weeds in your lawn, or
Donald Miller:embarrassment in your neighborhood because your lawn
Donald Miller:looks so bad, identify what it is and make it singular also,
Donald Miller:because stories work best and singular plot points. Don't add
Donald Miller:don't put a bunch of stuff here. And then you position yourself
Donald Miller:as the guide in the story. That guy is a character that has
Donald Miller:existed for 1000s of years since Plato and Aristotle they would
Donald Miller:put this other character in the story that is basically kind of
Donald Miller:a bit part but it's a very important part. The sole purpose
Donald Miller:of the guide is to help the hero win the day. So the biggest
Donald Miller:paradigm shift is never position yourself as the hero only
Donald Miller:position yourself as the guide.
Host:Coming back to famous movies. So give us who are
Host:famous guides that we would see in movies.
Donald Miller:Oh, in Hunger Games would be Woody from
Donald Miller:cheers, right? Hey, Mitch. In Star Wars Luke Skywalker is the
Donald Miller:hero Obi Wan Kenobi is the guide or Yoda is the guy there's often
Donald Miller:multiple guides in the King's Speech. King George Of course
Donald Miller:with Hero, Lionel, the drama coach is the guide and
Donald Miller:Moneyball, Billy Beane, is the hero, Peter brand is the guide,
Donald Miller:Mr. Miyagi is the guide for karate kid, you know, on and on.
Donald Miller:And the guide sometimes can be the central character of the
Donald Miller:story. Mary Poppins is the guide in the movie, Mary Poppins, the
Donald Miller:father is the hero, and the Father is hardly on screen.
Donald Miller:Every one of us wakes up in the morning self identifying as the
Donald Miller:lead protagonist in the story as the hero, when you come to me
Donald Miller:and we meet at a cocktail party, say what do you do? I work, I
Donald Miller:helped start this company. And we're actually you know, we have
Donald Miller:a great company culture. And we have a great, great places to
Donald Miller:work metric. And we're trying to double revenue next year, what
Donald Miller:as you talk about your company and yourself, what my brain is
Donald Miller:doing is it's categorizing you in my mind, and it's
Donald Miller:categorizing you as another hero. Yeah, it's not that I
Donald Miller:don't like you actually quite interested. You know, I'm like,
Donald Miller:I wish this guy would keep in touch. He's got this great story
Donald Miller:going on. I wonder, you know if that's going to work out. For
Donald Miller:now, though, I do wish he would step aside because I'm actually
Donald Miller:looking for a guide to help me solve a problem. And you're not
Donald Miller:talking about my problem. And you're not positioning yourself
Donald Miller:as an authority to solve my problem. You're telling me your
Donald Miller:story.
Host:So if you're talking about yourself, you can't, it's like
Host:you're not talking. You can't be talking about yourself and
Host:talking about my problem at same time.
Donald Miller:You can, as long as you're talking about yourself
Donald Miller:in the context of solving problems. So when you say,
Donald Miller:instead of saying, you know, I work for this company that
Donald Miller:helped start putting years ago, you would say something like,
Donald Miller:you know, I'd say, what do you do for a living? You say, Well,
Donald Miller:you know, no sale, most salespeople actually don't have
Donald Miller:accountability. And they really struggled to make the calls and
Donald Miller:close the deals, because we're all kind of lazy on the inside.
Donald Miller:I have a coaching firm that actually keeps salespeople
Donald Miller:accountable. And we find that when employers hire coaches, for
Donald Miller:their salespeople, their revenue goes through the roof. It's
Donald Miller:called, and then you go from there. Well, what did you just
Donald Miller:do? You just identified a problem that I may have, you
Donald Miller:talked about the solution, and you invited me to live that
Donald Miller:story myself to solve my own problem. That is good, effective
Donald Miller:marketing and branding. So there's the guide, that's the
Donald Miller:guide them what the guide does the guide, the there's a couple
Donald Miller:things in the book, there was a way that you position yourself
Donald Miller:as a guide in your customers subconscious, there's two things
Donald Miller:you need to do. One of the other things that you need to do is
Donald Miller:you need to give the guide a plan, I mean, the hero a plan,
Donald Miller:the guide gives the hero, usually three or four steps that
Donald Miller:they can take, in order to solve the problem. The reason you do
Donald Miller:that, is because most customers won't engage you if they get
Donald Miller:into a confusion. But but let's say we're at the cocktail party,
Donald Miller:you say, you know, you should call me my coaches can really
Donald Miller:help. I'm probably not going to call and probably like 40%,
Donald Miller:ready to call you. Because there's kind of a fog there. I
Donald Miller:don't know how much it's gonna cost. Is it gonna be you know,
Donald Miller:it's gonna take a bunch of my time. And if I have questions,
Donald Miller:I'm not going to make the deal. And here's why. Because it's a
Donald Miller:risk on my parts of financial risk. It's also a social risk. I
Donald Miller:may I may be foolish by by buying into a bad service. So
Donald Miller:there's, there's an at the point where I start feeling that risk.
Donald Miller:Those are all excuses to walk away. And your customers are
Donald Miller:willing to take those excuses. So what you have to say to me
Donald Miller:is, Don, it's really easy. So so what you would say is, if I say
Donald Miller:yeah, I'm kind of injured So you can have a card, you'd have your
Donald Miller:card and said, Yeah, absolutely. It's actually super easy. You
Donald Miller:and I just get on the phone, we have a call, I assess your
Donald Miller:needs, we send you a custom strategy report saying what we
Donald Miller:think you should do, and then we help you execute it. It's just a
Donald Miller:three step plan, it's super easy. Well, what did you just do
Donald Miller:in my brain, you just said, Don, it's not gonna be a lot of hard,
Donald Miller:there's not gonna be hard work in this is gonna be super easy.
Donald Miller:We find that when you actually say to folks, hey, this is let
Donald Miller:me show you visually 123 steps, and they go, Oh, this is easy.
Donald Miller:You see a dramatic increase in customer engagement.
Host:So you start with a character, there's something
Host:they want, that has a problem.
Donald Miller:They meet the guide. And the guide gives them
Donald Miller:a plan to solve their problem. Number five is the plans right?
Donald Miller:Yeah, actually is number four, four is the plan. And then
Donald Miller:number five, is you call them to action. Yes. So you make your
Donald Miller:direct calls to action, by now schedule an appointment register
Donald Miller:today, extremely clear. And it's amazing how many clients come to
Donald Miller:us. And we look at every website of every client that we engage,
Donald Miller:and they come to our workshops, we put their website on a giant
Donald Miller:ad and screen scary. Like, we don't embarrass you, but we do
Donald Miller:say, hey, you know, you need to do this, you need to do that you
Donald Miller:need to this, one of the things we often say is your calls to
Donald Miller:action are very clear. You're saying things like learn more,
Donald Miller:or contact, that's very evasive language, you need to say call
Donald Miller:now, by now, it needs to be extremely clear. And just
Donald Miller:clarifying your direct call to action. And in the top right
Donald Miller:corner of your website, you should have just a couple
Donald Miller:buttons. Most people have 10 or 12, that's clutter, the only
Donald Miller:thing I want you to do is apply or buy now or schedule an
Donald Miller:appointment. So what I'm going to put that in the top right
Donald Miller:corner, and I'm going to make it a different color, painfully
Donald Miller:obvious, painfully explicitly clear, if you go to our website,
Donald Miller:you'll see a bunch of buttons, I think contact is down at the
Donald Miller:very bottom in what we call the junk drawer. People will look
Donald Miller:for the contact button, you don't need it at the top. What I
Donald Miller:want at the top is where you marry me trying to marry the
Donald Miller:girl here. Right? So you don't want to like, will you marry me?
Donald Miller:And also, would you like to meet my brother? And also would you
Donald Miller:you know, let's just stick with the one question that we're
Donald Miller:trying to get to here. And so you know, it's just being more
Donald Miller:direct. And also, customers need to be challenged to place an
Donald Miller:order. And most of us are selling passively, which makes
Donald Miller:us look weak. We think we're saying this, we think we're
Donald Miller:saying, oh, you know, I don't want to bother you. But you
Donald Miller:know, we do have a great service, if you need it, give me
Donald Miller:a call. But I really don't want to I don't want to be one of
Donald Miller:those pushy salespeople who's bothering you. We think we're
Donald Miller:being polite, what the customer is actually hearing is, I don't
Donald Miller:actually believe in my product, I don't believe it will actually
Donald Miller:solve your problem. If you do want to give me some charity and
Donald Miller:buy it, I would appreciate that. But I'm not very confident that
Donald Miller:I have what can you imagine going to a doctor and a doctor
Donald Miller:says you have cancer. And they say we do. I mean, we have a
Donald Miller:pill that for a lot of other people it's just made may just
Donald Miller:go away very quickly. It's actually you know, but I don't
Donald Miller:want I don't want to bother you, you know, it's like you're gonna
Donald Miller:tie that guy down and force that bill down his throat and make
Donald Miller:him pay for it. Because he's gonna dive. So if you don't have
Donald Miller:a problem to solve, no wonder you're being passive. But if
Donald Miller:you're if you do have a problem to solve, you're going to be
Donald Miller:direct. And then the final two, after calls to action are you
Donald Miller:have to tell people, what are the negative consequences of not
Donald Miller:doing business with you you had, if there are no stakes in the
Donald Miller:story, there is no story. If the bomb isn't a threat to go off
Donald Miller:and hurt a bunch of people, it's no reason to keep paying
Donald Miller:attention to this, the bombs a dud, it's not gonna hurt
Donald Miller:anybody, I'm not gonna watch 90 more minutes of this guy trying
Donald Miller:to get to this bomb that we all know is not ever really going to
Donald Miller:go off, you do need to say there are some consequences not doing
Donald Miller:business with us, here's what life looks like, you're gonna
Donald Miller:keep procrastinating, you're gonna make less money, you're
Donald Miller:gonna have tooth pain, but you know, whatever it is, then the
Donald Miller:final is the success bucket. And that is we got to give people a
Donald Miller:vision of what their life can look like if they do business
Donald Miller:with us. So we got to tell them what the life will look like if
Donald Miller:they don't and positively what their life looks like, if they
Donald Miller:do that create stakes in the story. So those are the seven, a
Donald Miller:character that wants something has a problem they have to
Donald Miller:overcome meets a guide who helps them give them a plan to show
Donald Miller:them how easy it is cause them to action. So they do not
Donald Miller:experience tragedy, and instead experience success. And and my
Donald Miller:opinion, and I believe my opinion is right. You should
Donald Miller:only communicate answers to those seven questions, anything
Donald Miller:on your website that doesn't come from them why those seven
Donald Miller:buckets is noise, and it's keep confusing your customers and
Donald Miller:it's been proven to captivate a human brain. So if we use it for
Donald Miller:helping people give speeches all the time. And you know, first
Donald Miller:thing you do is walk to the platform, and you talk about
Donald Miller:what we all want, but we can't have it, because there's a
Donald Miller:problem. But don't worry, because I've helped a lot of
Donald Miller:people get through this problem. And I've done it by 123 I need
Donald Miller:you to engage and do this thing in order to solve this problem
Donald Miller:for yourself. Because if you don't bad things gonna happen.
Donald Miller:But don't think about that. Because good things can happen
Donald Miller:that your life can look like this. That's it, just those
Donald Miller:seven, everything else is known.
Host:So what is the difference between number seven and number
Donald Miller:What what the character wants is there they're
Donald Miller:actually very similar and they can overlap. Okay? But let's
Donald Miller:say, you know, I'm embarrassed about my yard and I don't want
Donald Miller:my I don't want to be embarrassed in the neighborhood
Donald Miller:anymore. That's something I want But what's the solution to that
Donald Miller:a beautiful lawn. So the success is the beautiful lawn, what I
Donald Miller:want is to not be embarrassed anymore. They can overlap. And
Donald Miller:they can even in those two categories, in fact, it's
Donald Miller:beneficial if they are the same thing. Because the more you can
Donald Miller:use the exact same language, the more clear your story actually
Donald Miller:is. Gotcha. But those two are very, very similar. Well, if you
Donald Miller:think about it, the success category closes the loop on what
Donald Miller:the customer wants. So it's actually even better if they get
Donald Miller:what they want in the end.
Host:And you use the term villain, there's something you
Host:want, but there's a villain.
Donald Miller:It's the villain who causes an external, internal
Donald Miller:and philosophical problem, external problem is usually the
Donald Miller:physical problem that the company solves internal is how
Donald Miller:your customer is feeling about their external problem. I'm
Donald Miller:feeling hopeless. And I realize my problem, embarrassment is how
Donald Miller:I feel about it. Now, here's why that's important. People are
Donald Miller:more motivated to solve internal problems than they are to solve
Donald Miller:external problems, because nobody's calling you because
Donald Miller:they have a problem. Nobody, they're all calling you. Because
Donald Miller:that problem is making them feel something and they're trying to
Donald Miller:end the feeling. They're not trying to solve the problem.
Donald Miller:They're trying to gain the feeling and the only way they're
Donald Miller:gonna be feeling so I'll probably, you know, I'm, are you
Donald Miller:embarrassed about your lawn? And do you wish it looked as good as
Donald Miller:your neighbors? My problem is, I'm embarrassed.
Host:Where do you want people to go to either connect with you
Host:guys get the book, etc, etc?
Donald Miller:They can buy the book anywhere you buy books,
Donald Miller:Barnes and, anywhere. All that sort of
Donald Miller:information about us is available at story
Host:What is the first step? I mean, other than buying the
Host:book, if you're going to just go?
Donald Miller:Absolutely. Even before you start the business?
Donald Miller:If you're at that stage, or if you've been in business for 10
Donald Miller:years, the one question you need to answer is what problem do you
Donald Miller:solve? People are only motivated to solve problems. And if you
Donald Miller:can say, I solved this problem. When somebody hands you their
Donald Miller:business card, you actually, you know, put it in that Rolodex
Donald Miller:file of your brain, right? You're trying to remember this
Donald Miller:person in their business, the Rolodex in a customer's brain,
Donald Miller:isn't they alphabetically categorized by the name of your
Donald Miller:business? It's alphabetically categorized by the problem you
Donald Miller:solve. So when you say, you know, here, I do business, you
Donald Miller:know, I do I do this and we work. We work with wood a lot. I
Donald Miller:don't know what problem you solve. So big on my brain. I'm
Donald Miller:trying to figure out where to categorize you. And I'm not
Donald Miller:gonna, I'm not gonna be enter W for wood. I'll forget you. So if
Donald Miller:I can't figure out what problem you solve, actually, I literally
Donald Miller:throw the thing away in my brain, it's never in my brain
Donald Miller:again. But when you say, we work with wood, we make wood floors
Donald Miller:that don't buckle for 100 years, because they're the most solid
Donald Miller:wood floors in the world. They'll never work will not net
Donald Miller:firstly, you just agitated a problem, right? I didn't know
Donald Miller:wood floors, buckled and warped. And so now who do I go to to
Donald Miller:solve this problem that I didn't even know existed? I go to you
Donald Miller:because your floors apparently don't buckle or work. So just
Donald Miller:associating this. Here's a problem that everybody's dealing
Donald Miller:with. And we have solved that problem is the number one thing
Donald Miller:you want to do in business because you got to be known for
Donald Miller:solving a problem.
Host:Don, thank you for all that you guys do.
Donald Miller:My pleasure. Thanks for having me.