Today: 4 Point Oh!
Episode 9416th May 2024 • This Week Health: Newsroom • This Week Health
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  📍 Today in health it open AI and chat GPT. Come out with 4.0. And we're going to talk about it. My name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creative this week health. So channels and events dedicated to transform health care. One connection at a time. We want to thank our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders.

Notable service now, enterprise health. Parlance certified health and Panda health. Check them out at this week. Dot com slash today. Hey, this new story and all the new stories we cover on the show, you can find on our website this week. Curated news, just for you. If you're in health, it. If you haven't yet check it out today. Alright, one last thing, share this podcast with a friend or colleague you said is foundation for daily or weekly discussions on the topics that are relevant to you. And the industry use it as a foundation for mentoring. They can subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. All right.

Hey, there was a release this week. And the release was Chacha BT 4.0. O stands for Omni for its ability to process texts, speech, and video. It improves on the previous version of chat GPT. For turbo by incorporating speech, alongside image and text analysis, enabling more. Dynamic and responsive interactions across various applications.

It is better. I actually updated all of our scripts to 4.0. Earlier this week, just after the the release, the API was available and I updated it and a bunch of the little. I don't know, what's the best word for it. Bunch of the little idiosyncrasies or mistakes it was making went away. So there's definitely a better, so it is better, faster, cheaper.

That was one of the things they talked about. The API is a 50% the cost. For processing, which will be great. The it is faster. So the response time is faster and it's better. It's giving me better responses just overall as a tool. But I, the biggest thing that's happening here is. That It is incredibly responsive to voice interaction.

Now the voice interaction is real-time. And what they were able to demonstrate in the demo of Chatsy PT. Was an interaction that was almost human. Now I know people are gonna get jazzed about me using that word, but when we talk about prompt engineering today, I don't think we'll be talking about prompt. Engineering. In a number of years, actually, probably in two years, we won't be talking about prompt engineering. Per se. 'cause prompt engineering will be the same thing that we do with each other.

It will be asking each other questions, reading cues, both verbal and visual cues, and then responding accordingly. And there are videos out there now of one of the Mo one of the most powerful ones. Is a person sitting next to their kid who is taking. Trying to learn, I think it's geometry and it could be trade, but it's essentially it's geometric equations on on triangles.

And I think it's through the Khan academy and. He essentially prompts the. Verbally prompts the program and he says, look my son is in eighth grade. He is trying to learn the sign equation for fill in the blank. I don't remember exactly what it was, but. And I want you to teach him at his level and here's the problem.

And it sees the problem visually. And it says, okay. And it tells them don't give them the answer. But help him by prompting him with questions. And then it starts asking him questions, what's the. The the inverse angle was this was that. And then eventually it gets them to the sign equation for it.

But the cool thing about it is the interaction was like you and I talking. It was, Hey, what do you see here? It says I see this. And I think the, I think this line over here as the inverse says That's not actually the inverse would be the opposite of this and this, is there another angle that you think makes more sense for that?

He goes the, it must be this angle because that's directly across. Yes, that's right. That is what it is. And so it is like a tutor sitting next to them next to him, prompting him as he goes. And there's a couple of things that were pretty dynamic about this one is the interaction was it was taking into account visual as well as verbal cues. Again, pretty dramatic change from where we were just a week ago. Quite frankly.

And I realized that Google has shown this before, but the adoption rate on chat GBT is so much greater that this is now gotten into the hands of a lot more people. And I'll go into that in a minute. So you have that dynamic interaction. I think the other thing is when we prompt today and we're typing prompts in and we make a mistake or start to respond and we're like, oh no, that's not right.

We either have to cancel it or wait till it's done with its response before we can go back to it. This was more natural. It was more language, natural, back and forth. It was, Hey, what about this? And it starts responding and then the person cuts off goes no. That's not what I meant.

And actually now I'm referring to a different. Video that I saw where the person's going back and forth and he says, Hey, I want you to do this. And it starts doing, it goes no. Oh no, that's not what I meant. What I meant was do it in this form or do it in this way. There's also videos out there of people singing and laughing and and conversing with the model in real time.

Again, very fascinating. And I think the. The number one thing that I put out there in the. In the. Yeah, ecosphere at this point of ideas and thoughts around this is. That as these models get more complex and make no mistake, they're getting more complex. They are shielding that complexity there are making it easier for people to interact with this technology. This is the promise of technology from the minute we started using it, which was, it would feed into the background and become more Jetsons like. Like we would say something and the computer would take things into account and it would. Do handle a whole bunch of tasks for us. And we wouldn't see the technology.

We wouldn't see the keyboard. We wouldn't see the mouse. We wouldn't see the phone even, but we would be interacting with with technology and technology would be making our lives easier. So the more complex. Now, keep in mind a lot of technology. Just buckles under its own complexity. That's, what's, that's what's happening with Just over the years, the architecture has buckled under its own complexity, and now they are. Revamping the entire architecture so that it it doesn't suffer that fate, but we've seen that fade for a lot of technology over the years.

What Chatsy BT four is doing right out of the get-go is making it easier. Now here's what you're going to see. I believe on this is that chatty PT is going to be the interface for all sorts of automation and technology across the board. I think Chacha BT through Microsoft. And whatnot will become the interface for the EHR.

It will become the interface for a lot of the technology that we use in healthcare today. I think that's the direction that this is going. It is going to be that. That interface, that, that logical interface, cause look, it released this thing in hundreds of languages, like immediately hundreds of languages understood. And interacting with.

And so that in of itself makes it a amazingly powerful tool for healthcare, especially in those areas where we are dealing with multiple languages and those kinds of things. What's that being said, I think. The, uh, faster, better, cheaper was another thing that I think was pretty amazing about it.

And I think the other thing to recognize about this is the broad access. So they came out with a free version that essentially has all these tools built into it. Now it doesn't have it as to the extent, and it might be a little slower than the other models that are paid for, and you might have access to more memory. If you are not using the free version, but they are democratizing access to this technology. You can essentially get access to this for free. And it is as powerful. As other models now it might not be as robust.

You might not be able to feed it. Volumes and volumes of data and that kind of stuff. The free access is going to be for people to Essentially use it, but not maximize its use across say a corporation or a health system or a medical practice. So those kinds of things for those things, you're going to have to, you're going to have to invest some money. And that becomes the fascinating thing for me because I'm now seeing where the use cases. I've been talking about it for months, so it's not like I'm seeing them for the first time. But I'm seeing new use cases and we're going to start to see these models. Just pop up all over the place for care navigation. For insurance navigation understanding. You know what my benefits are. You know how we have to call and wait on the phone for a long time to understand what our benefits are and what doctor we need to see.

And prior authorizations and all that other stuff. That stuff should be readily available to us. If we sign up for an insurance carrier and they don't have a chat GPT, four O kind of experience in front of it that I can interact with that volume of information that's behind there. Hey, you know what doctor can I see I'm looking for a doctor and that whole thing.

And you saw transparent come out with. Announcement this week that they are putting that. That front end, that concierge front end, that is technology driven, but personal in front of everything they D they do in fact tomorrow, today. And I think about it because I'm recording this on Wednesday. I would be interviewing Glen Tullman and we're going to be talking about some of this stuff.

Stay tuned for that. That'll be a keynote episode. That's coming out. But exciting stuff, 4.0, if you haven't had a chance to play with it or watch the videos, I would highly recommend it. We'll have to YouTube. And see what they're talking about and what's out there. I think the other thing is you have a. You have people talking about the fact that we are only going to see this increase in speed and the magnitude of which these releases are coming out.

I think the other thing is. Chatsy BT has figured out a way to from a marketing and a discussion standpoint, dwarf. What Google is doing. And it's not that Google's technology. Isn't pretty amazing in. And of itself. And they have their conference this week and we'll cover that at some point. But this coming out like the day before their conference started, took an awful lot of their thunder away. So regardless, 4.0 Omni. Voice video. Imaging essentially using the camera and that kind of stuff.

Very interesting broad access to people, broad access to the GPTs that you can develop a memory continues to be grow faster, better, cheaper is is pretty amazing as well. And I, the thing. I am thinking more and more is. We need to rethink our hiring practices hire only for the things that humans can do. And. AI for the things that AI can do, right?

So AI empowered humans for every role. So figure out a way to get this in the hands of as many humans as you possibly can with the right training so that they can utilize it. And a higher for only things that humans can do think through every job and say, you know what parts of this. Can be done by AI, which parts of this will always be in a human hands. The nature of work is going to be changing. And this is the stuff that I last week talked about, standing up a group within your organization that is looking at these things.

The forward leaning organizations did this five, six, even seven years ago, standing up AI governance councils. Who were keeping an eye on these things as they evolved. And now they're ahead of the game. They are they're playing around with use cases that are going to deliver value for their health systems.

So anyway, that's that's all for today, big announcement and worth hitting YouTube, seeing what videos are out there and staying up to date on that. That's all for today. Don't forget, show this podcast with a friend or colleague. And use it as a foundation for mentoring. We want to thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders. Notable service now interprise health parlance, certified health and 📍 Panda health.

Check them out this week Thanks for listening. That's all for now.



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