Artwork for podcast The Online Hustle with Jake Hower
Connecting with Influencers In Your Market With John Lee Dumas
Episode 1430th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
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Jake Hower:

You're listening to the Multimedia Marketing Show.

Jake Hower:

This is episode 14.

Jake Hower:

In today's episode, we're speaking with John Dumas from Entrepreneur on Fire.

Jake Hower:

Now John's got an amazing story.

Jake Hower:

Started in about mid 2012, interviewing experts with a premise

Jake Hower:

to release a show every single day.

Jake Hower:

And he's rise to fame as being very swift.

Jake Hower:

He's now up to 150, 000 podcast downloads per month.

Jake Hower:

But one thing I wanted to get him on the show for is not really to tell his story.

Jake Hower:

He's told that to a number of other shows.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So I thought rather than focus on his story per se, let's take a look at how

Jake Hower:

he's connected with such influential guests that he's brought onto the show

Jake Hower:

today and try and break it down for you.

Jake Hower:

So you've got a framework.

Jake Hower:

You can follow along to get access to thought leaders and to authoritative

Jake Hower:

type figures in your own niche.

Jake Hower:

So let's get stuck straight into the show.

Jake Hower:

/John, how are you?

John Dumas:

I'm doing great, Jake.

John Dumas:

Thanks for having me on

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And thank you very much for taking the time to come on today.

Jake Hower:

My pleasure.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So you've had a pretty rapid rise to fame with your podcast entrepreneur on fire.

Jake Hower:

And what I'd really love to delve into in this episode is I guess

Jake Hower:

focusing in on how you were able to connect with so many top influencers

Jake Hower:

early on in your show's episodes.

Jake Hower:

How does that sound?

Jake Hower:

Sounds great.

Jake Hower:

I'd love to.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

For those listening to the show who may not know a little bit about you, John,

Jake Hower:

how about you delve into your background?

Jake Hower:

Yeah, I'll

John Dumas:

give the real quick 30 to 60 second rundown.

John Dumas:

I was born and raised in the state of Maine, which is about an hour and a half

John Dumas:

North of Boston, Massachusetts, 18 years old, I accepted an ROTC scholarship

John Dumas:

to go to college at Providence in Rhode Island and spend the next four

John Dumas:

years training as a cadet and just.

John Dumas:

being a student, living the student life.

John Dumas:

And then at 22 and in 2002, I joined the army.

John Dumas:

I was commissioned as a lieutenant, spent four years active, four

John Dumas:

years in the reserves, highlighted by a 13 month tour duty in Iraq.

John Dumas:

And then after my, uh, tour of duty in the army, I actually got out and

John Dumas:

just traveled around the world, went to India, Nepal, Guatemala, different

John Dumas:

countries, different continents.

John Dumas:

And then I settled down.

John Dumas:

Um, tried law school, tried corporate finance, tried real estate, tried

John Dumas:

a tech startup, tried a bunch of different things, enjoyed it all to

John Dumas:

some level, learned a lot, but never really found my niche until June of

John Dumas:

2012, which was when I was 32 years old.

John Dumas:

I just recently turned 33.

John Dumas:

I decided to give my passions and.

John Dumas:

Drive and desire fully into a new venture, which I called entrepreneur on fire.

John Dumas:

And that's what I do.

John Dumas:

100% of my time.

John Dumas:

I launch a daily business podcast, right?

John Dumas:

Interview inspiring and successful entrepreneurs five days a week.

John Dumas:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

And for any of the listeners want to hear a little bit more about you, I

Jake Hower:

think one of the best interviews is Dan Norris is on his web domination podcast.

Jake Hower:

So we'll include that in the show notes as well.

John Dumas:

Yeah, Dan's a great guy.

John Dumas:

I had a lot of fun with him.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, he's great.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So we've heard a little bit about your background.

Jake Hower:

Let's, before we delve into how you've been able to successfully connect

Jake Hower:

with these influences, let's give the listeners a little bit of perspective.

Jake Hower:

So how about giving us some of the stats surrounding your podcast right now?

Jake Hower:

So our listeners have a context.

John Dumas:

Well, right now, and we're talking in the middle of January, well,

John Dumas:

the end of January, 2013 entrepreneur on fires currently being downloaded.

John Dumas:

Over 5, 000 times every single day in over 100 countries.

John Dumas:

So we're at, we're going at about a clip of about 150, 000,

John Dumas:

uh, unique downloads per month.

John Dumas:

And the great part is, is that that number truly is growing every

John Dumas:

single day and the snowball effect.

John Dumas:

And I can get more into.

John Dumas:

Why that is happening, but it's been a great ride.

John Dumas:

I started september 20th of 2012 was actually when I Launched the podcast.

John Dumas:

I definitely started building the platform back in june, but I didn't

John Dumas:

launch the actual podcast until september And so it's really been a

John Dumas:

nice Steady organic growth since then.

John Dumas:

Yeah, that's great

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

So early on, you're able to bring on some really big players in the space.

Jake Hower:

People like, uh, I believe Pat Flynn was your second episode.

Jake Hower:

Now these are hard people to get in touch with.

Jake Hower:

I'd love to hear from you how you're able to connect with these people so early on.

John Dumas:

So it wasn't easy, Jake.

John Dumas:

I mean, the decision that I truly made early on, which was a very

John Dumas:

valuable one was to go in 100%.

John Dumas:

So back in June of 2012, I left it all behind and I decided to put.

John Dumas:

All of my efforts into entrepreneur on fire and really truly live my

John Dumas:

favorite acronym, which is focus.

John Dumas:

Follow one course until success.

John Dumas:

So back in June, I decided to just throw myself into the mix.

John Dumas:

I went down to blog world that was being hosted in New York city.

John Dumas:

All of these people that you've been mentioning, the Pat Flynn, Derek

John Dumas:

Halpern, David Risley, All of these early interviewees that I had, I

John Dumas:

actually met down there and said, Hey guys, I really had just had to walk

John Dumas:

up to him after their speech and say, Hey guys, I am looking to do this.

John Dumas:

I love what you're doing online.

John Dumas:

I'm looking to build a large audience by sharing this kind of journey,

John Dumas:

these kinds of experiences on a daily level, every single day.

John Dumas:


John Dumas:

feeling that niche out there.

John Dumas:

I'm going to do that.

John Dumas:

And they saw my passion.

John Dumas:

They saw my genuine desire to make this happen.

John Dumas:

And they said, Hey, sure, John, we'll, we'll give it a chance.

John Dumas:

You know, shoot me an email.

John Dumas:

Here's my, my direct email address when you get back.

John Dumas:

And so over that summer, I reached out to these seven, eight, nine people

John Dumas:

that I really connected with at this conference and ask them if they would be

John Dumas:

my first interviewees and They said yes.

John Dumas:

And so over that summer of 2012, I actually did 40 interviews because

John Dumas:

once I started getting Pat Flynn in my back pocket and already having

John Dumas:

that interview done and Derek Halpern and Michael Stelzner of Social Media

John Dumas:

Examiner, I started being able to use those people as social proof.

John Dumas:

So when I reached out to other people in the industry and they

John Dumas:

saw that I'd already interviewed.

John Dumas:

These names, they were much more willing to give me 20, 30 minutes

John Dumas:

of their time to do the same.

John Dumas:

So by the time I launched Jake in September of 2012, I had 40 interviews

John Dumas:

complete with top names in the industry.

John Dumas:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

I really do want to get into the nitty gritty of connecting with these people.

Jake Hower:

So let's start off with the blog world expo.

Jake Hower:

You say you went up to these people and introduced yourself

Jake Hower:

after you heard them speak.

Jake Hower:

If you were to break that down.

Jake Hower:

Why do you think they're interested in what you had to say?

John Dumas:

Well there's a specific reason, and this is something

John Dumas:

that's really valuable for all entrepreneurs to know, and especially

John Dumas:

people that are just starting out.

John Dumas:

And that's the value of a mentor and or a coach.

John Dumas:

For me, when I was just getting ready to start, I knew I was going to launch

John Dumas:

into this venture, I started looking around in my local area for a coach or a

John Dumas:

mentor that really would be able to take me to the next level quickly just with.

John Dumas:

His or her skills and knowledge and connections and relationships.

John Dumas:

And for me, that was a podcaster that I've been listening to for

John Dumas:

a couple years at that point.

John Dumas:

Her name was Jamie Tardy and she ran the podcast, or she runs the

John Dumas:

podcast, The Eventual Millionaire.

John Dumas:

And I had been listening to her just organically for a number of years,

John Dumas:

knowing that she lived close to me in Maine, but never reaching out to her.

John Dumas:

But when I decided to make that leap, I reached out to her.

John Dumas:

She agreed to become my coach, my mentor.

John Dumas:

And so we actually went down.

John Dumas:

To blog world in New York City with a plan together where she knew these

John Dumas:

people because she was actually speaking at this conference She was friends

John Dumas:

with these people on a lot of levels.

John Dumas:

She was in masterminds with them So she was really that first link that I had to

John Dumas:

be able to say hey My name is John Dumas my mentor Jamie Tardy who's standing

John Dumas:

right next to me Smiling and laughing and talking with other people, you know

John Dumas:

Is somebody that's guiding me right now and this is exactly what I'm looking

John Dumas:

to do, you know, with Jamie's help.

John Dumas:

I'm going to do it the right way.

John Dumas:

She's going to hold me accountable.

John Dumas:

So people saw that it was probably worth their time to give me a chance

John Dumas:

because somebody that they already trusted in new and liked was going

John Dumas:

to be there guiding me along the way.

John Dumas:

So that was extremely valuable for me.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

And I totally agree having that social proof of connecting with

Jake Hower:

somebody that they trust makes a massive difference right now.

Jake Hower:

That's a huge part of it.

Jake Hower:

I don't think it would be absolutely everything because

Jake Hower:

they've got to be delivering great content for their audiences.

Jake Hower:

So they're not going to share their time and their audiences cheaply or easily.

Jake Hower:

So do you think also the fact that you were coming out with something

Jake Hower:

relatively unique at that time was another reason that people.

Jake Hower:

I guess paid attention to what you were saying.

Jake Hower:


John Dumas:

think it was a huge reason, Jake.

John Dumas:

I mean, to give you a little more background, I was driving around

John Dumas:

in my prior job in commercial real estate, spending a lot of time on

John Dumas:

the road, really loving to consume podcasts just because of that

John Dumas:

passionate targeted on demand content.

John Dumas:

And I realized that I was just going through the current

John Dumas:

podcast at such a rapid rate.

John Dumas:

I mean, you brought up the name, Pat Flynn, who was one

John Dumas:

of my first interviewees.

John Dumas:

He has an amazing podcast, the smart passive income, but it

John Dumas:

only airs once every two weeks.

John Dumas:

And so I went through all of his 40 or 50 episodes that he did

John Dumas:

over the course of two years.

John Dumas:

And about one month and I was like, man, there has to be a niche that needs

John Dumas:

to be filled for somebody like myself.

John Dumas:

That's driving one, two, four hours a day, and then it's coming home

John Dumas:

and hitting the gym or walking my dog and wanting to continue to

John Dumas:

consume content while I'm doing that.

John Dumas:

There's definitely people out there like myself who wants to have this fresh

John Dumas:

podcast waiting for them with inspiring interview with an incredible entrepreneur.

John Dumas:

And when I explained it to them in that manner.

John Dumas:

They agreed that it was out there that that niche needed to be filled.

John Dumas:

You know, Pat Flynn doesn't have the ability to do a daily

John Dumas:

podcast cause he's so busy doing everything else that he's doing.

John Dumas:

Although I will say something that's very exciting on that end.

John Dumas:

He told me that I was his inspiration from moving from a once every two

John Dumas:

week podcast to a once a week podcast.

John Dumas:

Cause he said, man.

John Dumas:

If John Lee Dumas can do it every single day, I can do it at least once a week.

John Dumas:

So now smart passive income is going to be once a week.

John Dumas:

So that's, that's great for all of his fans out there.

John Dumas:

But they saw that I was delivering something unique and something different.

John Dumas:

And I think they saw the potential and, and, you know, a lot of them were

John Dumas:

like, man, I wish I could do that.

John Dumas:

I wish I could dedicate myself to doing something every single day.

John Dumas:

But you know, a lot of these people have prior commitments.

John Dumas:

They have family, they have businesses they're running.

John Dumas:

They just couldn't do that, which is the power.

John Dumas:

of finding your niche, drilling down to the bare core of it, and

John Dumas:

then just really crushing it.

John Dumas:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And I think from our brief conversation so far, one of the other aspects

Jake Hower:

which I've picked up from that is the amount of planning that went into it.

Jake Hower:

You didn't just, uh, really nearly go to these people and say, Hey, I've got

Jake Hower:

this podcast that I want to release.

Jake Hower:

I'm thinking daily.

Jake Hower:

I'm going to interview entrepreneurs just like yourself.

Jake Hower:

How about we have an interview?

Jake Hower:

You've actually.

Jake Hower:

You've, uh, created a clear plane and a path for action and you've

Jake Hower:

been able to execute on it.

John Dumas:


John Dumas:

I attribute a lot of that to my prior military training.

John Dumas:

I mean, I just really knew that.

John Dumas:

A lot of times tasks expands to the time allotted and I knew that if I could

John Dumas:

just really focus on getting everything done at the time that I wanted to allot

John Dumas:

that to that I would be able to do that.

John Dumas:

So a lot of people look at me and say, John, how are you doing?

John Dumas:

a daily podcast.

John Dumas:

And the crazy part is, and this is the truth, I literally only work one day a

John Dumas:

week on the actual podcast part of it.

John Dumas:

I do eight podcast interviews every single Monday.

John Dumas:

I edit all of them every single Monday, Tuesday through Friday and Saturday

John Dumas:

and Sunday when I'm working on the weekends, I'm still busting my hump on

John Dumas:

the business of Entrepreneur on Fire.

John Dumas:

I work extremely hard and long hours, but that part of my business is done.

John Dumas:

So, I mean, You know, the fact that people think that they don't have

John Dumas:

enough time to do a weekly podcast or a monthly podcast or even a daily podcast.

John Dumas:

I do it all in one day.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, definitely.

Jake Hower:

And this is something which come up in an early interview with Greg Rollett.

Jake Hower:

One thing that I've noticed with the multimedia marketing show is that the

Jake Hower:

amount of effort and time which goes into the actual podcast itself, the recording

Jake Hower:

and the production of it is probably 10%.

Jake Hower:

90% or the remainder of the time, the 90% is actually focused on

Jake Hower:

promotion and building an audience.

Jake Hower:

And I think that's also important for people or for our listeners to understand

Jake Hower:

is that if you're looking to get something like this out into the marketplace,

Jake Hower:

the majority of your time is going to be spent on the promotion of it.

John Dumas:


John Dumas:

And for me, it's kind of like an assembly line.

John Dumas:

If I do eight podcasts in one day, I can really knock them out with all the intros

John Dumas:

and all the outros and all the editing.

John Dumas:

So doing those eight in one day is much more efficient than doing

John Dumas:

one podcast a day for seven days.

John Dumas:


Jake Hower:

Okay, well, that sort of covers off the

Jake Hower:

first block of interviewees.

Jake Hower:

How are you finding it now?

Jake Hower:

Are you still chasing entrepreneurs?

Jake Hower:

Or are you finding that people are coming to you to wanting to be on the show?

John Dumas:

I definitely am no, no longer chasing entrepreneurs.

John Dumas:

When I first started, I was really looking to build a big list and

John Dumas:

a big buffer of interviewees and interviews that I had completed.

John Dumas:

So when I actually launched September 20th, as I previously noted, I did have 40

John Dumas:

interviews complete and I've really kept that buffer from that point going forward.

John Dumas:

So right now I just released episode 101 today, but I've actually completed 150.

John Dumas:

So I'm about 54 odd ahead, which puts me almost two months ahead in

John Dumas:

this kind of quote unquote buffer.

John Dumas:

So I'm not in this rush to feel like I have to need to chase people or that

John Dumas:

I really want to track people down and get these people lined up because

John Dumas:

I've given myself that breathing room.

John Dumas:

So I really just kind of find people as I'm reading entrepreneur magazine.

John Dumas:

Inc fast company as i'm watching shark tank as i'm just being introduced to other

John Dumas:

people just because of the relationships i'm forming with my current interviewees

John Dumas:

that I have and I just got back from las vegas where I spoke at new media expo by

John Dumas:

blog world on the state of podcasting and I met so many amazing people out there.

John Dumas:

And so you just Kind of start to organically gain interviews naturally

John Dumas:

without having to reach out to people or really chase people.

John Dumas:

They just start to come to you.

John Dumas:

And yeah, as your fact about other people coming to me, I'm getting

John Dumas:

emails all the time from PR companies and different entrepreneurs and

John Dumas:

business owners who are inquiring.

John Dumas:

About the ability to be interviewed on entrepreneur on fire So i'm definitely

John Dumas:

having to say no a lot and having to turn people away just because i'm at

John Dumas:

the situation now Where it's really just kind of a natural growth that

John Dumas:

entrepreneur on fire is doing and I can be very selective Yeah, definitely.

John Dumas:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So let's have a look at a specific guest then, which I think my

Jake Hower:

guesstimate would be that potentially he's PR companies contacted you.

Jake Hower:

Let's look at Seth Godin.

Jake Hower:

Now this is episode 43, so that would have been close to launch time.

Jake Hower:

I guess when you interviewed Seth potentially a little bit after that.

Jake Hower:

Can you tell me a little bit about how that particular interview came

John Dumas:

to be?

John Dumas:

That is an interesting story.

John Dumas:

It's probably a lot easier than most people would realize.

John Dumas:

I have a better one that I'll tell after this, but with Seth Godin, I knew that his

John Dumas:

book, The Icarus Deception, was set to be coming out, um, in a short time period.

John Dumas:

I had just been a part of his Kickstarter campaign.

John Dumas:

Where I actually did donate to the cause to receive a digital copy.

John Dumas:

And so I knew that he was coming out with a book and he was

John Dumas:

probably looking to promote it.

John Dumas:

So I went to him in a very straightforward manner.

John Dumas:

His, his email address, I was able to acquire from another

John Dumas:

interviewee that I had.

John Dumas:

And I reached out to him and laid out exactly.

John Dumas:

What entrepreneur fire was, what I would like to talk about and the fact

John Dumas:

that it would only take about 20 to 25 minutes of his time over Skype.

John Dumas:

And he literally emailed me back an hour later and just said,

John Dumas:

Hey John, how about tomorrow?

John Dumas:

And it was pretty funny because you know, normally I'm pretty strict because I

John Dumas:

have my quote unquote studio time and I really like to fit people in to my Monday

John Dumas:

block of schedules because it just makes.

John Dumas:

My business and my effectiveness so much higher when I can have everybody on

John Dumas:

one day So I really fit people in that and give give them a lot of options And

John Dumas:

days to choose from as far as monday the first the seventh the 14th, whatever

John Dumas:

and then a number of time periods throughout that But I really like to

John Dumas:

try to funnel people into that system.

John Dumas:

But with seth I was like Okay, absolutely.

John Dumas:

Yeah, like you named the time you named the place like I will Be on Skype

John Dumas:

calling you and and so we did and it was a very enjoyable interview a really

John Dumas:

good story I'd like to share because this is just something that I think

John Dumas:

listeners will find even more value in is how I got Barbara Corcoran So I'm

John Dumas:

sitting around it's a Friday night.

John Dumas:

It's like 8 30 p.

John Dumas:

m And Shark Tank is on and I'm watching it on ABC and it's a great episode and

John Dumas:

I'm sitting there with my girlfriend We're having a beverage because we're

John Dumas:

about to head out and meet some friends And Barbara made a comment because a

John Dumas:

guy in the Marines came in to pitch his product and she didn't actually

John Dumas:

invest in him, but she did say, just want to say thank you for your service.

John Dumas:

I really, you know, I really just honor the military and

John Dumas:

what you guys provide for us.

John Dumas:

And so, you know, I had a couple of drinks to me and I'm like, ah, you know what?

John Dumas:

Kate, I'm going to go up and I'm going to email Barbara Corcoran and tell her that,

John Dumas:

you know, I'm a veteran and if she really honors the military, she should come on

John Dumas:

my show as a show of her appreciation and share her journey with my audience.

John Dumas:

And it was half joking, half serious.

John Dumas:

So I ran upstairs, Googled Barbara Corcoran and went to her contact me page,

John Dumas:

composed this long email to her little contact me form, hit the send button.

John Dumas:

And then lo and behold, I kind of forgot about it.

John Dumas:

Monday morning, I have an email from her assistant, Gail, who was just

John Dumas:

like, John, Barbara got your email.

John Dumas:

She was very touched.

John Dumas:

She'd love to be on your show.

John Dumas:

When can she be on?

John Dumas:

And it was really something like that easy where I made a connection with

John Dumas:

Barbara, who I saw on the shark tank.

John Dumas:

And she mentioned something and I was able to connect myself to that

John Dumas:

thing that she felt endeared to and use that to ask her to come on

John Dumas:

my show where I did prove to her.

John Dumas:

With my download numbers and the fact that I had had other big name guests,

John Dumas:

Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss, et cetera, that other people, that, that, that social

John Dumas:

proof was all she needed to go forward and give me 20 minutes, which ended

John Dumas:

up being almost 45 minutes of her time to share her journey with Fire Nation.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's incredible.

Jake Hower:

And, um, what comes out of that for me or what really resonated for me

Jake Hower:

is this, um, I guess the fact that you're approaching these people with

Jake Hower:

a message, which they're going to.

Jake Hower:

Connect with so for Seth, it was the fact that he had a book coming out.

Jake Hower:

So he was about to hit his circuit of promotions.

Jake Hower:

And with Barbara, it was something recent that she'd been talking about.

Jake Hower:

And it resonated with me because I've had Chris Brogan on the

Jake Hower:

show in an earlier episode.

Jake Hower:

And I think through dumb luck, um, essentially the same thing happened.

Jake Hower:

I sent him an email asking him to come on the show, uh, lo and behold,

Jake Hower:

he replied and said, yes, but what I.

Jake Hower:

Didn't realize until a couple of weeks later is that he had just relaunched his

Jake Hower:

own show, his own podcast and started appearing on all of these other podcasts.

Jake Hower:

So the same thing essentially was happening without me

Jake Hower:

actually knowing it at the time.

John Dumas:


John Dumas:

You know, it's just really behooves anybody to keep their eyes and ears open.

John Dumas:

And when these big names are coming out and they have a new product,

John Dumas:

service, book, podcast that they're looking to promote and to get out

John Dumas:

there into the universe, that's a great time to reach out to them.

John Dumas:

And it's probably going to be worth 20 minutes of their time to, you

John Dumas:

know, it's a very low barrier.

John Dumas:

I mean, you know, I was sitting.

John Dumas:

On the phone literally 30 minutes ago on Skype with Noah, the CEO of

John Dumas:

Stitcher Radio, having my own interview with him and you know, 35 minutes

John Dumas:

later I'm talking to you and I'm just here sitting in my studio and it's

John Dumas:

not difficult for these people to give 20, 30 minutes of their time to

John Dumas:

reach a potentially large audience.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Well, let's look at a little bit about the actual process you're followed

Jake Hower:

when connecting with these people.

Jake Hower:

For myself, generally, I'm sending an email where possible.

Jake Hower:

I'm locating their exact email address from prior interviewees, or I'll use

Jake Hower:

some tools like LinkedIn and also like a reportive in Gmail, where you can actually

Jake Hower:

try and guess their email address.

Jake Hower:

And if you get the right one, it'll pop up all their social profiles.

Jake Hower:

You've mentioned that you contacted Barbara via her.

Jake Hower:

For our listeners out there, do you have any other suggestions with

Jake Hower:

how they should be connecting or trying to connect with these people?

John Dumas:

For my audience especially and for the interviewees that I

John Dumas:

generally go after, far and away the best place to connect with them is at

John Dumas:

their headquarters, their website, and their About Me or their Contact Me page.

John Dumas:

I have had by far my most success there.

John Dumas:

I really even haven't tried other avenues that much because

John Dumas:

I've had so much success there.

John Dumas:

The most important thing is literally in the first two or three sentences, you

John Dumas:

really need to establish social proof that you need to lay out what you're

John Dumas:

looking to do and why it's a value to them because these people get so many emails.

John Dumas:

From just adoring fans or inquiries of random sorts that if you can just really

John Dumas:

Get it out there in the first couple sentences and i'll give you an example of

John Dumas:

what entrepreneur fire does is basically my first two or three sentences are

John Dumas:

Hi, this is John Lee Dumas, the founder and host of entrepreneur on fire, a

John Dumas:

top ranked business podcast on iTunes, currently generating over 150, 000 unique

John Dumas:

downloads a month in over 100 countries.

John Dumas:

I've interviewed people such as Barbara Corcoran, Seth Godin, Gary

John Dumas:

Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferris, etc, etc.

John Dumas:

I would love the opportunity to have you come on my show and share

John Dumas:

your journey with my audience.

John Dumas:

20 minutes over Skype, audio only is all I ask.

John Dumas:

Let me know if there's an opportunity to make this happen in your schedule.

John Dumas:

What I'm doing right there is I'm initially establishing that it's

John Dumas:

absolutely worth their time to talk to my extremely large listener base.

John Dumas:

And I'm showing them that other people on their level and even

John Dumas:

levels above them have come on my show and shared their journey.

John Dumas:

And then I'm saying, Hey, and it's just 20 minutes.

John Dumas:

Over Skype and it's audio only so you don't even have to shower.

John Dumas:

So I just keep it really easy for him I keep the barriers low and a lot of times

John Dumas:

the people that are reading them are going to be their assistants or their virtual

John Dumas:

assistants and Nine times out of ten.

John Dumas:

They're gonna look at this and say hey, this is something I need

John Dumas:

to pass up the food chain Oh,

Jake Hower:

that's great.

Jake Hower:

And it sounds so simple that it shouldn't work, but it's amazing

Jake Hower:

to hear it work as it does Yeah.

Jake Hower:

It works.

Jake Hower:

Really great.

Jake Hower:

And that is also something which I'm finding with inviting

Jake Hower:

guests on my show as well.

Jake Hower:

It is the fact that all it takes is an email and really what's

Jake Hower:

holding people back from being able to do that themselves is probably

John Dumas:


John Dumas:

It is mindset.

John Dumas:

And I have one more story.

John Dumas:

Do we have time for one more story?

John Dumas:

Please, please.

John Dumas:


John Dumas:

This is my favorite story thus far, although it is not yet.

John Dumas:

Ended in a success, but i'm still on the journey.

John Dumas:

So this is just to show you this You know, sometimes you

John Dumas:

need to work a little harder.

John Dumas:

So One of the people that I truly want to interview Extremely high on my number.

John Dumas:

Maybe my number one interviewee that I would love to get on my show just

John Dumas:

because i've always idolize what he's done as an entrepreneur is Mark Cuban.

John Dumas:

And he has a lot of things going on.

John Dumas:

He's the owner of the Dallas Mavericks.

John Dumas:

He does Shark Tank.

John Dumas:

He invests in a lot of people.

John Dumas:

He's running these foundations.

John Dumas:

So I was driving up to Sugarloaf, which is a ski mountain here in the

John Dumas:

state of Maine, just this past weekend.

John Dumas:

And I was reading this Inc.

John Dumas:

magazine article, um, that was basically talking about patent trolls.

John Dumas:

And I won't get into what patent trolls are, but they're just a really big pain

John Dumas:

in the butt for a lot of small businesses.

John Dumas:

And Mark Cuban was quoted in that magazine as, as his stance

John Dumas:

against patent trolls as well.

John Dumas:

So I really resonated with that.

John Dumas:

And I had been emailing Mark Cuban for weeks and weeks and

John Dumas:

weeks, just very consistent.

John Dumas:

Um, basis.

John Dumas:

He's really one of the only guys that I'm doing this with.

John Dumas:

I'm really just getting out there and just trying to be very consistent in

John Dumas:

reaching out to him, hoping that I'll get a response sometime, some way,

John Dumas:

which I've had zero success with so far.

John Dumas:

But I get up to Sugarloaf on a Friday night.

John Dumas:

I compose this email really quickly.

John Dumas:

And the title line was just patent trolls.

John Dumas:

And I wrote Mark.

John Dumas:

I just read this article, you got me fired up, I would love if you came on

John Dumas:

Entrepreneur on Fire and just shared your journey with my 150, 000 plus

John Dumas:

unique, uh, downloaders, what the issue is with these patent trolls, etc, etc,

John Dumas:

and I just Ended it there, sent it off, 20 minutes later I had an email

John Dumas:

back from him that said, John, you need to contact so and so and so and so.

John Dumas:

Here's her email address, here's her website.

John Dumas:

Get her on the show.

John Dumas:

Lowercase m.

John Dumas:

So he just wrote the lowercase letter m.

John Dumas:

So I was like, oh my god, Mark Cuban just responded back to me.

John Dumas:

So obviously, he'd been getting my previous emails and just

John Dumas:

discarding them, like he probably discards a thousand emails a day.

John Dumas:

But this one resonated with him, so I struck a chord.

John Dumas:

So, since that point...

John Dumas:

You know, I've reached back out to him and said, you know, thanks mark.

John Dumas:

I'm going to reach out to julie Etc.

John Dumas:

And so i've done that i've scheduled julie for the show.

John Dumas:

She's going to come on we're going to talk And then i'm going to use that

John Dumas:

leverage and the relationship i'm going to be building with julie Who is

John Dumas:

the lawyer in charge of mark's little foundation that he has to hopefully?

John Dumas:

Convince her to convince mark that it's worth him coming on for 20 minutes to

John Dumas:

talk to my audience About how patent trolls are affecting small businesses

John Dumas:

and entrepreneurs around the world So as you can see sometimes you do have to

John Dumas:

work for it, but sometimes it's worth it

Jake Hower:

Yeah, definitely.

Jake Hower:

And I think that brings up a very interesting topic and you're right.

Jake Hower:

You do have to work at it often.

Jake Hower:

One thing that I've had success with previously is when I'm trying

Jake Hower:

to reach somebody, I've actually found that taking an indirect path

Jake Hower:

to them has worked in my favor.

Jake Hower:

So what I mean is rather than target that particular person, work out the

Jake Hower:

people who influence that person.

Jake Hower:

And generally, you would say they're usually a rung below in terms of

Jake Hower:

the popularity or their influence and connecting with these, I

Jake Hower:

guess, these periphery people will eventually get you in front of the

Jake Hower:

person you're trying to get hold off.

Jake Hower:

And that, for me, I've had a lot of success in just basically ticking

Jake Hower:

off their influences around them and then finally approaching the person

Jake Hower:

that that was my initial target.

John Dumas:

Well, if you ever see Mark Cuban on Entrepreneur on Fire,

John Dumas:

you will know that that system works.

Jake Hower:

Well, that's great, John.

Jake Hower:

Um, thanks very much for coming on the show today.

Jake Hower:

Uh, where can listeners find out a little bit more about you?

John Dumas:

Well, my headquarters, Jake, is literally entrepreneuronfire.

John Dumas:


John Dumas:

I, the word entrepreneur is so difficult to spell.

John Dumas:

I still have a hard time doing it.

John Dumas:

So I actually also have the website address that will get you

John Dumas:

to the same point, which is...

John Dumas:

E o fire dot com.

John Dumas:

So both of those website addresses will get you to my headquarters

John Dumas:

to entrepreneur on a fire That's where all my podcasts are.

John Dumas:

I would love if people wanted to check me out on itunes subscribe It's just it's a

John Dumas:

great podcast like we've mentioned before I interview One successful and inspiring

John Dumas:

entrepreneur every single day and i've interviewed some great guys from all over

John Dumas:

the world Um, including australia i've had will swain adam franklin Just a lot

John Dumas:

of brendan sinclair was actually my number 100 Um, just a lot of great entrepreneurs

John Dumas:

From your continent and just a lot of great people from around the world.

John Dumas:

So it's a good podcast and I have a lot of fun doing it.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Thanks very much.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

I hope you've enjoyed this episode, John.

Jake Hower:

Thank you very much for coming on.

Jake Hower:

I'm a loyal subscriber to the podcast and for everybody out there, uh, if you

Jake Hower:

haven't checked it out already, certainly do head across to iTunes and of course,

John Dumas:

stitcher radio stream

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right, John.

Jake Hower:

Thanks very much for coming on the show and we'll speak again.

Jake Hower:

I'm sure

John Dumas:

in the future.

John Dumas:

Definitely Jake.




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